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What vintage First™ Edition™ Adventure will Wizards of the Coast return to next?
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What vintage First™ Edition™ Adventure will Wizards of the Coast return to next?
Thinking about jumping into some OSR-type gaming. Would the Black Hack be a good starting point for a group of 2-3?
>What vintage First™ Edition™ Adventure will Wizards of the Coast return to next?
No. It's really different from OSR games.
Yes. It is an extremely simple RPG and you can learn the whole game in 3-4 minutes.
However, there isn't too much depth to it at all and that can have problems for longer term campaign. Although, I have ran that game myself for quite a long time.
There is Basic Fantasy RPG as well. It is free online or you can order the books for $4-5. It is pretty close to B/X, but the creator added some modern touches to it. Such as ascending AC and race and class being separate.
I think both are pretty good. If you plan on sticking to this style of game, I would recommend BFRPG more. Although The Black Hack v2 is coming out soon!
Maybe. I don't think you asked with the intention of playing it, but if you decide to then you do you.
Black Hack is less OSR than Tunnels & Trolls tbqh
B4 The Lost City, a true First™ Edition™ Adventure.
What makes T&T not OSR?
Haven't tried it, or even really looked at it more than once. But there it is.
Todd pls.
Magic system, CON-as-HP, exclusive use of d6, combat being a series of opposed checks. I'd still reckon it's easier to convert to/from than The Black Hack.
Mechanically incompatible.
who's todd?
>What vintage First™ Edition™ Adventure will Wizards of the Coast return to next?
Non-meme answer: probably the Giants series, if they haven't already. I stopped paying attention to WotC about when they released Essentials for 4e.
Meme answer: Castle Caldwell. (AND BEYOND!)
>Would the Black Hack be a good starting point for a group of 2-3?
Not really.
>BX Elder Scrolls.png
>skill points
>High elves get a bonus cast of Charm Person for free
What I say what in the fuck, son
Sometimes I forget people might not be up on their memes.
Lead dev for Bethesda Studios, memetically known for wanting to port Skyrim to every system in existence and some that don't exist at all, and hoping you buy it again and again and again and again.
Beats me man, I saved it a while ago and didn't think about it until now. Someone might have meme'd that lotfp was bx so this was too? I don't remember.
>lotfp was bx
Lotfp is BX though.
Maybe actually answer the question next time. That's as useful as telling us "Oh, because he's not married" when we ask "why's josh a bachelor?"
I checked out about 15 minutes into oblivion.
You two can fight about this one if you want.
30 for me, my brother loved it and Skyrim to bits though.
What's to fight about? It's literally a lightly modified BX. The only adjustments you have to do for compatibility is to adjust AC a little, which you kinda have to do between TSR editions anyway.
Fuck you, I'm busy. I ain't typing out all that shit, read the rulebooks and see you lazy bastard.
Goodman Games has T1 & T2 for 5e coming sometime in the next few months
>LotFP Internet Defense Force already shilling
Then just don't say anything.
>T1 & T2
I was hoping for a Big Trouble in Little CHina module instead but oh well.
He asked why it wasn't OSR. Telling him it's mechanically incompatible IS answering the question -- it's certainly not because of themes or play style or the color of the dungeon maps or whatever it is some folks around here seem to think defines whether something's OSR.
If your maps aren't blueprint blue on white get the fuck out of my sight.
Shouldn't it be white on blue?
Yeah, but it's a useless answer. If someone says it's not OSR, then they know it's not compatible. Then you're just telling them something they already know. Though I've never heard about the color of dungeon maps making things OSR before.
Reeeee, foiled again!
>If someone says it's not OSR, then they know it's not compatible
Have you even been in these threads lately?
>Though I've never heard about the color of dungeon maps making things OSR before.
That was a joke about the ridiculous stuff that people probably trolls seem to think makes something not-OSR. And there are plenty of noobs who come in believing that sort of stuff, often because they heard it elsewhere.
If you spent 60 seconds skimming the T&T rulebook you'd know why it's not compatible and wouldn't have to ask.
Black Hack is... it's alright? Very simple indeed, which is its main selling point. There are better games, though. For newbies, I actually reccomend Beyond the Wall highly as an intro to tabletop rpgs.
>Have you even been in these threads lately?
No, I haven't. I skimmed the archives, and yeah...I understand your response now.
>Original Adventures Reincarnated: Into the Borderlands is now available for pre-order!
>Inside this book you will find high-quality scans from multiple printings of the original first edition adventure modules
B1 was published for B/X and BECMI
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands was 2e
Little Keep on the Borderlands was Hackmaster
After that was a 4e version and a barely-obtainable 5e version (Caves of Chaos)
What did Goodman Games mean by this?
Beats me man. Some people don't like it when you call it that. I'm not too worried personally, seemed to dislike the comparison?
"I defended the world from the forces of Oblivion and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
Shivering Isles was pretty good tho.
Fair enough. As an example of what T&T looks like, imagine what you'd need to do to run this dungeon room from The Dungeon of the Bear in D&D.
>Monster Rating
>Saves L1 to L3
>magic drain
It's a totally different framework.
Yeah we were laughing about that gibberish last thread.
Holy shit, and I thought the GLoG spells/monsters were hard to convert.
Yeah, there are conversion rules floating around for monsters and characters, though. But it's like major surgery.
>Monster Rating
Roughly equivalent to HD if divided by 3
>Saves L1 to L3
T&T (apparently) invented the Save DC system. L1 is DC 20, L2 is DC 25, etc.
Save result. No direct D&D translation.
>magic drain
That already happens with wands.
I don't dislike LotFP, I just don't get why the pic's titled "BX Elder Scrolls" and (more crucially) the typography was done up to look like Moldvay when it obviously doesn't refer to that edition. It seems like a lot of effort for something the maker must've known was wrong. Confusion, not butthurt.
I want to play this so bad.
>What vintage First™ Edition™ Adventure will Wizards of the Coast return to next?
The giants/drow one is probably the most well-known one they haven't done yet, so my money's on that.
>Confusion, not butthurt.
I understand now. My bad.
The concept art for shivering isles is p.neat
haha having a mental illness means you talk about cheese a lot xDxD so random
>implying Sheogorath is mad
He's certainly not glad.
I hear he's quite bad.
That is very sad.
I didn't realize I was on imgur.
>Getting some serious 4e Feydark vibes from this.
Is that above or below the Shadowfell?
Too mucus-y. I put them on the Illithid encounter table.
Below the Feywild, adjacent to the Underdark and Shadowdark.
You can walk from one -dark to another trivially without magic.
>Too mucus-y.
Crusty, by AD&D's recount.
>Below the Feywild, adjacent to the Underdark and Shadowdark.
The Shadow. Dark.
You know, I'm glad I didn't dig into 4E very much, because that is a painfully bad naming convention. Sucks the life right out of you, a name like that. Dries up your wellsprings of GM creativity like a hair dryer on varathane.
I want to go to Scarytown, no lie.
Double Hell I can get behind. When you're so evil Hell kicks you out, you go to Double Hell.
Hell is for repentance and the shriving of sins. Double Hell is for the defiant sinners, the ones who refuse to suffer with a hint of humility or a desire for self improvement. Hell's Hell. The truly perpetual prison.
Actually, have the whole book.
What the fuck, the Shadowdark is real? I thought I was being meme'd on.
Wow, that's dumb.
Underdark's already taken, would you rather go to the Underfell?
Oh lord, the Edge.
Is the Edge a place 4E lets you visit too? Because...
Also, you're a fucking guidebook. I do not want you to "struggle for words". Your job is to use words.
Wait. I didn't think that thought the correct number of times.
I guess you could go to the Undershadow?
Pretty sure Underfell is an actual level in Hexen or Heretic.
Why does the Shadowfell need an Underdark equivalent in the first place? Does the Feywild have a Wilddark? Does the Abyss have an Abyssdark?
>you're a fucking guidebook. I do not want you to "struggle for words". Your job is to use words
Well, if some German occultist could publish a book called "Unspeakable Cults"...
>Does the Feywild have a Wilddark?
user... this whole tangent started because >Feydark
>Does the Feywild have a Wilddark?
>Well, if some German occultist could publish a book called "Unspeakable Cults"...
>implying that book exists
It's okay, my good man, we'll have some men here shortly to take you to a nice place where you can relax and forget all these bad dreams..
My head is literally in pain right now.
This is no longer allowed, rejoice.
When I saw it mentioned I assumed it was just Unseelie country not "Underdark + fairies"
Kinda like Arak in Ravenloft.
>think about putting in a spoiler to clarify the joke
>nah, nobody could be dumb enough to need it
>Why does the Shadowfell need an Underdark equivalent in the first place?
Because the Feywild and Shadowfell are what 4e gets instead of alternate Prime Material Planes.
The Shadowfell is also the Plane of Shadow, the Negative Energy Plane, and the Demiplanes of Dread.
It might steal material from a few of the outer planes too, but it doesn't that I recall.
>Does the Feywild have a Wilddark?
Feydark, yes. That's what started the discussion.
You now realize that there's a Ravendark.
It more or less is. It's where the fomorians (The ugly giants from Irish Mythology) are, as well as where gnomes escaped from.
Eh, not really. Arak and Bluetspur have pseudo-Underdarks and Paridon has a Sewerdark.
The Feydark sounds shittier than Arak.
>what is Canto XXXIV?
Doesn't 4e technically have less planes than the Great Wheel does?
>I do not want you to "struggle for words". Your job is to use words.
And yet, you'd give False Patrick fellatio.
I still want to use Scarytown someday
4e actually narrows down the amount of planes by a lot compared to the old system
it does, for example the Feydark is simply just part of the Feywild, just like how the Underdark is simply the underground for the prime material plane
I think he means too many concepts per plane. Which is an odd complaint, as you lot consistently say the Great Wheel has too few.
Yeah, the Feywild, the Astral Sea, the Shadowfell and the Elemental Chaos (The Feydark isn't actually a plane, it's a location in the feywild in the same sense that the underdark is a part of the prime)
False Patrick is good because he describes things just enough to set you thinking.
(Plus, I think ~50% of the stuff he publishes is ungameable)
Still Hell. Even Satan is merely in Hell. Double Hell is worse.
>Up Lucifer's ass isn't worse than hell
>4e actually narrows down the amount of planes by a lot compared to the old system
Doesn't 4e technically have less planes than the Great Wheel does?
Still too many planes. Why do you need 'em all? It just feels like excuses to print more books full of easy colour-by-numbers content.
4e put out significantly less setting material than 2e.
There are people on this website who would actively seek that out.
Why do you need any content for any game? You can always make shit up yourself from core.
It's kind of a silly question.
I'm only one of the anons heckling/complaining but personally my main complaint is that the terminology is absolutely diddums. Bytopia is a stupid concept for a plane and totally empty of anything usable in a game, but at least it doesn't have a name like a parody of itself, like The Twogood.
I do prefer places like the Underdark to be inherently kinda otherworldly, though, and just emerge on another plane sometimes rather than there being a copy one plane over.
Why do so many of these planes have just a narrow chisel blade? Won't that fuck up the surface being planed?
t. knows nothing about woodworking
>Up Lucifer's ass
The traitors are in Lucifer's mouths, Dante and Virgil actually crawl up his ass because the stairway to Purgatory Mountain is in there.
that's one dangerous toad.
First question. Has anyone built a 4E style plane/zone name generator?
Second question. How many planes has your OSR group visited in a game not specifically about plane-hopping or spelljamming.
It does. 4e has way too few planes, Great Wheel has way too many. Has anyone ever had an adventure on Arcadia?
>visiting planes
Pick one and only one.