Why are we getting a million "WHY IS MIND CONTROL NOT EVIL IN D&D!?!?" posts lately? The last few days there's at least one, if not more, running. And it's happening on /co/ now too with threads about Dr. Light and that time Zatanna mind wiped Batman. Is the potential ethics of mind control just in the zeitgeist right now with all the talk about fake news and disinfo? Or are the magnet treatments just wearing off??
Why are we getting a million "WHY IS MIND CONTROL NOT EVIL IN D&D!?!?" posts lately...
What's more important is the kind of mind control.
It's this week's attempt at shit-threading.
Someone saw it get's a modicum of replies and wan't to use it to get more. It is just the state of internet culture.
The first one was just someone who forgot that how you use a thing matters at least as much as whether it has an inherent alignment tag, and the rest are shitposts.
Possibly 'The Gifted' related. Especially the stuff on /co/.
It's Colette/2hufag/Earth Seraph Edna.
He often comes to Veeky Forums to whine about how his latest character isn't in the spotlight 100% of the time, but because he's clinically autistic and a huge asswad, he can't just let his butthurt out like normal people. He will create threads on tangent topics "why is necromancy evil? why is necromancy evil and mind control isn't?" to try and gather sympathy for himself.
But that's retarded. How is he not aware that Veeky Forums isn't sympathetic in the least?
>how he is not aware
he's so far in denial, he might already be in Egypt.
+2 Veeky Forums points for the sensible chuckle, my friend.
There are others like that too; Jeremy is still salty about his MTG ban and comes around every now and then to post about pedo Wizards of the Coast, as if Veeky Forums gave a fuck.
4, followed by 3. 1 holds no alure.
>actually believing this shit
You have to be 18 to post on Veeky Forums.
at least it's not /pol/ frothing at the mouth about race-mixing with niggers whoops i mean orcs
that was a weird series of threads
It's true. There's no proof against it.
There's no proof of you being 200 cocks shoved up a skinned human, and that's true too.
He was even banned from the /pfg/ Discord for a few months because of it.
Wasn't that for pirating DSP books?
For refusing to understand why his """logic""" was faulty, for ignoring the requests of DSP devs to not post Patreon exclusives for at least 3 days because it was never "in writing" and for often derailing the discussion by linking his long, autistic blogposts.
Why the hell is a 3pp publisher so strong that it can strongarm someone into getting banned?
What, is this Discord a DSP sponsored server?
The dev had no part in the ban, it was the mods deciding to ban 2hu because he kept insisting that his admission that he would MURDER SOMEONE IF TOLD TO IN WRITING was not weird.
Hey, I'd murder someone if told to depending on the circumstances.
What was the context here? Got any quotes?
No - when you're banned from a server, your messages are purged automatically.
I'm like 90% sure she's not even hypnotized in 4.
What was the context for the murder thing?
3, sorry.
The fuck is with that numbering?
>the Warlock that keeps pacts with demons uses Command on the entire party to have the Rogue give him a book of magic that one of his demons wants
>when my Fighter gets pissed off and tries to deck the little weasel (not even hit him with a sword) he's apparently overreacting
>also apparently the Warlock is supposed to be Chaotic Good
How do I make it look like he had an unfortunate accident?
> My god! What happened?
> Its terrible. I asked him to hold my sword while I got a rock out of my boot, and he fell down a hill with it.
> It looks like he's been bruttally slashed and stabbed six or seven times. One of his arms is almost clean off!
> ...my sword is VERY sharp
>Jeremy and Colette posting is what we have for memes these days.
How do we even know it's them.
Colette is pretty easy to spot because he has a VERY recognizable writing style.
"Jeremy" is just something we call people who try to make Veeky Forums their personal army over soapbox political shit.
I'm to the point where I assume every recurring shitpost is /pol/ and if I can't see how it's because I'm not brain damaged/don't watch enough cuck porn to get it.
2 is the only kind I really like, I guess 1 is acceptable too.
>Why has no one noticed me forcing a meme for the past week ??? Better make a thread about it. ..
Whatever happened to Virt, or that one guy who had Brikwars so far up his ass when he yawned you could see pegs?
That's not how proving works.
>Whatever happened to Virt
I know, there's a Savage Worlds thread up right now and it doesn't have a single text wall of bad arguments
Where did the bad lady touch you user?
Virt got banned for something.
He got banned for being an ass for days on end then defending Fatal.
He has been banned several time since but he also might have gotten a region ban when it turned out he was shitposting drom a hotel in his town.
People keep replying to it and trolls keep posting it because they know that people will give them (you)'s. The sad state of affairs is that nowadays, honest discussion is dead while low effort bait rises to the catalog.
They're all in the MtG threads and they've only gotten worse as WotC handles the situation worse and worse with each passing day.
>defending Fatal.
Oh yeah, I remember that.
No you don't. Neither of you idiots were there for that thread. He was a shithead but he wasn't defending FATAL, he was using a badly worded argument to try to show why another anons statement was ridiculous, because if you applied his logic to fatal, it would mean that fatal was "worth playing", which were OPs exact words in his post if I remember.