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first for most /comfy/ CYOA
Time Stop Redux is close though
First for Elspeth!
I like this, but I'm genuinely salty over how much it's been reposted.
My shit got reposts, but nowhere near this much ffs.
reminder that choosing "Your Option" can give you near omnipotence with some combinations.
People are reposting it because they're having a lot of fun with it. Take notes on what people like from it and keep working on your own CYOA's and taking criticism and eventually you'll make something that is talked about as much (maybe more).
How many threads in a row has this been posted?
I'm really loving this, but I can't help but feel that each of the different periods would have benefited from being their own separate cyoa
Or that guy is posting his cyoa over and over again.
There's another week left before the Collab deadline. Everyone's welcome to submit, and can do so here:
Afterwards, save the link to edit your form and watch for these announcement posts for notes about your city.
To the submitter of Occaecare:
Biggest problem is that the link for your Lodging doesn't work. I'll need a fresher link that doesn't take me to an error screen.
Could I get the alternate intro mentioned in *? I'll go with your original if I can, but just in case that changes, I'd like the backup ahead of time. Just post it in the Notes section.
Perhaps you could make ** reference your city specifically, to prevent yours from interfering at all.
Your City image and the word count are fine, so don't worry about those.
How the hell do you pronounce Occaecare
Here's a sampler for the different cities approved so far:
Based on name alone, which city would you pick, user?
Hah! If you're REALLY badass, you'll have the second page to this!
I guess I can't expect that from you DWEEBS, can I?
>Titles: Ghost-Walker, The Traveller, The Meteoric, The Reaper, The Slayer
Fuck, I love this build! Nigh unkillable, can go anywhere fast, lost of killing power. Question, what counts as a defeat to gain titles? Do I have to kill them? And if I do and use my Reaper title to put their soul in a new body and then defeat them again do I gain a different one of their titles?
>Artifact: Disguised Hungry Armour
Extra protection that can look like any clothing, that self repairs, and makes me immune to mundane weapons. .. what's not to love?
>First for Elspeth!
Your not even first, but that's what you would expect from someone who picks Elspeth over Valentina.
guess not
wat is dis
Phonetically, Occaecare would be pronounced okˈkae̯.kɑːre̯. However, since it's from a dead language, being Latin for "I blind/obscure/render unintelligible", we can't be certain how it was 'actually' pronounced.
Flat Zynthia. Though I'm tempted to pick Reverse Trap Zynthia and force her to wear girly clothing.
Using google image search, I have come to the decision that there is no second page.
a-tisket a-tasket a red and yellow basket, an autistic fellow lost it.
Who needs "Your Option"?
Your You, Your Power, Your Item, and (possibly) even Your Vehicle can do it.
Ever play a table top RPG where you were nigh omnipotent (even a one-shot)?
God a copy of a comic with a nigh omnnipotent character in it - like The One Above All (or equivalent)?
Or maybe a movie with an item that can grant you nigh omnipotence? Something that grants wishes?
Vehicle is a little trickier, but I've got a model TARDIS here, and that should be able to get me pretty close, seeing as they are capable of multiversal travel, and, in some realities anyway, humans can become Time Lords - and Time Lord is close enough.
Post magical girl CYOAs
>People are reposting it
More like sperging out to see who can "just according to keikaku/edge" out everyone else. Also, the builds are always too similar.
Well that’s bound to happen when there’s only 6 good powers worth taking unless you’re making a really niche build.
I'm not sure, but I think I managed to find a way to deep your way into multiple trips through
>Perpetuance Protocol
>Angelic Transcendence, Alpha/Beta/ Gamma/Delta Psi, and Pheromones
>Mentored by Valentina, allies with Marco, and rival to Tyrael
>The Apostate
I am Aeros, the Angel of Lustful Ruin and servant to my Goddess Valentina. I make her ever whim reality, but I mostly act as her muscle (in more ways than one). In my free time I like to cause mischief with Marco: cause a straight man to fall in love with his father, make the newlywed bride cheat on her husband with his horse etc. Such pranks has earned the ire of Tyrael, but he's an easy bull to blue ball. Mommy Elspeth stops me from taking things too far with him though. His loss I say.
What I want to do most is put that gutter whore Apostate in her place. That used tampon of a woman had the gaul to injury my goddess! I want to peel her skin off, wear her womb as a hat, and make her beg me to do it! But alas, she is immune to my powers and exceeds my martial abilities. I must make myself content with bringing to ruin all those she meets. Word is spreading that she has become an ill omen of the Gods wrath. As they said, there is more than one way to peel a banana.
bumping with some of my favourites
It's a good CYOA, don't be salty.
Reminder that Immortality + Lana is the patricians choice, downsides and all.
The Nanoswarm says that the upper bounds for it are superhuman.
Is that just physical, or will it make you smarter too?
I'm just glad it's Lone Observer and his simple, "different fonts on black background" CYOA with a neat story getting some attention as opposed to some overdesigned waifu picker. But I agree, it's boring to see so many similar builds when everyone just aims to be a God.
Mortality Cure
Light Speed Processing
Open Mind (With more focus on that "secrets of the cosmos" bit than the mental time travel")
Spare years (80)
God of Law (Though perhaps "God of Ethics" or "God of Philosophy" might be more accurate.)
The Apostate
The Faithful Empire
I'm dubious of this whole "pantheon of gods" thing, but for the time being it seems to be mostly headed in the right direction. I don't intend to play politics with most of my fellows, but I'll do my duty to try and help the world. Time to put some of this infinite time and brainpower to use cracking open the big questions. Hopefully I'll be able to steer the world in a good direction as a sort of power behind the throne and think myself out of any really nasty situation. I do find it kinda unsettling that no one else in the pantheon took meta cognition. The idea of regular minded people running around with powers like this puts me ill-at-ease. Maybe, with sufficient understanding of these higher states of being, I can just generate psi in myself somehow.
What was that one CYOA where you're trapped in an apartment forever? I remember one option let you hang out with a video game character every week.
This was a blind build for comfy and some general 'help the world/defy the universe' antics later on, but when I actually read what happens on the Cure Immortality path I realized I'm not gonna have as much of a good time as I thought.
+1050 Cure Mortality, no Augs:
-350 Nanoswarm
-700 Omega Psi
Most of these 'gods' are borderline mentally ill and a couple are full-blown psychopaths, and Elspeth is a fool for indulging them.
If she could tell that the Psi-wielding Chrononauts fell after bringing about a golden age, then she should be able to surmise that lording over the mortals is inevitably going to end horribly too.
The mortals have already fought a war over the perceived rivalries between the 'gods'. How mad are the people going to be if it's ever revealed that it's all an act?
Pride goeth before a fall. And I'm not sticking around to see this all come crashing down.
I'm just going to wander the world for the forseeable future. I'll help people as I go along, check out what the Apostate is doing. Maybe I'll see if I can talk down Josiah after I learn how to teleport.
What I really want to do is learn how to fly. That's pretty much on the top of my to-do list. I'm not too worried about falling to my death now that I'm a living swarm of tiny robots.
does anyone have that cyoa where you buy items from a witch and you pay with years of your life? One of the items was a dollar bill which could make you dominate other people, but you had to guess the witch's name to use it on her
I think only physical augmentation, the fourth aug. Literally anything else should work fine.
Cure mortality, 2000 / 1000
Dehumanify 50
Trapify 30
Adipose Redistribution 30
Pheromones 150
Endorcine Alteration 40
Adipose Redistribution 30
Cosmetic Refinement x3 30
Spare years x 64; 64% increase in changes.
I do not remember such
Coulda sworn there was more to this, but this is all I could find.
Replace that with this
there needs to be more cyoas with Ogryns
So if you take spa and mud bath you are essentially immortal...I really like this cyoa.
Skill thief
Birth mark of the hero.
The Hyperion
fara antor.
Castle hall.
Are metacyoas frowned on here
Not frowned on exactly, but they're not really interesting.
This got me reading about string theory, warped geometry, manifolds, the Randall–Sundrum model, anti-de Sitter space... My fucking brain, pic related. Might as well update my build and provide context for the research.
>Cure Mortality
>[500] Open Mind
>[100] Angelic Transcend
>[30] Metacognition
>[0] Knowledge & Skill Implant - Physical Sciences + Fieldwork
A couple changes here, switching Knowledge Implant from metaphysics to physical sciences (chemistry/physics) and axing Cosmetic Refinement (since Angelic Transcendence covers it) in favor of discounted practical experience.
>Mentor - Verdandi
She's the only one who understands me! Cause we're the only ones with Open Mind. Verdandi can help me understand my new abilities and form. I can keep her honest about the future since I likely have some control over space-time.
>Ally - Elspeth
Easy choice; Yawgmoth has little to provide in the near future and my build focuses on the extra-dimensional, so I don't need tech (though I would still appreciate it for entertainment). Elspeth might help me develop new psi powers. It's also better to be on good terms with the leader of the bunch, to know them well.
>Rival - Nike
I imagine us being friendly rivals, since she sounds like someone I would get along with. Our quarreling would stem from our different worldviews; I don't believe that violence and suffering are necessary for mankind.
>Domain: Create Your Own
I still refuse to be called a god. I'll create my own title and a new name: Elijah, Celestial Shadow. The pantheon accepts or I leave, those are my terms.
>Legend - The Apostate
I'm going to protect her. If it means taking her somewhere far away, so be it. Depending on how haughty/incompetent the rest of Valhalla act, I may join her permanently.
TL;DR: Elijah, Celestial Shadow. 7-dimensional powers. Stick around if the others seem capable and aren't assholes. Shack up with apostate otherwise.
Awwww yeah! my waifu idea made it in!
Wow what a Jew CYOA. After taking the recommended 2 weapons and 3 spells you don't even have enough left to take one companion, let alone the stated maximum of 4.
no rest
omega psi
Oh yeah and Elspeth as the mentor.
Along with Yawgy and the Smug Loli.
New world.
Creating all kinds of monsters and other horrifying things would be a lot of fun desu. I'll probably hide some crazy artifacts around the world and strike fear into the hearts of many come thousands of years later.
I liked the idea for the space travel at the start, but found that the 100 sleep was the most interesting non-immortality option.
What if Elspeth is a yandere and was each of the girls who woke you up in each timeline and you are still in the sleep chamber forever dreaming.
> The desert ain't a free ride goyim
The Bulwark
The Gunslinger
The Slayer
The Medicus
Vampiric Autonomous Crossbow
The ghost-walker form is immune to nearly all forms of attack. In combat I will assume the ghost-walker form while my artifact automatically fires at my enemies. If my enemies focus their attention on disabling my artifact I'll just resummon my artifact to my current location. If any of the crossbow bolts pierce my enemies, those bolts will burrow into their bodies and kill them from within. The bulwark title protects me from disease, poison, and normal weapons - no random thug with a handgun will be able to harm me. The slayer allows me to know when an artifex is getting close, so I can be in ghost-form before combat begins. The medicus title lets me heal from any damage and allows me to make the people that I like effectively immortal.
I was so happy when user made the god census in the last thread and Elspeth had overwhelming support. She deserves all the love and help she can get in protecting the world from traitors.
I forgot to note, it's the gunslinger title that lets me resummon my crossbow to my current location.
Elspeth did nuffin wrong.
There are so many gods at this point that they might need to make valhalla bigger or something
In the end, he never did. Did terrorists blow up his neighbourhood again?