Anyone else just get so angry at themselves whenever they lose?
When I'm playing I can plaster a smile on and act like I'm having fun, but inside the pain from all the losses just piles up and I go home loathing myself
This isn't just me right?
Anyone else just get so angry at themselves whenever they lose?
When I'm playing I can plaster a smile on and act like I'm having fun, but inside the pain from all the losses just piles up and I go home loathing myself
This isn't just me right?
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I only get angry at myself if I recognize a misplay, and even then it only lasts a moment. It's a game, and you should know that you're going to lose sometimes going into it.
The only time I get mad after a game is if it’s a game where I am mana-flooded or choked or whatever, but instead of sympathizing my opponent acts like it was some big victory. I’m not expecting them to not win, but seriously, just say “Man, that was a bummer you got flooded so hard.” instead of acting like they had to be super skillful to beat somebody with 10 of their 17 out.
I only get mad at shit draws. Which usually means it's my fault, because I didn't stack the right amount of copies of a card.
If you're not losing so much that you're used to it, you either need to expand your opponent list, or start getting paid to play.
Really this. Shitty attitudes are the only thing that really ruin a game for me. If I misplay something I get a little miffed but I just make a mental note for next time. It's a game, you're bound to lose once in a while. Just make the best plays you can and the fun (and the W) will come to you
My husband's the same way, which is honestly a large part of why I've stopped going to prereleases.
My brother flips the fuck out if he gets on a losing streak.
>This is a vague memory from a while ago that still haunts me to this day.
>A little petty but dumb none the less.
One time i was 0-2 on skred at fnm. I was already a little miffed because i lost to affinity and probably dredge, mainboard angers never seen. I come up against a friend of mine, grixis delver. Game 1 goes to shit, he got a strong draw whatever. Next game i open with the skred nut draw. Turn 1 bolt, turn 2 mind stone turn 3 Koth, and a bolt or anger or something for good measure, 3 land.
So we start game 2, he gets to play 2 creatures, one bolted, my koth lands because i have nothing better to do. Dies to a swing and a bolt. I proceed to topdeck no action, at about turn 7 i have 7 lands in play, with the mindstone draw and a hand full of lands. I lay them out on the table, visibly salty.
Currently i have like 3 or 4 draws to pull it back.
>"Scoop, thats game."
>"No dude, come on play it out."
I look him dead in the eyes as i flip the top card of my deck revealing land after land, at about 7 he tells me he gets the idea but i keep going until the entire landbase of my deck is on the table without a single card of action in the midst.
This deck wasn't separated out and not shuffled enough, this was a deck that has been shuffled multiple times by 2 different people in the past 30 minutes.
I don't play skred anymore.
If you're getting angry at yourself WHENEVER you lose, you might want to start working on that, there's no way it's healthy. Maybe start by asking yourself why you're actually getting angry ?
Do you "simply" dislike losing ? If so, why ? Could you be overly competitive (let's pretend this has nothing to do with sanctioned play) ? Could you be missing the point of MTG, which is (IMO) to have fun ?
Seems like you get angry when the losses "pile up". Could that be because your confidences actually takes a hit from it happening ? Do you feel like you're not a "good player" afterwards ? Does that make you mad ? If so, is there anything you could do to improve (except spending thousands of dollars on broken decks) ?
(Yes I'm a psychotherapist, don't bother asking)
>I’m not expecting them to not win
That's your problem. If I'm playing against someone and I notice him groaning over his mana situation, or verbally complains about it to me, I go
>"Fucking yes, he's already given up. This is gonna be an easy win."
Really? You need that to feel confident? And you call a broken game with no challenge fun? You think that is something to get excited over even?
I can only have fun if my opponent is just short of winning or I'm just short of losing. If the game wasn't a real challenge then it wasn't a good game. I need an opponent that can beat me and that makes me have to play with the highest skill and most efficient plays.
If you want to just win without a real game then go buy a puzzle for 3 year olds and win that.
I mainly just hate myself for a fatally obvious mistake i did for a couple days or so.
I used to be okay with losing, until I started doing nothing but losing, and i realized the spikes were right, the only fun worth having is winning. THat's when I stopped being a Johnny. I consider it a vital part of my growth as an MTG player.
I'm not that guy, but I'm epochally bad with losing too, so I'll give my two cents.
In my case, it's a lack of confidence in my own ability to learn and retain skills, and it's mostly irrational. I lose once, and all I can see from there is an endless string of failure in which I disappoint everyone who ever told me I could do it if I tried.
It's also a lack of self-confidence and a habit of losing sight of other people's failures when I get worked up. When I lose, it's impossible for me to see it as "just" a loss or one more step on the way to getting better - it's only proof that I don't have the knack for it and don't deserve to ruin skilled people's fun, so I should just quit so the people who want to do it can do it without me getting in the way.
Even if I've seen and laughed at people fucking up large-scale, even if they're my friends, when I'm the one losing, I end up seeing it as a much bigger, more comprehensive and fundamentally disqualifying mistake than when other people fuck up.
Someone can muck their way through a game and I'll be fine with it, not hating them for it, but as soon as I mess up, I get the feeling everyone would be better off with me in a Dumpster somewhere.
I end up thinking things to myself like "if you'd even tried the slightest little bit, a millionth of the time that everyone else puts into it, you'd have been good enough to win from the beginning - you just have no work ethic and you can't be trusted to learn a simple set of rules".
I'm just happy when I get to play magic because the opportunity only comes up once every few months or so.
If it’s turn 12 and I’ve played maybe one or two other spells and never missed a land drop it doesn’t matter if I complain or not, my opponent is probably going to win. Even then, I’ll keep playing until it’s clear there is no opportunity for me to turn it around (i.e. I need to topdeck a boardwipe to keep you from killing me next turn, and I draw another land).
I’m not asking you to forfeit the game or something like that. I just don’t want you to celebrate like a win over me was hard earned in that situation.
>Tfw don't get angry at mtg losses because I only perceive it as a party game
i play 12 dual lands in my kitchen table deck, i don't give a fuck if i lose or not
>playing modern last night
>playing gr madcap vs bogles
>turn 1 shock into elf
>turn 2 wolf run cast blood moon
>unintentionally lock both of us out of mana for 10/12 turns
>had a bird in my opener
I didnt realize the punt until i resolved the moon. Mildly frustrated but ended up winning 2-0. Opponent wasnt tilted thankfully
But celebrating is far more likely to anger or annoy the opponent in general, making it more likely they missplay if we're still on G1 or 2, but if they are chill, you lose nothing by commenting that, it's a win-win situation and not celebrating is a strategic mistake.
>This isn't just me right?
Just because you can find other self-loathing nerds who take games too seriously, shouldn't distract you from the fact that taking games too seriously is dumb and you should sort yourself out.
When a game is a test of skill against another person, you should be allowed to take it seriously.
People learn and grow by taking those things seriously, is why. If people start squawking about how you're not allowed to care because it's just for fun, then the initiative to become better vanishes and you end up with a bunch of troglodytes slinging shit at each other because they don't know any better.
Case in point, Magic.
You’re exactly the type of person I don’t want to play against, whether I win or not.
But Magic isn't a game of skill. There's too much luck involved in it compared to something like chess.
Skill is involved, and it's pretty easy for someone to tell luck from skill with a metagame as well-researched as Magic.
No, I just play to have fun. Some times I win some times I lose it's not that big of a deal, even though winning is of course more fun.
The only thing that can really ruin a game for me is if the opponent is angry, or whiny or generally just super annoying. Luckily by far the most people at my local store are really nice and enjoy the game.
This is a common problem. What helped me is cold turkey stopping all games that cause this for a year. You need to focus on the enjoyment aspect of gaming instead of the competition. That mind shift takes time and practice.
Regardless i would recommend quitting card games since you can lose 10/10 games on draw and thats only going to cause salt. I finally quit magic when I got mana starved 5 games in a row with 30 mana in my deck.
I don't have the problem with Magic, but I do with Pokémon Showdown.
The feeling of bobbing around at around 1000 on the ladders, knowing that if you lose it's going to be against a complete retard who doesn't know the concept of a double switch or even switching, does not encourage one to play more.
There is certainly variance in the game, but saying that it isn't a game of skill is simply wrong. It isn't Candy Land.
Losing can be really fun, especially if you kill me in new and creative ways. i'll only be mad if this is the 20th time i have been killed by the same goddamn deck, especially if its the 1st result on google.
pic extremely fucking related.
Not unless it's a serious match and I lost by being of by 1 damage. It's even worse if I made a small mistake at some point costing me some damage.
Other than that I don't really care if I lose.
Losing because of a simple mistake is my favorite way to lose. That way I know exactly what to do differently next time I'm in that situation.
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>Anyone else just get so angry at themselves whenever they lose?
Don't be that guy.
Yes. It's a serious problem for me.
woah this is literally me. I'm glad at least someone else out there can empathize with this feeling.
This is the perfectly healthy attitude towards it.
Its probably also one of the least common ones.
I get annoyed whenever I feel like I lost the game either due to a flat-out mistake, or if I lost due to luck or something uncontrollable, like deck or list power to begin with. Really, the only time I don't get angry is when I feel like I was just outplayed, and that the opponent is better than me, and that's a rare feeling with Veeky Forums hobbies.
Chess, Go.
>Losing leads to anger, which is really a blanket over the underlying problem of years of untreated major depression leading to doing games/hobbies out of the interest of friends rather than self interest because of a genuine lack of personal interest in anything
Only if it is a really shit game, where I get stuck on 2 or 3 land for 7 or 8 turns while my opponent beats me to death with a chump blocker. If it is a close game, or it is really creative and not a cookie-cutter win with the same strategy everyone and their mom uses, like Eldrazi Tron these days or monoblack devotion back in Theros. If you kill me by using a bizarre strategy like turning creatures into lands and then using Fling or something, I can't be mad.
If I fuck up at a GPT/PPTQ or higher, I feel pretty bad about it. I'd like to think that beating myself up over it makes me a little bit better in the long run.
My brother and I would play mtg as teens in the morning on Saturdays and call each other niggers and faggots almost constantly. Sometimes it was literally constant trash talk. And when I lost I used to throw shitty commons or hold a knife to the car and threaten to stab it. I never did. My dad would be showering the room over and sometimes got mad at us for calling each other names. But it was all in good fun. One time I threatened to burn my deck when it up, and called my cards pieces of shit and went on a rant. My brother also stole some of my decks amd hid them in his room. Yet we still liked playing mtg with each other and he and my dad and I would do 3 way games. Fun as hell, I should do that again. Way more fun than playing with some powergaming neckbeard who goes AXSHUALLY at everything.
You're me, except I don't tilt. I don't feel anything enough to actually get angry.