>have a friendly chat and banter with your opponent
>knows he's clearly joking, chatted with him and finished your game against him
>judge taps on your shoulder when the game is done to have a little chat with you
>because you didn't sperg out and yell to a judge to have your opponent disqualified the moment he made a joke about who should win this round, both you and your opponent are now disqualified, long after your game is finished

People are still flushing away their money playing this shit game. Imagine that.


Fucking reddit.

>Game literally marketed to children
>"Competitive" judges DQ people for making harmless jokes
>"Competitive" judges DQ people for not immediately welching on people that make harmless jokes
>"Reddit thinks this is toxic"
Bro what?

How goes the crusade, Jeremy?

WTF! I love Yu-Gi-Oh now!

>Implying this is a bad thing
Nigga, they tell you over and over at competitive REL events that bribery is not to be joked about and that you should always tell a judge about it.

Idiot got what he deserved. His opponent wasn't making a joke either, he was feeling the dude out for an actual bribe. If you're going to link leddit maybe you should at least read.

If the alternative is nobody ever getting busted again for bribery attempts because "whoops I'm just kidding winkyface" serves as an ultimate loophole, then I'd rather stay with the current situation.

>the absolute state of having nowhere to post your anti-MtG crusade than Veeky Forums


You seem like you'd get along with Mad Thad. The two of you think alike.