What's the ideal 5 character team?
What's the ideal 5 character team?
5 Brolys
5 white, male human fighters
Druid, Cleric, Wizard, Extra, Extra
3 Wizards, 2 Clerics
6 Gokus
>Not 6 Vegetas
Three barbarians and a warlock.
6 Vegetas would only work if they were competing against my team of 6 Gokus, and even then, they still couldn't handle the BBEGs in his final form after attaining ultimate power from the Macguffin.
tank, healer and 3 dps, either melee or ranged.
1 Funky Bard, 4 Disco Barbarians
This but unironically
>5 war buddies going operator on a dungeon
>checking corners
>breach and clearing doors
>coming up with clever traps/strategies
>shoulder to shoulder shield wall with the few men you'd die for
>post-dungeon pub crawl
Operators need long ranged fire-support (rogue/ranger), intelligence about the area (someone to scry). and a lawyer for when they cause collateral damage (bard, paladin, or rogue). They'll also be blind in the dark, or super visible with sight limited by the range of their finite torches.
inb4 most of the previous can be taken up by human fighters, but not all.
A Goliath ancient paladin
A halforc bear barbarian
A dwarf battle master fighter
A hexblade tiefling warlock
A human cleric in plate
Our party was super tanky and Killy with just enough magic to get by. We pretty much spent most of our games in dungeons/under-dark so we often had choke point fights with use just slaughtering all that tried to pass. I know it's not the ultra ideal, but it was by far one of my favorite party's I've played in.
A fighter, a paladin, a cleric, a bard, and a wizard.
>b-b-b-but muh "I Win" button spells!
>b-b-b-but muh Raise Dead safety net!
>b-b-b-but muh high end artificer abilities that I'll get in another 17 levels!
>I literally have no ingenuity
>I literally don't know how to hire someone for a job
>I literally hate thinking and just want to throw dice at problems
>I literally suck twelve billion different cocks every day
3 wizards and 2 clerics.
Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Cleric, Main Character
missing a rogue
>needing a Rogue when you have a Wizard
Bad at DnD. Bad at tg.
I don't know about ideal but archetypical is Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, Cleric and Druid/Ranger
Seriously, 5 Pallies. Ran this for shits and giggles and party was steam-rolling everything.
Fighter, Ranger, Wizard, Cleric, Bard
ouch, that hurt. I'll go back to my bed to cry about my hurt feelings.
I'd rather wear wet socks than have a rogue, pick another class
The worf effect is strong in this party
And yet you have no argument. Unsurprising, since you've clearly no creativity at PnP either.
>I care so little about what you said that I took the time to make a salty sarcastic reply
Ho ho. And now I know my words hurt you. Stay mad. :))
Human Fighter, Halfling Rogue, Elf Wizard, Half-Elf Ranger, and either a Human Bard or Tiefling Warlock or Dragonborn Paladin.
>ever wanting vegetas
>Implying the sidekick 4 will get Worf'd
>Implying they're not essential to power the the MC with the power of companionship
>Implying it's not a harem
>tfw the most fun you ever had was when your DM did a one-shot where everyone was a guard and part of the city-watch
>Human Fighter Champion
Sword and Board beeflord take useless Feats that support shield use
>Human Monk Open hand
Dodgetank for days
>Human Ranger Beastmaster
Go full Shaggy&Scooby in this bitch
>Human Wizard Abjurer
Literal walking ward
>Kenku Fighter Battlemaster
for the ranged deeps, also get bullied by human master race
3 Gokus and 3 Vegetas is the correct answer.
Paladin, Cleric, Fighter, Wizard, Rogue/Ranger, all some degree of good.
Paladin can face and off-heal without sacrificing fighting power
Cleric is the party's anchor
Fighter is combat heavy and can fill any niche they lack
Wizard for int skills and full caster
Rogue/Ranger for non-magic ranged, stealth, and trap checking.
Races don't matter, as long as they'd all get along. The party liking each other is important.
Or if I just wanna have fun, 5 Paladin crusade machine.
Not wanting a team of 6 Mr Satans...
I think you mean 5 Satans and 1 Mr. Buu.
Fighter, wizard, cleric, thief, bard. No homebrew, Final Destination.
in general?
Barbarian, UA Ranger, Druid, Cleric, Wizard
Whatever suits the players and makes the campaign work.
5 bearbarians. 5 warlock/paladins. 5 goblin paladin-bards
there have been entire threads dedicated to this argument and Veeky Forums is far from united on this topic, misleadingfag. for example, the drooling autism of casting knock in a dungeon with a 300' sound radius
anyways, the ideal 5 man team is: barb, cleric, rogue, 2 wizards
> Martial
Absorb damage, reliably deal it in melee, guard the party while they sleep because you don't need to do so as badly as them.
> Healer
Usually a cleric.
> Ranged damage/utility spellcasting
Usually a wizard or sorceror.
> Skillmonkey
Or the wizard can just prepare some decent spells for the day.
> Support/utility
Either duplicate a role so they don't have to specialise or to give more clout there, or a buffing support sort of a role.
Roland Deschain
Kvothe the Bloodless
Túrin Turambar
Geralt of Rivia
John Wick
Solo bard
Lawful Good Paladin
Lawful Good Cleric
Neutral Good Warlock
Neutral Good Dwarf
Chaotic Good Elf
Mage, Ranger, Paladin, Theif, Zoomer
From my personal experience with 5e D&D, the following position must ALWAYS be covered
>brute strength
some classes are able to cover multiple of these positions
also, additionally there are also
>wilderness survival guy
depending on the type of campaign you are playing,, they can make your life easier
Once again, some classes can cover multiple niches
Sub one wizard for any other full caster and then we're talking
Healing shouldn't be a position, healing is a side job, you want to focus on being proactive not reactive
A Fighter
A Wizard
A Cleric
A Rogue
A Ranger
I'm interested in hearing more about this one-shot.
All paladins
>Ranger (UA variant)
Everyone can deal damage, everyone has access to heals, and you get the widest coverage in terms of available spells, skills, and abilities.
My group did a Curse of Strahd campaign and it became a cakewalk with only two character deaths.
Note: By character deaths, I don't mean the current team. Our Paladin used to be a Wizard who thought "hey, there's no way that's actually Strahd, it's just an illusion" and got ate and dropped from a tower and our Cleric used to be a Rogue who got eaten when he investigated the coffin maker's house and discovered four vampire spawns.
Or, more specifically:
>Cleric 1: Buffstick
Party buffer and primary healer
>Cleric 2: Necromancer
Secondary Meatshield generator, debuffer and infiltrator (ie send Shadows and the like to snoop around)
>Wiz 1: Enchanter
Handles any and all social situations, as well as keeping around any and all useful/powerful/amusing/fappable enemies you happen to come across
>Wiz 2: Conjurer
Primary meatshield generator, supply depot and transportation provider
>Wiz 3: Generalist
For literally anything the other four aren't dedicated towards, including scrying, any buffs Cleric 1 can't pick up, etc.
Note that all of them can deal more damage in a single round then a martial character in a single round without sacrificing any utility.
An Artificer can feasibly fill in any of these roles (just switch Necromancer with Golem builder)
And, if you're one of those scumbags who actually enjoys Psionics, switching out the Enchanter wizard for a similarly built Psion would cover more bases and reduce chance of resistance.
Which is why I pointed out that some classes can fill multiple positions
The point is that there should be AT LEAST one party member that can heal
>Wizard (in 5th ed, probably a Divination wizard)
>Life Cleric
>Bard, or another wizard.
>Not going full God squad
>6 Paladins or a mix of Paladins and Clerics
Muscle, wizard, skillmonkey, healer, useless filler.
>8 Vegetas
Only correct party composition
>only two guys
>Drow Rogue
>Hal-Orc Barbarian
All you need
Everything else is for fags
1 Controller
1 Leader
1 Striker
1 Defender
1 Extra
Jokes on you, Gohan jobs even harder
>spellcaster slot
Wizard or Sorcerer
>healer slot
Cleric, Druid, or Paladin
>tank slot
Fighter, Barbarian, or Ranger
>skill-monkey slot
Bard or Rogue
>specialist slot
Warlock, Bard, or Paladin
It's almost like the kids don't know what real fun is
They would rather be running around as anything but humans or another somewhat standard fantasy race, using all manner of powers, abilities and spells to solve issues rather than a good sword and a plan.
I think I found the problem
Kids are dumb and most are autistic
I was actually thinking of trying this with my group, do you have any tips from how your game went?
>not 5 brothers
>not using a fairy tail setting
I got a boss battle coming up this session but I am blanking on what to do. What is an exciting place for a bunch of level 9 fuckos to go. Typical Forgotten Realms setting.
Big gost boy
>Not Mr Satan and his 5 FemBuu harem
>Cleric or Paladin
>Druid or Ranger
>Wizard, if too many spell casters rogue
>Bard or Warlock, if no wizard then sorcerer
>Fighter if no other martial class, barbarian.
Monk basically only when you're playing with a bunch of noobs and don't want to outshine everyone but also don't want to hold yourself back.
Fuck, just realized you said place not person
I'm a goddamned retard
Anyways, places to go
- Elemental planes
- On the back of a big bird
- Space ship (before you say not forgotten realms, expedition to the barrier peaks)
- In a pocket dimension ruled by that boss
- on a butt
Depends on the mission. Bearbarians are not going to do well in heist scenarios. Thief is not going to do good in the wilderness.
The build I would recommend for punblished scenarios is this:
Moon Druid and Life Cleric for melee tanking.
Archer Battlemaster and Assassin for ranged damage.
Divination Wizard for utility spellcasting and area affect. Does academic/arcane research and solves mysteries.
Assassin dumps WIS and takes 16 CHA to be the party face when need be. Archer takes WIS for high perception along with Druid and Cleric.
Also, I always wanted to try this party composition:
Thief, Assassin, Arcane Trickster, Trickery Cleric and Illusionist.
Pull off the greatest heists in the multiverse.
5 characters with a DM who isn't a scrub and can tailor a game to play on the strengths and weaknesses of any group composition is the ideal.
Don't play D&D
YO! Im gonna snatch yo thread OP, just because i dont want to make one for this but, can you guys help me out?
First time player here, made a dick ass halfling warlock but after playing some hours ive decided its not my cup of tea and want to go for the good old pally, i want to go with the Vengance Oath, Warhammer and what not, kinda want to roleplay as a Warrior Priest from Warhammer, any guides or tips that you guys can recommed?
tl;dr first time D&D player wanting to roleplay as a Warrior Priest, what do?
Ask on the 5e general next time
>Want to roleplay as a warrior priest, what do
Roleplay as a warrior priest, there's nothing else to it. Play as a pally / fighter with a religous background / monk and roleplay it.
Don't worry about being the most effective you can be, have fun, this isn't a video game
Full casters only. Gishes, skillmonkeys, and martials need not apply
Vegeta has a way higher job rate than Jobhan
Yes but i wish to know the optimal gear or whatever choices of spells, kinda wanna fight with auras, sorry i must sound like such a newfriend. Pic related, how i feel but with Paladins.
Paladin, Bard, Warlock, Wizard.
Fighting Man
>not 2 Saiyamans
5 bards.
You a traveling band now. It's also legitimately pretty good. A bard can have a lot of variety.
Fighting Man
Magic User
Five Paladins, each of a different Oath. Each has been branded with a magical symbol that causes any harm he inflicts on another member of the group to also be done to him.
Not D&D related, but this reminds me...
>be 17, working as a scrub at a philly cheesesteak place
>some crazy nog talking to himself walks in
>"whatchu got to drink?"
>mostly soda, but also have blended ice cream slushie drinks
>give him the drink
>slurping away as he walks out
>looks at the drink in his hand
>"You one tasty mothafucka!"
>"You one tasty mothafucka"
>sides still in orbit to this day
>not DPR
go to bed Scott
Don't you mean Halfling, Dwarf x 13 and Magic-User?
You really shouldn't be worried about having anything "Optimal", espeacilly if you're going for your first game
Play a class that seems fun, choose a race that seems fun and go from there, again this isn't a video game
But I'll help you a bit anyways if you HAVE to have "Optimal" stuff, here's some tips
- If you wanna play a WH warrior, paladin is probably the best way to do it, Oath of vengance specifically
- If you're worried about damage dealing, Pally's the best choice, their Smite can rack up absolutely ludicrous damage
- Because you're going to be spending most of your spell slots on Smite spells aren't AS important (unless there aren't any other casters in your party), so don't worry too much, focus on buff spells like Shield of Faith.
If you want auras, then 100% go paladin. They get an aura that helps with saving throws as a class feature, can innately detect good/evil (reading auras), and have a couple spells like healing aura
You don't NEED a two handed weapon for damage as your smite's will be doing a majority of it, but if you really want to in my opinion it's better to go with a Greatsword than a two handed axe, because 2d6 has dat curve
There you go friend, no matter which way you end up going I hope you have fun
Tank, DPS, supporter/healer, utility monkey, charisma/face.
Cleric, Barbarian, Bard, Wizard, Paladin
Leader, Lancer, Big, Smart, and Heart