>"roll 3d6 in order"
>Get trash stats
>doesn't matter because I'm playing Stars Without Number, and not dungeons&dumber
"roll 3d6 in order"
>when you know so little about dnd you think rolling for stats is the only way to do it
if it doesn't matter whether you roll badly whats the point in even rolling?
You could have just ended the topic at
>Not playing DnD
With a picture of a smug anime girl.
spread of stats gives you a picture of your PC that you can use to roleplay off, and stats have some effect in SWN, just much less than in other games.
The point of rolling is that you aren't in control of which stats end up good and bad, meaning character gen is about working out how to make a PC with what you've got, rather than building an optimally efficient combination of stats.
not everyone who plays d&d is a minmaxer, you seem to have a hard time not straw-manning
Too bad you sorta HAVE to be a min-maxer in DnD to do anything reliably. (Unless you're playing a Caster). I sure do love how being "proficient" in a skill at character creation only makes me 10% more likely to succeed at it than someone with no training at all. Really plays into the fantasy of being the stealthy rogue or charismatic paladin, truly.
fuck you you're a stupid retard animeme poster fuck off back to
Fuck you D&D is the most epic thing ever fucking created, nobody plays poops without numbers fuck you.
Or you could just play a non-shit edition.
So... 4e or anything pre 2nd.
5e's "skill" system is literally worse than 3.5 or Pathfinder's, which is ad because those games make 5e look like a masterpiece, which is like coating a turd in gold in something.
proficiency bonus increases with level, as in you become exponentially better than someone who isn't proficient, keep reaching weeb
What it max out at? +6 at level 20 (not that anyone plays to level 20 anyway).
I mean, a +6 is noticeable when everything is based off a d20, but it's still not large enough to keep the dice from utterly screwing you if your luck is bad. You never really reach a level of "proficiency" where you actually feel reliably PROFICIENT with your skills, unless your class has the Expertise feature.
>Be level 1
>5% better with proficiency
>be level 20, apex of power in the game
>Wait for it...
>Be 30% better with proficiency
B-but I didn't even post anime girls... or anime at all...
Actually it's a flat-line increase, not exponential at all, and it caps at a massive 30% instead of 5%.
Keep reaching, DnDrone.
if you are relying on just a proficiency bonus to be good in skills then yes you won't be that great but you generally have your main stats to back up something you're proficient in which is another +3-5 on top of your proficiency bonus
thought you were op my bad
>Play a good game
>Invest in stat and skill
>Be actually much, much better than 30% better (at maximum power, mind you) than someone who happens to also have good stat but no real investment
Amazing the lengths a D&Drone will go to defend their game...
Who the fuck even does skill rolls in 5e? Unless it's a direct contest like Stealth vs Perception, I'll usually just let players succeed if it's something reasonable enough they could have attempted it in the first place. Basically "take 20" rules for everything.
Yeah, it sounds stupid as fuck on-paper, but holy fuck does it make the game alot better and make people actually feel like their characters can DO THINGS without magic.
passive skills exist for a reason
if that fighter has expertise in athletics and he's rocking a +7 his passive athletics is a 17, he basically doesn't need to ever roll for anything short of death defying leap outside of using it in combat and contesting to grapple or w/e.
>Want to play a smart character who knows about shit.
>Wizard is the only Intelligence-based class in the game.
>I'm basically not allowed to be good at knowledge skills without being a wizard because no other class uses Intelligence in a meaningful way.
>"You just don't understand how the game works! There's nothing wrong with it!"
The Absolute state of DnDrones in 2018.
>not D&D
It's literally Space B/X.
I get that this thread is bait or whatever, but the only edition(s) of D&D where rolled stats are recommended or the "proper" way to generate characters are also the editions where they matter the least.
prof is +2 bonus so 10% actually.