Do you guys think That Guy stories are real or do you think people are just making them up at this point? Is there endless amount of those guys?
Do you guys think That Guy stories are real or do you think people are just making them up at this point...
95% are made up
The other 5% are embellished
This guy is two steps away from reaching CHIM
95% are made up, the other 5% are the That Guys in question secretly writing about themselves.
A bit of both, but it's worth noting that it might be a case of bad date/bad interview paradox.
Many job interviewers over-estimate the number of incompetent people in a given industry because they're use to interviewing 17 people for each job and only getting 2 candidates who have a snowball's chance in hell of doing the job.
What they fail to notice is that it's the same 15 morons every time because they *never* get the job, so they're at every interview.
Likewise, people who are reasonably pleasant to play around don't flit around from group to group, playing once or twice before leaving a horror story and moving on to the next group, but That Guys clearly do.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I've posted a few personally. I fall into the "embellished" category mentions.
I don't agree with 95% of made up stories though, I've been playing MTG for 6 months and I already have plenty That Guy moments on record. I'd say 95% of them are embellished.
That Guy stories are mostly bullshit or self-posting, That Girl stories are mostly true and toned down
>bad interview paradox
thanks man, that was an interesting bit of insight.
I'd more inclined to believe 95% have happened, but are embellished. The remaining 5% are the whole truth.
This is an amazing post and really explains it.
Kind of like why nobody on Veeky Forums can find the cute gamer girl. Because she's dating the sensible gamer guy and they're happy together. The weirdo goth chubby girl is single tho..
Everybody can be "that guy" to somebody else. People use to tell distorted stories about what really happened to suit their personal narratives where they always are right and the other wrong. Almost any serious conflict among a gm and players will end with both telling stories about how the other side fucked the game session.
I heard a lot of deliberated distorted stories about diferent game groups when i was a teen and i have contact with several rpg club who has some rivality among themselves. Almost all of them spent the time telling shit about the others.
I remember once when a new guy tried to introduce us to twillight 2000, and one of our members mocked him asking for a silencer for his bazooka. The guy said nothing, and some time after i discovered that he was telling a storie about how we were a bunch of retarded that seriously asked for a silenced bazooka, and how he mocked us with a smart answer that never happened
There are a lot of socially inept people in these hobbies.
Then you have people exaggerating for the sake of a story to tell.
So this really is an example of both contributing.
2/3 of the posters in a given topic don't even play the game in question.
So let me get this straight, you asked for a silencer for your bazooka and got mocked for it, you made up a story where a different guy made your mistake, and then you made up another story where the fictional guy from your first story tells his own story about someone else making that mistake and him mocking them?
Honestly, I've seen so much crazy bullshit happen with enough unhinged players that I'll believe pretty much any story that doesn't catch itself on a lie or memery.
I don't know if some of the disbelievers just have a lot of faith in humanity, or have never worked retail or met a person.
Not. It happened as i told you. A friend of mine asked, with his most serious face: "can i get a silencer for my bazooka?". All of us laughed, all except the new guy who i supose was getting uneasy because we didnt like his fav game, that was insanely complex,"twillight 2000".
And it happened all the time. any time that someone feeled that he has lost face, he switched on the shit fan, as soon as posible, trying to win the narrative. I watched it happening inside other game groups, and inside our own game group, within close friends.
25 years ago, and we still remember and laugh about the endless arguments one player used to have to justify his behaviour in a d&d combat where his halfling knight made an endless round charge around our surrounded pcs.., never closing with our enemies, for fear of being killed.
It happens all the time IRL, too. At the workplace, in relationships, etc... We all need to feel that we are always right and look cool.
Of the stories that I've told on Veeky Forums about 75% have been false, but I've only had one THAT GUY who wasn't really bad and a few THAT GUY moments where otherwise good players did something retarded or the group just derped as a whole.
There are definitely quite a few THAT GUYS out there, though.
I have had 1 thatDM who fudged 70% of rolls and railroaded like crazy
They're all embellished, it's just not interesting otherwise. "Guy betrays party", "In-party friction causes PVP", yawn. Why would those two tropes keep appearing if none of it happened?
It's also important to remember that if you play every week for ten years eventually you're going to have that one session where someone tries to rape your character or whatever. So when you tell stories on Veeky Forums you're not going to talk about the time your characters traveled through the woods and nothing happened. You're going to complain about the rape.
That depends on the group. I've been running games longer than that and the one time rape was ever mentioned seriously was in a character's backstory.
>We all need to feel that we are always right
I think humans will inevietably... agree with themselves. Generally if someone were to do something that they would think is stupid and a bad idea then they wouldn't do it.
The stories I've told have all been true, and I've seen enough That Guy behavior that I'm willing to believe most of the stories I see. This hobby attracts a lot of manchildren, mentally ill people and just general weirdos.
>20% are complete fabrications
>60% are that guys embellishing to make the people whose fun they ruin look like that guys
>15% are people embellishing stories where mutual autism made a minor problem into a huge issue
>5% are mostly truthful stories where one guy really was in the wrong
Some are real but most are Grog fables. Like Aesop's fables, they aren't necessarily true, but teach valuable lessons on how to behave.
How can you talk about a thing you don't engage in? Even as a spectator you can still have some understanding about what's happening. I don't believe there are entire threads where people complain about a thing they don't play.
Is this a jojo reference?
>There are a lot of socially inept people in these hobbies.
Im a nutjob who has spent the last ten years changing my personality to fit in with different groups. One thing Ive discovered is that the vast majority of people are socially inept. Gamers are not a special case in my experience.
Making them up.
In 15 years I've only ever met a genuinely disgusting person once, and he was a Warhammer, not D&D player, and he didn't even play with me personally.
I envy you.
This fuckin guy
well I'm not sure about your group but when you are in the stages of attempting to establish a group, running into that guy is extremely common. some people will just ALWAYS be that guy while being that guy can just happen to an otherwise reasonable person.
I've met 3 people that were that guy every session I played with them and I've played with people that will become that guy every now and then, sometimes when they get frustrated at the situation and other times when thing don't go their way.
once a paladin tried to hold a teenage girl down and hack her arm off with a greatsword because she was bitten by a zombie, my character done everything in their power to stop it.
after I manage to stop him, his character tries to explain himself. I consider holding myself back and explaining that whether his character was ignorant about zombies or vastly knowledgeable about them, he wouldn't think to hack an arm off and that he was metagaming because he's watched the walking dead.
he's upset by this and sulks for the rest of the game
that's a mutual understanding and either of us could be painted as that guy in a green text. that's the nature of PC vs PC confrontations.
however what THAT GUY actually looks like is one of the three that guys I mentioned.
>will sabotage his teammates at once per session without fail, has done this a total of 3 times for the 3 times we played with him
>ranger is gifted a clockwork repeater crossbow
>that guy casts darkness and breaks it
>team is imprisoned by brass dragon
>that guy escapes and makes sure that his team can't escape using his method
>I'm surrounded by brigands
>manage to bribe them to leave me alone by some sort of miracle
>he starts shooting at them when I'm still 5ft from them
>that guy betrays us three times
See, what I don't get is... what happens next? What do you do, shrug and let that guy just break your shit and betray you? It sounds unreal.
>accept that working against each other isn't against the rules and accept that while in world our characters would ditch the guy that we'll just have to put up with him otherwise spend a good fraction of time eventually bullying that guy by roleplaying out how we tie him up and leave him in the woods.
>understand that if our characters just never interact with him during the session he'll see that his style of play doesn't make things fun and only rewards him with isolation
>realise that he isn't getting the message and then kick him out rather than politely asking him if he could stop ruining the game for everyone because we didn't even like the guys company in the first place.
Don't envy me, just stop playing with random people.
So, what did do? That's what I want to know.
I've posted That Guy stories that were 100% accurate but they were never "epic thread" material or anything.
That's not how loincloths work and I'm legitimately bothered by this.
Nothing is ever true. Everyone is lying to make themselves feel better. Trust nothing you see or read in any sort of media; if you don't see it 100% for yourself, then it never happened. No source is valid unless they're someone in genuine authority like a sheriff or a president.
most are probably BS, my group has varying degrees of that guy levels from most players, so i guess its all good.
More than most people believe are true. Anyone who plays tabletop games a lot, especially online and with randoms, will run into That Guy.
However, a lot more of them aren't so much false as missing context. Or cherrypicked. Or, yes, embellished. Sometimes you see That Guy stories that seem almost intentionally malicious or trolling of the That Guy, and assuming That Guy isn't literally just a troll, it seems like there might be something that prompted it that we're not seeing.
You see it a lot in "problem player, what do?" threads too - stories that don't seem like they're actually telling the entire story.
Some are totally bullshit, some are exaggerated, and a small number may have actually happened as described.
No, that guy stories aren’t real. That’s not the point. The point is you read them and even though you know it’s fake, there’s just that shred of doubt because you know this community is autistic enough for it to be true.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
>C H I M
I have been in groups like that. It can be surprising how unwilling some people are to confront a jerk.
>Only people who lie to get us to vote for them can be trusted
>Do you guys think rape stories are real or do you think people are just making them up at this point? Is there endless amount of those guys?
>Do you guys think racism stories are real or do you think people are just making them up at this point? Is there endless amount of those guys?
>Do you guys think autism stories are real or do you think people are just making them up at this point? Is there endless amount of those guys?
You decide, anons.
But you've already made up your minds and nobody will convince anyone of anything.