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Gods of Law edition

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that's roughly the gambit, if you see this shit ignore it, hide it, move on

Honestly I'm not that upset about the new daughters of khaine range, it's not like dark elves have any ogre sized infantry worth proxying them as.

>tfw your dumbass can't take a photo without its detail being lost in glare


I assume if you have lesser chaos armor you just take it off to shit, but the good fleshmerged stuff probably just has a mouth wrapped around your anus, sucking out your shit as it comes down.

That reminds me - not only can Chaos armor be made by the Chaos Dwarves, but there's apparently a lost Dwarf hold in the Chaos Wastes where proper forging can be done.

>arguing about 80's fluff like it matters today

In modern Warhammer gods are mortals from the previous cycle of the world and that's that.

Oh good, the dumbshit fluff about Chaos Dwarfs making chaos armour has been retconned by GW themselves. Chaos armour is always a gift from the gods and that's the way it should be.

Fuck off Carmac.

Who the fuck is bellykun?

I too am glad to see it go.

I assume he meant belakor.

>Being this sort of retard.

What do you think about this psuedo-final armylist?
Was dropping vanguard on the dogs and ridding the DP of Flame Breath worth having two extra Trolls?


+ Lords +

Daemon Prince [525pts]: Chaos armour, Daemon of Nurgle, Daemonic Flight, Lore of Nurgle, Wizard Level 4
. Chaos Mutations & Powers: Chaos Familiar, Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder
. Magic Items: BRB - Charmed Shield, BRB - Dragonbane Gem, BRB - Sword of Striking

+ Heroes +

Exalted Hero [208pts]: Additional hand weapons, Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Nurgle
. Chaos Mutations & Powers: Burning Body, Hideous Visage
. Magic Items: BRB - Glittering Scales, BRB - Potion of Strength

Chaos Sorcerer [165pts]: Lore of Metal, Wizard Level 2
. Magic Items: AB - Skull of Katam, BRB - Enchanted Shield

+ Core +

Chaos Warhounds [30pts]: 5x Chaos Warhound

Chaos Warhounds [30pts]: 5x Chaos Warhound

Chaos Warriors [353pts]: Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
. 17x Chaos Warrior: 17x Halberds, 17x Mark of Nurgle

Chaos Warriors [353pts]: Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
. 19x Chaos Warrior: 19x Mark of Nurgle, 19x Shields

+ Special +

Chaos Trolls [280pts]: 8x Chaos Troll

Chimera [275pts]: Flaming Breath, Regenerating Flesh

Gorebeast Chariot [140pts]: Mark of Nurgle

Gorebeast Chariot [140pts]: Mark of Nurgle

++ Total: [2499pts] ++

>I assume he meant belakor
Then why not just say so instead of reinventing the name?

This. Chaos armor is pussy shit compared to what the Chaos Dwarfs can do. No Chaos Dwarf would make something that crappy.

Didn't Archaon remove his helmet in one of his trials or did he put the blindfold on top of the helmet?

Nice b8

Is the OP pic am official artwork? Is it a warrior of Tzeentch?
Unrelated questions:
Can Tzeentch manipulate time? Is there anyone who can do it? Would it be possible for Tzeentch (or someone manipulating time) to 'resurrect' someone? I mean like bringing back an image of a certain character that acts like him and is quite as powerful as him, not like true necromancy.
Questions about Tzeentchs character:
Does he have a certain goal? Does he just fuck with peoples plans sometimes only because he can or is there always an agenda?

>Is it a warrior of Tzeentch?
>Symbol of balance

>Is it a warrior of Tzeentch?
Seems much more like a warrior of Justice seeing as he got a sword with scales on it. Balance isn't Tzeentch's thing.

>Does he have a certain goal? Does he just fuck with peoples plans sometimes only because he can or is there always an agenda?
His agenda is literally change. Fucking with people is definitly part of that agenda.

I'd say 8 trolls are enough. Maybe swap tje shield warriors for another unit of halberds to add more punch? I also used take more than 2x5 hounds because my meta was warmachine heavy. Can't comment on the characters because I don't remember the items.

This god damned 30% cap on monsters in the Ogres book for 9th is annoying. I just want to monster mash with my Stonehorn and my giants but I can't. I need to satisfy my autism and have the same equipment on all my giants but I reach 30.1% as the lowest. Now I need to field them naked to include them all. This isn't even mentioning adding a lance to the Stonehorn rider.

>I'd say 8 trolls are enough.
YeahI, fielding only six seemed a bit too small in 2500p game to me.

>Maybe swap tje shield warriors for another unit of halberds to add more punch?
If I had the models I'd probably do that as the halberds seem way better at tackling knights. Good thing I really like the look of my shieldmen.

>I also used take more than 2x5 hounds because my meta was warmachine heavy.
I'm lucky enough for that to not be be the case in my meta. Allthough a third wardog unit wouldn't hurt.



Are there any new updates?
I just want a new one, I have a hard time selling 2nd to my players since they want to play the newest one. It's a shame the third one sucked.

rogue trader-style casting

A ridiculously high number of combat options and guns that work. Also weapons that feel different.

Thunderbarge and Rune Guardian

It's funny that despite showing a lot of dwarf using two weapons in art, up to 6th ed dwarf characters didn't have the option to have two hand weapons

What does she do?

Protect people from magic

>Make guns useful.
>Better weapon variety, diversity, balance.
>More NPCs and beasties.
>Less fucked economy.
>Malal and Law.
>Conversions for 2e adventures.

The bad ass mo'fo just gouged his eyes out through the slits.

Actually I don't know.

Hey user, I find list building in a vaccume can only go so far, try the list and see what happens!
When is your game?

Sounds like you need more core or to play a previous ed.

WHFB will be back and better than ever.

But ONLY if you marry her.

Would you ?

>Post your improvements

Hate to stir up shit again, but what's so bad about Chaos Dwarves making Chaos armor? It's not even like they make all of it, just some of it, and the fact that normal humans can't do it is a testament to how unique the armors are - to do it themselves the Chaos Dwarves have to use their sorcery and blood furnaces and all.


Oh Christ, you're serious aren't you?

Actual chaos dwarfs themselves wear nothing better than heavy armor. Only Forge World's non-canon chaos dwarfs wear chaos armor. If they don't wear it themselves, they shouldn't be able to make it either. It also cheapens chaos armor if mortals can make it.

Hey so in 8th edition the front of the rule book for dispels states the dispel must equal or beat the dispel result and the back of the rule book at quick play states that the dispel must “beat’ it. Was this ever faq’d?

>Dwarfs have gromril plate
>Dwarfs can also enhance armour using runes, or by daemon binding for Chaos Dwarfs
>FW Chaos Dwarfs (bitch about their dubious canon all you want but they're the only source for canon for them that isn't twenty years out of date) have what basically amounts to chaos armor
I don't see how the greatest group of sorcerer-engineers in existence being able to force chaos armor cheapens it in any way. Chaos warriors fight and die by the thousands.

OP pic is official mtg art

There are different sort of Chaos armour. The divinely gifted are they ones that you cannot remove but the ones that are by mortal hand manufactored would likely be removable as they are basically 'just' magic plate armour.

It wasn't faq'd but it is just a quick play guide and not the actual rules section so go with the magic section.
That's how gw handles it in white dorf battle reports.

There are easier ways to take over GW, I'm sure of it.

Chaos warriors just weren't meant to be that common and each one was potential demon prince on their journey who only banded together in times of war.

It just makes the chorfs a gatekeeper on the entire population of chaos worshippers, even though there's supposed to be very few of them left in existence.

It is interesting fluff though.

looking good user, just don't be too disheartened if you lose. Bretonians can sometimes just walk through games based entirely on the lance formation alone.

She looks like my friend's little brother. Now that's kinda kinky!

There's nothing bad at all about it. It enforces the exceptionality of the Chaos Armour by making it a great toil steeped in blood magic. The Chorfs own lack of Chaos Armour could be explained by it not being economically worthwhile to produce in a meaningful scale. Their northern buyers are all half-crazed people who can afford to pay a small horde of slaves for one set of armour.

Wait, Tamurkhan ain't canon?

So, uh, I've been working on a nation of elves that stayed behind and seceded from Ulthuan some 200 years before the war of the beard.

And I had them side with the dwarfs. But, uh, I'm kind of at a loss at how they can contribute to the war. I have it that some of the governors of the nearby cities sided with them rather than be annihilated.

I can drop lore if anyone is interested in helping?

>Chaos warriors just weren't meant to be that common and each one was potential demon prince on their journey who only banded together in times of war.
No one is saying that Chaos Warriors are common, in fact they are quite rare. Their total number is still in the tens of thousands though.
The warbands of Chaos Warriors are willing to fork over ludicrous sums for their armour making it a mutual beneficial transaction between dwarf and man even if the cost of mass producing the armours for themselves were well beyond the means of the Chaos Dwarfs.

>looking good user, just don't be too disheartened if you lose. Bretonians can sometimes just walk through games based entirely on the lance formation alone.

Cheers mate!
I did some quick math and those lance charges are really terrifying.

Actual Chaos Dwarfs have Skaven-like technology, they aren't as advanced as normal Dwarfs.

Tamurkhan is alternate universe.

Not to mention all chaos warriors having chaos armour is also bullshit from nu-Warhammer.

I'm not really sure what you're going for here though.

>lances hurt ass
Yeah there used to be a bret player in my area who would use the lore of beasts to dump a huge one turn character buff charge that would either win the game or lose it.

>Actual Chaos Dwarfs have Skaven-like technology, they aren't as advanced as normal Dwarfs.

Kinda, their technology is more about binding demons instead of the winds of magic.
Skaven techno-sorcery is about mimicking magic through machinery.

Neither chaos dorfs or regular ones have any use for a beam cannon.

Homebrewing something for a future campaign. You're the only autists I know other than me that could help.

Actual chaos dwarfs don't use daemons at all, it's just technology.

Well if you look at the artwork it's quite clear that not all Chaos Warriors have Chaos (Plate) Armour. The game would have been fucking obnoxious however if you had to account for variations in armour in a single unit. The variation in equipment could be balanced by various hardening mutations. With that being said it would have been much fluffier if the Warriors and similar units instead of having Chaos Armour had something like 'Various Armours and Mutations' which provided them with a 4+ AS.

>Yeah there used to be a bret player in my area who would use the lore of beasts to dump a huge one turn character buff charge that would either win the game or lose it.
That seems awesomely prudent.

Lance is pretty terrible without heroes. Enemy can take align your charges so that the brets get counter-charged to the huge as fuck side flank.

Best thing about brets is the trebuchet and feigned flight with yeomen.

Back in the day chaos warriors used to come with heavy armor.

They use plenty of daemons in their constructions.

Back in the day writing used to come on clay tablets.

>Enemy can take align your charges so that the brets get counter-charged to the huge as fuck side flank.
As far as I understand it there is no flank to a lance formation.

Dwarfs wouldn't accept their help because they can't distinguish elves from one another so if they walked up to them during the war of the beard they would've been slaughtered before they could explain themselves

They have flanks, it's just that they can attack with the models in the flanks.

The thing is that knights are super cheap and you can have a shit tonne of models making such an endeavor unlikely.

The army book is definitly not a tier one list but the ability to shit out S5 attacks like that combined with the flying Calvary will just occasionally win the bret player games, or at the very least keep you from getting enough points out of them to make it a draw.

Yeah I think they're also just called daemon smiths.

The hell cannon uses demons, some of their weapons do, there was a bit in the gotrek and felix novel "road of skull" where a chaos dorf references it I think (I might have confused terms looking back on it.)

Well good luck with your setting user, I just can't imagine why they would leave ulthuan, in terms of elvish life spans that's at most two generations anyway.

I just wanted something that wasn't shitty wood elves, to be honest.

And why does anyone do anything? AMBITION! Also they are colonists, half a world away from Caledor the Pointlessly Tall. So I'd imagine it'd breed contempt.

Oh I get that but MOTIVATION!!! is the best place to start when designing a character, or so I've learned from writing.

Oh I get that but MOTIVATION!!! is the best place to start when designing a character, or so I've learned from writing.

Human beings spend their entire lives searching for the a reason to exist, or the meaning of life and it usually ends up defining them.

Your elves for an example, despite the lack of generational distance will probably assist in the war for the same reason they left.
>elven lord was slighted, took his family with him and his sons seek to resolve a grudge 200 years later.
>elven lord was too hardcore, a proto dark elf if you will and has joined either side with his years of battle experience and terrain knowledge as an offering.

I just realized I have no idea which side of the war your not! woodelves are planning to be on though.

The Dwarfs, he was trying to basically explain how malekith dicked everyone over before the killings got too bad.

Basically, at the time the High King thought it was just grievances between cities. Then this guy comes along and says "Hey, I've seen this shit before, if you don't believe me I will give you proof in the form of bodies and people"

Which he does. Now the HK doesn't want to just take some random elfs word, so he sends the diplomat. Diplomat comes back shaved and the King, Named Ulran, is declared a traitor to his people for revealing state secrets to potential enemies.

It all boils down to Caledor II being a huge cuck who fucks everything up.

>punching does as much damage as a sword
>throwing a small rock does as much damage as a gun
>600 pages that could be summarized in 200

zweihander is a noble fan attempt with great art but once you get into the meat of it it's an incredibly flawed system

How am I supposed to use an Arcane engine(Luminark of Hysh/Celestial Hurricanum)?
Is it between my front lines so it can charge/be charged or does it sit behind my lines just buffing and spelling?

Why should you charge with a luminarch when it's basically a giant death laser?

Well if their numbers are limited they'd probably contribute as a guerrilla unit, since mixing elves into the standard dorf military would be a complete head ache.

My advice would be to look up battle reports with the empire light council, which is just a bunch of light magi on those things spamming banishment.

Seems like you'd use it as a magical cannon for the first three turns then flank charge something as a chariot.

>Chaos warriors just weren't meant to be that common and each one was potential demon prince on their journey who only banded together in times of war.
Not that user but there’s a couple underlines under potential. Over half never had a chance to withstand all the mutations anyway.

no, it is, it's mentioned in the 8th edition Empire army book, and I'm pretty sure it's in the 8th edition Warriors of Chaos army book

Unless you're gonna say that even the army books aren't canon anymore, it is canon

>read Liber Chaotica and Liber Necris in pdf forms
>decide I'd like to have physical copies
>look up the prices

Holy shit, it goes from $400 up to over a $1000, mostly for Liber Chaotica.

Anyone know a place where I could find it cheaper or should I just give up?

You know you want them.

Huh, you're right.

Also, pic related; how would you go about equipping a Chaos Sorcerer Lord to make him a stand in for Egrimm Van Horstmann?

are there no old (like 3rd-5th ed) models or artwork of Van Horstmann you can base that off of? There must be a few you can find

So, at risk of summoning Carnac, this is how I understand the cosmology of WHFB:

>The Old Ones
the guys who effectively shaped the Warhammer world. Creators of the Lizardmen, Elves, Dwarfs, Ogres, Halflings, Giants(?), accidental bringers of the greenskins. Are either dead or have fled the world
>Chaos/Warp entities
these are the gods formed by the emotions, thoughts, actions and active worship of the living, which are reflected into the Realm of Chaos and then play a role in the real world. This includes the 4 Greater Powers, the Chaos Gods of Law, Gork & Mork, various greater Daemons and Daemon Princes, probably the Horned Rat, some other gods and possibly Sotek (if he isn't an Old One who was forgotten about)
>the Elven Gods
they don't appear to be Chaos entities and seem to be beings in their own right, but they might have a connection with the gods of the Old World in the End Times, they are said to be the survivors of the world before, and include the Lady of the Lake
>the Human Gods
includes the Gods of the Old World (Ulric, Taal, Rhya, Morr, Shallya, etc.), Nehekharan gods, etc. possibly versions or aspects of the Elven Gods, possibly entities formed in the Realm of Chaos, possibly entities in their own rights in the End Times, several of these entities appear in their own right and are killed off
>Ascended Mortals
these are the Gods who were born mortal, but through their force of will, played a major role in their races history and became worshipped. Either they were blessed by an already existing god (presumably Old Ones/Elven Gods/Human Gods) or they have gained their new powers through their active worship. Includes the Dwarf Ancestor Gods, Sigmar, Myrmidia, and you could add Aenarion & Caledor if you wished

the only god who doesn't fit into there is the Great Maw

have I missed anything, is this roughly correct, or have I just opened a jar of skub?

Essentialy for my Premier WFRP 2nd ed editon I would...

- Keep the base system as is and add the initiative system from Dark Heresy
- Add a perception characteristic or talent
- Add UNNATURAL CHARACTERISTICS! as a mechanic and give a hard cap on stat and difficulty levels - no more than 80 points in a stat or to make a test. This would mean making it clear to DMs you don't roll for every. fucking. thing. as some of them do but thats a DM issue. Your Bloodthirster wants to knock over a wall? Fucking yes, its doing that.

The main tweaks I'd do would be magic, the entire system needs to be knocked down and start from scratch. Essentially I'd stop assuming the college system is the default way to learn magic and assume that hedge wizardry is.

So back of a fag packet this is kind of what I'd do.

That means a lot more insanity, a lot more chaos explosions but it means that every spell is able to be cast by everyone given the right roll and assuming they have learned it (I'd limit the number of spells a wizard knows somehow)

I'd ensure that Elves have a talent or skill that enables them to ignore or mitigate chaos fuzziness from using multiple winds

Spells would have an "affinity" that means they can be cast more safely just using a single wind of magic, this would probably end up increasing casting costs at the costs of less likelihood to make your character go fucking mental.

Add back some elements of elementalists and herbalists back in the game.

Also rituals for common spells rather than just big ceremonies, you could use that for a more ancestor worship based magic career in the Chaos Wastes or nomadic regions.

Clerics would be assumed to be non-magical as a base line, the ToS career should have been the one in the core book but I understand why that wasn't the case. That system also needs a bit of tweaking.

One day if I ever get the time I'll write something up but I am a lazy man.

But there's also fluff about a fallen Dwarf hold in the Chaos Wastes whose forges are used to make Chaos armor, or how armor is apparently sometimes saved and given to a worthy champion (very specific, not just 'a great warrior' but someone super worthy). And of course you could still get armor from the gods as well, so it's not just chorfs. Just adding on to what is.

>Overhaul weapons and armour to be something a little more like pic related (could be streamlined slightly)
>Make gunpowder weapons actually viable in both combat and price.
>Overhaul the skills taking some inspiration from first edition. Common Knowledge (The Empire) is boring. River Lore is fun. We don't need Trade (Herbalist) and Trade (Apothecary) as different skills.
>Remove All Out Attack and allow players to Swift Attack as a half action
>Make Disarm and Strike to Stun universal actions that are difficult to pull off. Make the talents a hefty bonus to those actions.
>Allow players to switch between basic careers for free, so long as they're actually doing that job in-game and the GM agrees (I've had coachmen moonlighting as smugglers, soldiers as envoys, rapscallions as cartographers and the like but they were never going to sabotage their career progression just to change career for a couple of sessions.)
>Bring back Peddlars
>Overhaul the economy from the ground up. It's not really salvageable. Use a silver shilling standard.
>Boost all stats by about 10-20% to help with the terrible hit chances.
>Remove rolling for Critical Value like Dark Heresy, just to cut out a needless extra roll from calculating crits.
>Zoats as a playable race

There are. What I meant to come across was what equipment you would give a Sorc. Lord if you wanted to fluff him as a Ergrimm. For that matter, if this sort of theoretical game tickles anyones fancy, how would you go about converting a modern Egrimm van Horstmann-model?
How would you go about converting a modern Arbaal the Undefeated?

For the latter I'd probably use a Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut as Arbaal, take the standard from a Bloodsecrator and use a drakoth as his mount.

There are a couple of details I would like to touch:
-I don't know about Aenarion and Caledon, even though I'm an Aenarion fanboy. Where are they mentioned as gods?

-God's, or at least Human gods, are creates when the emotions of the humans shape the Aethyr (magic stuff), so I guess that The Great Maw is basically the same, but for ogres.

honestly, I wouldn't know how to crunch him, I don't know WoC that well

I could try to suggest conversions though?
based off of that model there, I'd say either an Empire/Bretonnian general with a chaos sword, a skull and minor conversions to chaosify it (as that model doesn't look chaotic, and he was originally an Imperial), or a standard chaos lord, mounted on the back of Galrauch. I'd probably leave off the back banner/stand that's on the model now

>Aenarion & Caledor
They've never been mentioned as gods as far as I'm aware, but they are great heroes of the elves of the same age as Grimnir, Grungni & Valaya, so I added them for completeness

>Human gods
That's the general assumption, but given the links between some human gods and Elven gods (Kurnous & Taal, Isha & Rhya, Morai-Heg & Morr) it might be more complicated than that. Maybe the early humans of the Old World worshipped a passed down version of the Elven gods from when the Elves ruled the Old World, which after thousands of years have become their own Aethyr entities?

>The Great Maw
This is the weirdest one. The Great Maw literally appeared in the impact crater of a meteor called by Cathayan wizards down upon the Ogre race. It wasn't worshipped before by them, may have been the meteor itself, and changed the Ogres on a significant level after it arrived. It doesn't fit into any of those existing cosmologies

why his sword got saggy titties

Aenarion is the big name first phoenix king. He’s good enough that Morathi still weeps that he & his wang have been dead for millennia and Malekith actually respects daddy. I think Caledor being stuck in the vortex for so long kinda screwed with him.

Hey, you don't have to convince me that he is awesome, I already said that I'm his fanboy number one. But that doesn't turn them into a God.

I put Aenarion and Caledor in there for completeness, like I said here

Basically, just remember that the vast majority of WHFB people still interested in the fluff consider End Times to be part of Age of Sigmar canon, therefore separate.

There's an interesting (most likely fanon) theory that the Elven Gods were created to steward over the Old Ones' creation since they had the rest of an empire to run, and that when the Old Ones jumped ship the Elven Gods stayed behind. This led to their rivalry with the Lizzies, other servants of the Old Ones, over who was right to be the world's protectors, and while powerful foes against and immune to the corruption of the Chaos Gods (the evil ones), they still took on some prickish or decadent qualities.

I wanna know where the Human gods get their power from. We know Sigmar ascended to supreme deidome, but what about the others? Old fluff says they got their power from the Chaos Gods of Law while evil entities got their power from the Chaos Gods of Ruin, but after a short while neither got mentioned ever again, and now all we know is "gods get their power cuz they do shit yo"

I know most people on /wfg/ consider End Times to be non-canon, that's why I put in spoilers cause it wasn't important. The worst thing is that is really close to being good, but then turned out to be a way to kill off the whole setting. Still salty about that

That theory about the Elven gods is interesting, but wouldn't the Lizardmen be subordinate to the Elven gods in the first place, so they'd follow them, and what would that mean the job of the Slann was, if it isn't to steward the world?

I outlined a theory about the old world gods here up here which has probably been done to death. They might have been versions of the Elven gods worshipped by the humans of the Old World from the time the Elves ruled it, and then as thousands of years passed, the worship affected those parts and made them their own entities. It doesn't explain about the Nehekharan gods, who do have an impact on Khemri while it was still alive, or any foreign human gods

One thing I like to headcanon is that out there beyond the Warp are gods above Chaos, Law, Malal, even the Old Ones.

One of those gods is the Great Maw.

Who's actually Shub-Niggurath.

Ia! Ia!

Can you imagine if that was what saved the Warhammer world? Chaos tries to destroy it, but then it gets stopped by the Great Maw?

The emotional vortex remains in my eye the most elegant explanation for divinity in the setting. The different pantheons emerging because of different groups giving them birth makes sense, and them being "separate" from the primordial "emotion-based" chaos gods being a result of the more civilized and focused thoughts of their worshippers..

If the people of the Empire saw Sigmar as having ascended, then "the idea of Sigmar" became a deity. If the dwarfs saw their ancestral teachers as gods, then "the idea of the ancestor gods" became a deity. If the bretonnians saw the lady of the lake as a deity (whether she was a spirit or an elf or whatever), then "the idea of the Lady of the Lake" became a deity. If the skinks started believing in the prophecy of Sotek, then "the idea of Sotek" would take shape as a deity. If one group started worshipping another group's deity, even another species', and made a connection with their own pantheon, then "the idea of this connection" became "canonized" in the warp.

I can see the Old Ones, being the Old Ones, understanding this phenomenon and, rather than simply "creating" the elven pantheon, merely guiding the natural process in a direction they saw fit. I can see this as being highly possible because the prophecy of Sotek was likely the same thing: mplant the thought of the deity into the future and the mortals will take care of the rest. It's just planting a seed.

The only uncomfortable outliers are the Horned rat who technically created its own worshippers and the Great Maw, that suddenly happened and altered the Ogres into its worship. But then, the Horned Rat fits as a mirror of Hashut, a demon that ascended by getting its own cult through some great ritual, and the Maw either is the same or perhaps an actual alien deity that suddenly arrived to the planet, or maybe even just an alien thing that eventually became a deity from Ogre worship after crashing.

Only nu-Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs.

>Basically, just remember that the vast majority of WHFB people still interested in the fluff consider End Times to be part of Age of Sigmar canon, therefore separate.
Can someone help me understand this type of rationalisation? It just screams intellectual dishonesty to me.

Guys, not sure how often is it asked or talked about, but is there any chance in the future that WFB makes into a Specialist Game?

I mean, yeah, AoS replaced WFB according to GW (while it clearly has not), but maybe some day? In the very distant future? Just look at LotR/Hobbit/Middle-earth. It still goes on, even though GW shitted on it badly for a long time.