Weapon porn thread.
Post your halberds,swords, spears, bows, sabres and their fantasy counterparts.
Write up a fun magic ability you'd add to the item you posted.
(i'm really just looking for some art i could use to make/trace 3d models with)
Weapon porn thread.
Post your halberds,swords, spears, bows, sabres and their fantasy counterparts.
Write up a fun magic ability you'd add to the item you posted.
(i'm really just looking for some art i could use to make/trace 3d models with)
That was very edumacational
> Virginia, Massachusetts, and Connecticut outlawed the outdated mechanism by the late 17th Century.
To whoever's posting those pics, you just made my life easier. Pity we're probably abandoning this game, playing an artificier blacksmith gave me a massive concept erection.
+1 Battle Axe
>Groin not protected
That's real men's armor
>Not having an erect groin plate.
Virgin squire spotted.
You'd have to kick all the way through the horse and the saddle tree to get a nut shot in on that though.
Thins like that are also, unfortunately, very likely to mislead you. I suspect the whole range of the sepia coloured ones in this thread are form the same book, and that one's about a century old by now. It came out perhaps around when the subject was starting to shake off some of the worst 18th-19th rubbish, but research has come very far since, and in many cases the nomenclature has evolved too. The gun one there doesn't seem too bad, apart from leaving out a whole bloody lot of things remaining in use and similar (or I simply don't know enough about guns to spot more) but the helmet one for example has a few massive faults, like making the frogmouth and great helm separate branches.
Main guard and knuckle plate part both somewhat dished.
Found this Japanese type 32 saber at a consignment store. Unfortunately I didn’t quite have the funds for it at the time, and the guy wouldn’t go down on the price. Doubt it’s sold, maybe I should check the store out again.
>actively seeks the necks of non-believers, heretics, infidels and heathens, only goes for the arms and legs of righteous pagans
Reminds me of Storm ruler from Demon's Souls
It's mostly a fashion statement. The byzantine royal guards had them, so the people who put a direct claim on their Empire adopted them as well.
Is this actually a good visor?
>French NCO's spadroon
My nigga
It's made for jousting, so it's pretty good at that. You wouldn't want to actually fight with it though
That's a cool find user, nab it
That 8and this) is a Swedish drabant's sword m/1701 (ie a trooper of His Royal Majesty's mounted guard corps, enjoying full "O1" pay and privileges and expected to earn it fighting). 115cm, 1.4kg
>impractical, but hey, it's ceremonial
> hey, you might actually be able to use that one in a fight
>...what the fuck
...which way are you supposed to hold that?
that's some real mall ninja shit there
Why do elven weapons always have to look like overly decorative mall-ninja shit?
I've had the idea for a while now of elves in my setting continuing to use bronze weapons and stone arrowheads, shying away from iron and steel (which is basically treated iron) based on their fae origins. Smaller bronze apa-style swords perfectly suit the popular concept of elves being agile and nimble instead of lugging around great big swords or axes, and still have an attractive luster, all without looking like someone you buy at a fucking flea market for $50.
Pic unrelated. We just needed some sexy rondel daggers in this thread.
I went to Cabella's yesterday and I had to stop myself from buying a throwing hatchet. I have absolutely no need for one.
>tfw you're killing the infidels and suddenly this happens
how embarrassing
Has there ever been a dark elf named Kit Rae?
Gladius is love, gladius is life
I didn't know the Swedes used the heart shaped guard, too. Neat.
A bit more knowledge of what's quickly become my favorite sword.
looks straight outta Warframe, I like it
>1000 years of development
>end with spider helmet
When did medieval smiths become retarded, Veeky Forums?
>spiked grip to sharpen senses
who the fuck
Dark Eldar, these guys are /d/ incarnate. Floor tiles and handholding fetishists giggle nervously.
Khopesh is my FAVORITE type of sword! Is it a sword, is it an axe? No, it's better that both! Can I get some more Khopeshes, preferably with hook tips and blades on both sides, those are the best.