Do you think there's a correlation between Magic's recent dramatic drop in popularity and WotC's decision to stop catering to Blue and thus make the game more fair to the other colors?
Do you think there's a correlation between Magic's recent dramatic drop in popularity and WotC's decision to stop...
Magic's recent dramatic drop in popularity in anecdotal and not proven. You did not have to make a new thread after your last one started to autosage, Jeremy.
Magic's recent decline in popularity is likely due to the common comparison being made of TCG and lootboxes being exploitative business models.
no, you fucking idiot
>blue is the most represented colour in standard
>blue not being catered to
when did they EVER stop with that bullshit?
DQs for all of you
its the bullshit borderline nazi control the creators want to have over the players
hi maro
It's this shit
>insane SJW pandering (watch this comment get attacked by people unironically saying that mtg is no longer a white man's sekrit club) that just pisses off people who wanted mtg to be apolitical
>wotc bans you for disagreeing with their political opinions
>no background checks on judges
>Covering up the fact that many judges and LGS dudes are convicted sex offenders (including pedo shit)
>Horrendous game balance leading to cards getting banned 2 years in a row
>a test audience that did not see Copy Cat combo because they were too focused on some jank combo because the playtesters are fucking jank
>The same playtest group that said RB Vampires were going to be good
>WOTC getting rid of the core sets (a fundamental backbone), switching to a 2 set block, which fucked standard rotation up. Why? Apparently "muh sales"
>MTGO being stuck in a time warp from 1998
>Arena being too little too late and having a SHIT cardpool
>Shit cardstock
>The art is garbage
>The lore is dull
This place is filled to the brim with wotc dickriding cultists from r/mtg, so don't expect discourse from them. Just ad hominem, "gb 2 /pol/," and "hi jeremy."
Go home (((Maro)))
The decline in MTG is because of multiple factors, none of which include blue.
>MTG card stock curling while still in the packaging
>attempting to nerf the game as a whole because spells like lightning bolt is apparently 'too powerful'
>attempting to micromanage player behavior by banning people for shit posting. Hell you dont even have to be one of the shit-posters to get banned
>MTG refusing to ban infinite combo's for months, and then do emergency banning a week after they said they werent going to announce new bannings
>and to a lesser extent, overpushing their diversity purse puppies. MTG has already been a pretty diverse game, but then honking your horn to announce trans-characters, try and push some of your main characters into a lesbian relationship to get +1/+1 diversity counter and then failing to commit to the idea you were trying to parade.
>overprinting sets and then releasing multiple master sets in a single year, and not reprinting cards that have been needing more reprints.
Most of the reasons MTG has been in the dumps is because of how shitty they are managing the company and the game.
I’m so happy at the state of Mtg right now, everyone’s either a Jeremy who is a Nazi and a bully and needs to get banned off magic or a Maro shill who is pro-banning people off magic and walking goose step in line with the party narrative to silence unwanted opinions and thus also a Nazi.
All this hate and vitriol makes me feel welcome because it normalises my own hateful bigoted opinions.
You forgot to mention sycophants and nepotism, user. And driving away their best artists.
This is the problem with the MTG community as a whole. Junkies. Whales. Betas. Cucks. Numales. Good goy. Whatever the fuck you want to call them. Pushover bitches that could have had a better life but got addicted to the cardboard crack.
>have a ticket out of homelessness
>get it stolen instead because you wanted to keep a bunch of cardboard
>getting rid of the core sets
This one still baffles my fucking mind, like what the hell was the endgame with that?
>Magic's recent dramatic drop
That's just a side effect of Netrunner being back on the menu.
They reversed that decision though (finally)
theyre doing background checks on judges now, but stores have to pay for it and organise it themselves
Dear Lord it's like that story from a lardass that decided to quote some lines from Mass Effect during his uncle's funeral
Magics recent decline in popularity is a result of the surge of new players from around theros block onwards moving on to other shit
Simply put, magic became a fad, has player numbers artificially reduced as a result, and now it's a mess since it's no longer the in thing
Hi Jeremy.
The MtG popularity drop is caused completely by one thing: the insane and idiotic decision to respect people who barely even qualify as either being deserving of respect, or as people. Ie, women.
They don't belong in the community, and never will be a part of it, no matter how much WotC tries to push it.
A focus on the story, plus fitting more blocks into a smaller space of time, plus the intention to produce simple cards in non-core sets.
Personally the absolute lack of any fucking interesting cards for Standard because WoTC can't figure out how to balance any of their fucking stupid fucking pushed fucking mythics.
I'm mostly a limited player and Hour of Devastation was literally the best set I've played since I started drafting, a sad bar but given that only a handful of mythic tilted game balance completely out of shape and there was enough removal and it was varied and interesting enough to play with.
Then we had Ixalan which was fine and then they released Ixalan again. I'm so fucking sick of this tribal shit, they're figuring out that they can print removal but it doesn't help if they don't print a single fucking decent card without fucking everything. While I'm user bitching, fuck Aether Revolt and BFZ, if I want to no-brain a draft by just pick bw allies or picking stupid fucking amounts of stupid fucking trample fucking common creatures. It sure is fun when my opponents counterplay is to somehow block all this damage that they can't stop because my creatures are all wellcosted trampled or bullshit synergy.
I'm done, I've just come off the back of 12 hour night shift where I was training at a new site and finding out that the management is literally retarded, like as security, I expect a degree of managerial incompetence but this was disastrous levels, like not informing the entire 89 floor building that there was an alarm and to be ready to evacuate, heaven forbid you fucking inform the public, they're dumb enough as is. Also being able to isolate a fire panel before de-isolating zones would be nice. I really love the idea of evacuating and dealing with fries at a residential building because some fuck damaged a smoke detector and I de-isolated it.
Goodnight Veeky Forums
>everyone is a nazi
Just the way God intended it.
Go to bed, user. You'll feel better in the morning.
Magic's biggest problem right now is corporate greed. Pushing too many sets at once, enforcing stricter ordering rules on shops, refusing to reprint Modern and Eternal staples in Standard to push the Masters sets, filling the Masters sets with garbage, that painful attempt at their own Marvel universe... everything is done to try to maximize profit and a lot of it has backfired.
They're also coming off a popularity bubble, so expect them to go through the same shit GW did after the lord of the rings movies stopped being popular
Enjoy that "inside work"
I'm not a Warhammer player, so what did GW do?
>that painful attempt at their own Marvel universe
Jacetice league was dumb, but at least the stories are free. It's not like you wasted $20 to go see a DC movie in the theater.
I think everything is going to even put eventually, but not for a while. Between all sort of drama and controversies over the last couple years, it's been a wild ride. Eventually, they'll realize their mistakes after the MTG movie bombs and wotc magic division hits rock bottom. After some serious reflection and heavy restructuring, they can start to build themselves and the game back up. It's going to take a long time, but I like to think they can make it eventually.
all of these are completely correct
I'd add on dull, uninteresting, uninspired planes, and dull, uninspired rehashes of planes.
Alara, Zendikar, New Mirrodin, Innistrad, were the peak of new-wizards design. The build up to the Eldrazi on Zendikar was incredible, and you didn't need to care about the story because the card flavor reflected it. Same with the build up to the Phyrexian baddies and Griselbrand's unleashing, all great sets with great build ups to memorable and interesting cards. So many memorable cards and interesting keywords with a great balance between complexity and power. Cards were incredibly powerful but required being built around. So many standard cards from this era define magic today and it's a shame that we will never get this level from wizards again.
They got the liscense for a Movie-based wargame. It was/is a good game, and did well as a result. Seeing this, they decided to expand rather greedily, but it was ok since they were doing well. Then, as all things, interest in the lord of the rings began to peter out, and GW had to start scaling back. And scaling back. And scaling back. And eventually ended up worse off in some respects than when they started. Basically a LOT of the shit that people give GW hell for happened in the wake of this, and it's only NOW that they're back on the rise.
Who gives a shit about the Lore? Super cards are still going to demand high prices
They do not expect women to get into the hobby seriously, they expect to attract virgins that will flock to any place a average slut that pretend to like children games are.
This right here, especially the first two. It's not just wotc either, in case you needed more evidence. Marvel, 40k, etc are all starting down this path.
I'd also like to add the addition of mythic rarity was a fucking mistake, and would have been tolerable if chase standard cards weren't printed at that level.
The egregious mass production of walkers is also disgusting
Not realizing that this isn't a coincidence,
that pandering to SJWs is actually more profitable.
It actually isn't. Marvel learned that the hard way
Agree with mythics being a problem. Walkers would be fine if they printed more and better answers to them, but they don't.
You are completely correct. I still play mtg but I haven't bought new cards in a while and even though WotCs fuckery isn't directly affecting me it also sure isn't making me want to go back.
I looks better on PR but it doesn't translate to bigger profit, it might even do the opposite
Do you have the rest of the set?
Pretty shitty to ignore all points made in this thread by talking about the /pol/ boogeyman, instead of actually arguing against what anons said.
It was probably the new tranny we have for janitor
Magic's recent decline in popularity is likely due to the common comparison of Magic players to pedophiles and numales
>literally just done by some 10k view literally who neckbeard on youtube
So you and the faggot you are replying to are morons, ok then
chop off your dick already
Sure he should address other peoples' points, but that doesn't mean he can't talk about the "boogeyman" which is often no boogeyman at all.
no, it's decline in popularity is probably more due to hearthstone being cheaper and easier to play while adding more interesting mechanics to the game and being able to piggyback off a.) blizzard's brand and b.) warcraft's popularity
No you. it's not like you are going to use it
ebin comeback, tranny
Ebin comeback, retard.
Replacing core sets with Masters sets was a good idea, but then they printed too many Masters sets. The current cardboard is also pretty abysmal oversight in quality control, even if you ignore what is printed on said cardboard
You just can't keep duping people into buying new Standard decks. The turnover is too high for something you can't play as frequently as other games, like hearthstone IMO. All the Pre-releases I've been to lately have been absolutely packed, but I wish I could just play online in the same way I can compete 24/7 with my cardboard.
Wizards needs a better long-term online solution.
IMO Wrapping the card design in subtle QR code dots similar to Snapchat avatars you could upload to a functional client (not a shitty Arena garbage) would be insane for the playerbase. Basically, I want my deck to function like an Amiibo, so I can just plob it down or scan it in after playing a draft and keep grinding it against rando's online. Obviously you can more or less do this with xmage and MTGO but just think of the friction for the average player who drafts once, gets some shitty cards, plays 3 times, then it's all over.
>/pol/ is a """boogeyman""" when the main detractors in this thread use terminology like 'goy,' 'cuck,' 'beta' and 'numale.'
Honestly, I'm shocked I haven't seen 'soyboy' as well. Without it, that list is so 2016.
how did you get to janitor? who did you suck off?
I'm sure all the parents who stop bringing their kids to the game store after seeing the clientele for the first time agree with you
Nah. Might have to do with the changes in the set system, though. They even said that the two-set blocks or two-block sets (whatever the thing is called) posed problems for both new players and old fans. They hope their new "three-and-one" system will work, but I think the original format was just fine.
Side note but somewhat relevant, I do wish they would make more cards that had more... Traditional mechanics? I am not sure how to phrase it, but the best comparison to get my point across would be more "Ink Treader Nephilim" and less "Zada, Hedron Grinder". Similar abilities, but Ink Treader has more interesting interactions. Also, go back to fucking Kamigawa
the warcraft brand helps, but the blizzard activision polish + scale blows WotC clients out of the water. They look and function like garbage in comparison, and it's hard to compete with a networking platform like / a digital distribution behemoth like ActivisionBlizzard. Price, maybe; ease of gameplay, probably (there are just fewer decisions and interactions, the engine takes care of almost all interactions, one turn at a time etc). It's also probably a complete chore to program a MTG video game's rules, and even when you succeed, executing any "loop" of actions is a complete bitch which rules out some decks that rely on a "Gentleman's" agreement that you did some set of actions X times in a row, so in-person will always dominate. But at this point, Hearthstone and other clones are well-positioned to just eat whatever marketshare MTGO would try and make a play for
idk man, I actually think venue and audience is my only gripe with the game, and the best audience is generally normie coworkers/friends who play together after work as opposed to the LGS full of literal fedora wearing children
At least they got their asses handed to them. Ajani fucking warned them about the Bolas.
Also fuck Bolas
New Mirrodin as a set was fun. As a story point it was bad and a horrible retcon from what I am led to believe
No, it's because magic is warping itself into a braindead Hearthstone clone. Durr, this thing does only one thing. As soon as you're able to play it. The games play themselves and there's nothing interesting about playing and/or getting cards. Even the art is samey digital garbo.
Assuming activision's greed doesn't make that ship sink
It's profitable to virtue signal. It's not to pander. Release some statement about standing with LBGT, release a rainbow colored deck box and call it a day. That's all you need to do.
Xmage and YGOpro(since YGO does have some loops as big as MtG) may be glitchy at times, but they show WotC is really incompetent and could've had a good online client if they put any effort and resources on it.
The issue is that these companies don't seem to understand restraint
there is no reason AT ALL to play modo when xmage and cockatrice exist, unless you are trying to get onto the pro tour, and that's stupid
no casual player has any reason whatsoever to use modo, and that's even barring the insane cost to play modo
Having an economy for online cards similar to the IRL economy is fucking batshit retarded and it's partially why I think HS has a leg up. Busted cards cost the same for everyone, it feels less P2W.
Also, getting rid of masterpieces was a fucking mistake. We CLEARLY saw that they drastically reduced the price of playing standard, I can't believe they dropped the ball that hard with invocations
>IMO Wrapping the card design in subtle QR code dots similar to Snapchat avatars you could upload to a functional client (not a shitty Arena garbage) would be insane for the playerbase.
I genuinely don't understand why it seems like none of that major tcgs (except pokemon, apparently ) have done this.
Combine this shit with a MOBILE client and you could probably monopolize the market with any half decent tcg.
Ironic coming from the tranny, post some ancient spiderman memes next just to show how out of touch you are
Wow, you are stupid. Also you asked about dick sucking you faggot.
are you uhh,
are you for real right now?
As a former blue player who still likes the color from a conceptual standpoint: fuck it let it die. It does way too much, and it will always be the best splash color, period, simply because of what it will always be able to do.
I know, right? The type of border for Masterpieces sort of looked like it, you don't necessarily have to use dots, you could use curves or grooved lines to make 3D barcode. Seems like a missed opportunity.
I know people hate blue because it's the thinking man's colour, but isn't white the absolute cancer of Mtg from day 1? Has death and taxes ever not been a top tier deck? And mono red burn? Have those two not always been top 3?
Hey hon, that's not very PC of you
Welcome to Veeky Forums fag lord.
Women, black people and trannies do not play Magic; it's always been chubby white dudes, it will probably forever be chubby white dudes. They will like the game as long as the women in it are hot waifus, the black people in it are funny sidekicks and the trannies in it are foppish villains. If you go against that and instead portray them as actual protagonists (as well as pushing white guilt) you run the risk of running them off to a game where they're still waifus and sidekicks and villains. This is also true for comicbooks and videogames.
Blue will always be a problem color because it's fucking shit by itself but everyone else wants its tools. The only good blue win cons ever are Jace and Delver, while the other four colors by themselves have so much more to do.
Mono colored decks are never strong, but the only things blue does is draw or find you cards faster(actually good cards from other colors) or counter non blue threats so you can buy time and play non blue threats. It's so stupid since card draw is such an essential thing to pretty much any card game out there but every other color splashes blue as there are very few good non blue ways of drawing cards, while blue is forced to not get good cards itself because they can draw them easier than other colors.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself but make it slow and painful
W-wha? Do you have a sauce?
This person, while retarded, isn't wrong. Why would you ever try to appeal to a new market while alienating your old one is beyond me.
You try it first so you can tell us how to goes.
because the new market looks bigger to business execs
Wotc isn't being compromised by SJWs, it's being compromised by American businessmen; a group of souless, cynical retards who waste millions of dollars trying to make thousands
This, every motherfucker out there is trying to reinvent the wheel
I wish I could find a MTG community that's not full of obvious bait and trolls and/or full circle jerking faggots (reddit).
the power level of blue in standard has always shifted up and down throughout magic's history
blue is still arguably the best color in legacy, and definitely the best color in vintage.
blue hasnt even been particularly bad in recent standard formats
Reddit's worse than circle jerking, they're basically corporate sockpuppets at this point
Took a while to find
Magic's recent dramatic drop in popularity happened because WotC's been hiring stupid kids from Portland-Seattle-Vancouver community colleges instead of game designers, just because those filthy faggots are willing to take pay cuts in exchange for being able to fill whatever mass media outlet they can with cultural marxism.
All that shit will come to an end when Hasbro either gets burned by their stockholders for letting that shit happen, or sells WotC to a company that doesn't cater to cultists.
You forgot tru name as a wincon. and to be fair the win cons blue does have are really fucking good, but ur still right
>I am a dumb faggot that does not know what is going on.
And blue is in a lot of top tierdecks in modern now. I would argue blue is doing great.
wouldn't be as cringe if he just left out the retarded lore-specific spirit name