'ow would you make a space empire based on French culture instead of American?
'ow would you make a space empire based on French culture instead of American?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Make space empire
>Base it on French culture
There you go.
Actual french culture or le surrender monkey long bread and beret meme French culture
Play 2300AD?
pretty much identical except for language and trivia
Lots of porn.
I remember when I had cable I was flipping throught the channels when I saw this one french channel showing a girl getting her snatch eaten.
And then after that show, they showed Winx Club.
If they aren't a species of anthropomorphic frogs, you're doing it wrong.
Obsessed with Japanese culture? Seeing as France is the second biggest market for all things weeb, even surpassing the US.
>tfw no French-led real life catgirl development
>4 posts in
>No surrender monkey jokes
I'm... impressed.
Back on topic: while it is somewhat arbitrary (isn't all of history?) you can separate two France's.
>Royalist France
>Republican/Imperial France (different in style, the same in substance)
Modern "France" is just a dying beast in its final, delusional death throes so I don't count it.
I'm gonna focus on Republican/Imperial France because it's the most fun. Whether they're led by an emperor, a consul, a president or some sort of council, the basic concepts can easily be picked from the French Revolution.
>Highly infatuated with the ideas of popular sovereignity, liberalism and rule of law
>Highly evangelical (the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen basically declares any country with neither a constitution nor separation of powers a valid target for war)
>Egalitarian in as far as equal opportunity is considered (but don't fret, you'll find no c*mmunards here. There are still de facto elites)
>Very oriented towards centralization: power must be concentrated (and then divided) in order to be efficient, everyone must speak the same language and have the same culture
It would be a space empire that's always on the lookout for those willing to crush their liberties, perhaps even to the point of paranoia. The point where they'll say "but we HAD to invade that planet! Their king said "the problem with democracy is..."... well, he never got to finish that sentence after we set our phasers to guillotine, but you get the point!".They'd also try really, really hard to make everyone they conquer just like them. Look at the system of évolués they applied in Africa: you have French governors, the wealthy natives are educated in French mannerisms (including speaking fluent French and converting to Catholicism) and if they're lucky they get to work under the local governors as clerks. It's the mission to civilize taken to its extreme.
Free Planets Alliance from LOGH.
must have been early in the morning
Some ideas:
Instead of being under the rule of megacorps, a majority of the workforce is unionized in one way or another, confrontations, strikes, picket lines and even skrimishes and drive-by shootings between the Space MEDEF and the Space CGT are a common sight. Getting things done will generally take longer and space transport is often on strike, but people don't live in constant fear of megacorps.
There's an insane amount of bureaucracy and government agencies, again a double edged sword as environmental protections and such are probably much better than in space USA, but doing something as simple as renewing your social security might take up to a month of visits through various agencies and waiting in line.
Wine is very important and a space ship running out of it is about as fucked as if it's oxygen supply were cut. The best wines are still produced on earth, but an explosion of bioengineering took place to try and adapt the humble shiraz to all kinds of alien terrain.
A sample mission would be escorting a convoy of space tankers carrying Côtes du Rhone to the other side of the subsector, are you a bad enough dude to get around the space truckers strike on the hyperlane, get the convoy through an asteroid field without losing your precious cargo and fending off space anarcho-autonomist-primitivists and other deep space pirates?
They will be on their fifth language revival.
> croissant is now chroighssanoitght
Age of consent is lowered to 8.
>all media is now editorials from middle-aged men celebrating the spirit of these brave new liberteens.
They sing in English and are clearly American in culture.
Ah, I forgot
>chroighssanoitght is now pronounced ka-wah
France and Japan have a really weird relationship where their people like the idea of the other but don't like the reality of it.
>Space Americans visit Space France
>Space Paris is on fire
>Every single building and half of the street tiles are on fire
>It's okay though, the Space French have developed a racial immunity to fire
>A pick-up truck filled with Space Frenchmen waving the Space Flag shouting "VIVE LA RÉVOLUTION" drives around at full speed
>The Space French police has set their phazers to stun as rioteers throw Space Rocks at them
>"What the Yankee Doodle Dipshit is going on? Is this a civil war?"
>"Non! Eet's a strike!"
>"Against what? Government oppression?"
>"Oui oui! Zey increased ze tax on wine by 0.6%! Quel horreur!"
Underrated post. This is the only true answer
>all media is now editorials from middle-aged men celebrating the spirit of these brave new liberteens.
Is this a reference to something
French media, specially print is controlled by the May 68 generation, except they've traded their maoist roots for full blown neo-liberalism (they all endorsed Macron from the start). Young people from all political stripes don't like them because they're completely out of their depth on the majority of issues and come out as hypocritical virtue-signalling old hyenas.
>they all endorsed Macron from the start
I think this picture I saved from /int/ is appropriate enough.
Though let's be honest, given the situation the country is in Macron is doing pretty decent.
Non frenchie here, I haven't heard anything bad about Macron aside from /pol/fags who don't like the fact he whipped their girl like a rented mule
alternatively: modern French culture of Parisian Caliphate
I like it.
If the empire is expansionist, they are on a mission of civilization. Space aliens are conquered, their best and brightest given scholarships on Homeworld. They are sent back to teach their fellow aliens about equality, brotherhood, liberty and how to do wine tasting just right.
Obviously, all the colonies are equals and have a voice in the ruling assembly. A small voice, too small to matter, but enough that Homeworld can pretend that they are heard.
You underestimate the near-totalitarianism of undistilled French Republicanism. Everything should be centered around Paris/Earth and follow it's rules and the economy should be artificially kept tied to the capital. After social issues, regionalism and devolution should be the 2nd hot button topic for colonized worlds. Like IRL this could be exploited by various extremist political groups (like Action Française or the NDDL autonomists) to gain a larger following than normal on colonial worlds.
Just play 2300 AD
It does all the way back to late Meiji period, really. Both countries ended up stuck with the 1890s image of each other, never taking into consideration that things might have changed "a bit" for past 120 years.
By copying Gankutsuou.
I hear you man.
The problem with Macron is not that he is bad leader or incompetent or anything, but that he was elected as "non-establishment vote" in first round (meaning people were not voting on him, but against everyone else) and then in second round he was "the voice of reason", so again, people voted not on him, but against Le Pen. It essentially means he was actively elected as lesser evil of all existing options, rather than due to having genuine support for his policies and plans.
The fact he so far is doing relatively well is a great relief, but it wasn't guaranteed. All people wanted was non-establishment winner that isn't Le Pen.
And they've got exactly that, meaning everyone is happy, as long as he won't fuck up something.
Also, nobody sane in France votes on Le Pen, neither the old fart nor his "more rational" (quotation marks needed) daughter. In fact, the old guy is pretty much the etatist butt monkey of all elections, the type of politician that always tries, but never achieves anything at all, but still tries nontheless
suddenly they all got the same face and hair type, anime spike.
You mean, anime tentacles?
come to think of it yeah they do act more like tentacles. How badly do they butcher the political messages?
The show hasn't come out yet, so no idea.
I always thought that Yang was handsome
>Proud, Neo Classical Republic led by a "First Citizen" style President.
>The Government is known for its patronage of arts and business, and it's central location makes it a major economic crossroad
>Strong Middle Class with conservative religious values (at least in public)
>Major Imperial player, but suffered a recent embarassmemt against their major rival, forcing them to turn to old enemies as allies
>Government an populace swept by waves of revanchism and nationalism
>Almost fanatical Soldiers, but generally led and equipped to fight the last war
They Shall Not Pass, user.
Yeah, nothing bad about him, he's just doing the reverse of a lot of his engagements, act like an egocentric and arrogant fuckhead even towards the media that supported him, and everyone he's realizing he's very far right.
Pretty decent my fucking ass, he's doing exactly as expected, and that's not a good thing.
>French media, specially print is controlled by the May 68 generation, except they've traded their maoist roots for full blown neo-liberalism
>hypocritical virtue-signalling old hyenas.
Could you rewrite this post for someone who doesn't trade exclusively in /pol/ buzzwords? I get that you're painting them in a negative light, but that's it.
The may 68 generation is the generation that did a mini revolt in may 68, and it was rooted in communist ideas. It "succeeded" and this generation is now in power in the medias and in politics. But they all shifted side, they're not communists anymore, they're neo-liberal, pro free market and "social justice"
Thus the "virtue signaling", they constantly appeal to social justice for any fucking thing and scream that any one contradicting them is a nazi.
Make them a gladiatorial civilization whose major events solely involve life or death games in which selected participants attempt to mount and ride increasingly dangerous creatures.
Frederica, plz go.
>Very far right
Im not sure you know what that means user.
Dunno, the system seems relatively similar actually. They're more different socially.
First ya need the equivalent of England to let them have a love/hate relationship with.
Second: republican or monarchist?
Third: la ville lumiere (basically the supposed centre of the universe) vs the countryside.
Fourht: hones to god love for higher culture. If there is a thing the frogs can be rightfully proud of, it's that. No, it does not mean every french was/is "cultured".
Fifth: generally a military culture, believe it or not.
Sixth: everyone thinks of them as romantics: they think they're cold rationalists.
Seventh: puritanesim doesnt' work well on them (see relationship with not!UK)
I'm sure that you perfectly understand, being far right is being a nazi, it's completely obvious.
It has absolutely NOTHING to do with your economical reform and your social reforms, no ma'am!
Macron can make reforms that only the upper rich take advantage of, roll the poor in the dirt, say to immigrant to go back to their countries, tell to unemployed people to go find work and stop being lazy, and being pro free market and still be firmly on the left!
not the board for this user.
I didn't start. But I agree to stop.
"Free planets alliance"
I'm gonna assume from the name of the country : Federalism is absolutely un-french, and an empire based on french culture would absolutely have to be a single entity under a central government rather than an alliance or a federation.
The issue with a lot of those threads, is that they are trying to find the "essence" of a culture/country/whatever. But such a thing is often more define by its contradictions than by some sort of unifying idea.
France is a good example of that: their very flag is an opposition (yes, it was meant as a unifying symbol at first), it's a flag that says: "Here's what we disagree on", or if you prefer "Here's the discussion we're having wana join?"
So it's not royalist France OR republican or empire France, it's all of the above and then some, in some precarious equilibrium.
A French based setting has to be pretty political, and I think that's why we don't see that much of them.
That being said, you can flesh out any fictional land with internal divide. I think that's pretty important to make a culture seems real.
It stared as a fed but in the show it became a centralized state over time full of corruption and incompetence. Notably, the leading governmental party spread misinformation to, and organized militias against, their own citizens and elongated a war all to stay in power. And none of this is a spoiler as its not even past the first arc.
>very far right
The word is if you're not supporting steady import of goatfuckers, you're very far right.
The emperor is the only new face that deserves praise
>French muslims establish a space empire.
It seems reasonable
But that does not contradict anything in the post.
Extreme centralization, nationalist militarism and lots of colonies. Also, first for steampunk industrial worlds full of great monuments to leaders and saints, Statue of Liberty style.
>american space empire
Sorry, but we haven't tried 40's pulp scifi as a setting yet.
It's already been done.
Dune-esque Catholic-Islamic fusion.
>Remember to face towards the Vatican on earth and name the Pope, peace be upon him, when you do your five prayers at sunday mass.
uh? like, THE metabaron? so a drunk sole guy fighting in a undestructible fortress with enough skill to destroy everything?
all the other political powers in the comics are either corporates, empires or religious.
Even /pol/ likes him now. Haven't heard of the Bogpill meme?
>Catholic-Islamic fusion
Charles de Gaulle is spinning in his grave so fast, he could generate more energy than all of France's nuclear plants combined.
/pol/ like him because he did a 180 on policies and now wants to become Jupiter.
I'm user that posted the original, no /pol/ intended. It really was a dig at the May 68 boys. They're the original nice guy male feminists who were happy to support sexual liberation as long as it meant sex with younger women. In the past year, there was a rape case involving a young girl that made a big media buzz. Many of the May 68 stand-bys took the opportunity to argue for the sexual rights of children and pederasty and it was it raised many questions of the real motivations of the French feminist elite, many of whom are old men.
that was honestly expected for anybody that knew him before his campaign, he created most of the last completely hated reforms in france but put name of others on it.
>and now wants to become Jupiter
It sounds a lot less pretentious if you realize the context.
Long story short, he wants to be anti-Hollande.
Long story long, Hollande called himself "Monsieur Normal" and openly declared himself an "enemy of the rich". Five years of socialism had a very visible effect on France, as it does everywhere it moves its grubby little paws: it drives away business and leaves the poor even poorer because there's no jobs anywhere. France during this period struggled with record unemployment (twice that of the comparable economies of Germany and Britain) and a stagnating economy. Macron distanced himself from this, wanting to be anything but Normal. That's why he declared he wants to rule like Jupiter. That is to day distantly, far away from the masses, weighing all possible options with cold and calculating objectivity and maybe fucking some old hag in between his brainstorming sessions. And it shows, he pushed through some necessary but unpopular reforms (breaking the power of the unions, making it easier to fire employees, lowering taxes on the rich, tighter attitude to migration). Its effects are already showing. The fact that the European Banking Authority moved to Paris rather than the expected Frankfurt (which wasn't even one of the final contenders, a harsh blow for Germany) shows that at least the trust in France's power to reform itself is there.
As a Francophile, France improving its ability to compete again is nothing but good news in my eyes. Hollande may be a blessing in disguise as he has killed French socialism for years if not decades to come.
Except colonies designated as a colonie d'exploitation.
Then local colonists have no say and have quotas of consumption, where colonists are compelled to purchase and consume set amounts of goods such space not!opium and alcohol by the French governor.
Macron and Hollande have basically the same politic, just with different marketing. Macron was literally the guy behind Holland economic policies.
All in all, successive French governments have remained quite on the same page for a while when you get past the individual style.
Nice republican France but how about some good old Louis XIV monarchist France?
>monarchist system governed by an absolute(ly fabulous) god like figure king
>entertained constantly by a flock of courtiers wherever he goes
>fucking mistresses left and right under the disaprobbing look of the clergy
>arts and culture reach new heights, shaped by the king's own tastes
>spending impossible amounts of money on things that should not be possible
>local nobles are supposed to look for their domains, they are in fact 90% of the time at the king's
>they never leave, should the king not desire it
>under the facade of court and luxury the king is in fact paranoid and suspicious of his nobles, keeping them at arms reach where they can't plot him
>maintained economic prosperity, despite the lingering feeling things will go wrong
>what is Star Wars
>Macron and Hollande have basically the same politic
Can you elaborate, preferably with something for me to read up on? I'm admittedly not super informed on the guy but I presumed he was going for the Scandinavian model (tax the shit out of the middle class, be very welcoming to corporations).
It might be hard to distinguish since you've been absorbing it for so long, but trust me, it's real.
>Macron and Hollande have basically the same politic
The true irony of this statement comes when you realise that Macron essentially was behind half of the policies that people absolutely hated about Hollande government... but they were attatched to everyone, but not Macron.
To put that into some perspective, he was behind all the loathed tax reforms and business regulations of previous government, with one of his election slogans being about how shit the tax law was. Feel the hypocrisy.
Still, he wasn't Le Pen, so it was almost for granted he will win the election from the get-go.
It's not 40s, but you can't tell me Firefly wasn't somewhat American. And Chinese, for some reason. I guess because Blade Runner did it, so that means it's the future?
Historically, the French were known for being bloodthirtsty warmongers and for skipping leg day.
Honestly, if they ever explain that (I'm only about halfway through the first book), I don't think I'd buy it. Islam hasn't absorbed cultures, but instead extinguished them. I would be able to believe modern Catholics would bend to Islamic will in some instances, though.
>skipping leg day
What do you mean? And yeah, the Normans were dicks. Fucking leave England alone!
>Virgin American dream about fucking his hot teacher
>Chad Frenchman takes her as his legal wife
>and for skipping leg day
Do these look like the legs of a man who skips leg day?
According to accounts from the 15th century, they had the thinnest calfs among the european nationalities.
They already had a solid shout as warmongers back then and they still are the one European nation to absolutely deploy troops to their former colonies to kick some ass.
That's from a later period. Plus he's a dude who was basically goddamn Son Goku according to official propaganda.
Also, general impoverishment of the population (that lead to, well, you know what in the end). People bitch rightly, to an extent now about inequality, in the 1700s shit was insane.
Trappings of very medieval tought right next to what we'd consider scientifical, contemporary mindset. One could add the women situation on that.
Surprinsingly open-minded (in elite circles) people about the rest of the world. WAY more than in the 1800s. Illuminists were huge chinaboos.
Something more bizzarre: now we think about France (rightfully) as a serene countryside + Paris and MAYBE some towns in the middle. But at that time, shit was way less idilliac outside of many villages -see the Bete of Gevaudan. Whatever that was, shit was surprisingly wild.
>I always tought that France around the revolutionary time would be a good time for Monsterhearts, of all things
Pic surprinsigly related and well done.
The noble Libertines of that period were basically what's today a standard male US atheist youtuber. They were fully Dark Enlightened to the core.
Was Marquis de Sade the ShindoL of his time? What's his "Fragile & Though"? What's his surprisingly tame and vanilla work?
the Marquis de Sade invented a doctrine
it's called the Sadism
one bored noble invented the creed and the concept of derivating pleasure from the suffering of others
I wished they had more than a single psalm quote though, unless I remember it wrong.
Wasn't he also imprisoned multiple times despite being a nobleman because he was THAT much of a deviant?
He also survived the Terror despite being openly, vocally and non-anonymously critical of Robespierre what the fuck
wasnt it just some mildly kinky shit that was only outrageous cus of the times?
Those two might actually be related.
>wasnt it just some mildly kinky shit that was only outrageous cus of the times?
t. Future generations on Chuck Tingle
No. He basically set out to collect and describe all possible variants of sex and dervie a theory of human behaviour from it, like some deranged Jesuite monk of fucking.
>What's his surprisingly tame and vanilla work?
Philosophy In The Boudoir. It's basically an eroguro pardoy on enlightenment philosophy and it's 95% consensual human fuck machines scenes (as in large groups of humans arranged into impossibly well-coordinated group sex), with only the finale featuring forceful large insertations and rape.
Coprophagia is more than mildly kinky
Current theory is that, being from a minor noble family who had fallen on real hard times, he was made a scapegoat. It's not like the revolution came outta nowhere and it's not like they didn't try to defuse the situation. De Sade being thrown into the Bastille was one of those attempts.
A daughter getting off on sewing her mother's vagina and anus shut is mildly kinky?
Hapsburg detected.
France then
>One of the foremost powers in Europe
France now
>One of the foremost powers in Europe
Austria then
>One of theforemost powers in Europe
Austria now
>Literally Luxembourg is more relevant
Name ONE (former) Great Power that got BTFO as hard as Austria.
No, Aztecs and Inca's don't count.
The daughter in question was an Atheist, user.
and ?
Do the Qing dynasty and Russian Empire count?
There's always Italy. And Greece.And Macedonia.
It's an American joke.