It's happening
It's happening
I vaguely remember a trinity meme about it being bad.
> Trinity
> Not a Christian expansion for Scion.
I homebrewed a shitty abrahamic pantheon for one of my players who wants to be a Scion of Lilith and have Eve's Scion as his rival, but I'm like 90% sure you're a /pol/fag that wants to go DEUS VULT and this won't help you do that.
Instead, can we talk about whether this should go in /wodg/ or have its own thread, and if Trinity and Scion get the same thread since they're the same system, or what?
Literally who? Pitch your shit better
>it's another Kickstarter
What happened to making your product before you asked people to pay for it?
>What happened
Public investment happened. Have you been living under a rock this past decade? Kickstarter is an accepted practice nowadays everywhere outside of your basement. Don't act like it's new and different and ewww normies.
I just think it's dumb. I get that it's good for the developers but it's kind of ridiculous that all these nerds with more money than sense are impulsively buying products without having any idea whether they'll be good or not and getting them so far in the future that they'll have lost interest by then, and that somehow this became popular enough that it's the standard now.
In case you haven't noticed, as far as RPG's go you're either WotC, or broke.
>these nerds with more money than sense are impulsively buying products without having any idea whether they'll be good or not
Yes, and? That happens with any online purchase of a rpg book unless you've played it before, pirated it already or hear from a friend. What's the difference between buying a RPG pdf on DriveThruRPG because the cover looks nice and the blurb sounds cool, and spending the same amount of money on a Kickstarter?
Okay so
Aeon: A while ago earth went to war with superheros because they were going nuts and the sort of justice league earth company for the superheros was trying to sterilize them. Things got really bad but eventually the superheros fucked off because people threatened to annihilate the planet with nukes if they didn't. Some time passed and now things are getting better but still pretty weird. Earth is in sort of bad shape, the various governments and countries have split around kind of, there are a number of colonies on distant planets, and people with psi powers have come about. Various psi orders, each tied to on country and each with their own aptitudes, pop up, are seen as kind of sketchy but are at least working with the good guys so far. Unfortunately there are a couple of alien races who don't seem to keen on humanity as a whole, a race of kind of slug like people, these hard light constructs, and then this giant coalition of aliens that can fuck anything and have something come from it. Also the superheros seem to be showing back up from deep space.
Stop. Nobody likes plot recaps.
Onyx Path can't suck the dicks of oWoD fans as efficiently now that Paradox owns White Wolf, so they're revisiting old properties that's not true, they've been working on these since 2012, but I don't care, it's an easier explanation
The Trinity Continuum is their super-interconnected science fiction universe which is three games: A sci-fi cyberpunk game, a superhero conspiracy game, and a two-fisted pulp action game. There are going to be more than those three, but they're the ones that existed in 1e. They were all pretty good but flawed. This kickstarter is for the core rulebook for the whole universe, and a setting book for Aeon, the sci-fi cyberpunk one.
If you want to see what the rules are like go find the Scion preview because it's the same system and it's pretty good desu.
It was kinda bad/kinda good.
Good production quality, but basically Progressive Scifi/Superpowers. We have enough of those on the market already and Trinity never sold well.
It faced the same failings every early white wolf publication did. There was a nice combat system and then thats really about it.
Because you can make a value judgement from that input and here that is not the case. This is just a vague promise from game devs, asking for your money NOW for a product that you won't get for at least a year, a product that can be very different from what they are promising now from a myriad of factors. Just look up any kickstarter ever, the super successful one too. Many of them fail the hopes of backers and devs brake promises. So this isn't remotely the same as buying something on DriveThru, because instead of buying a cat in the sac you get what it says on the box.
The setting had lots of promise. Unfortunately it also had the signature 90s aesthetic.
>What's the difference between buying a RPG pdf on DriveThruRPG because the cover looks nice and the blurb sounds cool
You're not just doing that, you're also reading reviews and maybe asking people in forums what they think of the game because you're smart and like to make informed decisions.
You can see from the notes on their website that the book is basically done. If it's anything like Changeling, they'll release the manuscript throughout the month. The KS is just to make a traditionally printed copy.
>without having any idea whether they'll be good or not
They devs have been quite upfront about what they're doing, there have been rather sizeable system previews both from the scion kickstarter and before that as independent things, they're pretty talkative over on the forums and hell, you can even just look at OPP's past publishing history if you want. Literally nothing about this is blind
Also you I guess
> what are reviews?
And art & shit.
Kickstarter is for crooks and beggars
Crooks and beggers make stupid money then, like damn they reach 600k on their big lines
First manuscript preview is out.
Can anyone share it with us poor Anons?
Why is the art so hideous? I don't understand.
The original art was terrible, and OPP doesn't have the money to hire better artists.
I imagine that Rich will simply say the Aeon 2e is "maintaining he same aesthetic" as the original.
The teleporting people and the one from the Monday meeting if the medical lifting the rocks was pretty baller
Oh right, guess theres no reason not to?
>VARGS are coming back
Here we go bois
Thanks, user!
I'm looking forward to the manuscript sections for Trinity with the changes in the updated setting, Psi rules and biotech toys. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the new Storypath system.
What artist is this?
No clue. Just posting in hopes of more BioTech VARGS
Leif Jones work was an original artist from Trinity and Aberrant, but it was better in greyscale.
>The original art was terrible
Only the CGI shit; most of the drawn art (b&w) was passable to good
>from the back of the smaller print of Trinity (WW9099)
"It's smart, intense space opera, as vividly imagined as Vampire... What Trinity offers is high-IQ role-playing in a quasi-mystical future, bristling with political intrigue and supernatural menace... 5 out of 6." - Dragon Magazine
>high-IQ role-playing
To be fair...
But VARGS are vehicle scale mini tank mecha suits; thats more like just carapace armour