Looking for art, suggestions or cool stories involving non-military mecha. I'm running a game including a faction whose mechs are primarily refitted industrial equipment and I'm looking for things I could use.
Beyond that, any general mecha art, RPG discussion, campaign stories or whatever are all good. Giant robot RPG's don't get enough love.
The Dp9 had a setting in they mech book about that, Trabajadores Mecanicos or something like that, with some good art too. It was a rip off of Labors, and talking about it, Patlabor, the anime or manga, has plenty of Industrial mechs. I love industrial mechs too so I will post some if no one object. Also I was thinking in moding d6 with some narrative shit because everyone here says is a bit antiquated, but I love the simplicity.
Jackson Reyes
Another anime I love is Xabungle. Silly and doesn't take itself very seriously, but it does have some depth and the mechs look like some one straped some machineguns to industrial mechs.
Hudson Hughes
Adam Young
I have to say than I love the minor mechs in gundam.
Matthew Lee
To add some actual textual content to the thread, I'm planning on running a short campaign soon, testing out Lancer to see if it's actually any good.
The basic premise I'm working with is a mining world that was apparently wiped out in a nuclear war, where a new wave of colonists backed by a mining consortium were surprised when a large number of survivors emerged from undetected nuclear bunkers, angry that the world they'd intended to reclaim was under threat from outsiders. The PC's are there to end the war, which will likely mean battles with both sides, which means I need to find art for tokens for Roll20.
I've got plenty of art for the Survivors, the bunker-emerging militarist natives, since there's loads of mecha with a more bulky, angular armour style, but good art of industrial mechs is surprisingly lacking in my image folders, so anything that helps me make up the deficit is more than welcome.
Jackson Jones
I love this weird worker mech from ZZ Gundam.
Lincoln Taylor
Xabungle mechs could be an option, they are used for fighting, carry weight, work like mining or lumber cuting...
Eli Taylor
Jaxon Baker
Why is it painted construction-yellow when it's got giant cannons and missiles launchers built into it?
>The war on Building Block 37 lasted for 11 years...
Benjamin Gonzalez
It's a gladiator mech user.
Brandon Morgan
I guess the Aliens power loader would be a little too on-the-nose.
Jayden Scott
If it's good art, I can still use it.
Jack Garcia
I really like comfy mechas.
Elijah Morales
Leo Hughes
Lincoln Scott
Grayson Fisher
Trying to bash the O.R.E. system into a play-by-post mech game. Very inspired by the Mecha Mercs game that ran here a while ago, but it's a daunting task to make a bunch of balanced mechs and gear
Evan Taylor
What have you got so far? Balance is a bugger, but it's best not to worry too much about it at first. Get stuff on paper, then start testing and balancing it. If you try to get everything perfectly balanced before writing it down and moving on, you'll never get anywhere.
It’s based on a Heavy Gear D6 conversion that got some popularity some time ago (that I didn’t make, for the record). I’m now working on porting JC to FFG’s Genesys, though some anons might not be interested in that depending on how they feel about FFG’s proprietary dice systems.
Camden Howard
Grayson Reed
Jackson Perry
I like this one.
Andrew Howard
Ryder Ross
What I gather from this thread is that >Industrialmech means "yellow."
Jose Davis
Bentley Lewis
Like most construction equipment. What'd you expect?
Elijah Hill
Jaxson Rodriguez
Luis Collins
Jayden Parker
Samuel Williams
Oh man, that one is fantastic.
John Walker
Trying to get a nice spread of options.
Jacob Murphy
Matthew Howard
Hope a couple were helpful.
Lincoln Nelson
All of these were really great, exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.
Joshua Garcia
Hey, good, I'm glad.
Cameron Flores
John Nelson
What's your prefered mechs to play rpgs with, tg? I like converted labor ones, landmates or votoms sized and "soft robot" made mechs myself.
Michael Peterson
Lancer is pretty baller The game really rewards and encourages mimmaxing as part of its core design
Isaac Howard
There's something about this design that I really dig. It looks like they bought an off-the-shelf conversion kid and didn't paint it, so you have the construction paintjob that's easy to see in the dark right on top of the more camo oriented military paint job. Makes it feel a lot like something that could be an actual product.
Michael Clark
How do you mean?
Kevin King
Gavin Cox
Even if it had been meant for real combat, you might keep the stock paint scheme so that from a distance it appears to still be a harmless industrial mech.
Jose Bailey
Best art thread I've seen on Veeky Forums in months. Bravo to OP and the contributors so far.
Mason Cox
You can fully respec whenever you want and many skills were recently made less generic so yo can multitalent effectively
Ethan Cook
Yeah, I'm aware of that, but I don't quite see how that pushes or rewards minmaxing. Might just be a playstyle thing, I thought it was cool since it let players experiment with loadouts or customise their mechs to a missions parameters.
Dylan Bennett
Zachary Richardson
Christian Cox
So,have we done a trove with all the mechs games we know off?
Robert Wright
I tought you switched to BCG, why FFG instead of d6?
Nicholas Hernandez
Matthew Martinez
I love this.
Angel Sanchez
Julian Ortiz
megaman has a huge variety of giant utility robots, if you want to look at some examples.
Ryan Wilson
Grayson Johnson
I do play BCG for most of my mecha needs, but, and I know a lot of anons on Veeky Forums don’t know you can do this so brace yourselves, I play more than one game. Frankly D6 system kind of blows. The dice math doesn’t work like I’m pretty sure the authors thought it works. Opposed rolls come entirely down to who has more dice, and since like 90% of the vehicle rules are basically opposed rolls, that just makes the problem more apparent, and since most vehicle dice are additive to your skills, that just guarantees you’ll experience the problem of “smaller pool cannot win opposed rolls.” As to why FFG, because I like it, the generic version of the SW game line just came out so it’s the new hotness, and since like d6 it’s a generic system popularized by being a Star Wars RPG system I thought it was a fun parallel. Also, it’s fun.
Jacob Hall
Aaron Stewart
Jeremiah Cruz
Mekton works well, I've found. Some people don't like it, but I enjoy it and works good enough for me.
Thomas Ortiz
This is a good thread
Camden Collins
My only cute
Nolan Rogers
Mason King
>Mecha games listing 001 Aegis Project, The (three eras of mecha) Anime Hack, The (includes mecha) Apotheosis Drive X (FATE-powered mecha RPG) Armageddon 2089: Total War (OGL D20 mecha mercenaries game) Armature (homebrew) Armored Trooper VOTOMs (Mekton/Fuzion) Backland Stride (homebrew) Battle Century G (new iteration of Giant Guardian Generation) Battle Century Z (followup to Battle Century G) Battlechangers - A Quick Play Transforming Robot RPG Battletech - A Time of War (Mechwarrior 4th ed, from Catalyst) BESM - Big Eyes, Small Mouth BESM D20 (includes rules from D20 Mecha) Big Robots, Cool Starships (mecha for BESM, part of core BESM book since 2nd Ed.) Bigger Bads (supplement for Monsters and Other Childish Things) Bliss Stage: Interim Stage BRP Mecha (for Chaosium's Basic Role Playing system) Bubblegum Crisis (Mekton/Fuzion) Chromestrike (homebrew) Cloak of Steel (fantasy mecha by Postmortem studios) Cthulhutech Cyberpunk 2020 (powered armor in “Maximum Metal”, Cyberwalks in “Solo of Fortune 2”) D20 Mecha (from White Wolf) D20 Mecha Compendium Deluxe Edition (from Dream Pod 9) Daikaiju Die! (Pacific Rim style RPG) Dark Horizons (D20 robot mecha post-apocalyptic warfare)
Brandon Davis
>Mecha games listing 002 Doom Striders (standalone D&D mecha) Dragonmech (D20 fantasy mecha) Exosuit A-OK Fullmetal President: White House Mecha Chaos Gadget Guide: Mecha (Mutants & Masterminds) Gear Krieg (Silouhette system; mecha in WWII) Giant Guardian Generation (homebrew; precursor to Battle Century G) Giant Transforming Robots (more Cartoon Action Hour mecha) Going Japanese (for Cartoon Action Hour) Gunwave GURPS Mecha (includes setting “Cybermech Damocles”) Heavy Gear (Silouhette system VOTOMs) Infinite Mecha (rules for Infinite Frontier) Iron Kingdoms (RPG of Warmachine miniatures wargame) Jovian Chronicles (Silouhette system U.C. Gundam) Kaiju Patrol (for Fate Accelerated) Lancer Lunar Reckoning 69 (homebrew) Machine: Overdrive (D6 Zen system) Macross II (Palladium) Maruader 2107 (terrible) Mecha [“Chris Perrin’s MECHA”] (from Heroic Journey Publishing) Mecha & Manga (Mutants & Masterminds) Mecha Aces (FUDGE system) Mecha and Monsters [Tiny Frontiers] (RPG coming from Gallant Knight Games) Mecha Clash (supplement for Heroes In Time) Mecha Construction Guide (for Pathfinder system) Mecha SRD Extreme (D20 mecha system reference document from Ronin Arts) Mecha G-Core (FASERIP Marvel-inspired G-Core; Xenomorph Invasion & Cybermorph Invasion) Mecha Omega (D20 OGL mecha and kaiju rules) Mecha Smash (RPG from Starbright Games) Mecha vs Kaiju Mechagenesis : The True20 Robotic Roleplay Sourcebook Mechamorphosis (D20 transformers)
Kevin Diaz
>Mecha games listing 003 Mechwarrior (old Battletech RPG from FASA; 3rd.ed. by FanPro as “Classic Battletech RPG”) Mekton (and Mekton II and Mekton Z[eta]) Metal Wars (Cartoon Action Hour’s version of Transformers) Musha Shugyo: Hyper Armor (mecha supplement for Musha Shugyo) O.R.E. Mecha (One Roll Engine) OGL Mecha (via RDP) Origin of the Species: Transmechs Revisited (Spycraft 2.0 transformers) OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game Planetfall (free, no-prep RPG; has many Mecha Manuals) Psibertroopers (D6 Classic system, “Dead Night of Space” line) Remnants Rifts (Palladium) Rifts [Savage Worlds] (Rifts using Savage Worlds rules) Robot Gladiators (more Hero/Champs mecha fare, followup to “Robot Warriors”) Robot Warriors (Champions/Hero system mecha) Robotech (Palladium) Rune Stryders (fantasy mecha) S.I.Net. (sentient transforming mecha RPG ala live-action TF movies) Savage Worlds’ Science Fiction Companion (has mecha rules) Sentai Spectacular! The Ultimate Guide to Playing Sentai Superheroes Shifter Bots (mecha and transformers RPG) Space Ninja Cyber Crisis XDO Super Fun TV Hour ( Super Sentai RPG) Super Happy Sentai Hour Steel Roses: The HeartQuest Guide to Mecha Super Mega Ultra Mecha Fighting for You, Me, and All of Our Friends (for PFRPG & D&D 3.5) Tears of a Machine (teen angst & giant robot drama) Tenra Banshô Zero Tetsujin Shogunate [Gossamer Worlds] (Diceless) Tokyo Heroes (Super Sentai RPG; has mecha rules, of course) Ultimate Vehicle, The (Hero 5th edition) Vanguard: Varmisk Fallen (mecha piloted by furries) Vesna Thaw (Soviet post-apoc salvaged mecha GMless semi-competitive story game) Weapons of Mecha & Power Armor Destruction (for D20 Future)
Carson Sanchez
>Mecha mini wargames 5150: No Quarter Mecha Combat (from Two-Hour Wargames) Adeptus Evangelion (homebrew doing Evangelion with WH40K rules) Armor Grid: Mech Attack! (miniatures wargame) AT-43 (miniatures wargame) Battletech (miniatures wargame) Big Damn Robots (miniatures wargame) C.A.V. (miniatures wargame) Digital Mecha Wars (tactical wargame; looks kinda silly) Dust (miniatures wargame) Exalted (White Wolf anime-esque fantasy; has mecha called Warstriders) Giant Monster Rampage (toy battles wargame, has giant robot rules) Heavy Gear Blitz (Silouhette system) Infinity (manga-influenced minis wargame) Iron Tyrants (minis wargame) Iron Warriors (miniatures wargame) Quantum Legions: Vanguard (miniatures wargame) Mech Attack (miniatures wargame) Mech Brawl (homebrew) Mecha! (minis wargame with some storytelling elements) Mecha Front (miniatures wargame) Mecha War Ultra (miniatures wargame) MechaForce Tactical Combat Game Mekatac (miniatures wargame) MetalKrushers (mecha gladiators tactical board game) Mobile Frame Zero (wargame using Lego minis) Mobile Suit Gundam Skirmish (free homebrew Gundam minis wargame) Relic Knights (card-system miniatures wargame) Robot Jocks (mecha gladiators card game) Robotech Tactics (Palladium) Strike Legion (miniatures wargame) Valkyrie (miniatures wargame) Wardogs (miniatures wargame) Warhammer 40,000 (Adeptus Titanicus especially) Warmachine (miniatures wargame) Wehrmacht (diceless mecha miniatures wargame) YAGRAG [Yet Another Giant Robot Apocalypse Game] (miniatures wargame)
Grayson Stewart
>Other anime, manga and mecha-ish games listing Anima Prime Black Tokyo (hentai horror & ero-guro) Bounty Head Bebop (Cowboy Bebop & Outlaw Star imitation) Colonial Troopers (OSR game with powered armor and some mecha content) Damage Control: The Advanced Disaster Department RPG (GMless) Demon City Shinjuku RPG Dominion: Tank Police RPG (uses BESM’s Tri-Stat system) Dual! RPG El-Hazard RPG Fantaji – Universal RPG Fight! The Fighting Game RPG Fight! Unlockables: Shonen Fushigi Yugi RPG Godbound (has fantasy Mecha in the full paid version, not free version) Hellsing RPG Kazei 5 (anime cyberpunk with mecha for Hero) Living Steel (features powered armor; extremely complicated rules!) Maid: The Role-Playing Game Monster Force Terra (play a kaiju!) Musha Shugyo (another Fighting Game RPG) Nova Praxis (post-singularity RPG with really fancy enhanced interactive PDF) Open Anime Otherworlds Zero (Maybe? Might be lame. Looks like “Destiny.”) Panty Explosion Project A-Ko! RPG (has a modicum of mecha rules; early Silouhette game) Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG Sailor Moon RPG Serial Experiments Lain RPG Shonen Final Burst Slayers RPG Sparks of Light (magical girls RPG) Stars Without Number (OSR game w/ robots & mechs - in paid version, not free version) Super Gachapon Fighter Omega Infinity! Tenchi Muyo! RPG The Anime Hack (hack of the Black Hack) Thrash (fighting games & shonen) Tokyo Brain Pop (psychic schoolgirls) Trigun RPG Trinity (White Wolf’s dark sci-fi, previously “Aeon”; has VARGs) Valor: The Heroic Roleplay System
Elijah Smith
What's this from?
John King
Daniel Jenkins
I like that dude a lot. 10/10 would pilot.
Daniel Moore
I'd love to get into a Gundam style game using Jovian Chronicles, Battle Century G or Mekton Z (it would be my first time playing JC or MZ though I do have some experience with BCG)
Levi Murphy
Blazbaros doesn't just do busty ladies anymore.
Mason Brown
Huh, know anything about the RPG?
Sebastian Wilson
Justin Baker
Aiden Brooks
Honestly is still might favorite of those. The "Defender" and "Ibex" scratch my itch too. Mostly I like the idea of the camera head, it gives it a humanoid Battletech-esque shape with a face that can be expressive while also letting the cockpit be in the body for extra practicality.
Also a couple of those would be great as Sentinels from X-Men.
Justin Johnson
Yep, he's letting people test it now. Not sure how many busty girls will be involved but I've heard positive things second hand.
"In a world where breast size directly correlates to piloting ability..."
I don't really dislike any of them. I'm not huge on the ones with hover legs, though.
Luke Rogers
Are Lego Mechs okay?
Asher Hall
Iunno, not sold on the Lochloren, but the Gorgon and Nightgaunt have their charm.
I DO like the pilot suits
Brandon King
that's cool as hell
Carson Reed
Have a piece Jovian Chronicles art, everyone!
Landon Brown
Owen Long
What systems are good for campaigns where the party is stranded on an alien planet with only industrial mechs and mining equipment?
Levi Jones
See But of those listed, I would say Battle Century G/Z, BESM (not the d20 version), GURPS (because of course), or Mekton Zeta (though the GM will need to put strong limits on everything).
Juan Allen
could be something worth doing a Flame Promerium style campaign(as many of the OSR concepts would gel nicely with the survival themes your idea would have);