/5eg/ - Fifth Edition D&D General

Archer edition

>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses

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Previously on /5eg/:
What traps do you lot use to catch your players out? Did it work?

Other urls found in this thread:



Time for Mearls.

get ye gone, shadfag

Source on the top pic?

Don't go on twitch. What homebrew is he designing? Is it his usual trash?

>Shadfag is back
Report, hide, ignore.

It’s just a random hot elf with fat tits drawn by someone who wanted to draw a hot Elf with fat tits.

A kraken warlock.


Navigate from there.

>He doesn't know the truth

I want the elf picture

Shadman-free thread.

Have this one instead.

Stop being an autist user.

Neck yourself, shadfag.

It's alright I guess

>Hides shadshit in a gif picture
>Clicking picture changes it to one that has gotten him banned
Ballsy but you're not very bright

How about this elven ranger, user.

Thats not the image that gets me banned, its the one of the little girl.

Here you go user. Don't say shadfag doesn't do anything for /5eg/.

I mostly find the whole ordeal incredibly silly, but ya know what? Thanks for the hot elves everyone

Threre is nothing to get. I'm trying to make /5eg/ better for everyone (which everyone keeps denying). If not I will attempt to create a Wizards of the coast general & get all editions of DnD into one general which will make /5eg/ see how /pfg/ felt & hopefully cause both to combine to rise up against the mods.

What about the TSR editions

Go ahead, try it.
/5eg/ is actually popular which means it will drown out any other edition of D&D and become /5eg/ again.

Oh boy. It's the guy who splits /5eg/ into two threads because of some crybaby off-site drama.

Here's an idea for you faggots: if Discord is so great, why don't you stay there instead of smearing your shit all over Veeky Forums?

So was /pfg/ & look what happened. All it takes is one slip up by anons or WOTC & the BAM. /5eg/ becomes /wotcg/

Yeah, no, /pfg/ was a dead horse that was still being beaten. All they did was throw it into the meat grinder.

Why is /5eg/ shit?

This thread is not egg approved.
Begone fag

You first tripfag

Because it's composed of old monkeys that can't learn new tricks and Wotc ball-lickers.
I play DnD with the Savage Worlds Deck Initiative system and with a little spin on the mix, it works great, combats are a lot faster and fun.
But if some another user who don't know any better tried to post that idea here he would be shat upon and if weak-minded would give up in that idea.

One thing I find funny tough is how these elitsts are so agains't "realismfags" when the system itself always try to buids things starting from a realist pov (and failing in most cases). They don't even realize.

They can work to make the system better, they hold the biggest name in the RPG scene, but they refuse to improve for silly and dumb reasons. Because of them we have a whole generation that believes that steel plates can be easily sliced like paper-mache.

The worst thing of DnD is how it holds back the hobby.

>borderline avatarfag trying to shit on someone for using a trip because this board doesn't have ID like it should
The absolute state of Veeky Forums