What a dip.
Anyway, not selling
got both, hi brothers
grab some QSP to boi!
Picking up both
i picked up tron last night too..
gonna have to add it to my chainsaw if it does good this winter.
I have 20k link. Will i make it?
me too, goodbye
>look mom I put a random number into blockfolio! Do you think the brainlets will hold my bags now?
Reporting in, officially reqt
> "look mom I have to cry on my chinese basket weaving forum like a whiny little faggot whenever someone claims to have more funds than I do to throw around at fake internet money to make myself feel better about being such a soyboy"
>what is html
I sold every alt........Well every alt except my 17k LINK.
No touchie my LINKies
thanks for the free links you dumb faggot!
same. Rebought at 3700. Proud owner of 65K LINKies now :D
You're welcome faggot! Except you aren't getting shit for free! So now you're a faggot and a retard! Obviously you're broke too! Kill yourself!
How? No private key was exposed on his MEW screencap?
I will find that Sergey (Or how is he called), and kill him if you don't share your linkies with me.
I'm waiting.
t. Russian
Can confirm. Still have my linkies. Forever stinky. He's a salty nocoiner faggot.
400 linky bacteria reporting in
>tfw only bought a little bit of REQ before the baby moon
>tfw gonna buy much more now
I love it when the best coins of 2018 go on sale
Those will be worth 200k in a couple years time...
don't worry private, every army needs meat for the grinder
170K Link & 81K Req. I'm selling...Selling when Link is $52.46 and Req is $39.88. Beeyacthhhhhhhhh
I have only 140.
And that is per...Not total price ya fools...
Got myself at 45 13.5k Link. HODLing faithfully for at least 2 years! I am not selling This shit.
damn from holding LINK?
Another butterlord for the collection.
Do you really??? I'll send you some.
me too, send some
I sent 200 a while back to a guy who lost 200 day trading. I'll send you some once it stabilizes out a bit. Post your MEW
Not selling. Still hungover. Don’t worry, I got my mate to pay and stole drinks. I’m not wasting fiat on alcohol pfth. More LINK! REQ and QSP too.
No need for this. I'll feel bad because I actually can afford to buy a little bit more. I'm just tightfisted.
Kill yourself you old faggot
You retards ruined America, you deserve to be raped and beheaded by the niggers you love so much
I only got 30 on exchange.
>tfw poorfag
i got only 1 link
>tfw poorfag
Dude that was me. Still holding strong with 12649 LINK. Thanks again for that!
now kiss
Feel you senpai. 200 here.
Long road ahead of us but it'll pay out. Otherwise...well, shit.
LT. Colonel LINKface here, hold strong men.
very honorable, marines!
what is her endgame?
ass to mouth respiration
linkies getting restored
Haha no way. Good to see you've increased your stack and LINK gained. Good man.
Still kept your comment. Makes me feel good about myself when I'm down a bit. Sits in the corner of my desktop.
Sold half of mine at 5450, and the rest today, then rebought half, currently in btc. WIll be planning on getting back to my 120K when btc levels out.
stay strong LINK bros
easy 200$ by q2
>marry to that unsuspecting cuck who's brain got infiltrated by blood drain towards dick area
>marry & make at least one kid
>rek other cucks on the side
>once upgrade is found do all exit with divorce papers
>get 50% off of dis poor sucker
>get alimony for who knows how many years
>marry other victim
>rinse & repeat
dead cat bounce my dudes, sell and get back in at 3700-3900. Increase your stacks boys!
This guy is redpilled
Yeah I'm sorry I didn't message you on discord, but I'm a social autist and I don't even use discord so I didn't want to just have you added awkwardly. Hope you don't mind.
Also good job on that sell, I just hold at all times I'm too scared to ever sell. I can't read the charts at all.
if you wait a couple of years you can fly off that roof from your private helipad
>college student
>$10 crypto budget every two weeks
>still true to linkies instead of chasing moons
I hope us stinky privates will make it
I've been holding REQ and LINK for months now
they're the only coins I have
No worries at all man. DOn't bother selling. The lack of liquidity isnt worth it at this stage. I sold at the peak of a huge pump, and a massive btc run. Otherwise wouldn't have sold. Here's to a solid 2018 for LINK.
Currently have 74 REQ. Should I buy more?
>being a faithful Linkie myself
that is not a good plan, Link is for securing your future, but you need to make sats now as well
Diversify, motherfuka
Holding just 674 LINK, that's all I can afford, but I have faith. Will I make it with just that? Nope. Will I be closer? Hell yeah!
just do it user
Combining REQ and LINK along with XRP and XLM is a really comfy hold. Both are fairly natural partnerships and where one goes its partner isn't far behind.
Means you can diversify your hold while always making similiar gains yet protected against the risk if a project suddenly goes bust, and all 4 have bright 2018s for gains.
i'm not here for sats
i'm here to get money
I don't care about other coins
I've made my investment and I'll leave it there until I make it or lose everything
are you me?
Oh yeah liquidity is one reason I'm so scared to sell, I look at the ask book and I see almost nothing there, any kind of sudden demand for LINK because of an announcement or some kind of famous crypto guy shilling it and it would rise 100% in minutes.
The zeppelinos announcement and the EOY sergey blogpost really solidified my trust in this project. We're going to make it.
Sell your socks and all you got that ain't necessary for your survival and put it into crypto. Be reasonable too, you have to have some fiat cushion too. All in all, DYOR, you'll stop asking stupid questions from absolute strangers like myself. Good luck & if you stick to your plan, you'll make it!
I used to be the poorest guy in these threads with 1k link. But now all you fomoing retards have joined with your sub 500 links.
how many k REQ will I need to help me and my depressed bro live the dream of being a neet?
also want to make gf's senpai proud, feels good to be here and see lots of anons deserve to make it, so many people talk about using their money here for noble causes, feels good.
You just described what a gambler is
already buckled up
you just described cryptomarket
every investor is a gambler
nothing guarantees anything goes up
nothing even guarantess a supposed 100% safe bet like Amazon wont go tits up in a year
you are dumb. not because of your concept of long term investment, but because, if youre going to do something like that, you need to accept that bitcoin is the only sure gainer in the long term. some of the bigger, older alts are the only real long term hodls you should consider: eth, xmr, dash, ltc.
ripple is centralized, controlled, and too different too be considered on an even playing field with these coins, even from a purely trade perspective, so one should not long term hodl ripple.
I don't even have ripple
why would you hold bitcoin? when the bubble pops bitcoin will be dead
I don't think they're necessarily fomoing, they're probably just new to crypto and joined after BTC started appearing on TV in december. They found LINK somehow and put their measly savings in.
If you truly believe in your statement, this means stock market is a gamble, internet a gamble etc etc.
It just further solidifies my description of you
Go back to wagecuckery, enjoy your pitty life and tell your grandchildren about the biggest missed opportunity of your entire miserable life
Lack of belief based on study and facts is what keeps you away from actually making it
>you are dumb
>buy bitcoin
nigga you just went full retard
>newfag detected
im all in in link and req holding loooong and comfy
this is a gamble, thats why rule number one is to not put money you cant afford to lose
youre just a little daytrader trying to make 1 sat a day
i pitty you
the virgin sat chaser everyone
I actually doubled my sats in 2 weeks just by petting my cat and dog, drinking beers and chilling with friends. How, you ask?
I wrote a bot that detects trend reversals and does the job for me. Imagine me a year later.
Now kys noobs
>doesnt realize he´s talking to the same guy
bought req at ICO and LINK at 0.28
Literally dont even need to check my shit, ill cash some out when i hit a million (dollars, sats are for losers)
>only 15k LINK
feels like shit
Why are so many people hating on Link?
Unironically because they didn't get into the ICO.
That and the opposite of owner's bias.
man you'll be fine, i'm only 2k, im afraid i won't make it
8k link
8k req
lets do this baby
Am I gonna make it senpais?
Was in early on ZRX and LINK, just got in on REQ