has anyone here ever actually bought a lambo?
Be honest, Veeky Forums
Even if I had the money I wouldn't get one. Too "hey, look at how big my financial dick is"
No, but I did buy a DB11. I actually don't like Lambos much. this wasn't with HODL money.
Literal waste of money
Nice job user, 1000x more car than toy lambo's. Astons are the sexiest of cars.
If I get a net worth of fore than 30 million dollars I will get an aventador, it was my dream car well before the memes began.
Currently sitting on ~500k, driving pic related.
I would buy a Lada if I made it.
Yes I bought a 2017 Huracan. Waiting for delivery
Lambos are garbage and cars are some of the worst things to buy with your money. The thing losses like 40k instantly the moment you take it off the lot. poof just vanished into thin air. SHIT
I feel like in the nature of progress, if you make huge economic gains off of Crypto you should buy a Tesla model X. It screams new money, but that’s literally what Crypto is. Would be cool.
It must suck being as poor as you
Lambo are nouveaux riches plebeian tier desu.
idc about lambos
if i ever make it with this crypto shit, i'm getting one of these
fuck all of you
I would buy VW Squareback and then transplant a 6spd in it with a custom built engine.
you realize you dont have "to make it" to buy mercedes from 80s?
What do you guys actually plan to do with your money?
That's better depreciation than other cars
you have to if you don't want a shitty diesel variant that has 300.000 km used to smuggle hash by some Turk.
Yes, very sexy car but I'd prefer to stay stealthily wealthy if possible
Just get me started in life since I'm young. I'm never going to make it anyway started way too late with too little money so I'm going to stay realistic.
Before they're cool. Right, hipster?
but that's not a lada. buy a lada, comrad
"make it" as in getting enough money to buy the car and pay for everything related to it for the rest of my life, without having to play with cryptos anymore or, god forbid, go be a wageslave.
I'd lease one even if I had the money
I'm not poor, I have a regular job that makes close to 100k a year so I was already set before crypto. It is just a complete waste of money when you can get nicer cars for a WAY cheaper price and it would last you longer.
desu 300k km for a diesel version for that particular car is like the engine has done 1/4 of it's lifespan