What system/etc. would I use to run something inspired by pic related, Veeky Forums? Hectic combat, conservation of ammunition, exploring a claustrophobic spaceship where something dark is running under the covers. I've been wanting to do this for a while but I have no idea where to start. What do you say?
System Shock inspiration
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It's a meme to answer any question like this with GURPS, but it became a meme for a good reason: It's good at running any game, and would especially be good for the type of game you want to run
But if you don't want to because of the meme there's other games
BRP 4e: It's the system that made Call of Cthulhu, so it does survival horror well
AFMBE: It's traditionally for apocalypse zombie games, but replace zombies with robots and replace destroyed new york with a space station and it should be a breeze to run
System Shock, hell yeah!
>Hectic combat, conservation of ammunition, exploring a claustrophobic spaceship where something dark is running under the covers.
I'd personally run that using Classic Traveller with Snapshot. Maybe tweak things a bit to reduce the lethality, as it's more deadly by default than would be suitable IMO.
It's designed for indoor combat, outdoor stuff over very long ranges doesn't work so well. There's also Azhanti High Lightning, which is a Snapshot 2.0, but is a lot more crunchy and thus slower paced.
Cyberpunk 2020. See this thread: Medium crunch system, very lethal combat, cyberware, implants, hacking.
These are all bad for emulating this video game genre.
I'm partly tempted to suggest Cyberpunk 2020, if only for the pandemic proliferation of prosthetics, but I know how important Reflex and Humanity are to that setting, not to mention the class system.
Plus, I don't know how much of the sequel's details you intend to include - given that it has psychic powers and biological horror as key elements the first lacked. On the other hand, the original had a version of Cyberspace missing in the sequel, replaced by 'connect the dots if the odds let you'.
So for now, I'm going to second Traveller, whether or not you use Snapshot, because I know that's at least a decent fit. You'll have to homebrew your cyberterrors yourself. Especially Cortex Reavers. Those things were too damn spooky - especially considering you usually only saw them in game over screens.
I agree that Cyberpunk is probably the best for this type of game, but why are BRP / GURPS bad for that type of game? Specifically GURPS, there's even a cyberpunk / biotech book
Because that game keeps trying to eat every idea it comes across, good or bad. Want to do something with a different crunch? Too bad! GURPS is gonna get mentioned.
It's the cape toad of systems, really.
*cane toad
Eclipse Phase is pretty much System Shock: The RPG already.
That doesn't make it bad though. I agree there are usually systems that are better for the job, but outright throwing it out because it's "Mentioned everywhere" is brash. It's quite useful when you want to play a game with an idea that doesn't have a game attributed to it
It's bad if you don't want GURPS' conceits involved - while I acknowledge high-danger fighting and low concern for social concern is appropriate for System Shock, other space settings (Star Wars/Trek, Babylon 5, Farscape...) wouldn't work nearly as well.
But we're off on a tangent. Focus on SHODAN, not GURPS.
Just do it in D&D like everyone else does
I'd actually go with something PbtA based; hard choices is the entire point of that particular subset of games.
Savage Worlds
>Gritty Damage and Critical Failures optional rules to make combat an even more risky proposition
>Cybernetics from either Interface Zero or Sci-Fi Companion
>Make your own killer robots to fuck up the players with the latter
Also fuck GURPS and CP2020, they're shit
Do remember to give us storytime once the game is running, OP.
Also calling Cyberpunk "CP" makes me goddamned uncomfortable
Well too bad. As for why it's shit:
>godstat horseshit
>the combat system is slow as ass
>classes in a modern setting
>that fucking gigantic skill list
>Also calling Cyberpunk "CP" makes me goddamned uncomfortable
It's not CP if it's a 100-year-old genre.
Genesys would handle this fairly well if you upped the danger level a tad. I'm using it to run a Shadowrun game right now and it's handling fairly well.
Not that user but
> Modification system
> Hacking system
> Variety of skills without being outlandish
> Customizable PSI abilities
> High lethality
> Conservation of ammo matters
> Combat is very quick
How is GURPS not a good fit for OP's requirements?
I've got nothing against cyberpunk, it has one of the greatest item catalogues in RPG history, but It's really clunky, has a god star problem, and suffers from 90's skill bloat (I know v3 exists, but it's apparently not that good)
Maid RPG. Shodan is Master.