>Old Bioware will never make an Inquisition RPG
It hurts lads, it hurts a lot...
>Old Bioware will never make an Inquisition RPG
It hurts lads, it hurts a lot...
>xenos mockery of the daughters of the Emperor
What manner of sorcery is this?
>every sister looks like stereotypical sisters
It's a big universe user. That's like kinda the point of 40k.
Get your groove on, soldier! These boys work hard, and they play harder!
All the same, that cloak with that battle bodice?
Old Bioware is long dead, OP. You'll have to look for single-player games elsewhere.
>4 replies in and no one has engaged with the OP's topic
I'll bite.
Mass Effect was basically about being an Inquisitor, or in this case a Specter. You had unlimited authority but still had to jockey to get people on your side and you fought horrors which fundamentally threatened the galaxy all while having a crack team of party members as your retinue and a cool spaceship.
The Eisenhorn books actually read a lot like a classic Bioware RPG complete with a small star-ship to act as a homebase and a cast of memorable party-member characters. Its a wonder it hasn't been adapted by anyone serious (that shitty walking-simulator doesn't count).
Mass Effect is pretty much how I play Ascension Level Dark Heresy.
Do tell. I don't have any friends who are interested or committed so i can only fantasize about playing all the cool 40 RPGs.
I was just making a reference, you poop.
how come Mission wasn't a romance option?
She was 14 and Wookies do it better.
>it hurts
Why? old bioware is dead and gone. It is dirt and worms. Weep for the past and you'll drown the world with your tears. Nostalgia will lure you back when they wheel out the next cisquisition and see you wounded again
>Implying I've bought a Bioware game after DA2
It still wounds me that now that we are getting all these quality Warhammer games good ol' Bioware won't be around to take a crack at it. It would have been right in their wheelhouse.
Why was the Inqusition in Dragon Age so... un-inquisitiony? I mean come on, a holy order that hunts demons should have more moral ambiguity. I mean fuck, the Inquisition is just a boring expy of the Grey Wardens with more religious symbolism (yet no actual religious content - the fact that the leader of the Inquisition can actually not worship the Maker is fucking stupid). The Wardens were cool because of the borders between right and wrong were blurred when fighting ultimate evil. Shit, the Templars look more like proper inquisitors than the damned "Inquisition", and DAIII should have been about them.
>Shit, the Templars look more like proper inquisitors than the damned "Inquisition", and DAIII should have been about them
And piss off the Magefags, aka the other half of the Dragon Age fanbase?
>Dragon age fanbase
What's that like?
Having the game centre around the Templars doesn't mean the idea that the mages and the templars can reconcile their differences to fight together against a greater threat goes away. You can still be a goody-two-shoes if you want to be, but the fact that the Inquisition are just plain good guys with no moral ambiguity ticks me off. Even 'good' Warden-Commanders can make shitty decisions (such as promoting Harrowmount over Bhelen) or decisions with no real right or wrong (such as with Avernus, the Architect, or the Dark Ritual), which reveal the inherent moral ambiguity of the Grey Wardens as an organization. There's none of that in Inquisition. The Inquisition can be called anything else and it would make no difference - there's nothing really that distinguishes them beyond the political circumstances that lead to its creation (which aren't too thematically nuanced, though they could be).
Because giving players the freedom to not always be three different flavours of good guy is problematic.
Fatally poisoned garbage eaters who want to find that one fine dish in the trashcan one more time.
Excuse the food analogy, I can't come up with something more clever right now
Ironically, this is the most Tumblr thing I have ever seen written on this site.
Due to the political climate of this day and age making it so everyone has to tip toe around lest they piss off raving idiots on either side of the fence. I'm entirely not surprised it was watered down to such a point that there was no ambiguity, can't have that because it might be taken completely out of context and used to crucify someone over something they never said or even implied.
Also EA doesn't give a flying fuck about an actual good game, what they care about is a "good" game that sells and keeps investors happy.
Try /pol/ someday, it's kinda scary/funny how two sides that hate each other's guts act nearly the same.
Fundamentalist arise from the same human weakness.
>implying that not wanting to give in on your basic beliefs is weak
What do you believe, user?
Well, it sure didn't take you long to reveal your real motives.
It's not that surprising when the way one side allegedly acts is mostly cherry-picked, distorted, or outright fictitious noise from their enemies, and the other side's favorite hatemongering tactics are to compare their enemies to themselves and to call their enemies hypocrites.
Fuck that give me an obsidian 40k/fantasy game
I wouldn't mind a divinity 2 style 40k game.
Acolyte, my face is tired from dealing with, everything.
Bioware ten years ago created a race of blue bisexual waifus.
Bioware last year had space trannies.
CD project pls.
Also hire whoever did the art for that spacehulk game.
Posting TRUTH
>tfw I wont have a single player roleplaying experience like the characters I played in 2003 - 2012 Bioware games
There are literal mage rights sjw people. Seriously, the Dragon Age fandom on tumblr is genuinely the worst fandom. They shit all over Bioware for being "problematic" and for treating mages like shit and all this other stuff, they basically act like these fictional characters are real people really being oppressed and bioware is the devil for doing that to them.
Perhaps it is time to admit that Bioware RPGs never were that good (outside of waifus).
>baldur's gates sucked when compared to likes of fallout 1+2, arcanum, planescape torment
>nwn+sequels were a great toolset but the campaigns that came with it sucked
>kotor was outdone by the half-finished bug ridden mess that was kotor 2
>jade empire was pretty good actually and had a setting that is less commonly used but it was still pretty stuck in good vs evil mentality that bioware claimed to have abandoned
>first mass effect game was pretty good but then the sequels came and turned it into GoW-clone but with blue space lesbos, and those choices you made never really mattered
>dragon age had 1 decent game but then it shat itself
Within the same time period Obsidian released KotOR 2, NWN2: MotB and Alpha Protocol, and Troika had Arcanum & VtMB.
Even if they made one I wouldn't buy it. I'm 100% done buying games published by EA.
>We will never get another Arcanum.
Reeeee if other companies can do kickstarters to bring shit back, so can they!
>first mass effect game was pretty good
The story was good, even if impaired by the dialog wheel, the quirky parangon/renegade choices, and the cutscene "I'll just stand there not doing anything useful" syndrome.
But the gameplay was totally horrendous. I still remember the loot system ten years afterwards, and not in a good way.
What's worse is that it could have actually been interesting if they cared enough to commit to it.
Like what are the actual implications of being able to change sex using advanced future technology a la the Culture or Ghost in the Shell?
Instead they introduce this idea into the setting, and then do absolutely nothing at all with it.
>But the gameplay was totally horrendous.
Any game that lets you build a shotgun that shoots shards of uranium that instantly kill like 95% of common enemies and on the top of that has basically infinite ammo (never managed to find proper parts to get completely rid off overheating but still 60+ secs of non-stop fire before you've to even think about pausing is pretty good) can't be that bad.
woo same! Havent bought any since March 11, 2012
>mages end up fucking everything up everytime they get free
>it's clearly a good idea to have restraints on magic
>most of the game's characters still hate you for not sucking enchanted cock
It's a bad allegory for homos being persecuted by le ebil Christians, that's it.
In inquisition the church is painted as the only reasonable side in the mage/templar war, and the templars go independent.
Childhood is agreeing with Anders, adulthood is realizing Vivienne was right all along.
The solution to the problem is giving mages responsibility and purpose. Of course a bunch of shut-ins won't realize the consequences of their actions to society, or just won't care.
But if they could have positions of relevance in the chantry, the nobility and whatever else, then of course they would care about those things.
In the end it doesn't matter that much if mages are free or not. If they become free but stay isolated, they'll continue to be a problem.
>old bioware will never make another hamfisted dnd rip off shoehorned into a video game, sold entirely by the property its designed to look like
Oh, thank god.
Naw, but seriously, it's kind of sad that things have gotten to the point that people have unlearned how to just enjoy things for what they are.
One of the few things Warhammer Fantasy got right was the wizard college.
Yes they need to be monitored and specially trained, so do so with emphasis on war magic for those who will be going to battlefields, on subtle magics for those who will be taught the importance of hunting down renegades, and general/utility magic for those who will just be expected to re-enter society with their concealed-magic permit, where they are sure to be popular with the wealthy.
Tali was a garbage character after the first game, holy shit.
bg2 and its expansion are probably the best game made so far. Fallout and Arcanum's gameplay is extremely clunky. Torment is barely a game and is more of a visual novel.