Is there any lore explanation as to why all Star Wars story-relevant senators are underage girls?
Is there any lore explanation as to why all Star Wars story-relevant senators are underage girls?
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Because calling them princesses would be sexist.
The actresses earned those roles the Hollywood way.
Tell us more about the hollywood way user
because sweet sweet xeno loli poontang, of course.
why do you thin kALL twileki are legal adaults at fucking 12 years old?
>all senators are underage girls
>mfw I am the senate
u wot m8?
Not until ANH you aren't.
CHANCELLOR Palpatine, not senator Palpatine hmmm'k
God she is actually gorgeous. I'm imagining her with an older body type in my head.
But that blue skin, those eyes, that hair.
Fuck it gets me going.
I love blue skinned girls, or purple, or pink.
They're all just so beautiful.
to maintain parity with the jedi, of course.
I'm sure she's tots actually a 100 year old that just happens to look like a 12-15 human.
Gettting so loli over a show I had to check this was \tg\ and not /tv/
Because the target audience of star wars 1 and the clone wars TV series was early pubescent children.
>\tg\ and not /tv/
The population of the Republic has gotten so jaded that they don't even pretend that it matters who they vote into power. They vote for underage girls in the way people today vote for Garfield.
>tfw no blue space babe gf
Because smol is cute.
Well basically some fat guy tries it on with you and you ignore him and then it's 50/50 whether you get the role.
Then years later you find out people you kind of vaguely remember were getting blacklisted for doing the same thing you did and you think "huh, so I guess he wasn't all-powerful after all, or he'd have killed my career too".
Imagine if the separatists had used actual people in their army, then the jedi couldn't pretend all their fights aren't slaughters.
My guess it's because the show is supposed to appeal to kids and teens but it's also probably a convenient excuse to animate underage xeno waifus.
Imagine if either side had used actual people in their army, then the audience might actually get emotionally invested in the outcome.
Clones are people.
I imagine housing prices went trough the roof in the major planets after the war.
Clones are disposable people that nobody cares about. Imagine if the Jedi were leading a volunteer army at first, then eventually the Republic was forced to start conscripting citizens as the war dragged on. There are no consequences to a war between robots and clones.
Imagine if planets unhappy with the republic rule had actually sent troops to aid the separatists forces.
Imagine if multiple factions inside the same planets had declared war on each other, supporting different sides on the struggle for freedom of what would eventually become the galactic empire dictatorship.
Then this might not have been the only war where the population went up rather than down.
because muh 'kids know more than you think', and muh 'girls can be powerful too and we should listen to them'
In that case she was the daughter of the planetary governor, iirc.
But more to the point, given that your example is a near-human, that could be a fully grown woman.
>In that case she was the daughter of the planetary governor
Didn't heard that being mentioned.
kids are easier to manipulate and control and if your political system in corrupt enough to allow it why not put easily controlled pawns on as many positions as possible?
Her accent is pretty qt as well
The battle for umbara had next to no droids fighting against the Republic
The mon-Kalamari had a civil war
because George Lucas is about to get #metoo'd
Is that still canon?
If it happened in TCW then yes.
TCW is honestly a different case than the movies, because it tried so hard to humanize the clones and give them actual personality that the audience could care about. It turned them from mindless, faceless good guy goons (that turned bad anyways) into a group of heroic, tragic soldiers that were born only for war.
Given how common slave labor is; you could probably get trillions of young unemployed Coruscanters to drown the droids in flesh for the promise of property/a job after the war
Which is what the empire did.
Literally the best thing about the show from what I've seen of it. All clones get names even when their only role in the show is to get killed.
That sounds like it could had been interesting and raised questions about whether preserving the republic is worth it, better double down on couple million faceless flesh robots facing off against bunch of faceless metal robots led by Chinese stereotypes or prequels might actually get decent. Fucking Lucas, the worst thing is that as shit as he became he still somehow managed to be better than the Mouse.
Wait. She is underage?
She's space legal which is all that maters.
Georgie is a loli "enthusiasts".
What about Bail Organa?
If she is old enough to hold important political positions then she is old enough for the D too.
Something about the republic being corrupt and supported by a assassin organization and run by hedonists and others who sell their power, and also being divided over the xenos and cultural ties each race has in the senate to different psychotypical setups that basically all pull in different directions causing limitless conflict too large to manage or handle through the entire establishment of such a government in the first place.
It's like how Twi'lek are defined as the literal sex-slave race because the Republic saw fit to gibsmedat to them, despite them being a race of hut-dwelling primitives who had barely matured into the development of technology and the like, then the Hutts rolled in with their Hermaphrodite slug-vaginacocks and Goosh-Gooshed their collective racial holes silly, and became a race of Freedom-enthusiasts obsessed with "Muh rebellion" because they're now always having to fight against the fact that their rainbow-coloured asses are the only things keeping them relevant in the galaxy due to basically being underdeveloped.
Then there's the fucking laughable mess that is Kaysheek, holy fucking shit, enslave them all, they're not fit to manage dick with that embarrassing backwards culture and history pure slave morality at it's most cancerous height.
I a universe like Star Wars- it's 100% possible to be a space faring Sith Lord Hedonist paedophile Serial killer thanks to space-tech, a cocktail of vast mind-rape devices to employ and slavers fucking everywhere and the Force. You can't put a cork on that kind of shit in the expanse of a world of excess and magnitude of such size- so why on earth would you expect a government of hebephilia to be an abnormality?
>tfw you realize that empire probably was the only opposed because palps wasn't into lolis and tried to remove them from senate
When you think about it the Star Wars universe really is about as bad if not worst than any other futuristic dystopia.
The republican was a Moe-ocracy.
That's why it was eventually taken over by the God Emperor Mugi.
The clone janitor episode had honestly one of the most genuine scenes to come out of the star wars universe. RIP 99
TCW was a waifu goldmine
What would our world be like if we gave people power based SOLELY on how cute they are?
You say that like we don't already.
Or thess de spess Seth Efrikens?
>he finds boer accents qt
clean out that wax boyo
Well I suppose Sheev was QT as fuck
That was the gayest arc in the show, I couldn't sit through 10 minutes of it before I just ended up skipping the whole thing
I imagine some did, but they were diverted to some backass planets by Dooku because Palpatine didn't actually want a real war.
The jews.
They're trying to normalise pedophilia.
>not respecting the ancestry of a fallen people.
After the final arc of Clone Wars I realized that Mace Windu should have constant subtitles translating to "I'm full of shit"
Because good lord, he's full of shit
What do you mean, user?
It was all part of her trial ;^)
Most likely explanation.
I swear to god, Mace, you are the single biggest reason for the death of the fucking Republic.
>the only black man in space caused the downfall of society
What did Lucas mean by this?
>are you fucking serious?
Look in response to the line was glorious
>I think it is time we inform the Senate that our ability to use the force has diminished
the force is strong in my pants
Yeah absolutely, boer accent is cute.
Amen, Aayla Secura was another of my top picks.
I mean, I really hope they wouldn't make such a young girl a senator.
Given Sheev was fucking around at the time, it’s entirely possible that he manipulated some systems into choosing their senators wrong on purpose as a joke
Possibly, but I'd like to think that the Dark Lord would have been putting senators into power that we're easily swayed by credits, or already loyal to his cause or him.
I do hope.
Jar Jar Binks?
Jar Jar was canonically a teenage. Like 16 IIRC.
It's also canon that quite a few years passed between 1 and 2. It's also canon that different species mature in different ways at different rates and have different lifespans and different cultures.
That's Legends, not canon. We haven't been given an age for him for canon at this point. And he was 20 at the beginning of TPM, which itself is 10 years before the Clone Wars start.
He gave Sheev the perfect excuse to get rid of his biggest rivals to power and a sympathy story to help seal the deal on the declaration of the new order because Mace decided to be the aggressor or not do something like.
"Hey palps wars over how's about you turn them emergency powers over ok." At senate meeting.
Fucking this, the Jedi could have just done this and then either the problem is solved or Palpatine is democratically removed from office for refusing to give up his emergency powers.
I care more about Sev than for all the ugly helmet cunts in the Tantive IV
desu I care more about the fucking Battledroids and their snarky assess from TCW than any rebel scum.
>Downfall of the Republic is caused by a black man
>Not by the billions of apathetic citizens
Blow up three death stars and you still cannot get anyone to fight the fucking empire. Goddamn why bother fighting for the freedom of these useless retards?
Freedom is a spook and it's not worth fighting for when you already have security, peace and prosperity.
That would have been a weird end to Palpatine reign.
>"UNLIMITED POWER until the next legislative session."
so how come Mission wasn't a romance option?
Bioware is a shitty company who doesn't appreciate prime jailbait puss.
I really wish TOR was an offline game.
TOR is such a weird mess of a game. The LS romance route of the Sith Warrior and Jaesa is everything the Sith Inquisitor story should have been but isn't.
Constant assassinations killing off their superiors
rule34hentai, my main user
He’s also single handedly responsible for alienating Anakin, despite Obi-Wan running damage control
>Not fucking Frankie in loli form, normal form, onee-san form, AND dragon form
Fucking pleb.
He was also right thanks to Disney
>Thousand year old loli is bad
Is a 3 year old milf bad though?
Nah freedom is good, but only if the people you are giving freedom to actually care about it. Luke should have just joined Vader, made Han Solo a military leader or something, Chewey becomes king of Kashyyk, whatever. At least then they wouldn't have to deal with another galactic civil war and empire 30 years later. Seriously, the galactic governments are less stable than France during the 19th century.
Nevermind, found it with SauceNao, Yandex gave some creepy shit
That is what we call an Android Replicator
Yeah Mace's response to Anakin telling him that Palpatine is a Sith Lord is "If this is true, you will have earned my trust".
After EVERYTHING Anakin's done, you still don't trust him at this point. This after Anakin in desperation over losing Padme like he lost his mother goes to Yoda who casually says "Don't be sad that people you love die, it's fine, you should be happy they're gone and are one with the Force".
The two of them could not have picked better ways to alienate Anakin and make him feel he had no way out.