So I'm running a 40K "resurgence" campaign

So I'm running a 40K "resurgence" campaign
Emperor resurrects, but as a woman because half of the people that originally composed the big E were female shamans
How lore friendly would this be?
And what might this change about the Imperium?



Would be lore unfriendly. He is a man specifically because all, not half, of the shamans were women.

We may get female astartes since the gene seed will now be compatible with women

Also the custodes aren't going to be allowed to put their armor back on

Big E Mama?

More seriously, gender change would have little influence over the end outcome; the Imperium is fairly meritocratic. However, the end outcome would be a massive civil war of apocalyptic proportions...

>Bumping your own shitpost on page 2

>Not a single shaman was female
>51% of humans are born female
>Males die off far more frequently than males (especially during the ancient times when shamans were a thing)
this seems highly unlikely

The resurrected fem-emp could claim she is the daughter of the emp and thus his heir.

>massive civil war
Why? Between who? The emperor (empress?) is back
Godly powers, hyper intellect, charisma, halo of light, power armor, the works.

Who would deny such an event?

>However, the end outcome would be a massive civil war of apocalyptic proportions...
As is tradition.

>Who would deny such an event?
Angry sperglords hanging "no gurlz allowd" signs on their game rooms

The same people who deny taco tuesday...

>Also the custodes aren't going to be allowed to put their armor back on

Why not just say flat out "I'm the Emperor"


We would be seeing a lot more beef in the Emperor's designs rather than cheese

you should learn to read

Read again, dummy. I said ALL the shamans were female. Their initial plan was to make him female, but each one of them wanted their merged person to have her own appearance. Since they were all women, they couldn't agree on anything, each one instead settled for making all the other women lose, by merging together as a man.

The Emperor is a reality bending (not!)god that embodies the limitlessness of human potential
If the emperor wants to be a woman, he can be a woman

>Who would deny such an event?
Oh ye of little faith.

Many and varied are those who would deny the return of the Imperator.

This is not an age of reason and enlightenment, but of madness and corruption.

Heresy runs deep in the Imperium, and Choas is sure to capitalize on such a situation.
Many who are loyal to the Emperor will be blind to the fact that he has been reborn, for he will also have changed, and their small minds, normally blessed with resistance to heresy, will prevent them from accepting the truth.
And the corrupt and faithless will oppose it for their own petty ambitions.

The end result will be slaughter and suffering, as it always is.
In time, the Empress could launch another Great Crusade and establish order anew.
But first, there will undoubtedly be war.

I'm really curious.

Second great crusade?
Part 2 the electric boogaloo?
Plenty of opportunity for GW to sell more models and books

All the shamans being female seems just as unlikely as all the shamans being male

I'm ready to accept my Emprahess.

he made it up.

>The big E was composed entirely of female souls
>A team of women designed the primarchs
>Massive, hyper competent, wealthy dudes with cocks down past their knees of varying flavors of husbandos
>From Viking barbarians to gothic pretty boys
It all makes sense now...

Just because the Emperor has tits now doesn't mean the Orks magically went away
Go take a flashlight, T shirt, and die for your emperor


Why would i die for a corpse

Set aside your pride user and we will forge a Second Imperium. Together.

>And what might this change about the Imperium?
The Emps being a woman? Very little.

The Emps returning to life? A Ton, complete overhaul of the Imperium
See "Emperor text to speech" device and figure it out from there

why do you assume it's not gender related? men are 49% of the population but give 0% of births each year

>A corpse
That "corpse" sacrificed itself so you could draw breath rather than get murderfucked by daemons made of pure undiluted hatred and "CANNOT BE!"
That "corpse" built the Imperium you live in and defended humanity in its infancy.
That "corpse" is your fucking Emperor

but not only that, you are not defending a "corpse" you are defending all of humanity. Now hold the fucking line.

The second imperium will fall just like the necrontyr, eldar and the current rotting carcass created by you

This is true, men do give 0% of births
they do however provide necessary genetic material for 100% of births

The only emperor i know is Tzeentch

It's too late for this one. Commissar, you know what to do.


For Luther!!!!


So you want to send Slaaneshi furries against me you corpse

Your soul will be tasty.

I hope that wasn't meant to be a contest argument :(

So which Primarch does mommy lust after the most?


Ask marvel how turning neckbeard idols female works out for their bottom line.

Before i run i will introduce to you my friends

See, when you say it that way it sounds disgusting

Arn't all humans both made up of male and female on the genetic level? For the first couple weeks in the womb, all humans are female until the chromosomes take effect. one sexy culexus assassin

The emperor is literally rotting on a throne. He's not Thor.

I brought friends too.

>How lore friendly would this be?
You now, regular heresy stuff. Not EXTREME HERESY, but heresy nevertheless.
Wait till they come knocking on your door. Good luck.

Totally different story here
In the marvel comic books the "superheros" kept going on tangents about how women are better than men and how white people are evil.

Big E has no time or patience for identity politics, so long as you are of the holy human form, you are good. Hell, even some mutants and ab humans get a pass because their actions make them worthy despite their corrupted forms.

If Big E woke up from his coma as a woman she'd probably be like "Oh well, business as usual, time to see what state my glorious secular humanist Imperium is in"

Then she would spend the next month grinding her teeth and banging her head against a wall

>Gay Knights take a bow
>but not the Ultrasmurf

Really activates the almonds

I already escaped into the webway


You won't get far. I have my best men on your trail.

Deathwatch reporting for duty! Another webway incursion? Must be Tuesday already.

>Ultrasmurf staring at dat ass
The Chad Ultra Marine vs The Virgin Gray Knight

i brought more friends for you to play with and tell Azrael and Asmodai that they will never beat the Fallen

>Ultrasmurf staring at dat ass
I mean...would you not?

>Not bowing before big and staring at the ass, man or woman

Save some for me brothers. We'll make quick work of these scum.

>Emperor resurrects, but as a woman
Empress vs Slanesh Bitch fight of the century, GO!

Emperor wins
The chaos gods couldn't handle E, so they had to attack him with his own sons
Hell hath no fury...

Fools you are secretly been empowered by a dark entity more powerful than the chaos gods and the Emperor and its called................ Matt Ward

We are pure enough to use Matt Ward without being corrupted user. Trust us.

Then you are secretly chaos daemons known as......Mary Sues

You know our terrible secret then... another reason why you can't survive this battle...

Why don't we have an Emperor AND an Empress (who was some perpetual chick who also got real powerful too)?

And then they can go make their own Golden Age superhuman race to help humanity better hold the line against the metric shitload of enemies trying to kill them.

Codex: Perpetuals soon with hundreds of mary sue demigod primarch-level and higher warriors along with super Golden Age war machines that would better fit on epic or battlefleet gothic than tabletop 40k

Femperor seems more interesting
Perpetuals were a mistake

I will win this battle for i will summon a chaos mary sue from another reality and his title is the Everchosen

The thought thousands upon thousands of 40k fanboys buttcheeks clenched in anger makes me so happy, I give you my blessing. Sally forth, my son, and make them upset.

*sneaks up behind up*

Pssh... nothin personnel... kid...

Their agony is truly tasty

So the ultra sue has finally ended my life....... MY DEATH WILL BE MY ASCENSION

Your ascension has long been foretold... so we bought some insurance... quickly deploy the Tesseract Labyrinth!

Can someone call Lucius?

Fuck you. Stop giving GW ideas on how to ruin WH40K as they did with fantasy.

This is some solid cringe

This doesn't make sense though, as there should be at least one black primarch (actually, realistically all of them should be black).

Vulkan doesn't count btw, they retconned him to be basically Caucasians with pitch-black skin and red eyes.

>That "corpse" built the Imperium you live in
If you call this living, fuckstck.

>Males die off far more frequently than males
You ok, pal?

The Imperium is made significantly less cool when you realize the Emperor was basically a fedora tipper.

Chaos is just superior in every way.

More reasons to let the tyranids consume us all

So many traitors.


The Imperium sucks from every perspective. They couldn't even get its dystopian nature right, they had to shove in LGBT and women's liberation and all this shit. Why would a totalitarian ultra-conservative regime allow women to be on the frontlines instead of popping out more babies for the fight, or allow gays to screw each other with no chance of reproduction, strengthening Slaanesh in the process?

At least Chaos' lore makes sense. The Imperium doesn't even make sense.

That's enough out you traitor! Gag him sergeant!

>Why would a totalitarian ultra-conservative regime allow women to be on the frontlines instead of popping out more babies for the fight

Because 'People' is the one resource the Imperium has no shortage of?

Don't get me wrong, I used to be a diehard Imperial fanboy as well, but GW ruined it. Now female Space Marines will be next and herald the final nail in the coffin for the Imperium.

If the Imperium has no shortage of people then why use female fighters? Why not use males only as pretty much every society has historically? They are fitter, stronger, and more capable in war.

If the guardsman is barely worth the flak armor and lasgun he is given, why would you assign it to a person who would be even worse than the average grunt?

Especially given the amount of melee combat that seems to go on in the WH40K universe, which makes female fighters even more ridiculously implausible.

True. The lasgun a guardsman carries is worth more than him. Plus, mixed gender forces let stranded troops colonize their surroundings. Gotta spread humanity ya know.

*BLAMs user* Hanging is too good for these scum.

>but GW ruined it.

SOB have existed since 2nd edition. By that logic it's been 'ruined' for basically it's entire lifetime.

I sort of agree with this heretic. In my opinion the Sisters of Battle should reproduce more overpowered babies.

>If the guardsman is barely worth the flak armor and lasgun he is given, why would you assign it to a person who would be even worse than the average grunt?

Because the difference is negligible when you are comparing 'male human vs female human' with 'human(either gender) vs ork/eldar/nid'


Tanks and artillery are the real killers of the Imperial Guard.

The SoB are a stupid idea but at least they were contained as an "all-female" order and segregated to their own thing. They didn't show up in most stories and they could be seen as a novelty. They were also supposed to be pretty rare like SM so I could ignore them.

But now we have female Guardsmen popping up everywhere and women being shoved into every unlikely profession. And probably female Space Marines next too. I can't hold my suspension of disbelief anymore.

Even so a male guardsman would still be more valuable when it comes to carrying more ammo, bigger combat loads, heavier body armor, etc. Even if it was just hauling munitions like shells around, he would still be more valuable.

There's no reason why an IG regiment would compromise its fighting effectiveness by using women if there's an infinite supply of men, when they are already getting their shit pushed in and going up against superhuman opponents. They're going to want the best they got.

Plus you have to remember IG are the top 10% of the PDF, they're not just any average Joe. So it should be even less likely they would take females as such.