"And this is our son's room; he's quite the little investor!"

"And this is our son's room; he's quite the little investor!"

Other urls found in this thread:



Mom, dad, i'm masturbating, do not disturb me!







Yes... we caught him masturbating to a graph? I don't think he likes girls...

I'm not sure why this is supposed to be sad


>not fapping to your graphs on one monitor and gay shotacon hentai on the other

ur supposed to relate

on my 20th I was getting hammerd with friends and got raunchy b day sex from my gf at the time.

shota fags deserved to get necked.



It seemed sad to me when I was younger but now that I'm older I don't think its a big deal. They're only 20. A lot of 20 year olds live at home and don't know wtf to do with their lives.

Why are you on this website



kek that's literally me on metatrader4

I would murder my son if he degraded to this level.

Dont worry he’ll be out for dinner

well yeah that's how most guys spend their 2Xth birthday, maybe some drugs too for extra good tiem

that fucking mousepad



I would rather hang out with him than the normalfags in this thread

h-h-h-hi guys

I can't believe YTMND still exists.





You don't get it man.

>Be hardworking father
>Try to give son best life he can live so that he can follow his dreams and accomplish something
>He goes and uses your credit card to buy $200 figurines and plasters his entire room with samey looking art
>The shame you have every time when some of your friends ask about your son
>The forced birthdays, holidays where your son wants to stay in his room but you have to force him out even though you could barely bother yourself, but it's still your son so you are forced to.

Putting him out of his misery would be easier.


this website is not as obscure as you people think it is. Veeky Forums comes up when you search for health related tips, and Veeky Forums comes up on google when searching for crypto info.



They're tailored search results, you retard



Most people who end up like this don't have father figures. And for most of them its an escape from some kind of trauma early in life. Anime is a happy sunshine filled fantasy compared to the pain and filth of real life. I'm not saying its healthy, but it is what it is. It's a shame that most people can't look past a quirky hobby and see who somebody really is.

That is why we need to tell them to fuck off not high five them for blogging about drugs and having sex like some kind of frat club. Normalfags are cancer that will ruin the board/site but you're all too concerned with fitting in with the cool kids to tell them to fuck off.

Does this still require flash?

4 chan gets like 20m visors monthly. That is huge. You're not unique or edgy. You're status quo


Told ya pops to keep your hands off that door knob. Static is messing with my nano sec flash trading bots.

techcrunch.com/2011/05/25/Veeky Forums-has-18m-uniques-a-month-but-canvas-participation-is-optional/
>2011 - it has only gone up since. You're not special, this website is not a secret by any means


Hello Vitalik


What makes it sad to me besides the nofriends LOL it's that it looks like he's forced to be there for the cake, like he'd rather be alone. And yes, I'm probably projecting.

Veeky Forums is ranked 84,610 globally and 27,839 in the United States. It's not as big as you think it is. Fucking Korean 'Veeky Forums' has like 100x the traffic we do.

>Uses the tomorrow theme on biz with dark themed trading charts.
are you me?


Fucking kek

you're a good man

you were looking at Veeky Forums.com bud its .org fyi

Jesus, Alexa is so dumb for bringing that up first. That was legitimately my bad. Still though, just because the site has high traffic doesn't mean we shouldn't have standards.


So fucking true

what standards?

do you have to be a certain amount of degenerate to browse Veeky Forums?

gtfo, busy MOM!

>pee pee poo poo cans


How long until we start making websites a historical attraction like we do buildings?

>tfw know people like this

Forced anything is why I don't want kids. I can't imagine actually caring and would hate all the responsibility.

Anyone who doesn't use Tomorrow theme is a pleb.

Pink Wojacks are getting as obscure as merchants and I love it.

Someone shop a pink wojak peeking behind the door


You'd be surprised. Its wonderful, really, as long as you have a good wife.

>having kids
>"it's wonderful"


There is no such thing as a good wife in the year 2018.