Of note, Tyranids and Necrons in action, some Mechanicus, a fuck load of ships, and the one and only Phalanx.
Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 new trailer
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh fuck, this is a really good behind the scenes peak. You can tell the team actually gives a shit about the setting and knows their shit.
>two sets of dubs, and trips for khorne
This makes my ramming prow fully energised.
Hopefully the multiple campaigns will be of similar quality to the original game's. Maybe not in length, sure, but if they're getting to take the new fluff out for a spin they better put it to good use.
doesn't this belong on /v/?
>implying Veeky Forums isn't /40k/
Try again, newfriend
Wonder how they'll handle the plot for this one. The first game was about a well-documented event from 40k lore, but you could still go off-script by refusing to ally with the Eldar and so on. With the ongoing lore do you think they were given a sealed envelope by GW telling them what plot to follow, or can they do their own thing with the expectation that GW will just make it all non-canon down the line?
They better not fuck it like they did the first one. I cant say im exactly optimistic yet.
This game has clearly been in development for awhile, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they stopped giving a shit about the first one because they were already working on the second one behind the scenes and planned to just make this one better in every way.
Can anyone post the GIFs and Webms of the warp-tier bugs?
Been having a blast with the first, what's your issue with it?
Thats kinda what turned me off the game t b h, the fact that it felt abandoned cause they had something else in the works. The utterly mismanaged multiplayer (imo, especially after their tournament) didnt help things either, i was always hoping for 3v3 or 4v4 or 2v2 with bigger points limits.
Hope, in this case, was the first step on the road to disappointment. If nothing else, im not gonna order this one early like i did the first.
Fuck, the first game still doesnt feel finished to me somehow, i just havent ever been able to put a finger on it.
Honestly, I'm mostly excited for the new artwork. The first one had some great illustrations, and a mechanicus fleet means a set of mechanicus portraits.
Anyone who has played the first game, how accurate to the playstyles of the tabletop was it? Im trying not to get too hype if they just make nids fucking suck or not play the way theyre supposed to.
It was a very good attempt at matching the tabletop, which is actually a problem. Necrons are absolute bullshit-tier in the tabletop, I have no idea how they plan on balancing them without departing entirely from the tabletop.
I'm conflicted.
On one hand I'm happy to see the Tau Merchant Fleet get in here, as I'd always wanted to see them in a game, but on the other I'm dismayed at how retro the game models look in comparison to the 70s "used future" vibe that the tabletop models had, complete with greebling. Which is part of why I liked them so much in the first place.
I assume they'll try and keep the playstyle the same, while reigning in the power of each individual ship. Either that or make Necron ships very expensive, so they're each absurdly powerful but you're unlikely to have more than two and a few Escorts.
As long as they fix it so it doesn't kill my graphics and die every 10 minutes I will be happy. Why can't frogs optimize their shit?
The fact that they started one interview with "but first, let's say prayer to the Emperor" filled me with glee.
There's always recruitment cost, though playing 1v8 for the necron player isn't gonna be much fun either.
So, is it a completely separate fleet or a complement one? I find it odd how the Tau has to fleet and the only difference between them is that one is better than the other and has different aesthetics.
No idea, if they go with how it was in the OG game then probably seperate ones. Way it worked was that the Merchant Fleet came out first, under GW, representing the Tau's first stumblings into widespread space travel and what they had during the Damocles Crusade. That was why they weren't very good.
The Protection Fleet (which we saw in the first game) was supposed to be what they built *after* the Damocles Crusade, when they realized that they needed to shape up big-time if they were gonna survive. Forge World made those.
Where do the ally races fit in? In the first game the Demiurgs are part of the Tau fleets, I don't know how it is in the tabletop since I haven't played that.
Yeah, they were in it from the start, as were the Nicassar (albeit only as escort ships), and the Kroot (in their big warspheres).
Its an entirely different fleet, and the one which stans for the vast majority of tau ships I might add.
Put simply the merchant fleet is a retrofitted set of ships relying almost exclusively on swarming space with missile salvos and strike craft (IE, thing you can put in cargo holds and vomit into space)
where basically every angle except for "dead ahead" is a dead one in terms of firepower and they give the eldar a run for the money in terms of hull integrity and get massive penalties in boarding actions.
The warfleet revamps this, strenghtening the hulls of ships, giving them more and better access to prow shields, the doctrine of forward facing firepower remains but its more split up into left/front and front/right batteries.
The emphasis on strike craft and missiles is still there, but now accompanied by accurate long range fire and quite excellent escort ships as well as the ability to maneuver and trade shots to a degree.
Not that user, but my issue with it is that I can't play it, they patched it one day and it hasn't worked for me since.
I thought the Imperium had an uneasy alliance with the pointy eared gits during the gothic war in the original lore? Hell before it was retconned Eldrad sacrificed himself to bring down a blackstone fortress
Yep, the campaign lets you choose whether to ally with the knife ears or kill them all and blow up their gateway for good measure.
check out the rest of their stuff user, Focus and Tidalos may not be perfect game dev's but you can tell they always put their heart into what ever they make.
Did I see a kroot warsphere in there?
They're in the first game too
Huh, I completely forgot that existed.
Yes you do. I got a brief boner because of it, too.
Interview says 12 playable factions, so that would be...
1: Imperial Navy
2: Orks
3: Eldar
4: Chaos
5: Space Marines
6: Tau
7: Dark Eldar
8: Ad Mech
9: Nids
10: Necrons
11: ???
12: ???
Corsair Eldar
Craftworld Eldar
Merchant Tau fleet
Defensive Tau Fleet
2018 looks like a good year for WH games.
I still buy them all because I'm a unrepentant fanboi, but better to have some actually good games.
Do harlequins have a fleet?
and none of that is looking to be DLC
Dark mechanicus and Ynnari?
this user got it
Wouldnt a ship shaped like a triangle be the best shit? Then all guns could point forward, still have decent broadsides and a sharp point for ramming.
Goddamn starwars empire wins again.
>implying you want sharpness when ramming a giant hunk of metal
Wait a fucking second Adeptus Mechanicus fleet? IM FUCKIN SOLD.
We never get fucking featured. The hype is fucking real I don't even care if we're shit I want that artwork and design.
>Tfw no Iron Warriors ship that looks metal as fuck and is free of stupid chaos tentacles/growths
Feels bad man
Por que no los dos?
Existed on TT aswell. Ark Mechanicus was fuckin boss.
I just can't wait for walls of torpedoes and broadsides.
Yeah I know a little about he old school BFG but still man I'm hype for anything. I mean is SM are getting a Gloriana then maybe an Ark Mechanicus isnt out of the question?
Man I hope they make the Nids as deadly in boarding actions in this game as they were on the tabletop. They were nearly 3x as strong as every other races ships in the same weight class, they could kill cruisers with escorts and battleships with cruisers without breaking a sweat and hive ships were the literal last word in melee, if they caught you don't even fucking roll just delete your model. Shit was so cash.
I liked the original.
Albeit, I wish ranges were longer and ships felt more heavy with the larger ones, and they can't turn as well.
So how do other factions that are based on boarding fight that?
Also: iirc, Nurgle still auto-beat that? (Since mark of nurgle made boarding actions impossible against them)
It's less a sharp point and more a wedge in the case of star destroyers.
Could someone who was familiar with the old tabletop game list out the strengths/weaknesses for all the factions? I've heard that Necrons were just OP but worth more points for killing to balance it, but yeah a rundown of all the factions would be great.
From what I've played:
Imperial = Nova Cannon and Torps
Chaos = Bombers
Eldar = Torps and high speed
That's the strengths
>So how do other factions that are based on boarding fight that?
You don't, no other faction is as based on boarding as nids. You CAN beat them in boarding actions if you gang up on them or cripple them first but that's like trying to beat genestealers with assault marines, just don't.
I never played against Nurgle but I imagine while that would be annoying, Tyranids can still gun them down if they brought a balanced fleet.
>they went full retard and make sekrit iron men fleets
wat do?
Don't be retarded, the full faction list has been posted since day 1 and the studio actually cares about being true to lore, they're not going to take liberties and invent some asspull fleet like that which never existed in the fucking game or has even been hinted at anywhere
More gameplay footage w h e n
I'm guessing Tau merchant fleet and kor'vatra (navy) will be separate fleets, like they were in the tabletop game, and there's a good chanse Craftworld Eldar will have their own fleet as well (the standard BFG Eldar fleet, which was in the first game, is actually Eldar Corsairs. CWE had their own ships, with completely different appearance and somewhat higher durability but slightly slower movement).
Both of these things are confirmed, yes.
The Tau Merchant Fleet is the first fleet the Tau had during the First and Second sphere expansions against Orks and Nicassaur. They did pretty well, but ran into trouble against the faster, better shielded, and more heavily armed Ork ships. This lead to the development of better drives, escorts, and Orca gunships to defend against strike craft. So far, so good.
Then Damocles-Gulf-1 happened, and they got a taste of a full Imperial Battlefleet. After the Imperium pulled out to go fight Behemoth, Hive Fleet Gorgon (a splinter of Behemoth) appeared and blitzed the eastern edge of Tau space, eating everything. Gorgon also managed to wake some Necrons ships from a tomb on a moon of Ka'mais, who blew up a number of Gorgon ships without apparent effort, slaughtered an the entire planet of Tau, and then all fucked off to who knows where.
This all lead to the Tau realising they were horribly behind in terms of ship power and fleet strength, and investing the best of their resources and tech in building a much expanded and powerful navy. The results of this investment was first used during the Third Sphere expansion, and is the fleet you can play in Armada.
I know Orks main niche is ramming enemies. How did they fair against the Tyranid fleets?
Poorly if you tried that, getting close to the kings boarding doesn't end well.
I predict that xenos players will still find a reason to complain.
The ramming itself can be effective, Tyranid ships have below average hull points (although they can upgrade them to above average if they spend the points) and average armour, spores make good shields but don't matter for ramming and none of their boarding advantages matter vs a ram attack either. Also many of them tend to be poorly maneuverable which means if you ram at the right angle it will be hard for them to swing around and board you afterwards.
All that said, you first have to get close enough to initiate a ram and then not get completely torn apart by their disgusting short-range firepower, overwhelmed by their smaller more maneuverable craft like Krakens, or drowned in Ordnance. You might ram through a Cruiser and kill it, and then end up in a compromised position due to being unable to turn or go less than max speed when ramming, and get completely swarmed and torn apart by the wave behind it afterwards.
It should be noted any ship an Ork Warboss is on gets double their boarding value, plus the normal +1 mod Orks get racially, which means those particular ships actually have a chance to go toe-to-toe with Tyranids in boarding actions if they don't get ganged up on.
Ohhh, i just oiled my robes...
How long till they reveal when they release it?
So far it's just "2018," if I had to guess it'll probably be sometime in the fall or winter.
>takes place in Gathering Storm and the 13th Black Crusade, that will serve as the canvas for several, extensive and dynamic campaigns.
Dark Crusade style campaign?
If all the races are present at launch, what is the possible content for DLCs?
NPC challengers like the Rak'Gol and Fra'al, an extra campaign (e.g. the Macharian crusade), "firefight" mode against waves of NPC enemies (Armageddon?), custom map builder GUI
>Dark Crusade style campaign?
I hope not. Better to have 2-3 well made campaigns that that mess
These are the ones I actually played with or against.
+Good long range fire power, fast, can bring fighters very cheaply, lots of ship customization options compared to many races
-Firepower doesn't scale with range in many cases, meaning you're outgunned up close with many ships, less durable than Imperium ships
+Good armor, ramming prows, frontal torpedoes on virtually everything, nova cannons depending on which rule set you're playing, very versatile ship options
-Relatively slow, bad firing angles, doesn't excel at one thing no other race can contest, can have LD problems with all the reload checks the torpedoes can force you to take
+Fast, second movement phase, best torps, best fighters, holofields, best lances
-No armor, movement depends on the ships alignment, relatively expensive ships
+Relatively fast, good armor on all sides, thunderhawks, excellent at boarding, bombardment cannons, good LD
-Expensive ships, very few ship choices, pretty bad at ranged combat
But this isn't about a tabletop game, it's about a video game.
>Dark Eldar
+Could start in stealth/hidden/unpredictable deployment, amazing boarding actions (if you rammed you did a boarding action and gained victory points), great fighter squadrons, Better holofields (shadowfields)
-Give the Cosairs a run for their money in squishyness, all their ships are small (cruiser and battle cruiser is the largest), Can't take any shots before becoming a moving fireball.
So how are the cogboys gonna be balanced?
Aren't all of their ships supposed to be custom made for shitting on anyone and anything that comes into weapons range with DaOt tech?
Also same question for what is apparently maccrage's honour,a gloriana(ships specifically made to be a primarch's pimp-ride)class rape machine that is apparently 26 fucking kilometers of nothing but armour and ceramite
I'm guessing the super powerful, one-of-a-kind ships like the Maccrage, an Ark Mechanicus or the Phalanx (confirmed to be in the game) won't be playable in multiplayer but will probably make an appearance in the singleplayer. Kind of like how an Ork Rokk was a boss battle in the first game's SP campaign.
So you mean an elite, amazing Very Expensive force can't be brought down by a bunch of far cheaper shit that plans to blow itself up by crashing into you and blows up.
Apparently they will work like orks. You buy the weapons you want.
No, in bfg tt they're a slightly modified imperial fleet that costs more but gets a long range lance on most ships and worse boarsing values. That doesn't really line up with current 40k fluff, so who knows.
more campaign content? more ships for the factions in the game?
Horus Heresy campaign?
Wouldn't put money on it, but it *would* be cool to take the Tribune for a spin at the Battle of Phall.
Or, tell you what, a Great Crusade campaign. Smashing the myriad xenos races and noncompliant humans with huge fleets of suped-up ships.
Either take this to /v/ or keep in your 40k general containment thread
Id pay for that.
Were there notable space battles in the great crusade? I was under the impression that the Imperium didn't really encounter a lot of proper space-faring civilizations besides the Eldar and the orks.
It was primarily designed as a multiplayer game and the multiplayer was horribly balanced, unstable, unfinished garbage that got dramatically worse each time they tried to "fix" it.
Imperial=Jack of all trades who get outplayed if you take some faction and play their strength up to the eleven, aka just play normally with them.
Chaos=Not as much dakka at close range as imps.
Eldar=Their ship armor is made out of wet rice paper and a decent ram from a fregate can blow one up
I think Gee Dubs and Focus Interactive might make a great pair. Maybe Game Workshops is gonna make a big comeback.
I'm so disappointed that Eugen Systems (the devs behind the Wargame trilogy) left Focus, them making a W40k Apocalypse video game adaptation would have been amazing.
It's almost like it used to be with star wars games.
>newfaggotry is real
Commander Keen rules, dummies.
Any game with sufficient depth of lore as to be a rpg setting, or games based on noted Veeky Forums property, have always been allowed on Veeky Forums because /v/ is, was, and always will be too shit to do so.
It's why BFG was talked about, Space Marine/Deathwing/Space Hulk has threads, Fallout regularly has threads, Elder Scrolls almost always has a general up.
Now kindly lurk more before you display how little you know about the damn board again.
All 12 fleets are listed in description of first trailer retard.
Do not trust this man, he does not know what he is talking about.
heavily, heavily, armed ships. They have the range, they have the firepower and most of them are very good at focusing a lot of guns into *one* broadside. Excellent access to various strike craft (including boarding pods) but lack front armour, torpedoes and escorts worth a damn.
Various marks are neat but way to expensive to be worth it 90% of the time.
Formation fighters, they have most of their weapons split into three arcs (Broadsides and frontal torpedoes/Nova cannons) which means you want to use the armoured prows to get into the enemy formation and blast them apart. Excellent torpedo spreads and escorts. Cruisers tend to under perform in one-to-one duels but excel in a fleet setting.
Strike craft are comparatively rare and boarding pods very rare, the workhorses are also on the lower range spectrum.
>Eldar corsairs (That's the normal Eldar list)
Absolutely broken if you roll a lot of terrain or didn't bring long range batteries, absolutely dead if you did not. Capitol ships are crippled by a plethora of negative rules. Escorts are some of the most terrifying glass cannons imaginable, very maneuverable with 2 movement phases a turn (Move-shoot-move).
Undergunned, over armoured. I love how the marines are designed. The basic strike cruiser is a light cruiser (think Dauntless) but with less guns. They are all carries and very maneuverable however and excel at boarding/boarding pods and out maneuvering and outlasting the enemy.
The battle barges are massive sledgehammers who suffer greatly from being the only ship unable to maneuver out of the enemies guns.
I can do other factions if you like.
Ah what? But Wargames was awesome.
>WH40k Apocalypse adaption to Wargame
>instead of countries, you get entire regions of planets
>massive faction wars
All I hope is the terrain isn't just one biome per planet.
There's a huge one that the Iron Hands and the Emperor's Children fought against this space-fairing culture called the Diasporex. First one I can think of.
Galaxy's a big place and the imperium conquered a lot of it. Plenty of room for minor xenos empires.
I'm trying to remember now, were there any actual space fights against the Diasporex? The Lunar Wolves made first contact with the Diasporex after fighting with the mecharachnids on Murder, Horus and friends were invited to the Diasporex homeworld where they were tricked into attacking their hosts and wiping them out.
Get the voice actors from TTS to do their roles and I will pay top dollar for that.