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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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How many weapons on your person vs how many do you keep in storage?
No limits, but when you're doing it, you're basically overinflating a balloon to stretch the volume of it's inside with the same amount of 'spatial material'. Too much expansion in a given space puts undue stress, making it more difficult to expand the space further unless you take the time to reinforce it. This then makes the space more resisitive against your attempts to expand it and repeat ad nauseum.
With smaller spaces such as Hermionie's purse, the limits become looser, to the point that you can get significant expansion out of them. The same spatial material properties also make it difficult to just store them inside each other. Trying to push one purse inside another, for example, would create a lot of resistance as the expanded space bubbles are forced against each other unless one was significantly smaller than the other. A mostly empty room, for example, would not have much space taken up by an expanded pure being brought in.
Applied practically, your average room can only be expanded roughly five times it's original dimensions in any direction before starting to encounter this resistance. With small objects, that practical limit expands to thirty to fifty times, depending on the size of the container.
So Im gonna start a nice little restraunt or inn, anyone have suggestions for jumps where I could get one to follow me? Possibly as a warehouse attachment?
>How many weapons on your person vs how many do you keep in storage?
Edgy chuuni answer: I am a weapon!
Serious answer: a full arsenal, enough to supply an army. I keep them all in xianxia storage rings.
I wish I could stay and do jumpchain things all day.
But I have to go to work.
2 vs at least 50
Do not be sad jester man. Work day will end, make a build and use it all day then come here and writefag it for us. Happy work day!
Ah, thank you for your position on the subject. I'm going to repeat the question in this thread in the hopes that I receive an array of perspectives.
For those of you who don't apply a 'No Limits' ruling on Harry Potter expansion charms, by how much can you increase the volume and/or area of a given space with the spell? What's your "head canon" on its limits?
dragonlance has an inn for 200 cp, but im not sure if it can be a warehouse attachment.
we have a couple warehouse attached bars, give me a moment to look through stuff.
Increase each dimension by a factor equal to the caster's relative skill level (that includes Magery, I think?) with the spell, divided by 10.
The answer to both is enough.
So, which impulse would be stronger to be a god of, love or lust?
For the sake of your own medical health, leave and stay gone.
Well...lust probably gets you a quicker fix, but love a more enduring source to draw from.
Love, easy. Though if you have the option, taking both is always better since they're very easy to link and benefit from both at once.
Oblivion Bar from DC Occult which also has 'several other rooms connected to the main one as well that you are welcome to decide the purpose of.' (400 cp Dabbler discount)
Seems like the best option so far, but I am sure we have more. The problem we have plenty of inns/taverns but I keep running into is that most Inns/Taverns are not warehouse attachments.
Devotion vs impulse; one is more powerful on the long term and one is more powerful in the moment.
Depends on the time scale, imho. Lust hits fast and hard, stoking torrid affairs and driving people beyond reason. Love is the slower burn, but far more effective given the time to build, tying people more closely than any other force. In other words, .
I think that would depend on the world you're in. Love is harder to access, but more enduring, a universal cohesive factor to many functional societies and rare, intense instances of it can change civilisations. Lust is more widely available and often more intense, but also much more short lived. Bear in mind that while both exist in the abstract across many different areas, love is the one humans are most likely to admit as their motivation while lust is easier to sustain and also extends to more nonsapients.
In general, I think, a more peaceful world would be to the advantage of a love god. I'm not saying either is inherently better though, people talk up lust as being much more common but most sapient species need love of some sort to maintain a family structure and consistent reproduction.
You know, I actually did a writeup of how he keeps all of them on him at once, but I seem to have lost the notecard...
Going from memory, pistol focused jumper, which means a lot of guns for various threats and situations, with the added benefit of being able to keep most of them on his person without needing to use too much fuckery. There's the GBE, the Portable Particle Accelerator, Smart pistol and EMG pistol. Hidden inside his cybernetic arm is a pet project from Fate, which is a liquid metal "It's not a lightsaber!" sword plus an outright mundane knife for shanking.
That's the outright maximum he can keep on him without any additional gear for the weight and looking too suspicious. He's got no warehouse, though, so his other gear has to be able to fit in a space roughly the size of a wardrobe and be near him to come from place to place. In that case, he's got... two. A pretty standard semi-auto rifle and a HF Blade.
Jumpers, tell me about your harems
Love. It has more forms of expression than lust. Which is not to say that lust is a bad way to go if love isn't available. If you have to choose either or though, go for love. It's a stronger motivator.
I don't have one, being a Christian Jumper
I'm single.
On my person none, in easily accessible pocket dimensions nigh infinite. I can literally spray star wars battle droids like a firehose.
>like a firehose
...from which end? This is important.
Harems are bad and lead to jealousy and resentment.
Don't really have one.
Though I suppose if we're going by size Gwynevere probably counts as...
>Gwyndolin and Yorshka peak into the room.
-actually, I take that back. I have no idea where I was going with that.
...what? I like living.
Depends on the god. Myself, my godjumpers strongest impulse is love for his people and a want to safeguard them, particularly they children.
Bancho please leave and dont come back till your therapist oks it.
Repost DCEU jump pls?
I have no harem. I dont even have a companion.
Sure. An update too while I'm at it.
Minor stuff again. Spelling mistakes, clearing up a few things like how cyborgy a cyborg cyborgs and that superman resurrections are once per jump.
Thought I'd post this for now. The novel is ending in about 6 days, so very little more will be added after this other than a few minor details about the relative strength of Dou Di cultivators. Changes and new info are marked in red text. I may also add one or two images, if I can find some good ones.
Someone was working on the Isekai restaurant jump a while back but I can't remember who, or if they gave up. Other than that, Food Wars has a restaurant that will travel jumps with you. Not a warehouse attachment though.
They gave it up and said others can take a shot at finishing it. They started to have problems irl I believe they said.
Also, I know the formatting/layout could use a bit of work but I'm waiting till I've finished before I do a final format check.
Now the fateful question arises:
Who is the best waifu in the DCEU? And what about best husbando?
Did I travel to an alternate /jc/? When did Harems fell out off fashion?
Well, if you equate Lust with Desire, I think it's a more primal emotion than Love. Love is usually a better choice in many universes that are run by tropes, though.
I'm not necessarily against a harem, but most harems have been memes as far as I know. Justice is the only one I know of who legitimately tries for one and to justify it.
As for why I don't have one, well... I said that I was single, not that I wasn't looking for love.
Does weird polyamory count as a harem? My Jumper has companion with benefits but no dedicated courtesans.
Dunno. Not the best to ask for either question already but most of the female or male characters already are in romantic relationships or are pining after someone else or are clearly set up for future relationships in future movies.
So you gotta be fine with that stuff first I guess? But there's loads of pretty ladies and handsome men, often both being strong and talented as well.
>When did Harems fell out off fashion?
Millennia ago in most places, centuries in some others I'm sure. As soon as we began building civilisations and needed a great percentage of the population to give a damn about the future of their fledgling societies.
I can kind of understand polyamory, but the idea of one person being the sole dedicated love interest of a dozen people is just boring to me.
That and it really feels once you've read one harem story you've read them all. Occasionally you see a weird one, but even then they seem to hit the same beats.
Admittedly I am sex repulsed in real life and most harems are hardly asexual so I am fairly biased.
Anyone have a wip? I have seen the entire show and read all the translated chapters. Turns out mc owner of the restaurant id the son of the other worlds hero who was lost when she defeated the demon king.
I just dont feel lile I can have more than one person to care for like that, if I did neither of them would have my full attention like they deserve.
It's mostly my own demons
Is there a list of the people-fusion perks?
Not that I know of. I do know that Tetsuwan Birdy has one that lets two people fuse, but that's the only one I know.
>How many weapons on your person vs how many do you keep in storage?
I've got three weapons "on my person". Though it's really just that I have three in easy-access storage to be called to hand with a thought. A set of handguns, and my everywhere-imported spear.
And in storage... well, I've got enough to supply an army. Not counting extended storage, like on my world-ships and nations. Because that probably numbers into the hundreds of millions, but isn't really for personal use or handing out.
There's the one in VA-11 HALL-A? It's pretty nice.
What should I say? I've got one... It's mostly former Sisters of Battle, by numbers? Haven't really counted though, so I can't say if they're half or a third of them.
But I tend to pick up random villainesses?
Does anyone know of some perks aside from the one in Creepypasta that lets you be bigger on the inside so you can stuff more upgrades in?
Undertale actually has a perk for that. Pretty sure it's in the Scientist perk tree.
Hey Val, if you're a Legendary Hero and heal someone, does that mean they can never be hurt again?
I'd say it's more like they can't ever be hurt by what you specifically healed them from, like how injuring someone doesn't stop any injuries they have from healing, just the one you dealt.
1.RWBY and megas xlr both have bigger on the inside technology on offer
2. Get a mechanical pod alternate form in eclipse phase or any other robot body.
3. Get the skills to safely modify said body
4. Modify body to be bigger on the inside
It'd probably be down to how able the user is.
What immortality methods work on full body destruction? Lost Odyssey has one, but it doesn't count unless you already had another.
You shouldn't be posting here, listen to your psychiatrist.
Can Legendary Hero ever grow stronger on its own, or do you need another perk for that?
I always feel really guilty asking stuff because you get a lot of questions and still take the time to answer them. I just want to reiterate that you are appreciated.
I...honestly don't know how it could get any stronger, aside from the physical buffs growing. You could still work out I guess.
It makes me very happy to hear that from you user, it does mean quite a bit to me to hear it said.
Avalon the EX NP, sort of. Because it conceptually displaces your body into fairyland, where it's impossible to get hurt or something. It takes a decisive blow to the heart or brain (because that's where your Nasu soul is metaphysically centered, apparently) to take you down. And it covers multidimensional interference up to the 6th dimension, so don't mess around with the anthropomorphic personifications of the Discworld I guess?
You know, this question made me look up how many times has Superman died. A quick search reveals that comic line is 80 years old, but he had died at least 7 times. And that's just the official ones, none of the "what if" comics which would push it to the teens.
Not saying anything about the perk. I just found it funny how it was so close to being "1 revive per 10 years" for the comics. Also, I want to point out that superman has died almost as much as Goku and Krillin have COMBINED.
>aside from the physical buffs growing. You could still work out I guess
That's actually what I meant by "grow stronger," since pumping iron doesn't seem like it would help with the more esoteric aspects. Thanks.
Zombie in SDS. Dies Irae has one. Beautiful Blood in Tsukihime, and maybe Akasha.
Hah! That's a pretty cool coincidence.
To be fair though, Superman has gotten a lot more screen time then both combined. Probably even with just comics and excluding all the other media formats.
In hindsight that perk should've been called Serpent of Jumpchain, Akasha is the eternal record in the Root and Modern Roa's much scrubbier than that would entail.
I kinda want to go Animal Hybrid, but fuck looking as stupid as this version of Killer Croc.
Could I pick extinct animals, or is it just animals alive now? Being a Dinosaur-Kryptonian hybrid seems like it'd be ridiculous and kinda fun.
Also, is To Slay A God still better than Way of the Bat at unarmed combat, or just with weaponry?
>Elemental Control
Kryptonite isn't common enough on Earth, I'm guessing?
>All The Fish You Can Eat
>still living
Well. I guess I can now summon sharks. This is the best power.
>Wonder Weapons
The customizable elemental control option lacks the demonic form the power version has access to, I'm assuming?
That's pretty funny as when I typed out Akasha I was thinking that too. Albeit I did not think of an alternate name.
Are there any perks that let you merge sperate powers? Something like One Piece fire devil fruit and Avatar firebending or Naruto Amaterasu?
>Also, I want to point out that superman has died almost as much as Goku and Krillin have COMBINED
>Goku died to Raditz
>Goku died to Cell
>Krillin died to Picollo's minion
>Krillin died to Frieza
>Krillin died to Buu
You know, I could have sworn they'd died more than that.
Go for it dude. The option is already mostly OC so if you want to be Tyrannomanus Rex, you go for it.
To Slay a God is better with unarmed combat, yes.
Kryptonite is not, no.
Yes. Shark-Fu is now possible.
Oh, that's a good catch. Yes, it lacks the demon form.
Goku died to heart disease too
>Main Chain
Depends on the world, but if it's one that allows openly carrying weapons, I'll carry around a sword of some kind. Usually the Meteorite Sword since that is the one I've most heavily enchanted. But I always have my Black Staff on me if nothing else. A hold-over benefit of being a Half-Gem.
I'm not much of a weapon's collector, so my storage isn't much larger. There's a few bows, a few extra swords, and a host of practice weapons, but that's about it.
>Side Chain
I don't really have a storage at the moment, so I'm kind of carrying my arsenal. Which is getting awkward. I've got two longswords that I use for fighting the lesser monsters of this world, but my main weapon is the Dragon Greatsword. The Stone Dragon gave it to us in thanks for ridding his waters of the Hydra. It's... well, anime protagonist massive and I have to use a fair bit of strength buffing magic just to wield it. But I really can't argue with the results. I've knocked down walls with this thing and barely felt the impact.
I really hope the Jumpmaker comes back and finishes Restaurant to Another World. Because that one would be perfect for you needs.
>Main Chain
I don't have a harem. Just because all my Companions are women doesn't mean anything. Really. It doesn't.
>Side Chain
It's going to take a few worlds yet to become a harem, but I've got it all planned out. There's Daro'ssi, who's co-owner of the harem. From there we plan to add The Knight, The Dragoon, The Jackalope, The Hot Head, The Necromancer, The Spider, and the last spot is still open. Though we'll continue adding more later once I manage to pick up one of those pieces of properties that Companions can stay active on.
Heart disease had the highest powerlevel in the entire Cell arc. If heart disease kept training, he'd be able to deal with Jiren effortlessly.
Heart disease is stronger than time AND space.
Does Ninjutsu from Naruto count as magic?
Awesome, thank you.
Shame about the kryptonite, but being a Kryptonian who controls kryptonite seemed like a stupid idea anyway.
Now I just need to figure out what elements to pick, and I'll be able to finish my build...
That actually reminds me...
Hey Jumpers, how do you handle settings that have alternate timeline fuckery? Is there a risk that you'll end up in the bad end timeline?
>They had to make Buu have no organs so it could job and not solve the arc on its own
>Does Ninjutsu from Naruto count as magic?
Pretty sure, yeah. It uses an internal energy source to create unnatural changes, mostly elemental. While that's a very broad and dull way of generalising the many magic systems that have their own intricacies, it makes it easier when picking magic related perks.
Someone will probably disagree with me though.
Chakra is more in line with Ki than magic desu, but I guess you could fanwank it?
Oh my god I just realised Buu's lung capacity is LITERALLY stronger than space. Which means...which means that time has a higher powerlevel than space! And that's why alternate timelines are a /completely different thing/ to the number of actual universes, and why Universe 7 alone has like 12 now (not counting Xenoverse, Fighterz etc) just because of asshole time travelers!
>Nobody ever thought of just feeding Buu so much candy that he keeps popping out baby Buus to form an Earth defence force for when Goku is sick again or something
I mean I know nobody wants to deal with another Super Buu but still, it seems like Gero had a lot of good ideas that were never used again only because Gero demonised his own work.
In Universe 7's Earth, Godwin's Law is called Gero's Law.
I know I've said this before, but if you want to HFY in DB you need to play to humanity's strengths instead of trying to beat Saiyans at their own game. This means to invest in science and robotics perks.
Depends on your definition of magic. I say yes.
Are tehre any perks or items for storing souls?
Pic may be related.
Judging by how well 17 has done in the tournament, if humans did that they'd have conquered the universe long ago. Like...put it into perspective, 17 retired to be a park ranger, practically skips the Buu saga to my memory comes back to outlast GOHAN and currently holds his own against a fucking God of Destruction. The park he was ranging must have been in Australia.
And judging by how poorly everyone except 11, 3 and 6 did at the tournament that all but guarantees Universe 7's mortal level would've been top tier.
Dark Souls maybe? Probably both liquid and item versions.
So, could Animal Hybrid get me wings if I pick a species of bird, bat, or pterosaur going with the dinosaur thing?
Sure. You wouldn't be able to retract them into your body though, so they could be pretty awkward at times.
Kingdom Hearts has a good one based on Xehanot's notes, people were turning souls into all kinds of crazy monster crap all the time. Why, tho-
>expand pic
Sorry if this has already been asked, but what does it mean when it says that Legendary Hero is vulnerable to language-based abilities? Does it mean things that require a verbal component (i.e. half the multiverse's magic systems) or only things where the words themselves have power independently of anything else (like the Unified Language -aka pre-Babel language- from Kara no Kyoukai)?
The latter. Think something like Thu'um from Skyrim, not Avada Kedavra.
Valkyrie Profile, if you go Valkyrie, has arguably one of the best powers for storing souls. If you don't like that, I'd suggest Shaman King. There's a bunch of options there depending on which Shaman School you learn. One of them even allows you to call up souls that have already passed onto an afterlife, or whatever, without negative side-effects.
In the manga there are powers called Styles which are as weird and arbirary as all the other powers, except they generally operate at a more directly dangerous or abstract level of conceptually fuckery. Barring freaks like All Fiction, of course. For example, one Style simply causes the moon to fall on the earth in the event of the style maker guy's death.
The chuuni explaination for Styles is that they're based around something the user wants to communicate, which is also why they simply fail to work on someone who can't understand the language (just...don't think about why they CAN fling moons around. The communication thing seems to apply to the target rather than the nature of the effect but the sooner you realise it's kind of the point of the plot that everything is needlessly chuuni in MB the better)
tl;dr Styles themselves are barely verbal. The latter would definitely apply, but I'm sure there are many other valid circumstances. Like physically beating someone with a language, or using evidence against someone to disprove their existence.
It's difficult to say. For the most part it works like ki, so probably not. However, given its most esoteric aspects you could also say that it counts as magic, or even say something stranger like that yang chakra is ki and ying chakra magic. Things tend to go strange when you port magic systems. After all, chakra also seem to be the soul of a person or something close - what does that mean for soulfire?
My understanding is that most powers just can't "reach him," but Styles work because they're based on communication. They do reach him because he can understand what the person is saying.
So, like, most magic words probably wouldn't work. Magic systems where the words themselves have power might work, depending on the specific system. Stuff like cognihazards from SCP or "universal truths so horrible you'll flat out die if you know them" creepypasta/eldritch horror type stuff will probably work. Super-powered hypnosis might work if you can get him to listen to you long enough.
Obviously the moon was sad about his death and wanted revenge, so it decided to do a kamikaze body slam to take out everyone. Perhaps the moon was his lover?
Hey Val just wondering, for the purpose of the Olympian purchase in DCEU what is Diana the goddess of?
Is she like...the goddess of love, and the power of Love is to achieve the Legendary Super Olympian form because the love you feel from your loved ones' sacrifice is powerful and I don't know where I'm going with this