Ugin and Azor confirmed to be bros. Again, they did nothing wrong.
Ugin and Azor confirmed to be bros. Again, they did nothing wrong.
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I wonder which tier Azor would be? Shame we don't do oldwalkers.
Did Ugin want to lure the Eldrazi to a Ixalan after ensuring that he could not escape?
What does Bolas want from Ravnica?
>Tezzeret anything but shit-tier for ruining the better version of Tarkir.
The writing in this episode was markedly poorer than usual. Even the Jace/Vraska stuff felt clumsy and rushed.
Bolas continues to be cartoonishly evil. Does he just like being a bastard?
he created it. Without Azor, there would be no Legion of Dusk
This is great. Bolas might be the best written character right now
So Jace will now walk to Dominaria in the next set? I thought they wanted to deal the Gatewatch shit back
I'm sure the creative team will think of something in time!
Maybe he wants to absorb the latent hieromancy in Ravnica's metaphysics to regain godwalker powers.
Maybe he wants to use the combined life-force of the most populated plane in the multiverse for nefarious purposes.
A lot of planeswalkers have ties to Ravnica. Maybe he wants to trap a bunch there, murder them, and let the multiverse correct the sudden imbalance by powering him up?
The original story draft of RtR ended in Ravnica becoming the centre of the multiverse. Maybe they'll just retcon it so that actually happened so Bolas can use it for bad guy things?
>Ugin was as cunning as he was conniving
>Ugin said, coating "friend" with the lure of kinship Azor had never been able to resist.
Fucking dragons.
>He had begun hurling insults. At an elder dragon.
As stupid as it was, that elf had balls of steel.
>To think that I worshipped him as a savior when his solutions only broke a world that did not need fixing.
>Jace and Vraska planning a cute date
>Bolas wants Ravnica
Calling it now, he wants to use it because law magic is woven into the plane, and if Azor could use it to sever a spark, Bolas can use it to reignite an Oldwalker spark, with the right arrangements.
>To think that I worshipped him as a savior when his solutions only broke a world that did not need fixing.
enjoy eating mud and killing yourselves over the warmest spot near the fire, savage
>seriously challenge Bolas
I doubt it. Give him some trouble though, maybe.
ugh, I can't stand it
>Niv steals Bolas spark, leaving him a mere Elder Dragon
It would be hilarious
Bolas wants the NEPHILIM
Ironic, wanting his oldwalker power back, he lost them all.
>Jace and Vraska planning a cute date
>No "More wrong than Urza" tier
Oh man, Jace and Ral have been trying to keep knowledge of planeswalkers from Niv-Mizzet for ages because they know he’ll covet that power, now Jace is gonna set up a grudge match between him and Bolas? Sweet.
>"There has never been a black planeswalker" -WotC R&D
Kek, when did they say this, 1995?
>"Tell me more of this lawbringer," drawled Nicol Bolas as he casually tore off the right arm of the minor functionary he held in his talon. An elf, the leader of whatever-this-place-was and the overseer of who-cares.
>As Nicol Bolas used the severed appendage to slap the man repeatedly, he reflected that he should not allow himself to be so easily tempted into savagery by the foolishness of mortals, particularly not when even the slightest use of his telepathic ability would suffice to get the information he needed. Nevertheless, the slaps had the desired effect, dispelling the man's shock long enough to produce an answer. There was a certain feeling of joy Bolas achieved only by punishing stupidity.
wtf is this bullshit
Maro, just before they unveiled Kaya.
No one ever remembers best walker.
Bolas likes being a bad bitch and bullying blubbering babies, just because brainreading is boring.
>Yfw the inevitable Bolas Zombie vs The Guilds vs Phyrexia set
I'm guessing he meant planeswalker card but even that would have been wrong, right?
imagine how boring it would have been to simply have read his mind. That kind of unimaginativeness is why the other Elder Dragons never ascended
>yfw Niv-Mizzet gets so angry when he hears about Bolas that he sparks
Enjoy being abused and used by those above you, unable to escape your gilded cage of "law" as you're bled dry, never to know true freedom.
It is a relationship more similar to a girl and her orbiters, Ugin just leads Azor on.
just go into the woods and starve. No one forces you to reap the benefits of an ordered society like the internet
>implying Urza did anything wrong
>like the internet
Oh I thought we were roleplaying for mtg : (
Jeremy did nothing wrong.
He's black and Red. The only reason he isn't a giant bastard more is because the blue reminds him to be practical every now and then.
Huh. The story DID get better after they decided to do away with personal accountability. I guess it helped that they didn’t need to write Nissa or Chandra.
oh, sorry. Got carried away
A lotnofnhints dropped here. One of the worlds its said Azor had been too (the plane wracked by war) sounds like Vryn, it sounds like Azor had been to Amonkhet before Bolas took it over. Obviously all the ravnica stuff.
I seem to recall around HOU that they deicided to peg the red in him (other than being a dragon, but dragons can be all colors) as theatricalness or showmanship. So you're spot on
wasn't Amonkhet
Bolas took over only 60 years ago, the flashback stuff is way before that
unlikely. Bolas went there directly after the Mending, which happened sixty years ago, as he notices his power fading. Ugin and Azor met 1300 years before and
I just want to see Ancient dragons insult each other
perhaps the shift begins in the coming Dominaria set
How powerfull is the magic of the Guildpact of Ravnica? Of the enchantment I mean, not of Jace. Could it be used to defeat/trap Bolas if he was somehow tricked into being subject to it? It kinda looked like they were hinting at that in the story.
Jace is subject to the guildpact and can still fuck off whenever he wants
Yes, but I assume the guildpact is a set of rules and as long as you don't break them you're free to go where you please. Isn't it? They say somewhere in the story that lawmagic was ingrained in ravnica even befor Azor showed up. And that guildleaders have acces to that. If Bolas was to become subject to it, maybe by Vraska making him part of Golgari or something, then he could be "judged" by the guilds. We saw what a sentence of the guildpact did to Azor.
that would be unexpected, but I like the idea
He'd probably still be able to planeswalk anyway though, via portal or whatever. Elder Dragons could, if I remember rightly, move from plane to plane without needing a Spark.
>How powerfull is the magic of the Guildpact of Ravnica?
Plane-wide and extremely powerful, even though the Obzedat have ways around it.
>Could it be used to defeat/trap Bolas if he was somehow tricked into being subject to it?
If he was subject to it, yes.
So Vraska has prepared her coup with the Kraul by uncovering the Erstwhile, before walking to Ixalan. Any speculation how they will figure in her plans now?
I don't think so. The only other thing I've ever heard mentioned as planeswalking without a spark was the Myojin of Night's Reach. The Weatherlight crew too, I guess.
Does Lord Windgrace also count?
The Elder Dragon War was said to have been waged across the planes and only Bolas was a walker
Well, the original Elder Dragon war raged across the entire multiverse, and it was only at the end that Bolas ascended. So they had to have some means of getting from plane to plane without Sparks, and an individual Elder Dragon explicitly rivaled an Oldwalker already.
Zombie army on Zombie army action!
Well, I stand corrected. Guess I've got more reading to do.
So, something bothers me...
Why did Azor name it the "Immortal Sun"? Its primary function/purpose (trapping Nicol Bolas) isn't remotely sun-like. Did Azor have some particular obsession with suns?
Seems to me like it would make more sense for it to have been given a different name by Azor, with "Immortal Sun" being a name given to it by Ixalanians as they built up legends around it.
I haven't read like, any of Ixalan's story, can someone give me a rundown on if I should?
The Orzhov colored vampires are tempting me to but I'm not sure if it's worth it
Light/heat mixing with Hieromancy, it was intended to last forever. So "Immortal Sun" is suitably thematic and pompous for a walker.
Well, before the mending it wasn't very hard to create planar portals.
Yes, portals would be one way of doing it.
So, ummm, did I forget or miss something back in ahmonket where the jacetice league set up an emergency meeting point on dominaria? Or is this an ass pull to get us to dominaria now that it’s been announced?
Also, I am seriously unimpressed with explanations and revelations regarding Ugin and Azors plan. It sounds like ass. Unless Ugin was playing Azor and this is his plan still unfolding properly. Which I don’t really get as being the case, from the scenes where he has shown up.
they made the meeting point back on Kaladesh with Ajani
Urza did everything wrong.
It’s alright. Have and Vraska do cute things and are totally the best relationship Jace has ever had. And then he brain wipes her too. It’s his thing I guess.
The vamps are interesting, the most fleshed out and human of the factions really. And they are supposed to be stand ins for the evils of imperialism, but again, they end up being the most realistic, everyone else is kinda in reaction to them. Seriously, the sun empire Dino people are basically a non entity and only exist to stand in contrast to the vamps, and the Merfolk are (not elves) noble natives.
Oh right. Thanks.
I really want ajani to slap them around a bit. Friggan idjits.
>"I have only to bait the trap and wait for the destroyer to arrive."
>Ugin soared above the craggy mountains of Tarkir, so absorbed in making preparations that he could not suppress his utter shock when his nemesis appeared before him.
Did they get an actual fucking middle-schooler to write this? He's at the point of *actively trying to lure Bolas there*, but then he's shocked and caught with his pants down when Nicky B shows up?
What if the guildmaster that gets a spark isn't Niv Mizzet but Rakdos
I thought demons can't get a spark? Only that Planeswalkers can be transformed into demons through outer influences
He was setting up the trap.
He hadn't gotten around to baiting it yet.
Demons, angels etc. can't have Sparks, no. You need to be a natural birth.
Ugin so bad so smart. Knows Bolas is out there fucking shit up. Knows Bolas is elder dragon intellect that is constantly scheming and taking shit over.
Can’t conceive that maybe Bolas is also on the lookout for problems? Can’t think that his stupid arrogant law cat might not be the most subtle partner, what with leaving statutes and statues wherever he goes. How the fuck does he not have a contingency for dipping out should shit go bad unexpectedly?
Bolas left statues of his horns on Amonkhet, too. Subtlety was not a strong suit of oldwalkers
You know what I just realized? They just gave Rakdos a huge buff that explains even more why the Cult of Rakdos is a thing.
The purpose of the Cult is to provide entertainment, but when Rakdos wakes up they ALL go "BLOOD AND GORE PARTY RAVE FORCE" because their job is to entertain Rakdos so that he doesn't wreck absolutely everyone's shit.
It's canon that the reason the cult exists was because when the guildpact was being made Ravnica was basically "All the other paruns vs Rakdos" and that Rakdos decided to crash the meeting and demand his own guild.
But now one of those paruns is an oldwalker. So that means that Rakdos at full power was too much for an OLDWALKER and 8 other superpowerful beings
And HE didn't get depowered by the mending.
Ravnica as a whole is basically just really, really lucky Rakdos was sleeping when the guildpact was broken.
>implying you wouldn't leave giant horns for everybody to admire
Except he JUST TOLD Azor that he was DONE setting the trap, and only had to BAIT it.
And then he's surprised when Bolas walks right into the (stated to be) FULLY FUNCTIONAL TRAP without waiting for the bait.
I mean, yes, I can figure out that the logical flow of events is that Ugin was not, in fact, as ready as he told Azor. But why would he misrepresent his level of preparedness to Azor? Moreover, there's nothing to indicate that he was, in fact, fibbing, besides the fact that it's the only explanation that makes sense.
It's just piss fucking poor writing (as in, piss poor at *conveying* the story the writer has in mind), is what I'm saying. And that's BEFORE you even get to the more general idiot ball factor of Ugin treating Bolas as a perfectly predictable and controllable factor, as notes.
Maybe Ugin was just arrogant?
I thought Rakdos woke up when the Guildpact broke and was btfo by Project Kraj
someone make a virgin azor vs chad bolas meme
Nah, he woke up as the guildpact was breaking. It hadn't quite fallen apart yet.
Now I wonder if the guildpact also basically limits his power in exchange for the guild.
My guess is he was about to lure him from some other plane by broadcasting a signal or something, and got surprised when bolas was already there and jumped him with the squad
It's the MtG equivalent of getting ready to call someone and then your phone rings and it's them.
What was Ugin planning to do apart from baiting Bolas into Tarkir? Ugin's plans seem bad considering Bolas overpowered him easily.
Oh my goodness.
>Yadda yadda Bolas shows up on Ravinca with his unkillable immortal zombie army or whatever
>rakdos wakes up, everyone goes "oh fuck" as he smashes face, easily dispatching the zombies
>bolas shits his pants, ravinca realizes there's no hope, when suddenly new phyrexia shows up through tezzeret's planeswalker portal
>gaint fucking aeon-spreading bloodbath between unkillable robots, invincible zombies, a giant fuck-off demon, with the gatewatch desperately scrambling to do anything
I'd buy the shit out of that block.
Get him to a place that's familiar so they can force-walk him to Ixalan.
And then Koth appears out of nowhere and close the portal from New Phyrexia so the Mirrodin Resistance can get another chance, without the help of the Gatewatch, all by themselves.
Urza was so wrong that he physically could not make right turns.
"force-walk", has this been mentioned anywhere else or did they just pull this out of thin air?
Also, Urabrask is secretly alternate timeline Rakdos. They both meet and have a legendary fight scene.
In the story, Ugin and Azor talk about how they can pull him to Ixalan if they know where he is.
Step 1: Baiting Bolas to Tarkir
Step 2: Azor draws him to Ixalan
Step 3: Ugin prepares something that would annihilate Bolas
knwoing MtG dragons and oldwalkers, he would have likely annihilated the whole plane, Azor and Bolas included
It is what Azor would have done with the Immortal Sun
Maybe MtG's writers are just shit.
Sadly Urabrask's domain has been attacked by Elesh Norn as red's views of liberty are opposed to the Machine Orthodoxy of white Phyrexia and Urabrask is probably dead.
So literally Planeswalker Ex Machina
MtG "lore" is pure shit
You are literally a fucking retard, a worthless mental defective, if you spend any time thinking about the lore besides hating it.
It's the most derivative meaningless anti-art garbage. They are expressing nothing. It means NOTHING. It has no connection to the real world and it's made for people who are disconnected from reality in order to keep them that way.
It's entire point is 'OMFG LOOK HOW FUCKIN TOTALLY AWESOME THIS IS OMFG', which only appeals to infantilized retards with serious development issues.
Before (((Hasbro)))'s takeover, they actually made an effort to give the game the tiniest bit of substance in art direction. Since then it's just this acid trip conglomerate of every fantasy trope.
You're all totally fucking retarded. Kill yourselves.
Bolas didn't overpower him easily. Bolas won due to having more prep time, getting a human to perform a tide-turning ritual for him after teaching it to her.
>Urabrask is probably dead.
>implying you wont have "Urabrask, The Revealed" at some point where he goes full /m/ and transforms into some giant fire-filled fuck off robot guy with rakdos colour identity, using the remaining parts of sheroldred
>this user with no understanding of make-believe fun
>on a traditional games board
We can only hope he BTFO eternally every waifufag