Posting this in the new thread. How's this list for a casual fluffy list? Iron Knights on a penitent crusade so no Librarians, Scouts, or Primaris. Plan is to have the tacs move up to objectives supported by the Sternguards and devs. Dread and Pred hit the flanks. Captain with termie bodyguard teleports in and does what he can. I've not played since 5th and don't really care for the competitive scene, but how likely am I to be tabled in casual games? I like the look of mechanised marines.
Vanguard Detachment, Imperial Fists Chapter Tactics
Captain in Terminator Armour (111pts), The Burning Blade, Power Sword, Storm Bolter
Tactical Squad (164pts)
>7x Space Marine
>Space Marine Sergeant, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
>Space Marine w/ Heavy Weapon, Missile Launcher,
>Space Marine w/ Special Weapon, Flamer
Tactical Squad (168pts)
>7x Space Marine
>Space Marine Sergeant, Bolt Pistol, Combi-Plasma
>Space Marine w/ Heavy Weapon, Heavy Bolter
>Space Marine w/ Special Weapon, Plasma Gun
Tactical Squad (160pts)
>7x Space Marine
>Space Marine Sergeant, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
>Space Marine w/ Heavy Weapon, Plasma Cannon
>Space Marine w/ Special Weapon, Flamer
Apothecary (55pts)
Company Ancient (67pts)
>Power Sword
Sternguard Veteran Squad (90pts)
>Veteran Sergeant, Bolt pistol, Special Issue Boltgun
>4x Veteran Space Marine
Terminator Squad (212pts)
>Teleport Homer
>Terminator Sergeant
>Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon, Assault Cannon
>3x Terminator
Venerable Dreadnought (197)
>Twin Linked Lascannons
>Heavy Flamer
Devastator Squad (151 pts)
>Armorium Cherub
>Space Marine Sergeant, Boltgun
>Plasma Cannon
>Missile Launcher
>Heavy Bolter
Predator (198 pts)
>Hunter-Killer Missile
>Storm Bolter
>Lascannons everywhere
Rhino x 3 (216 pts)
>Storm Bolter
Razorback (89 pts)
>Twin Heavy Bolter
>Storm Bolter
Razorback (122 pts)
>Twin Lascannon
>Storm Bolter