What Gods do you pray to, Veeky Forums?
What Gods do you pray to, Veeky Forums?
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I like money. So Abadar.
Gods don't exist, that's what Rick said in Season 1 Episode 1 of my Blu-Ray copy of the complete series of Rick and Morty, which I watch religiously.
dorf gods are the only gods in my book
None, never felt the need to ask them for anything, figure they got bigger problems than listening to an old paladin ask for things.
I know this is bait but it's always funny to know there are actually people out there like this who are oblivious to the fact the show is making fun of people just like them.
Hear, hear. This show has changed my life.... I'm not shamed to say I have Rick and Morty tattoo.
I mean, at least you tried user, but next time try to give a believable filename to the pic if you want to do trolling seriously
desu I wasn't going for believable, I just wanted to post that image again
ok what if man chooses to obey?
>To which gods do you pray, Veeky Forums?
Fixed that for you, stupid barbarian
The one from my setting
Uotan, Eris, Vishnu, Kek, and Thoth
What about you, OP?
Mother Earth, Father Sky, brother Moon, sister Sun, the stars in the heavens, and the winds that blow across Earth.
o fuc
The Omega Point
I use the race-appropriate gods for the non-humans
For the humans, I actually use the odd mix of Olympians, Asgardians, Tuatha Dé Danann, and Khert Neter from the Player Handbook
Also imported The Silver Flame as a monotheistic alternative, which does not depend on ones race.
As a pan-Darwinist, praise be unto Gnon. (He'll be there even - or especially - if you don't worship him, though. And He doesn't answer prayers.)
>Gnon is no less than reality, whatever else is believed. Whatever is suspended now, without delay, is Gnon. Whatever cannot be decided yet, even as reality happens, is Gnon. If there is a God, Gnon nicknames him. If not, Gnon designates whatever the ‘not’ is. Gnon is the Vast Abrupt, and the crossing. Gnon is the Great Propeller.
Where do you assholes find these people? I see constant bitching and moaning about this show's fanbase, but I've never actually seen the little fedoralings themselves.
Allahu ackbar, as they say in France.
Woden and Uller.
Throw the sodomites, moralists, atheists, civilised, abrahamists, etc in the bog.
None. Beings of such vastness and power have no reason to hear the prayers of something as infinitesimal as myself - so why offer any?
This one.
IRL? None.
In game, my elf is into ancestor worship as is every other elf. My Human Cleric worships the holy and magnanimous Lathander. I probably would too if I were in fantasy world #438
>Dies next episode
I refuse to pay obeisance to any god that would accept me as a worshipper.
The only and one true god of chaos of course
>A girl should not imply
irl? God
In game? depends what race/class etc. I chose
For the most part I pray to Selardi, a central Asian moon goddess, mostly because she appeared to me in a vision and effectually answered a very important prayer.
But also sometimes Kek, when the situation calls for it.
My barbarian worships Rasslor
>Allahu ackbar, as they say in France.
The new French president proclaimed himself to be Jupiter reborn, so maybe they're headed towards comfy Roman paganism instead.
Maybe he just meant he's a rapist?
Macron got /ss/'d by one of his high school teachers and married her. I'm pretty sure he's faithful to his waifu.
Honestly the weird inconsistency of luck in rolls and sheer interest in the actual traditional gods of my country are really tempting me to go Pagan.
The likelihood of your god listening to your prayers is inversely related to the number of people praying to him or her.
If you go pagan, you're decently likely to be the only person actively praying to your god at any given time, and so you get lots of divine attention.
The God of Huge Black Cocks and Good Dice Rolls, of course!
Most recently I play a Moonknight, a cleric of the Shimmering One, the god of beauty and the moon. He's like an elven righteous version of Gaston.
That actually makes a decent amount of sense, guess I'm going passively pagan then.
Ontological statements are made tautological by their very axioms, so none.
They don't exist
Someone on /b/ or /r9k/ or /pol/ hated the show, so they said that Veeky Forums as a whole hated the show
4channers, ever fearful of being called newfags by other anonymous losers, started bashing on the show in a desperate plea for acceptance, despite never watching it themselves
Just don't pray to the Norse gods.
You'll be competing with every other neo-pagan teenager on the planet. Not as bad as YHWH or Allah, but you're still one of many worshippers they gotta sift through.
Welp, thread's over everyone go home.
Yeah I've met way too many edgy kids praying to Norse Gods despite not being in Scandinavia. I'm looking into Celtic Irish gods at the moment.
The only paladin god worth praying too. The god of real heroes.
Kek. Just accept that believing in gods is irrational.
>inb4 fedora
Good numbers.
The Tuatha De Danann are pretty cool.
Never tried worshiping them myself, but I don't do that much with any pantheon to be honest.
This assumes that gods are humanlike in that they can only pay attention to so many things at once.
/pol/ pls go
>Implying he is not Jaquen Hagar
>And also the Kindly Man
>And the Nights Watch dude
>And Hot Pie
>And Gendry
>And possibly even Ned Stark
Don't you know that Arya is only allowed to have one significant male figure in her life?
Interesting. I spent my stupid teenager phase exploring various spiritualist bullshit religions like modern Wicca crap, Buddhism, Taoism n shit. Eventually I settled on giving lip service to Asatru and their permutations because muh ancestors. Then one day I had the most vivid dream I had, in which I was one of six loyal warriors to Quetzalcoatl, as well as a vision of my future.
So now I worship Quetzalcoatl.
What are the various ways that the Gods punish those who claim to be atheists?
insanity is punishment enough.
>inb4 fedora
Ok, here’s something different. You’re retarded and no likes you, your mom is probably embarrassed and wishes she had an abortion
Their souls cease to exist when they die, being denied an afterlife. An atheist can never be resurrected.
>Humanity will be it's own savior through technology
The Jews will be their own messiah, eh?
Good taste
Kenku bard that is about Melil during daylight, but is on that real shadow praise
I founded a cult devoted to the worship of Brian Blessed's beard
Any that will listen.
That really induced some euphoria in me
Late replying but I work with a bunch of retards, gave the show a chance but it's meh.
>>Humanity will be it's own destruction through technology
Every generation that has ever lived has perished in due time. Why not have the next generation be something glorious and eternal, embodied in the purity of metal instead of the passing weakness of flesh?
>Humanity means generation
Looks like someone's projecting.
>They don't exist
>Quick Google search and browsing through articles and videos proves they do
You know user, I get you might like the show but how about doing a bit of research before sounding like a retard.
The Everloli
Odin, Khorne and other gods with similar views of honor and combat.
I'll just put you down for Odin then
my man
Bane, the Black Hand.
There's only one worthy of worship to me.
To the GM, God of events and reality.
>no u comment
Backs the “you being retarded” claim, besides, you’re the one that wanted a fresh insult
Thats because you only go on Veeky Forums.
>worshiping a burning bush
Well, it is a Christian image board, after all.
I like you, user.
>and he spake unto us
>and it was good
>he said as he comment in a thread about a game of make believe on a board dedicated to games of make believe
5/10 made me reply, but I'm deducted half a point for your decision to post a picture of worst girl.
The gun.
I used to like a lot of pantheons but as i got older i just started worshipping my own homebrew gods irl. it's just ways to keep up with my goals. for example, if i do something I'm ashamed of, Pike the God of guilt knows (pikes peak is a mountain that overlooks my home). things like that.
>muh wotan
>muh wide pride
Claim this thread in the name of INRI
Ahh, you mean Nuffle
This guy is not me. You're 100% false thinking I'm retarded. I'm actually very, very smart, quite possibly beyond your comprehension. Do you watch Rick and Morty?
Jokes aside, you're probably a religious fag, so I thought I'd tell you to literally kill yourself so we can raise the average IQ of the planet.
Best religion.
people tend to stop being so adamant about religion around the time sex isn't a big life event. grow up