What if we all collectively don't pay crypto taxes?

What if we all collectively don't pay crypto taxes?

What could they possibly do?

Because fuck our corrupt government controlled by greedy (((fuckers))).

Other urls found in this thread:


What could they possibly do? They would literally arrest you. Have fun getting ass raped instead of giving away some of your free fucking money.

I guess we will find out OP
im not paying a single cent to these jews

This is now a crypto waifu or taxation is theft waifu thread.

>shapeshift to XMR
>put in offline wallet
>whoops I lost my hard drive

Down for a waifu thread

Show me some more

Gl with ur shit regulated state user

What's the coin of your waifu user. Also, I only had that, but I'm saving those two pics for research purposes



Here's your fapping material

ark waifu

That does not look like Ark
Holy fucc

> Because fuck our corrupt government controlled by greedy (((fuckers)))
It's more because I'm a greedy fucker myself.

>deluded arkies
I love smug girls

how new are you?


>lose all your coins

Is RaiBlocks the chad fucking all these girls?

Since May in crypto, I just lurk casually here. I own Ark, I don't get how she's related to Ark.

Just pay your taxes like everyone else. It's not armageddon like Veeky Forums would have you think. If you aren't smart enough to navigate taxes, you deserve to be poor.

mfw no results for RaiBlocks
Guess I'll have to fap to Chad

fuck off kike

I've made enough money where paying off taxes isn't a big deal. I just don't want my money going to Trump's daily vacations or another fucking bank bailout.

Does Ethereum have a coinwaifu?

Yes, but it's missing a lot of coins. It will be harder to masturbate than I thought.

Of course


Not paying... I'm doing my part. Good luck finding my crypto IRS!

we need to ask for a RaiBlocks waifu now... There's even Verge lol

lol someone needs to make Verge-chan get fucked by McAfee.

Because that's pretty much what happened.

>Rape is ok when it's done under the supervision of the government

Democrat detected


>Meta o
"Ass raping" is a strange fixation of the repressed homosexuals here.

People with tax issues don't generally go to jails filled with rapists and murderers, genius.