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Don't buy it will be down there in a hour i was looking around and say x is bottoms on all coins before the crash the bottom has not been reached yet one more sell off

What the fuck is the point of these autistic threads?

it's ok, it happens, now buy just buy high and wait for the next dip to sell again.

Weak handed faggot

Stop watching charts...

I just bought btc at the top
now im scared to go to sleep


I like when daytraders get fucked.

To give my otherwise empty day a chuckle.

>BTC goes up 10% at no news
>Cucks think it's a new bullrun.
Calm down, idiots. Did anything change? Did the mempool go down?


To show that there are autists out there who no nothing of what they are doing.

me eating you at the bottom
> comfy

goodbye goodbye bursted bags just dropped them off on newer fags

Sold what? No good coin went down.

A good rule to stick with is to always spend at least an hour thinking before buying or selling, even if it seems like it's your last chance to get in/out.

is bitcoin going to crash and alts soar
or will the opposite happen
someone please tell me

Its not too late to get back into the alt coins, they're still in a dip this is just a slight rebound hurry before they really start to recover BUY BUY BUY

idk you tell me

link/ req?

Problem with crypto though is that hour is going g to be well past your opportunity. I thought about selling g when things started dropping now an hour later if I sold I'd be a retard.

I panic sold link - but I low key don’t care

You'll never make it, had probably less than 10 minutes to grab these sick gains today.

congrats you're either stupid or holding shitcoins you don't have faith in, or both. you pay for your stupidity with money



fuckk why does it keep going down

coming back

>see coin starting to climb
>it immediately goes red
why oh why does it always happen?

Someone has to lose money

That's why you buy on red candles

unironically this

>who no nothing

>see coin starting to climb
You should already own some at this point...

Stop investing more than you can handle faggot

>buy low sell high
Why is this concept so hard for people to grasp.

>in the red
>in the green

simple shit

Too close to home there pal

With my luck, if I bought a coin in the red, it would fall 10x, flatline and die.

me too user, me too. It is a valuable lesson though, never panic sell ever again - big movements always have a counter reaction, just wait it out and it will pop back up

It crashes like every week, why the fuck would you do that?

>woah this is a nice dip i'm gonna buy
>literally never goes back up, coin is dead

>this kills the coin

>I tried to sell high and buy back low
>I leave the room for under an hour
>the coin jumped 40% passed it's old ATH
>doesn't come back down

I am retarded holy fuck

>leaving the room
You asked for it.


Hey. One thing I can tell you is to absolutely under no circumstances ever give up! You can definitely come back from this.

grabs you

Listen. Remember. This is still the beginning of the crypto boom. There's a lot of coins you could invest in now that'll make you lots of money by the end of the year. Remember December 2016? Seems like a joke now right? Just imagine how we'll be looking back at December 2017 after the end of this year. Gotta keep pushing. Keep at it and never stop. I've lost thousands in BTC by doing noob mistakes. In total at least 2 BTC worth. But I'm up considerably from my losses. Why? Cuz I stand up, look life in the face, and DARE it to try and keep me down! Life will do whatever it takes to try and beat you down into the ground. It'll keep yelling "QUIT!...QUIT!!"

Never quit. You can do this. You CAN and WILL come back from this! Keep your head up and stay strong brother.

Do you know how to read RSI?

Don't sell when RSI is low.
