Yugioh Vampires>Magic vampires
Yugioh Vampires>Magic vampires
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>Attack: 2000
>Power: 2
>mfw Yugioh monsters are 1000x stronger than the ones in Magic
I've always found that a turnoff to the game. Everything has extra zeros tacked on to the end for no reason.
It's a Japanese cultural thing, due to the low value of the Yen most transactions take place in multiples of 100, so they're used to thinking in 3-4 digit increments.
fuck that's one gay ass "vampire"
Meanwhile on Innistrad, Sorin Markov is still stuck in a rock.
Huh, I've always wondered why japan always does this.
Here's the effect if anyone cares
2+ Level 6 monsters
If you Xyz Summon this card by using a monster that is owned by your opponent as material, that monster’s Level is treated as 6. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; send it to the GY. Once per turn, if a monster(s) on the field is sent to your opponent’s GY by a card effect, or is destroyed by battle and sent to your opponent’s GY: You can detach 1 material from this card; Special Summon 1 of that monster(s) to your field in Defense Position.
Actually considering that you start with 8000 life in Yugioh compared to 20 in Magic, I'd say the conversion rate is 400:1
So this thing has 5 power. Doesn't change the fact that the average Yugioh monsters would kick the shit out of the average Magic monsters though.
>Not using a d6 to move miniature soldiers what you painted yourself
I think gaming with minis is neat, but comparing it to card games is apples and oranges.
Man why are Yugioh cards so bloated.
Somewhat related, does Yugioh have lore, or is it just the manga / anime?
>not moving your monsters as many stars as they have
>not having monsters that bypass this rule by moving through walls or underground
So this shit is just tech in case your opponent takes both of the extra monster zones?
If your opponent takes both the EMZ you can't summon this thing. This thing's job is to pop a problematic monster with the first effect and then steal it with the second. It doesn't do anything to untargetable shit, but it can get around destruction immunity, so it's alright but I doubt it's gonna be relevant unless Vampires get enough new support to make it worthwhile. The fact that both him and this qt got released back to back seems to allude to that very thing though.
Honduran white bat best bat
I want to see the battlemaidens
Any questions from anyone that doesn't play the game?
So from having a quick look, top tier decks still seem to run you 700+ bucks. Is this correct?
There's the original manga by Kazuki Takahashi, (the one with Yugi and the Pharaoh) and a few years back, Konami released an arcade cabinet game called Duel Terminal that had its own ongoing story for a while, as well as guidebooks that had lore in them regarding the interactions certain monsters and archetypes have with each other, but I don't know much about it to begin with as I've never actually had a chance to actually real the Duel Terminal lore in depth myself. Pic related is from Gagagigo's storyline (though I'm not sure if the wikia link mentions or links to it)
That would be about right, though aside from a few pricey cards that are needed for an deck to make really good plays (i.e. Trickstar Reincarnation), most competitive deck cores are relatively cheap; the real money goes into very powerful generic cards that any deck can use, like Firewall Dragon ($30-40) or Ash Blossom ($70-80), and competitive decks will usually run 2-3 of these.
Too bad. I'll probably not get into it, then. I jumped ship from Magic when Duals climbed to 20 bucks, so this pricing is just way beyond my comfort zone.
Don't let it discourage you, YGO is definitely a very fun game, but I am not a big fan of the meta myself so if you're just playing on a casual/rogue level like I do, stuff like Ash and Firewall are good to have but absolutely not necessary.
You can build a halfway decent deck for just fun at locals for relatively cheap, look up Dinosaur, ABC, and Masked Hero deck lists if you don't believe me.
On top of that, a lot of really good cards like Pot of Desires, D Barrier, Maxx C and Twin Twisters that were all $20 at one point are all about $5 now, and hell, PSY-Framegear Gamma is currently a $30 card and is getting a reprint in a 'special edition' for the new booster pack so that's likely to get a big price drop too.
No keywords.
Sparklepires are bad no matter the game.
This is the most retarded myth I know of that people actually believe in.
Just play online. YGOpro is like xmage with fewer glitches. Alternatively you can just find deckbuilding games to play, bought Summoner Wars with some friends and it's incredibly fun without following the awful TCG or LCG models.
>playing a tcg ran by soyboys from Seattle.
>blocks ur field spell :3
I travel a lot, and I've gotten together with a small group of judges and players with regional tops.
Magic is in a slump, but yugioh is going through a nosedive. From the east coast region to Texas, game stores are complaining everywhere that yugioh no longer has a reliable demographic to gain new players.
Is it supposed to be a casual game? If you sit down against spyrals and they negate your one play with a hand trap and then OTK you with one quick-fix, you're not going to be able to have fun playing casually.
Is it supposed to be a nostalgic game? Master rule 4 destroyed Yugioh's legacy because almost every old arcehtype no longer functions and will not receive link support for 1-2 years.
Is it supposed to be a competitive game? Konami does not have a comprehensive rules document for the game. Card functionality is on a case-by-case basis from the head judge on the day of the event. There are tournament staples that are only available as trophy cards from events. You have to play an entire complex game system using nothing but a 9-page starter deck booklet and hearsay from the judge facebook group.
The only big game that's really growing right now is pokemon tcg. Both mtg and yugioh are going through rough patches, but the popularity of pokemon is exploding at a rate of about 30% a year.
What old, nostalgic archetypes no longer function? Dark Magician is probably better than because Galaxy Tomahawk let's you make silly Link boards, Blue-Eyes wasn't affected by MR4, Red-Eyes never worked and E-HERO is still Darklaw turbo.
Have you found any people willing to run linkless formats?
I've noticed people are okay with fighting almost any deck as long as there's not a rule in place that forces them to run cards they don't want. Why Konami didn't just change the rules to limit the number of special summons players can have each turn still confuses me.
>find your redemption and ascend to your final form
>immediately be sucked away from your only friend and lost in the void
being gagagigo is suffering
There are no happy endings in Yugioh
See you in the shadow realm user ;__;
There is no reason to play live games competitively. If you enjoy the mechanics and have friends that are down, make some pet decks to fuck around with.
>bought 3 playsets when it was $5
practically free money
>What old, nostalgic archetypes no longer function?
Everything from the 5ds era. Synchro-centric decks had their legs broken unless they have a level-eater engine, and even that requires link spamming. Kaijus also destroy the concept of difficult win conditions.
You can't grow a game if players don't want to buy the cards. Instead of trying to pound a square peg into a round hole, you're better off moving on to another game.
There aren't other games that interest me.
Synchros still work with Needlefiber and summoning something like Quasar was never a good strategy in an competitive environment.
It makes sense.
I was watching some east european prostitution porn and when cash was mentioned it always had at least three 0s
she a gerudo?
pls no bully spirits, konami does that enough
I play pot of greed!
what does it do?!!!
It lets me to draw two cards from my deck!
>Lacking Soy
If you're gonna sell any of your Gammas, you'd be best to strike while the iron's hot and do it now if you wanna maximize your profits. Its price is already going down ever since EXFO Special Edition got announced earlier this week, and the same thing happened to Ra - Sphere Mode and Solemn Strike when those got Special Edition reprints.
my most faithful companion
Quasar was the biggest thing you could do with 3 rekindling before it got hit, and needlefiber doesn't exist yet.
It's not just quasar that got hit. Almost every 5ds extra deck boss monster has had its setup destroyed. You can't even summon shooting star the way it was done in the anime. No, shooting star was never really good, but you COULD summon it. You're not even allowed to get that far anymore because you don't have room for two synchro materials anymore. None of the old 5ds engines got updates as compensation for master rule 4.
Maybe you aren't trying hard enough? Combos for shit like Triple Quasar were found before Needlefiber. Fuck, Needlefiber made it easier to summon Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity on my opponent's turn.
>Maybe you aren't trying hard enough? Combos for shit like Triple Quasar were found before Needlefiber. Fuck, Needlefiber made it easier to summon Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity on my opponent's turn.
> Fuck, Needlefiber made it easier to summon
>past tense
Needlefiber doesn't exist yet in the TCG. Also
Oh boy, this VRAINS archetype makes a great counterpoint against konami shitting on 5ds.
Vanguard has you beat then, since they range from 5k-15k.
Why are all the fun cards banned?
There's usually a reason in Magic.
>The only big game that's really growing right now is pokemon tcg.
My area is seeing an enormous surge in Dragon Ball Super TCG, is this just local to me or is it more general?
>It makes sense.
No it doesn't. What makes sense is that japanese games, especially japanese games that target a younger audience, use large numbers because they sound more impressive.
Dunno. I love recent take on religious zealots vampires of white mana. I doubt there's similar aesthetic in YGO.
Problem is that I my friends aren't into card games and specifically not into YGO, so I can only play at my LGS. And from my short stint of playing 6 years ago, I know the store is infested with dudes that throw money at every problem.
Theres also the temple of doom savage type vampires of zendikar. Vampires just encompass more interesting tropes than just traditional gothic or the newer fabulous vampires in Magic.
Needlefiber isnt archetype locked. You can play it in any deck. It in fact was designed to help synchro decks in general, as it was in the pack specifically for supporting older strategies with link monsters. This is one those dumbass misconceptions about yugioh. Just because it has a theme in its name doesnt mean it only goes in that theme's deck. Crystron are still not even a thing afaik
Double Iris
Level Eater
Maxx C
Grinder Golem
Damage Juggler
Firewall Dragon
Monster Reborn
Spyral Resort
Solemn Judgement
Card Trooper
Thunder King
Brionac \
Brain Control
El Shaddoll Fusion
Future Fusion
Mind Control
Preparion of rites
ojama Trio
Super has definitely been growing in multiple LGS. it's just nowhere near big enough yet for me to bet on it outliving the anime in the future.
>Needlefiber isnt archetype locked. You can play it in any deck. It in fact was designed to help synchro decks in general, as it was in the pack specifically for supporting older strategies with link monsters. This is one those dumbass misconceptions about yugioh. Just because it has a theme in its name doesnt mean it only goes in that theme's deck. Crystron are still not even a thing afaik
Here we go with tenses again. Needlefiber WILL be in a pack, or it MAY be in a pack, because the card does not exist in TCG, and the pack it comes in does not even have a confirmed TCG release. We may not see needlefiber for 1-2 years. That's assuming they don't take the card from its original set and rarity shift it as a secret in another set. The bottom line is that you can't give konami jack shit for credit until we know how this card is or isn't going to be accessible in the TCG, which could be never.
Solemn judgment monster reborn fuck yes
We're probably getting Needlefiber in FLOD. Even when we do, most 5D's archetypes were complete fucking shit. Blackwing, Infernity and Synchron are playable even without Needlefiber, unless you want to turbo out triple Quasar, and even then, there are ways to do it without Needlefiber.
>We're probably getting Needlefiber in FLOD. Even when we do, most 5D's archetypes were complete fucking shit.
Before the runaway power sprint that came after it, 5ds had an extremely diverse field even in the height of plant format. You could top with 10+ different decks.
Still, if needlefiber is a secret rare, that's almost worse than giving us nothing at all, because it's going to be expensive for 6 months before it is reprinted in a tin. You might as well not play the game until then.
>grinder golem
>not banned
Guess that Reborn promo happened yesterday for a reason afterall, fuck I missed out.
>it's just nowhere near big enough yet for me to bet on it outliving the anime in the future.
They're already working on a set for a September release and the anime is due to end in March.
That said, recent spoilers and certain balance problems lead me to believe they spend basically zero time play-testing.
this is most retarded.
The game was introduced in the manga as a one chapter game and the atk amounts where done that way because they sounded cool and powerful. I mean srsly, power level 2? how the fuck does that sound powerful as opposed to 2000?
So super Gagagigo is being thrown into a new adventure now? His best friend - marauder captain it's like "Noo! dont Muh friendo!!!
And every future weeb game that works in thousands is taking its cues from YGO.
I'd like to see a ygo vamp with a dick bigger than this. Checkmate.
Why is she so ugly? Why can't she be cute like Vampire Vamp?
When you use vamp hypnosis, you don't need to look good
MTG is only very rarely allowed to have cute things.
I want Vona to cuddle me on a giant pile of treasure with dead merfolk around us
>Everything has a 0 tacked onto the end for no reason
*blocks your path*
30/20 isn't common, but 50 is, but most commonly, the difference in damage between two monsters is most often measurable in decimals, rather than whole 1000s over other monsters. Therefore, the wider range makes sense.
What the fuck is that face? It looks like a dude.
Fuck vona, she gives Ixalan vampires a bad name
>not wanting to murderrape native civilisation with your conquistador vampire boo
but she's not cute.
>thinking that only anime style is "cute"
i would pity weebs if they weren't so pathetic
Well maybe if WOTC actually put out some cute vamps (and girls in general) instead of this shit , we might be having a different conversation.
They do though.
Elenda is cute! CUTE!!
Oh fuck that card, every deck that uses or can use level 6 will be running this shit guaranteed,
>if it isn’t anime its not cute
Please fuck off forever, I bet you play trickstars you turbo virgin
No, I play Golden Frieza.
Sorry, but none of the MtG vamps posted here besides Drana do anything for me.
i think the big numbers you guys use are to compensate for the size of something you are all lacking in