What are cool space government types to have besides your bog standard not!Roman Empire, not!Austrian Court, and not!American democracy?
What are cool space government types to have besides your bog standard not!Roman Empire, not!Austrian Court...
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No modern or ancient form of government can be used to describe space governments. The future population are far from our capability to government. Indeed, Arthur C. Clarke insists that large galactic governments are impossible because of their intolerable complexity. This is based upon a simple truth: As population grows arithmetically, the number of possible interactions rises geometrically.
The best human organizations have spans of five subordinates per supervisor. Using this figure, a galactic empire controlling ten billion planets having ten billion inhabitants each would require at least 21 hierarchical levels. It is well known that human organizations with more than 6-8 levels become excessively bureaucratic. If we optimistically assume that a control span of 100 subordinates can be achieved for, say, human policymakers, then the number of hierarchical levels can almost be halved - from 21 down to 11.
Even with all this mechanized assistants, the Emperor will have absolutely no contact with non-interstellar personnel. His relationship with his magistrates would not be unlike those between the United States President and the mayors and city managers of American cities. To the Galactic Emperor, the starkeepers, each responsible for 100 worlds, will seem much as U.S. citizens appear to their President - with only a very rare audience being granted. Planetary governors are "the rabble."
You're assuming that humans have to fill the hierarchy levels. Most of the bureaucratic work can be done by computers with human supervisors.
There will be a council of monoliths, with majority voting.
a free market Technocracy where computers perform immensely complex calculations on how to govern most effectively taking in an immense amount of variables many years into the future.
The society is heavily knowledge based with memebers aquiring expertise and academic achievements as the pinnacle of their lives - voting on matters is only possible once you are a part of a comittee and regarded an expert in a certain field.
Besides the point made byThat any stellar bureaucracy would be fucking huge I love the Asimov theory, You get a shit ton of robuts to handle your middle work and then cut them in.
You could have a fudelistic monarchy, you could have a Republican democracy (by which I don't mean massive tax fraude or sexual harassment) or a theocracy of whatever the fuck, you just give the machines in the middle some kind of ability to affect policy so you could theoretically adapt to changing circumstance within a realistic timeframe.
The Revelation Space universe had the Demarchists (computer-moderated super-democracy), which I always thought was cool, especially because their society was not a kumbayah utopia and its shitty sides were always in the foreground in the novels. Reynolds also somehow managed to make furries seem like a cool and reasonable part of the universe. The man is a literary alchemist.
The Kindly Spiders
People have tiny empathic spiders in their heads that sense the persons desires and transmit them to big bureaucratic spiders who are overseers for a region. They work to make the majority as satisfied as they can and coordinate with the other big spiders to run as smooth and fair government as possible.
Supercomputer AI in charge of everything.
The Emple-Dokcetic goverment
If you want to play in a posthuman setting a panocracy is viable goverment type, otherwise take a look at the different democratic types that may be possible with future technology: orionsarm.com
Give me a quick rundown?
So set the governors to do what it is they do. Let them report on their planets and we'll govern accordingly. Or were you planning on opening the borders and letting in the Cravers without us knowing about it?
Confederacy of planets / orbital habs. Let then rule themselves
Cravers of peace.
Don't knock it until you've tried it, gentlemen. There is an application for their kind.
>the United Empire manages to repurpose the Cravers for military application
Jesus Christ how horrifying
>the Sophons manage to repurpose the Cravers for scientific application
>The Unfallen manage to repurpose the Cravers for friendship applications
Pacifist Cravers are the most interesting faction though.
One idea that's rarely mentioned is AI leaders, sorta like that one ending to Deus Ex. They'd be able to organize and mediate conflicts much better than human diplomats, at least in sci-fi terms. How many AI, and what kind could lead to an interesting variety. AI democracies and republics, benevolent dictatorships, or even like zookeeper types.
Federal monarchy like the German Empire.
Absolutism like France
A feudal empire similar to what the chinese had. A de jure absolutist Emperor, but de facto powerless and a empire ruled by eunuchs, bureaucrats and army officers.
I think that's why OP asked for "cool" and not necessarialy realistic governments.
Besides, a good portion of irl empires was just a bunch of guys ruling their own land and accepting the nominal rule of a monarch far away from them.
This too.
Even in our current world many bureaucratic work could be substituted with machines
Could but not should.
Machines have proven thanks to the way we've built them, to be incredibly stupid.
Mega-Corporations or Trade Commisions that all of humanity is in on.
We talking that ending from Invisible War?
This is why Orion's Arm will always be my favorite sci-fi universe.
True dat. I love how weird the setting is.
Bureaucratic work doesn't really need much creative thought. A simple algorithm could substitute most of it
Neither does saving and taxes.
Yet a top of the line AI wasted 20 million dollars from a company when put in charge.
What's easy for a human is too different to be set as easy or hard for a machine. They're simply built too differently.
I'm not even talking about AI
Just a very complex calculator
I want ALEPH to leave.
Problem is algorithms are built by humans too, and don't think for a second that they're free of human bullshittery.
>Corporate Syndicate
Megacorporate Oligarchy. Shareholders replace Citizens.
>Pseudo-Commie Commonwealth
The Federation, but more fun/Stalinesque.
>Western European "Police State" Democracy
"It's a democracy, honest! Now obey the curfew or you'll be gassed."
>Theocratic Kritarchy
Rule by Judges. So the Supreme Court IS the government.
What's the point of living in an age of advanced interstellar travel if you still limit yourself to primitive memes like ''governments''?
Consider the idea of Egregore Nations
>Every citizen's mind is implanted from birth with a specific set of morals, ideals, and goals that align with the goals of the nation
>Every citizen will share these same goals and those cooperate with one another
>Every citizen is effectively a living representation of the idea human of their political system
>They want to brainwash everyone else to be like them
Welcome to the post-debate era, where it doesn't matter if you're right so long as you can program the loser to think you're right.
Democratic Stratocracy. Would you like to know more?
Reminder that the Cravers used to have bling when the Endless were still around
Is this from that Deluxe Edition? I'm not sure if these are heroes or a faction wide skin or what, but they look cool
Just fire up Stellaris and pick a few weird ethics. So far my favorite government is a Xenophilic Spiritualist Militarist Space Republic.
Remember kids, no matter whether your blood is red, green, or blue, Service Guarantees Citizenship. The Pope said so.
It was part of the pre-order. Knowing Amplitude though they'll probably release it in a free update later on.
but with prayer paperss and crucifixes everywhere
It is what happens to cravers when you complete their questline in favor of their Virtual masters.
Of course it was the fucking Virtuals. It's always the fucking Virtuals.
Every time those brain-uploading God-complex motherfuckers unzip their .rar files, everything gets worse for everyone else in the galaxy. No wonder the Concretes went to war with those bastards, inadvertently creating Vodyani, unleashing the Cravers on the galaxy, I bet the Cultists were also their fault. Fuck the Virtuals, I'm glad they're gone.
I mean if the cultists were their fault then they should be praised, user
The cult is the only one that sees the truth of Auriga's death from the very start, right?
Yeah, whatever you say, twitchy.
>That filename
>dude theres no need for governments lmao
>dude just let the AI rule us all
Hopefully we never expand to this level, because it'll be an intergalactic hell with no escape.
Not gonna lie, Vaulters are probably my favorite ones to play consistently from Legends.
It isn't hell if the AI makes you think it is heaven.
Sabbatical has Alterra which is basically a corporation functioning like a country which is interesting.
Subnautica, and I'd really say it's not.
That's unusual and could be interesting
All meetings are completely silent, save for an oppressive humming. Occasionally a random intern melts and people study the resulting puddle to divine some legislation relevant to their plane of existence
Why is Horatio so perfect, user?
>great sense of style
>pleasant skull shape
>perfect body proportions
>master of court intrigue
>unlimited learning ability
shit u right
>claims to be the master race
>through gene editing he can literally become the master race
>Eh, we've had worse governments. Fetch a new intern from the literal pool.
There would be tons of escape as the petty AI's keep killing eachother over minor differences. The toasters won't be allying or merging with the fridges and such on.
A-220-1E manufactures paperclips trough humanitarian means because happy workers=efficient workers. C.U.N-7 won't stand for such inferior technology!
You realize our current "AIs" are just an early stepping stone like any other initial prototypes for a new technology. Do know how many failed prototypes it took for Edison to make a commercially viable electric light bulb?
The only way for any interstellar government to be viable would be for planet-level policies and government to be entirely autonomous and it being subordinate to the sector-level administration, which in turn is responsible to the metropolis. Any notion of direct control by the centre is nonsensical, with an alternative being a feudal government where planets are governed as fiefs in thrall to higher suzerain.
Veeky Forums as official goverment.
Isn't that rule from Illuminatus! ?
Veeky Forums as an official government has been done, actually
And the Therians precede that.
The Culture