What are the changes to get a tabletop Warcraft wargame that would continue the traditions of the strategy games? Warcraft is not a setting well-suited for RPG's and personal stories to begin with. Besides, Horde and Alliance as superpowers are stupid. Most of the races would make much better standalone factions, elves of all kinds are a prime example.
What are the changes to get a tabletop Warcraft wargame that would continue the traditions of the strategy games...
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>Warcraft is not a setting well-suited for RPG's
Why? It seems very character focused. It's like cape comic fantasy. For every new threat a new justice league forms. Organizations act as extensions of the spotlight characters. If a head honcho gets tainted, their army taints in solidarity.
I think the system writes itself. You can easily have each race as a faction and handwave the fact that they’re allies. That already happens in most war games
>not well suited for rpgs
What? It literally is an rpg. Every questing zone could be it's own campaign
Because while named characters always served as the face of their army, the games have always been about armies duking it out and not questing and adventuring. It's very similar to every wargame with named characters. WoW shifted the focus and the game lost much of its atmosphere (a bunch of murderhobos take out Arthas? what the fuck?) The developers have been trying to reintroduce strategy elements in some way since TBC, but it's not working.
Can't you see I'm talking about the strategy games and their legacy? A lot of the fans like to pretend that WoW never happened.
>You can easily have each race as a faction and handwave the fact that they’re allies.
Pretty much this sort of a cross between flames of war and 40k.
>Romania, Germany, Italy, etc. are Axis, independent but allied
>Britain, US, USSR, etc. are Allies, independent but allied
Just allow mixing of armies in a system similar to something 40k has done at some point. Or you could include something like a Grand Horde army that lets you take anything from the horde but you lose some efficiency.
Reminder that goblins were planned as a playable race in WC3 before Blizzard saw that they couldn't balance over 4 races, and all of the Goblin heroes, buildings and units are reused cut content.
This is literally the system AoS uses
What minis are those? They look like they're from a boardgame.
3D printed models of player characters. This diorama gave people hope for a Warcraft wargame.
>pretending the most successful and long-lasting MMO in the history of the genre doesn't exist
And here I thought that fans who consider "Star Wars A New Hope" a standalone film were bad.
It's almost like the sequels improved on Star Wars whereas WoW ruined Warcraft, aside from being a completely different game of a very niche genre.
I could see Age of Sigmar being refluffed into a Warcraft game.
>millions of players
>niche genre
Nice opinion
So... like Only War then?
Warcraft would work best as a skirmish company level wargame with powerful hero units giving buffs/debuffs to other units on the table or having special powerful attacks.
If it's a wargame you want, then take your pick from the dozens to hundreds of Fantasy wargames out there.
It's nothing compared to the audiences of non-online AAA games.
Age of Sigmar = Warhammer + Warcraft
The races in the two big blobs are so integrated at this point are so integrated at this point you couldnt really separate them. Fielding a tauren army? Or a troll one? You'd be hard pressed to come up with units for niches other races would effortlessly fill. Basically, you'd just have two versions of the general Imperium shenanigans 40k has going on.
Sure, you could put in a lot of cool seperate armies, Burning Legion with a gorillion demon and 'corrupted' template options like felblood elves, armies of the Old Gods, with Aqir, Silithid, Klaxxi and other bugs with tentacle monsters, mindslaves and cults, Zandalari trolls with dinosaurs out the ass and personally I'm dying to play a Scourge army in any setting, they are the coldest motherfuckers everyehere. But we all know 80% of the games would be Horde vs Alliance and 15% Scourge aganist something. Minor factions just generally dont field enough shit to warrant unique lists and the RvB would just gobble them up as auxiliaries.
Maybe implement bonuses and options for 'pure' armies only, like only a pure Night Elf army gets to bring their entire WC3 arsenal but that would be wonky as shit, considering how quick the humans and orcs are taking on new allies and implementing their shit.
This tbqh famalam.
OP, you're retarded. Warcraft as a setting is perfectly suited for RPGs and personal stories provided you handle it from the same angle that WoW originally did, where players were just mercenaries and adventurers out for money and glory as the entire world balanced on an uneasy truce that had slipped into a cold war that neither side was really truly willing or capable of committing to.
Honestly, the Vanilla WoW era is basically a perfect set-up for not only standard RPG adventures in a nicely fleshed-out fantasy setting but also the fantasy equivalent of shadowrunning as you work for the various Powers That Be to secure objectives for them without any concrete trail leading back to them. Killing a Keeper of the Grove and its children in a remote mountain peak because the goblin cartels want to stripmine the mountain, getting information on what the true purpose of a dwarven settlement is in the Barrens to find out if they are really just an achaeological dig or something more militaristic, recovering an Alliance scout that was captured by the Forsaken before they can be shipped to the horror-factory that is the Undercity.
So something along the lines of Infinity?
So exactly the same as the original plan for WCIII?
>The races in the two big blobs are so integrated at this point are so integrated at this point you couldnt really separate them
This is the greatest cancer that WoW introduced. It had to ruin Night Elves and Undead to fit them into its factions. As always with terrible lore, it's better to ignore it.
Many AAA games end with yearly sales numbers in the 6-9 Million range.
WoW stopped releasing its subscriber numbers, but the lowest number ever quoted was 5.5 million.
A WoW subscriber is worth an average of 2 sales per year, financially speaking. (A WoW subscription costing roughly $156 a year, versus a $60 game.)
Now, we have mixed data and messages about Legion, but we know its launch sales were very respectable. (Oh, and it's worth noting that expansion purchases add MORE value to a subscriber, since those costs aren't covered by the subscription.)
WoW's financial market share is comparable with most "best selling games of the year", thanks to the inflationary nature of subscription.
It's actual "audience" (player) numbers would keep it in the "Top 10 games of the year" every year for the last 5.
WoW's player base is comparable to Super Mario Odyssey's, Destiny 2's, Uncharted's, Battlefield 1, and may others. It really only loses to the CoDs, Maddens, and FIFAS of the gaming world.
Maybe more like warmahordes? 1-3 big models based on WC3 heroes or important WoW NPCs and regular troops? Would give a lot of options even per race, there is just so much to work with and form synergies. Paladin+footmen. Mountain Kang+ riflemen etc.
Tbh its not that horrible, because they had those auxiliary races since WC2. Trolls berserkers, elven archers etc. the factions were never super pure and at this point its hard to imagine a pure orcish army without trolls supporting them and goblin-made tech. The night elves just stick out because they had a super strong and unique visual theme going with a huge arsenal, so everyone rightfully felt they were subsumed and neutered for nothing.
>ever wanting anything to be compared to WarmaHordes
Plz for the love of God, no. WarmaHordes is the only 'big' wargame that's actually more of a dumpsterfire than AoS, and even calling it big these days is a bit of a stretch given how its fanbase has more or less abandoned it in the wake of Mk3. At this point, Malifaux probably has a larger base than WarmaHordes does.
Infinity's a much better comparison imo, given the fact it isn't a dead game and has actually fairly interesting gameplay that keeps both sides interested instead of two people fishing for caster-kills with little to no interaction with their opponent.
Also, Mountain King with Riflemen? That sounds beyond retarded since your Rifleman would never want to be up in cqc while your Mountain King depends on it. Just because shit's the same race doesn't mean it belongs together. Mortar Team as an attache to Riflemen would be more sensible.
>its hard to imagine a pure orcish army without goblin-made tech
It's hard to imagine WC3?
>The night elves just stick out because they had a super strong and unique visual theme going with a huge arsenal
The Undead even more so.
Because you can't make new units of course, only take them from the games.
>pure orcish army
The scourge still is a thing and they have only gained more stuff to play around with. They have only lost dreadlords and obsidian statues/destroyers(oddly) You could argue they could even take anything under an undead template like those undead vrykul and undead trolls.
The forsaken? They never had anything super unique. Dark rangers and rogues maybe? Even their plague spreading is just what the Scourge did before. They dont even have that many famous NPCs.
>a game whose subs have only been sinking further and further since Cataclysm with momentary peaks as expansions trick players into thinking the game isn't the trash that it's become
>Warcraft now is being out-earned by Overwatch and HotS according to quaterly reports
>King, aka Candy Crush, makes as much money for Acitivision-Blizzard than all of Blizzard combined
Yeah, no, it really isn't. At this point WoW is just a slowly sinking oscillation that goes between the spikes where a new expansion is released t o the 5-7 million mark as people get bored or irritated with just how bad the games have gotten.
I would seperate armies into tiers.
Like you would have a "Grand Horde" army that can include basic units from every faction under that umbrella.
But then you can narrow it down to like "Thrall's Horde"/"Ogrimmar" where you have access to trolls, orcs and tauren units with a expanded version of those rosters and maybe some extra bonuses.
Then of course super specific armies like "Orcs" or "Frost Wolves" where you have access to unique units and major bonuses.
>what is a strong, tanky hero with tons of CC frontlining on his own for his ranged block
What does have anything to do with my post, cocksmear? You said that "Muh Mountain Kang plus Rifleman is totally a dope combo, lmao!" I pointed out that makes no fucking sense.
>What are the changes to get a tabletop Warcraft wargame that would continue the traditions of the strategy games?
Plenty of existing rulesets have the general scale and powerlevel down. Warmahordes for instance has a very similar vibe, and could easily be re-skinned to represent Warcraft dudes. (you don't even need to add more big shoulders!) I can see a WMH-scale game doing a great job of representing the three minutes when two heroes and their entourages collide mid-game in WC3, for instance.
The base building minigame is tougher though, because for tabletop you'd need to have minis / components to support every possible army a player might want to make during a game, nevermind all the little buildings. Base building is a keystone of WC1 - WC3, though. Maybe some kind of risk-style game with iterative improvements and army growth, using generic chits to represent?
There's also the somewhat rubbery cartoon scale to contend with. For instance, in WC2, a knight is about the same size as a warship. So if going with minis, you're looking at something representational, not scaled.
>A lot of the fans like to pretend that WoW never happened.
Well that seems a little dramatic.
>Mountain King is best where he can't fight the enemy
>when the literal counter to Mountain Kings is just picking them off with ranged attacks
>A WoW subscriber is worth an average of 2 sales per year, financially speaking.
>(A WoW subscription costing roughly $156 a year, versus a $60 game.)
Holy hell, that math.
>King, aka Candy Crush, makes as much money for Acitivision-Blizzard than all of Blizzard combined
You might as well compare legal businesses with mafia at that point
Which means the enemy is focusing on your tank with tons of HP, armor and magic immunity over your squishy ranged so.... mission accomplished?
>Maybe some kind of risk-style game with iterative improvements and army growth, using generic chits to represent?
That would be 100% feature creep into another flavor of tabletop games.
Just a neat little warmahordes clone with a gorillion options to play any subfaction you think is cool and its all set. I'd love to paint so many of the iconic warcraft units if they ever released it.
Night Elves still have all of their toys apart from the chimerae, what's your point?
>They never had anything super unique.
Their mad science was unique until Naxxramas came and Blizzard decided that the Scourge must have it, too.
IIRC the Addams Family buildings and the total flanderization came in WotLK. The apothecaries were just reserved dudes in black robes collecting shit.
>apart from chimaera
>apart from stone giants
>apart from faerie dragons
>apart from ancients doing anything at all
Their mad science was way more toned down until they turned it into the entire race's aesthetic. Vanilla Forsaken were honestly the best the race has been, and it's only going shittier and shittier as time goes on until its an entire faction of mustache-twirling edgelords living in a rejected set from VanHelsing.
A bunch of bitter, spiteful undead living in the rotting and deteriorating structures that echoed their own decay was pretty fucking neat and interesting. No sense of taste, the touch of the Light causing them pain and eventually even making their senses return as their feel the maggots writhing in their flesh and live with the stink of rot, and no future at all given that all will eventually succumb to the Mindless State and they have only so many new recruits.
Stone giants and faerie dragons are in the game.
But not as night elf units or allies at the very least.
So are chimaera, what's your point?
Why does there have to be monolithic factions? Tauren army with only tauren troops? Why not base the setting on balkanized multicultural world where nations might be predominantly one race, but include a cosmopolitan percentages from every other race. Sort of like DiscWorld does it.
Here's more on that diorama:
Because most of the people in this thread are mentally deficient.
Hell, the Cold War era in Azeroth was perhaps best summed up that that short-story where an Alliance-affiliating tauren druid approached a wounded human who murders him in the name of the Horde.
I'd take edgelords over depressing shit any day. The Forsaken you described have no reason to not kill themselves here and now. The Forsaken from the game are sometimes cartoonish, but they have a relatable motivation in their butthurt over humans.
>Why not base the setting on balkanized multicultural world where nations might be predominantly one race, but include a cosmopolitan percentages from every other race
Because that's boring, because these factions would have no identity and because there's no way to fit them into the existing lore.
When you think you're surrounded by retards, the actual retard is you.
No, a bit larger than Infinity; about 10 to 30 models per side.
I should have been clearer with that passage.
While a WoW subscription is definitely worth MORE than 2 sales, (2.6, to be precise, assuming minimum sub outlay (if you pay monthly instead of bi-yearly, the cost for a year is actually $180 dollars, a full 3 times standard game sales) And also given that many $60 games in the modern era include additional revenue streams such as cosmetics purchases, season passes, etc, whose exact outlay is difficult to parse, let us err in generosity against WoW, and say "a sub is worth 2 sales."
I thought I was closer to the character limit than I was.
None of your statements are relevant to the point at hand, and even serve to emphasize some of them.
Many popular game series don't reach 5-7 million sales in a year. Uncharted 4 totaled 8.7 million in 2016 the year it launched.
5-7 million players a year (which, again, equates AT LEAST to 10-14 million games' worth of SALES a year) is still enough to keep WoW in contention. Yes, WoW is much less popular than it was (12 million subs during Cataclysm), yes, other games are providing money for Blizzard, yes, the mobile market makes tracking game's success by "sales" a rather complicated and somewhat naive system.
Your claim was that WoW's playerbase is "nothing" compared to "non-online AAA games". And that claim is false. WoW's playerbase is comparable to that of a mediocre AAA game, while its profits off said player base inflate it to a respectable position.
I don't even care about WoW, since I stopped playing in Burning Crusade, and am actually happy to hear that Heroes is out-stripping it, since I do play that game.
But the fact remains that WoW's audience ISN'T a negligible base, simply not a hugely impressive one.
You're really thick aren't you?
WOW is wildly different from its RTS predecessors not just for being an MMORPG and an overdesigned mess for pauldron-loving children, but for throwing all the setting all over the place, retroactivley introducing a lot of new lore and forcing race in two alliances that just don't make sense.
I mean, if you look at WC3/Frozen throne, the (High/Blood) Elves are part of the Alliance - except from a splinter faction that goes with Kael'thas to ally with Illidan and the Nagas and technically working for the Burning Legion -, the Horde isn't a continental superpower and is just Thrall's horde, that includes Orcs, Trolls and has allied with Tauren, Blackrock orcs are a thing - and they are devoted to the Burning Legion AND hate the Scourge as it has replaced them-, the Undead are just under the Scourge and thus with the Lich King, the 'Forsaken' are such a minuscule force that they aren't a factor at all, the Night Elves have sided with the Alliance only once - and that time they had sided with the Horde as well -, etc etc etc.
Except they did. Pure hate-fueled vengeance on the Traitor Prince who had damned their kingdom and their deaths. After the Lich King was slain, you could have had a pretty interesting situation where the Forsaken have to actually evaluate what comes next, what the purpose is, etc. Something akin to the Ebon Blades, whose entire purpose was to defeat the Lich King.
Plus, some Forsaken do just off themselves at the horror of what they've become. Only the strong-willed Forsaken tend to actually get out of the grave, and those are driven by their negative emotions to have revenge on the ones who have slighted them. Good example being guy whose wife was killed by a friend of his. All he wants is for you to murder his former friend and bring back his hands, while he throws away his wedding ring as nothing more than a cold metal band.
The race is literally called the Forsaken and have their capital in the sewers of Lordaeron City. If you didn't want depressing, you probably shouldn't have picked it. Not everything has to be edgetastic, Coldsteel.
>the games have always been about armies duking it out and not questing and adventuring
You mean WCI and WCII was about that. WC3 on it's all heroes questing. With military support, for sure, but still they are in the spotlight.
Dude, I wasn't even the dude you're arguing with, just pointing out that if you're going to consider WoW more successful than most AAA games, then you'll also have to cope with the fact that Candy Crush kicks the shit out of it. And while WoW subscribers might funnel more money back into Warcraft, it's actually now hilariously easy to just buy your tokens in-game after a few old raid grinds for cash even if you don't want to play the AH. Subscriptions for WoW roughly equate to people buying skins in Overwatch, buying cardpacks in Hearthstone, or buying lootboxes in EA Battlefront.
The only confirmed sales that WoW can guarantee out of its playerbase is the $50 for a new expansion once every two years.
>now why would the Night Elves side with the people at war with the people that literally killed their god?
>it just makes no sense lmao
It seems like nelves wouldn't like the industrial society of the dwarves and humans, the orcs that did kill cenarius weren't acting under thrall's orders, thrall was big on shamanism which is also very nature worshippy, nelves probably wouldn't like all of the human mages there are or how closely they worked with the descendants of highbourne, and the nelves and the rest of the alliance are on completely different continents and have their own shit to deal with
The fact that there seem to be more buildings and npcs belonging to the neutral Cenarian Circle/Expedition factions than to the alliance I think suggests that nelves make more sense as a faction that is neutral to the alliance and horde.
No, it's an old school RTS, just with heroes. They tried to make it about heroes questing in the early stages of the development, but it turned out to be a bad idea and they just made fantasy Starcraft with heroes. The Rexxar campaign is their exploration of what could have been.
>thrall was big on shamanism which is also very nature worshippy
Don't forget that Thrall was allied with the Tauren, the druidic spiritual brothers of nelves. The Alliance had no such thing.
Easiest way would be to have basically the 4 wc3 factions, with Illidari, Legion, and a goblin/pirate faction being added on top.
Or would naga and murlocs be their own faction instead of being included in illidari? What faction would draenei be in? Should heigh/blood elves be their own faction? Should dwarves+gnomes be their own faction?
What would be the difference between scourge and forsaken? Would they be 2 completely different factions? Would they be 2 specializations of the same faction?
>like nelves wouldn't like the industrial society of the dwarves and humans
They dont particularly give a shit. Stop taking them as greenpeace. They hunt, they cull animals when they overbreed, they take the resources in dire need. They did not worship nature. They made a pact with it and its guardians and accepted their part in it.
>nelves and the rest of the alliance are on completely different continents
Weird, it's almost as if they have a tenuous pact with the Alliance to act as a buffer for aggression by the Horde while not having to actually deal with their allies in any real regard. While in the meantime, their relationship with Theramore helped to ensure that the Horde stayed decently behaved given that they were surrounded on both sides.
I mean, that's just silly. Why would you ever join into partnership with a faction that you are required to have almost zero contact with while helping to project a unified front to curb outside aggression? Night Elves must be retarded!
Cenarius wasn't a god, and it was Hellscream's bunch of fanatics that killed him after falling for demonic corruption again.
If they're totally cool with resource extraction and industrialization then it's weird that they don't have any mines, farms, forges, mills, edible livestock, or even orchards.
They may kill plenty of animals and kill whatever is diseased/corrupted/overpopulated, but that's not the same as being fine with replacing nature with artificial things.
Otherwise either they or some dwarves would be doing mining/archaeological digs in night elf held lands, or there'd be a gilean farmstead in some corner in darkshore,
Right, the bad green orcs killed a demigod. No relation at all to the good green orcs that were clear-cutting Ashenvale.
>dwarves would be doing mining/archaeological digs in night elf held lands
...so you never played Vanilla? There's literally a dwarven excavation in Darkshore.
>lol ima send precious ships, men, equipment, and food to go to kalimdor to help this race that's like high elves but weirder meanwhile there's forsaken undead, scourge undead, blackrock orcs, murlocs, troggs, defias, pirates, dark iron dwarves, gnolls, dragonkin, ogres, syndicate, and demons right here in the eastern kingdoms
>Or would naga and murlocs be their own faction instead of being included in illidari?
They would be in the Old God faction.
>What faction would draenei be in?
Lightforged Eternals
>Should heigh/blood elves be their own faction?
Maybe they should be allied with the Forsaken, otherwise their own faction.
>Should dwarves+gnomes be their own faction?
No lore reason for that, but why not
>What would be the difference between scourge and forsaken?
Seriously? All the difference in the world... They're not very similar beyond being undead. You might as well ask if the voodoo undead of the Trolls should be together with the Scourge.
I gave my nelf hunter the run to IF almost immediately after getting to darkshore to play with human pally friend.
Ever had friends?
>forgetting Theramore exists
Why would anyone give a shit about theramore? They're even less relevant than Stromgarde and Menethil.
Forgetting frost forest and jungle trolls, also blood elves, naga, dragonmaw orcs, leper gnomes, and lots of boars.
>I'm retarded and didn't realize that in-game was something that invalidated my point
>I know, I'll just insult him! That'll show I'm right
How sad.
>Why would anyone give a shit about Theramore?
>During the cold war, one of two human city-states and the primary human port in the world
>The place that supplies and outfits military fortifications directly in contested lands with the Horde ala Northwatch Hold
During the Cold War, Theramore was basically half of the reason that humans had any relevance at all. And if you are just going from the world that's shown in the RTS games, at the end of WC3, most people assumed that Theramore was the last remaining bastion of humanity
nigga I didn't encounter and remember every camp in every leveling zone, doesn't mean I didn't play it
>During the cold war, one of two human city-states and the primary human port in the world
So? Stromgarde used to be the only city period, and currently has both access to the ocean and if it was actually fully controlled by the alliance again it would be an excellent stronghold against the forsaken.
In game theramore is the same size as menethil, and currently the stormwind docks are probably slightly larger than the entirety of theramore.
>The place that supplies and outfits military fortifications directly in contested lands with the Horde ala Northwatch Hold
Which is a pointless and dangerous waste of resources
Even if it was a good idea to focus on thrall's orcish horde (as opposed to more hostile dragonmaw and blackrocks), why wouldn't they instead focus on their encampments in stranglethorn, swamp of sorrows, and frostwolf clan?
>why wouldn't the humans in Kalimdor focus on the orcs in the Eastern Kingdoms
>(a bunch of murderhobos take out Arthas? what the fuck?)
What about that doesn't make sense? Why wouldn't a very strong individual be taken out by a group of very strong individuals?
If you're a small city state ruled by jaina, why the fuck would you pick fights with a much larger neighbour to the north?
If I was theramore I'd lock down dustwallow, and occasionally send people to do stuff in non-horde-owned zones in southern kalimdor like tanaris and ungoro.
The Alliance was doing the same, for your information. So, still no reason to ally with either of them.
Don't forget that the entire purpose of the Lich King fight is that Arthas has specifically been grooming said murderhobos to be raised as his most powerful death knights after they delivered themselves to him. And he does kill every single member of the raid, only to be foiled by an Deus ex Machina in the form of Super God Tirion.
>over designed mess for pauldron loving children
>much larger neighbor to the north
>Orgrimmar's population: 14-16k, founded by a handful of ships of refugees and supported by local allies
>Theramore's population: 9.5-13k, founded by a handful of ships of refugees and supported by allies back home
Not in WoW they weren't. :^)
I agree with your idea but I would also want non-player races be on the battlefield and have them attack player armies that come too close.
> Would they be 2 specializations of the same faction?
I think this is the best, but have some forsaken-only and scourge-only units so stuff like crypt fiends and obsidian statues can't be taken if you play as a forsaken army.
>blood elves
Have their units in both the Alliance codex and the Naga codex.
>goblin/pirate faction
I think some form of mercenary faction that all codexes can use units from would be good. So the horde/alliance/scourge can all use stuff like goblin zeppelins and also allows for a goblin army (albeit one that will lack certain things that more fleshed-out armies would have).
Also mercenaries, they're just too few of them to be their own faction.
Not him btw
In wc3 it'd instead be 12 units + 2 heroes representing an army of about a few hundred.
I do wish that big raids had some npc siege or flying units assisting to make it feel a bit more like a small army that's assaulting the boss.
A group of players also visually looks kind of disorganized, where the army is so diverse in classes races genders and nonmatching equipment that the group as a a whole doesn't have a real flavour to it.
>blood elves
>Alliance codex
Pretty sure you wanted to say Horde
Then why does orcish horde even exist? If theramore is so stronk, why do orcs control the barrens despite being the sworn enemies of quillboars and centaurs, and fighting night elves?
Also, where do these numbers come from?
If Arthas is anything like Archimonde, it'd take a max size army to kill him
No, because having a orc troll tauren and ogre army loses it's visual and geographic theme when its got belfs in it
Then I'm sure you feel the same way about our own cultures. I'm sure you think that Irish have no place fighting In a non Anglo army. Hindus can't fight in a south American army etc
Because at the time of Warcraft, everyone is still recovering from the time that intergalactic space gods walked on the face of the world and nearly blew up the planet. The old alliances that had been made during the Reign of Chaos are beginning to deteriorate but haven't reached a point of open warfare because everyone is still nursing their wounds and dealing with their own internal shit.
Theramore has to deal with the fact they accidentally settled right beside the lair of a Black Dragon, they've got to deal with the ogres that the Horde are propping up, they've got to deal with the Horde itself in border skirmishes, and they've got to deal with the fact that the sea in Azeroth is horrifying and filled with monsters.
The Horde has to deal with quilboar and centaur along with border skirmishes with Theramore and the Night Elves, while also dealing with internal corruption and cabals of Legion-worship still festering in the dark corners of Thrall's New Horde.
Stormwind has to deal with a Black Dragon in-directly leading them and hindering any ability to fight against the issues that are cropping up in the shires as Westfall falls to the machinations of the Defias, Lakeshire suffers from the attacks of Blackrock orcs and gnolls, Darkshire lives in Tim Burtonland, and even the soldiers set to watch northern Stranglethorn have fallen into madness as their leader goes full Kurtz.
Everyone is simply too busy to engage in openware in the Vanilla timeline, which is part of what makes it so interesting and fun as an RPG setting. It isn't too cardboard armies smashing together over and over, accomplishing nothing. It's just a bunch of desperate fuckers trying to survive the next decade. And the old books which are now considered non-canon though were canon at the time.
Blood elves have always been part of the alliance, even in WoW just not playable (became playable with the Void Elves). Only a handful join the Horde and the reason is because population balance (players want pretty races to play as).
And Alliance army with belfs in it is a huge shit all over the lore. Thus they should be their own faction or allied with the Forsaken.
High elves then
>Hindus can't fight in a south American army etc
I don't think you're aware that South American Northeast is full of Hindus, and Guyana and Suriname in particular have a Hindu majority.
>And Alliance army with belfs in it is a huge shit all over the lore.
But there are Blood Elves in the Alliance, they're just not a playable race.
Pretty much don't exist