What dumb shit did you/your players do that somehow worked fine?
Previous Thread: For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
>Who's making the new 40k RPGs? ulisses-us.com/in-development-wrath-glory-for-warhammer-40000-roleplay/ Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It's set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.
There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.
40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core. 40krpgtools.com/
40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books. mediafire.com/folder/i3akv9qx9q05z
Flying a huge stationary melta cannon with 4 Valkyries to hit escaping baddie's ship.
Austin Reed
Going to be GM for first playthrough with some mates in the next week, anyone got any core tips?
Grayson Sullivan
So after our second encounter with Chaos Space Marines I've decided to stuff my bag with all available grenades(15) and use it in case of emergency. Any other advises for Imperial Guardsman?
Isaiah Carter
Dump the flamer, get a melta, REALLY LOVE COVER!
Logan Williams
>GW making a new squat model for Necromunda after twenty fucking years
Squats when
Juan Fisher
Since there's no lore thread up at the moment, I'm asking this here (especially as it related to an idea for a campaign).
Under what circumstances might an Inquisitor seek to assemble a "deathwatch style" team, consisting solely of non-marines? And I don't mean a typical acolyte posse, I'm talking a team of sly marbo tier operators. The best thing I could think of is some kind of covert ops, where you need to remain subtle, but also need the kind of insane manpower marines can provide.
Hudson Wilson
>melta, flamers Sorry chum, we are IG regiment. Best I can do is overloaded lasguns and a single lascannon with 5 shots left.
Grayson Thompson
Assassination of Hive ruler. The hive is still full of loyalist and produce the majority of supplies for the war around. The upper hive is deep in heresy tho. The team needs to get in, fight through PDFs, armsmen, machines and demons to get to their target. Kill everyone suspected, protect the loyalist highborns and keep the lower levels ignorant.
Camden Brown
Specifically of non-marines, something that involves potentially heretical Astartes? Outpost X has been up to some weird shit and they need an unbiased eye to go poke around subtly and potentially expose or neutralise rogue elements that are out of line, something like that?
Parker White
Which line are you running? Here's general advice that can apply to all of them.
>Remember that +0 is "Challenging". Most rolls should have some kind of bonus to them, particularly with equipment >Check the range rules. Most guns have a +10 to hit during any kind of gunfight at a reasonable distance >Print out a cheat-sheet of combat actions for newbies, it'll help >Have the crit charts handy >Death is a part of the game, that's why you got fate points >Have villains retreat once in a while >If the baddies know they're coming, have them be prepared for the pcs >If you want "Cinematic" combat, consider reducing wounds/armor of antagonists, and increasing their numbers. One option is to give your average mook about ten wounds, regardless of species, but then have them die if that's exceeded or if they get wounded twice.
Am I the only one who saw the reference to them in the core rules?
Jonathan Gray
>Am I the only one who
Yes. You are. You are a unique, special snowflake. We grovel in your powers of observation. There is no-one like you in the whole wide world.
Christopher Perry
I'm partial to fleets of three, for a Rogue Trader. My concepts are Swan's Trumpet, Thrush's Knock, and Militant Dove. The Trumpet is a heavily customized Grand Cruiser armed with, among other things, sonic torpedos. The Thrush's Knock is a Gothic-class Cruiser and the flagship of the fleet, richly carpeted & decorated for receiving guests at bargaining conferences and filled with caches of murder-servitors in case those guests get uppity. The Militant Dove is a Sword-class frigate equipped with a Holo-Field and a great deal of unconventional batteries for striking with overwhelming force from surprise before withdrawing to prepare another salvo. The Trumpet is chiefly concerned with hauling cargo, but boasts considerable power. If I could think of a halfway decent name I'd want a Defender-class Light Cruiser in there, but I like the strategic & tactical opportunities afforded by a 3-ship fleet, and I wouldn't want to break theme on the ship names.
Michael Lewis
Get bent
Brandon Clark
Revising the Mental Trauma rules for my Genesys Dark Heresy hack.
I'll ideally have a couple of more examples in there before I add it to the release document. Any suggestions on that front?
Jacob Torres
Have you ever blatantly stolen fictional characters from other settings for your 40krpg games? For example, Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising would make a good recongregator inquisitor.
Juan Flores
We fought the entire set of winds of destruction, and armstrong, except they were Tau with custom battlesuits.
Logan Gomez
Let's kidnap Tzeentch.
Xavier Carter
>What dumb shit did you do that somehow worked fine? Constantly frustrating my GM with outrageous acts that I somehow survive. >going 2v1 against a warp spawn and winning with no critical damage with a near starting pc >assaulting a fortress alone to rescue a captured party member >surviving some 6 rounds of combat against the leader of that fortress, designed to take on the entire party alone, with the same pc >routing an entire twist battle line with a technical >surviving the technical's explosion by jumping thru the windshield of the autocarriage that rammed it, soaking the entire explosion, then GTA'd the twist driving the autocarriage to pick up the rest of the warband >above pc then went rogue and is arming a mass uprising on the planet that the Interrogator is trying to squash >new pc is the murderrapeblender I post about occasionally >took on 12 armed soldiers and 4 autosensed turrets in a u bend hallway with just a sword alone >murdered a traitor primaris psyker and looted his ass (took his rosarius) >took on 3 or 4 (forgot) tzaangors in CC, killed them dead >then killed the daemonhost 1v1 that had a LoC in it like a baller >due to frenzy and low intelligence, I don't actually remember any of it >murdered some local predatory wildlife and fed them to some witches >summoned up warp wolves to take on 30 warrior psykers and their khornate pysker champion boss >bound one of the warp wolves into my force katana made of unbreakable steel >paraded it infront of our inquisitor AND the sororitas >did I mention I'm a witch, too, and didn't know it until the Interrogator told me? >I was recently talked out of attacking a chimera full of dudes because we were on a secret mission to kill the fortress leader from the beginning of the game with a looted plasma reactor from a arvus lighter >could have murdered those dudes >could have looted the chimera >never looted one of those before...
Luis Cooper
You are talking about a Kill Team, user, and basically any time they need someone dead, and dead, possibly more dead. All of this advice is good. Also, don't be afraid of the pcs having nice things. Dangle some nice shit in front of them if they work for it. In a DH1e game I ran once, the warband's fixer got ahold of a matched set of good quality boltgun+pistol, and offered it to them for discount if they did some courier work for them. The arbitrator in the party was super amped, and it honestly made me happy to be able to make the player smile over something seemingly so simple, yet iconic for the archetype. I used a spirit possessed human from Werewolf: the Forsaken as the inspiration from a long running nemesis of the party. To this day, saying or referencing Phrank makes the party check their ammo.
Jackson Wood
Also >transporting the plasma reactor via motorbike 20 clicks >plasma reactor is set up on a hastily made wooden sled >I tied myself to the reactor >we are nearly at the target area >almost get spotted >I force pushed the bike forward out of the spotlight some 20m ahead >driver almost loses control, but lands it like a baller That's just the shit I've done, let's not talk about the sororitas parrying a 4 ton falling block of rubble, the pyker crime boss making a blood pact with a goddamn HARLEQUIN troop, the techpriest who tried to 1v1 Scrap Code (he did not survive), the face who browbeat 3 noble families at once into doing what she wanted, the adept who solves ALL PROBLEMS with a gun, or a medkit, with varying amounts of success.
Josiah Smith
I just did my first two sessions. Make sure you have a session 0 for character creation etc. Try and get an idea for what people want their characters to be or do.
Getting a printed sheet of combat rules and also having just a few skill sheets printed out on the table can help when people get into trouble.
Mass combat is not really that hard and I found making combat flow nice and quick was really a lot easier than the likes of DND or other pen and papers.
I find it good to always have some npc's with them it gives them something to protect. Believe me they will often latch onto the first npc that is friendly they meet and go to great lengths to protect them.
Connor Garcia
How do you guys deal with people not wanting to play the Navigator in Rogue Trader? I'm honestly thinking of either having him as a GMPC who always stays on the ship or even allowing people two characters so every role is filled. Hell, maybe even three but because I don't pull any punches.
John Jones
You just have a navigator that stays on the ship. He's reclusive, hideous, whatever, and doesn't want to leave his spire. Which is probably fine, because navigators can creep out the rest of the crew and they're valuable enough that you don't want to push your luck with them.
You can leave out pretty much any of the roles in Rogue Trader and be fine. Even the rogue trader himself, if you want to refluff another career or just have an NPC.
Ryder Reyes
What's your favorite class to play in Rogue Trader guys? Mine is the Seneschal. Roleplaying a ninja accountant is right up my alley.
William Jones
Has there been any substantial news on the new RPGs since they were announced?
Jeremiah Miller
Just an announcement on how various pcs work together and dice mechanics preview.
Juan Gomez
Are there any homebrew stats for Scrap Code? I've got an Explorator PC that has picked up some kind of cursed tech object and am not sure where to go with it.
Joseph Lopez
We killed the smarmy bastard. Beefy as fuck Ethereal with nanomachines. Hello, Battle-Brother.
The funny thing is I was just rereading the logs of that fight last night to check what the fucker's name was in Tauspeak.
As for using him as an =][=, I can definitely see him as a Recongregator, but maybe with some Isstvanite leanings. Dude's pretty fukken radical.
As for other characters one could rip off, a silly campaign might do well with a particular man serving the Immortal God-Emperor's Most Holy Inquisition... a Radical man, one might say.
Austin Morales
Do tell more.
Ethan Thompson
>DH1 >Have a psyker >Psyker is oddly in love with his garrotte >Best quality weapon >Mono >Strangled on average 4 guys with that per mission >that was before he learned telekinesis
Fuck if I know why but he loves this weapon
Brody Martin
Post ships!
Foe Hammer (50 SP) Angry ship, participated in Angevin Crusade. Almost destroyed a whole squadron of heretic destroyers by itself. Was retired by the Imperial Navy but purchased and refitted by a Rogue Trader. Since then, its reputation as a hammer of heretics has only grown.
Turbulent-class Heavy Frigate Crew=Competent. Complications=Wrothful, Turbulent Past (+20 Imperial Navy, -20 Heretics). Components=Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive, Strelov 1 Warp Engine, Gellar Field, Single Shield Array, Combat Bridge, Vitae Life Sustainer, Voidsman Quarters, M-100 Auger Array, Rhyza Pattern Plasma Batteries (Dorsal 1 and Dorsal 2), Compartmentalized Cargo Hold, Augmented Retro-Thrusters, Reinforced Prow. Space/Power=42/47.
Jace Wood
>Cabal of corrupt Techpriests kidnapping kids from hive cities and slapping their brains into battle servitors, which in turn get sold to rogue traders, mercenary companies, and remote planetary militias
Jayden Evans
> GM
In all seriousness playing an Explorator has been sick. You can take it a lot of ways while still being perennially useful.
Cooper Myers
Playing two Explorators in different games.
One is a slightly tainted (5 corruption) and highly paranoid space dr mengle who wants to cure his flaws and then replace them with metal. He is the ships surgeon/twistcatcher as he relies on bilge mutants for research purposes
The other is your ran of the mill engineseer prime. Vogelist (philosophic faction within the admech believing humanity needs to be upgraded). You want an upgrade with that? Basically a imperial painboy. Go there to treat a broken limb, leave with a new bionic, not necessarily for the same limb
Henry Stewart
Judgement Time (47 SP) Used to carry cadres of Arbitrators across the stars. Gained a reputation as a merciless enforcer of the Emperor's Law.
Tempest-class Strike Frigate Crew=Competent. Complications=Resolute, Emissary of the Imperator. Components=Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive, Strelov 1 Warp Engine, Gellar Field, Single Shield Array, Combat Bridge, Vitae Life Sustainer, Voidsman Quarters, R-50 Auspex Multi-band, Sunsear Laser Battery (Dorsal 1), Ryza Pattern Plasma Battery (Dorsal 2), Barracks, Cargo Hold and Lighter Bay, Trophy Room. Space/Power=42/45
Caleb Green
My DM used one of the Titanfall 2 mercs as a boss fight. After we killed him, his warp-corrupted Titan tried to pull my PC in and force him to fight the rest of the party.
Carter Hall
>ran a golden wind deathwatch campaign. No one noticed. >used full set of winds of destruction like that user in my DH1e game >copied Diamon Dogs for my DH1e game >my greater demons and demon princes from DH1e Ascension and Deathwatch campaigns are just reskinned raid bosses from WoW. Sometimes even with same mechanics
Jeremiah Martinez
Literally had Al Simmons as a noble's bodyguard
Joshua Johnson
GM has us playing a really cool concept right now that I thought I would share
>On a lost feudal world the are constant battles between worshippers of different gods, with our clan remaining true to the emporer while the others now woship made up shit with the occaisional chaos cult mixed in >Ecclesiarchy inds the planet by chance and after seeing our struggle ar us with laslocks (Laser muskets) and we go about conquesting shit backed up by angels sent by our god >5 years later and old soldiers are formed into imperial guard regiments, most wielding laslocks still because since we're in the ass end of nowhere there isnt much else around >Our campaign started here and we play part of a massive group of soldiers who fight Napoleon style, standing in a line, fire, reload >Had a great time roleplaying middleage peaseants seeing stuff like battlecruisers and tanks for the first time >Also fun interacting with other guard regimants such as Cadian regiment who were suprised when one of us challenged a sargeant to a duel (Most still carry swords, some shields) >Combat is new, it isnt the typical vietnam mission, trench mission or tank mission, instaed we roleplay standing shoulder to shoulder with our battlebrothers and advancing on the enemy with swords and spears drawn as we've fired 20 vollys and now we're out of ammo
We're fighting tau at the moment after a succesful campaign against a chaos held city (which included more then a few burnings at the stake), and its amazing fighting against railguns with swords and shields Sorry for gushing but its been so much fun that I thought someone else might enjoy reading about it
Jacob Myers
What should be tier 5 in Wrath & Glory?
Evan Perry
Imperial Knights, Custodes.
Logan James
>player wants to play a Chaos Dreadnought in Black Crusade >decide fuck it yea alright >we've already got Space Marines and human mixed party lets add another layer of encounter Anyone got advice on making custom archetypes?
Zachary Morgan
Use standard archetype and stuff him into the dreadnought, perhaps giving him some slack regarding the whole “attack everyone” thing to make the character playable. You also need to consider intimidating someone into servicing and tech support
Camden Robinson
I was thinking of strongly recommending a Minion talent for tech support and servicing. I already told him we could work on an Archetype for it, I'm thinking low number of skills and talents to make up for the sheer power traits and talents being in a Dreadnought will give him.
Luke Gomez
On what page can I find stablight in DH 2nd E?
Elijah Rodriguez
Painting a half-summoned daemon prince with the AdMech's cobbled together targeting laser so that the the allied Rogue Trader ship could fire its laser at it from orbit. All that stunt cost them was the psyker's foot.
Josiah Powell
I enjoyed reading this. two sessions ago my party collected a tithe of soldiers form a feudal world, destined for the imperial guard. last session we led the feudal world soldiers, still equipped with their swords and boards, against boarding parties of orks trying to take over our ship.
good fun!
Jack Taylor
Nice. Feudal Worlds are my jam.
Jack Lewis
>running GM guide oneshot about killing Gen Scarus >players capture a truck >use it to Beirut Bomb the compound with a melta strapped to the front, breaking the gate and hitting the main building Later in the encounter the Sgt player disemboweled a dude with a chainsword with an upward thrust. The dude was opening the chimera hatch to throw a grenade in.
>as a player >playing arbites based on both movie versions of Dredd >Arbitrator Portentus >lots of "ah ham, Tha Law!" >have only a shield and shock maul >get to final encounter with SoB impersonators >rest of acolyte cell shoots back and forth between the "sisters" and faithful >I square off with the "cannonness" >basically turn her into a drooling vegetable with applications of shocking and failed saves while a guardsman minion shoots her >she starts healing >cuff her and drag her through the firefight, applying the shock maul to the manacles whenever she starts to come to >we dust off and bring her back to the Interrogator >fun times for all involved Shocking is strong as hell.
Nolan Miller
so did anyone watch that blue collar heresy thing miniwargaming has done it's actually kinda fun
Noah Howard
>Diamond Dogs Kek I actually used them as a sidepiece in Deathwatch, but rather than xenos, they were Space Wolves who went full Wulfen after surviving a voidship crash left them marooned. Sadly the Space Wolf whose backstory involved losing a voidship to Chaos pirates died before the killteam found them.
Luke White
AT LAST MY ASCENSION IS AT HAND All the damn time. Snake Plissken showed up as a mercenary hired by the T'au who fought (and evaded) the Deathwatch so many times it became a running joke. He started as a random trooper with a missile launcher who kept making incredible dodge rolls, so eventually I statted him as the ultimate mercenary.
Matthew Ortiz
Dominic Evans
Daemon Princes, Greater Daemons, Necron Overlords, Primarches and the like. 176, under Glow-globes/stablights.
Joshua Ward
In DH2e, are sustained actions cumulative? If I sustain a half action power, and another half action power, does that take up all actions?
Parker Wright
If both require a half action to sustain, yes.
Jonathan Howard
>rate, shit on, the usual >custom talent >The Ríastrad In times of desperation, the confident, foolhardy, or insane can draw deeply upon the Warp to fuel a reckless gamble for power, at the cost of the body, mind, and perhaps their soul. Tier 3 Prequisites: Psy Rating 4, Willpower 50, Psyniscience +10, Insanity 20, Corruption 20 Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker Effect: The character can cast multiple psychic powers equal to half his effective psy rating, chosen when using this talent, as a Full Round action so long as the powers are not Bolt/Blast/Barrage/Storm and can be sustained. Each power is rolled for separately according to it's text at the PR rating chosen when using the talent, can be cast under the effective Psy Rating for bonuses as normal, and sustain actions are cumulative. Special: Using this talent will proc only a single Warp Phenomenon roll automatically, with a +10 bonus to the roll for each power that is attempted to manifest. This is in addition to the bonus for Pushing, if done, and any Focus Power roll that procs Warp Phenomenon adds an additional +10 to the final Warp Phenomenon roll, resolved at the end of the turn. Warp Lock can not be used to negate a Perils result. >the point is for someone crazy enough to go high risk/reward on psychic buffs, in exchange for a nearly guaranteed Perils result
Tyler Price
Does anyone have the old OW homebrew/houserule gdoc? I had it bookmarked but the link seems to be dead. I to go over the non-ratling sniper guardsman specialty.
Andrew Gray
Does this allow the same power to be used multiple times? Does this allow two or more powers with the Attack and/or Concentration subtype to be used?
Charles Torres
How are your games going?
Ethan Fisher
tell me more. I'm assuming this is an ascension game?
Levi Cook
>Does this allow the same power to be used multiple times? No, I did not believe you could manifest the same power more than once, anyway. Can you use Warp Speed twice? >Does this allow two or more powers with the Attack and/or Concentration subtype to be used? No power that is a bolt of any sort or blast can be used with this, and the power must be able to be sustained. I can think of no attack power that falls into the gap.
Easton Thomas
Just waiting for us to get time to have the next session, where my players are heading at breakneck speed to respond to a distress call from Icenhof. Having fuck all clue what has caused it beyond "shits bad yo" and some rumours and hints I dropped earlier in the campaign.
Juan Lopez
A beautiful and hallowed ship from the very dawn of the Imperium. Minted at the height of the Great Crusade for an ancient Rogue Trader dynasty, this vessel is a colossal work of art and artifice, her glittering marble spires and seamlessly incorporated wards appear as if one of the grand cathedral blocks of Holy Terra itself has been set amongst the stars.
Conquest-Class Star Galleon Competent Crew Jovian Class 8.3 Drive Miroslav H-616.b Warp Engine Warpsbane Hull Multiple Void Shield Array Shipmaster's Bridge Clemency Life Sustainer Voidsmen Quarters Deep-Void Augur Arrays Auto-Temple Laboratorium
*Solar-Pattern Sunscour Lance
Ancient and Wise Emissary of the Imperator
The custom ship a virgin party of mine put together with a little added zest to get them in the mood. Considering its holy nature and bearing, though, they're certainly not living by its standard.
Tyler Jenkins
Yeah, but not a serious one. We basically finished playing execution force, and decided to use the minis for a game where everyone competed to kill a chaos Lord 'blessed' by the gods with immortality. Haven't killed him permanently yet, but so far causes of death include exsanguination, vehicle genocide, backstabbing through time and space, and shooting in the face repeatedly.
Josiah Thomas
>Full Mast >FULL MAST! I giggled a bit.
Connor Rivera
Enfeeble, Misfortune, Manipulate Flame, and Exorcism.
Easton Gray
>That last one >"I will have Esmerelda, if I have to burn down all of Askellon!"
Brody Phillips
I would allow for those, with the exception of Exorcism, which targets only daemon trait, none do damage, but are debuffs of some sort.
Jacob Long
>as with the exception of Exorcism oops.
Colton Campbell
>What dumb shit did you/your players do that somehow worked fine? The resident 7.5 foot astartes psyker sprouted glourious wings and the whole radical alcolyte squad convinced everyone they met that he was blessed by the emperor and remade in Sanguinius' image. They even worked alongside Blood Ravens. Eventually we all succumbed to chaos uh i mean liberated our minds from the shackels of imperial indoctrination and convinced the GM to run a chaos campaign. It was fun while it lasted.
Alexander Ortiz
But user she was Esmeralda
Easton Taylor
Adam Nguyen
Here's a Star Galleon I came up with (I love these ships):
Bucephalus (69 SP) A very traditional Star Galleon, the Bucephalus is fitted for long duration expeditions into the unknown. Many of her crew can trace their lineage back to Holy Terra from where the Bucephalus first set sail. While not a match for most ships of the line, those expecting easy prey will be sorely disappointed by her long range laser batteries, deadly lance weapons, and stalwart crew.
Conquest-class Star Galleon Crew=Competent. Complications=Ancient and Wise, Reliquary of Mars. Components=Modified Jovian Pattern Class 4 Drive, Strelov 2 Warp Engine, Emergency Field, Repulsor Shield Array, Commerce Bridge, Vitae Life Sustainer, Clan-kin Quarters, Deep Void Array, Sunsear Laser Batteries (Port 1 and Starboard 1), Titanforge Lance Weapons (Port 2 and Starboard 2), Barracks, 2 Main Cargo Holds, Arboretum, Extended Supply Vaults. Space/Power=56/75.
Jaxson Edwards
These guys would make a good rogue trader crew.
Samuel Russell
Learn how to grapple. Took down a Champion of Nurgle in 2 (3?) turns by slicing him open and shoving a pack of live grenades inside him.
Jordan Price
>Grappling a champion of nurgle >"Slicing" him open So how many diseases does your character have now?
Jayden Morgan
Righteous Retribution (75 SP) This ship fought in the bloodiest battles of the Angevin Crusade and the number of times it was forced to quit the field can be counted on one hand. Sadly, this hubris cost the Retribution dearly when it came into conflict with an unknown force near the Hazeroth Abyss. Left a bloodied wreck, she purchased and refitted by an enterprising Rogue Trader. Since then, the Retribution has a carved a bloody path through Koronus Expanse.
Lunar-class Cruiser Crew=Competent. Complications=Martial Hubris, Emissary of the Imperator. Components=Jovian Pattern Class 4 Drive, Strelov 2 Warp Engine, Gellar Field, Multiple Shield Array, Ship Master’s Bridge, Vitae Life Sustainer, Voidsman Quarters, M-100 Auger Array, Mars-Pattern Torpedo Tubes (Prow), Mars-Pattern Macrocannon Broadsides (Port 1 and Starboard 1), Titanforge Lance Batteries (Port 2 and Starboard 2), Compartmentalized Cargo Hold, Armoured Prow, Augmented Retro-Thrusters. Space/Power=75/75.
Eli Butler
seems unsanitary
Isaiah Walker
Is the range on Sunsear broadsides worth the much higher cost in power and space over Mars Macrocannon broadsides?
Specifically, we have a Dictator class Cruiser with the built in Jovian Launch Bays in the other broadside slots, and the archeotech Star-Flare Lance in the prow.
Isaac Allen
If you're a slow ship, then yeah a long range weapon in worth it. However, if you're fast or part of a fleet with fast ships (i.e. you have escorts), you don't really need long range weapons.
Here's a dictator class ship I came up with:
Even Hand (73 SP) This ship belonged to one of the first Rogue Trader houses to explorer the Koronus Expanse. It participated in the Defense of Footfall. Though it exacted a bloody toll on the invading reavers, it was eventually forced to retreat. Still, the people of Footfall remember the Even Hand and her crew as their stalwart defenders. They're not the only ones who remember...
Dictator-class Cruiser Crew=Competent. Complications=Adventurous, Turbulent Past (+20 Footfall, -20 Pirates). Components=Jovian Pattern Class 4 Drive, Strelov 2 Warp Engine, Gellar Field, Multiple Shield Array, Flight Command Bridge, Vitae Life Sustainer, Voidsman Quarters, Deep Void Array, Sunhammer Lance Battery (Prow), Sunsear Las-Broadsides (Port 1 and Starboard 1), Jovian-Pantern Landing Bays (Port 2 and Starboard 2), Compartmentalized Cargo Hold, Armoured Prow, Pilot Chamber, Small Craft Repair Deck. Space/Power=77/75.
Gabriel Nguyen
Our other Archeotech components (through the Planetbound for Millenia background) are the modded plasma drive and Energy Conversion Matrix. So we have 6 speed, or 11 if we divert power from weapons.
Cameron Cooper
>6 speed or 11 with no weapons
I'd probably get some long range weapons then. Otherwise you'll be trouble if you run into a souped small ship.
Jack Wood
>they managed to uncover a plot to remove half of the gothic defence fleet from play against the invading Word Bearers fleet >Desperado managed to piss off a Dark Apostle with mad bantz >managed to remove the inquisitor traitor that has been bothering them for 15 sessions by dropping him off. Bound. In Commoragh. >Inquisitor, Palatine and Primaris psyker managed to rob a homunculus lab while at it >Desperado, Killmarine and Magos fought off a planetary invading force dark eldars while Inquisitor, Primaris and Palatine boarded Deldars' vessel and took their command unit prisoners. The decision to take them alive only came after they've found that the enemy command is all female
Ethan Rodriguez
Do full battles in WH40K RPG actually feel like DOOM or are they actually like Shadowrun where you roll a shitton of dice and spend several minutes calculating modifiers, hits, and wounds?
I want to run a one-shot night that's a straight rip off of DOOM and Berserk and I'm hoping to find a combat system that'll emulate a fast-paced brutal feel. I'd like each encounter to only last around 25 minutes, but I'd like to still have them feel threatening/interesting.
Jackson Sanders
It works fine. But only if the players are familiar with the system. Because if you want your players to go full doomguy, then they would need a lot of talents and some good gear. Knowing what everything does is problematic for new players.
Juan Brooks
Pls post your character description for a sick and very bored drawfag
Levi Phillips
you going to be ok, drawfag?
Parker Sanders
Yep, it's just the flu, luckily!
Jace Hall
If you want to draw something I have a cool scenario that I'd like to see drawn. A Pirate Prince of the Ragged Helix, human, no mutations, dressed like a Caribbean pirate with all silks and xenos furs/hides and a tricorne hat. blue eyes and long blonde hair. He's at the helm of his ship, flying it, half a bottle of wine in one hand, one sleeve rolled up with some chord tied around the arm, some syringes (of spook) on the ground, inhaling Cerulean Flame (the drug), while Handmaidens of Slaanesh Navigate his ship through the warp with incense burning and tortured captives screaming. The Handmaidens are more ephemeral and guiding his hands on the wheel rather than actually steering for him. If this is too much detail for you that's fine I just think this would look cool, especially if you include a vague hint of the warp being outside the ship to show that it's a chaos warp jump using rituals.
Jeremiah Evans
draw urself as a cool space marine punching the flu in the face
Nicholas Carter
A group shot of these three would be pretty cool.
I'll give some brief descriptions.
>Top: Prince-Captain Valerus Cyprianus Flavius Haupsburg. Looks like Prince Valerian wearing power armor looking like it was made by the WHFB Empire. Wilds a snazzy relic-sword based on Anduril. >Middle: Master of the Ship Larkin Whoreson. Looks like Captain Barbosa with a bionic leg (right), a brace of duelling laspistols and shitloads of religious knicknacks. Wields a bottle of rotgut. >Bottom: Dragon-Princess Idalia Van Drakken. Tall, white haired and blue eyed warrior woman. Wears a power armor version of the plate armor high elf dragon princes from WHFB. Wield a crystal toothed chainsword. >Extra credit: Finneas Tycho. Tychus from Starcraft 2 in 40k power armor wielding an astartes combat shotgun. NPC that's an honorary PC. Posing would probably work best iif you do it like an in-universe commissioned portrait.
Hope that's inspiration to kill your boredom!
Josiah Wright
Running Deathwatch in the same vein as DOOM is totally viable... and fun.
Just play some metal too
Dylan Ross
>What dumb shit did you/your players do that somehow worked fine? Fired a digilaser inside a factorum level of a hive city where they were accessorizing a lot of gasses and firearms were banned for being a fire hazard. He lost his hand, got captured, then somehow talked fast enough to get away.
Gabriel Gomez
Doom with a dash of straight up action films would be great. Just add on a bit of no way fag for every romance side plot and go to town.
Samuel Jones
PDF ain't working bro.
Brody Peterson
I deleted it when I realized I fucked up. It was the wrong file.
Jace Campbell
Fucked up again. I'm tired. Anyway, for people who have experience with InDesign, does it automatically downgrade the resolution of images, or do I need some high PPI in order for it to look good at print size? Like, 1000 PPI?
Is it generally better to have separate text frames for headers and titles, or just edit the text all as one block?
Aaron Campbell
>double fuck up No probs user. When you manage to post the right one I'll read it and critique.