Your mother sucks dwarf cock.
Your mother sucks dwarf cock
well I'm a half-dwarf so; no shit
Probably. How can ya tell which one is me Da' and which is me Mam? Cause if y'can manage that ye've got the makings of one of the best Dwarven Matchmakers this far above ground!
How low do you have to go to do that?
My mother sucks human cock.
While standing up.
You see the joke here is I like to switch it around and have the dwarf girl fuck the human. I'm a contrarian like that.
Well, considering the fact that it's the only thing stopping him from pulling the "Fuck the World" lever, I am surprisingly a-okay with this.
Well at least it's not an elf
so basically a manlet?
'Yer point, lad?
I suck Dwarf nipples.
You seem to find gonads fascinating. I fear I don't share your passion
Your father sucks dwarf cock as well
Well my mom is a t-dwarf so yeah no shit.
I once fucked a she-elf.
Your wife's son is a girl
So do I.
Your mom gay
Hah. Your mom, maybe. My family can afford orc cock.
Dad, go home, you're drunk again.
He's a dwarf, he's ALWAYS drunk
Your father sucks minotaur cock.
Considering that looks like an NPC peasant with no class levels and I am a leveled PC with barely restrained murderhobo tendencies, and several terrifying retainers... I give the man a gold piece to see his clearly spectacularly massive balls.
and yours bares her rump for the black ones
You lucky sonofabitch. Those coins are hard to get.
source pls
My mother was resurrected by a pervert dwarf warlock, so no shit.