ITT: Settings you've always wanted to play in. For me, it's Mad Max.
ITT: Settings you've always wanted to play in. For me, it's Mad Max
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Arthurian Britain, going all-in with knightly and courtly things associated with the body of literature. Not the pop-culture meme version, the actual kind of stuff written in there.
Good luck finding a party of people familiar with it.
You need Gaslands
For me, it's a combination of these two.
Chivalry, courtly intrigue, lords and ladies, wizards and sorceresses, and big engines roaring across the wasteland.
Damn, I'd play it.
Ghost in the Shell
Play, run, either or. Get the feeling the FFG Star Wars RPGs could serve as a decent base for it.
Similarly, this.
definitely monster hunter
So like knights on motorcycles?
knights clad in armor made from rusted scrap on motorcycles, crossbowmen and spearmen on Fury Road-esque war rigs, knights driving cars that less armored cavalrymen fight from.
Have you considered Rifts, or Savage Rifts?
Half Life 2 occupation in America
>coasts controlled
>big fucking nothing in the midwest, rockies, and appalachia except for random posts, trains, and militia hotbeds
>prepper survivalist communities in bumfuck nowhere
>guns out the wazoo
>military bases and research labs even the Combine havent gotten to (yet)
>Great Lakes desert after its been sucked dry
I think its got a lot of potential
Not to repeat anyone else in this thread, because there are some good suggestions already.
Infamous, Borderlands, and Mass Effect. Any of those would be a painful boner experience for me.
>Endless Legend
>League of Legends
I've wanted to play some kind of 'desert pirates' setting for a while.
Basically Mad Max, but another fifty years after Immortan Joe, or Pirates of the Caribbean with desert and Arabian weirdness instead of Caribbean weirdness.
what gets me is how bad the gas mileage must be on these cars.
Darger and Surplus. Post-apocolyptic quasi-Victorian bio-punk con artist adventures. What's not to love?
Also, Shadowrun
In a somewhat similar vein, I've wanted to do a game in the Borderlands universe, to the point that I've tried to homebrew a system mechanically recognizable as borderlands, while streamlined enough to be combat heavy without becoming a total slog.
Haven't made any real progress, but it's on the pile.
Always wanted to do a mouseguard type thing but several of my home group sperg out about furries any time animal people pop up and it's probably too "cutesy" to sell to the rest.
What would you be playing? Toa? Villagers? What system would you be using?
What about a wargame instead of an RPG?
Literally any time, any place, any setting.
But with JoJo Stands.
I fucking wanna have stands ok
A lighthearted game about being badass sounds right fuckin fun.
With the right (serious) group I'd kill for a game in Dark Sun. Never gotten to do it.
Not one system exists that works properly.
I definitely aim for the HL2 "feeling" in my own setting, though the causes of cataclysm are from no alien force.
Just a bunch of survivors fleeing nature
Not even GURPS?
I don't actually know anything about GURPS I just know it's supposed to be good for simulating lots of different settings and games.
What would you do in Borderlands except shoot people and upgrade to shoot people, but now with a slightly improved gun?
Roll your eyes at toilet humor.
Telltale Games managed to do it
My players thought it was too dark, so they went with another fantasy setting...
Funny you should mention that. I'm actually fleshing out another part of our Gonzo Apocalypse sandbox campaign with a similar idea.
In the desert area there is a rift that opens to a dimension of twisted metal, roaring engines and the smell of burning diesel. This is the home of the Speed Demons . They pour out into the wasteland with one goal in mind; To further expand their influence, turning the world into their own new destruction derby play ground. They are ruled by a single and unknown Cheiftain, with Pit Lords presiding over the adrenaline fueled screeching hordes as lieutenants. Anyone who trespasses or is caught by them, is ground down into fuel. They have an eldritch understanding of vehicles, bending them to their profane will they create soot spewing monstrosities. They use then in races and to war amongst themselves, all hoping to snag new and interesting parts to further customize their rides and move up the ranks. They strange creatures, made of malleable flesh, fused with the very machines they idolize.
Due to a lack of various mutating energies (at least compared to the rest of the wasteland), there is a large population of pure strain humans scattered about the desert, Unfortunately seeing as they were cut off from the outside world due to the ever increasing number of Speed Demons, they now are effectively trapped. However, they still have access to superior old world tech, leading to the development of Paladin Patrols. Shiny power armored, shotgun/lance wielding bike riding guardians and law keepers of the southern wasteland. With their excellent vehicles and top of the line weaponry, they bring the fight to the Speed Demons and make sure that settlements live to see another day.
This is of course along side the blood drinking lizard creatures that stalk the moonlit nights and the occasional star nosed mole-man uprising, and other such inconveniences.
Can I please play in your game?
A setting at the end of time, there are no stars in the cosmos. Entropy has won.
Those that like that shit tend to a bit shit players. Though then again there could be exeptions
my god I feel old now....
The fuck are you gonna do there?
>The fuck are you gonna do there?
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Defending your home from the cold ones, go to a mission to collect energy or contact other survivors. Together to the end.
The world and its mechanics are just really cool and customizable. Shame that was thrown out in favor of more gay drama.
Mousegaurd is shit. I'd play a Redwall game though.
Lovecraft's timeline shortly after Theia and the other planet became Earth and the Moon.
>1920s China
>1919 Russia/Eastern Europe
>1848 Europe
>Taiping Rebellion
>The Great Game
Any South American dictatorship, or ye olde times were Spaniards were killing natives from left to right. However...
>muricans dont care
>brits dont care and prob think im salty about an island that sounds like Fucklands
>not even south americans care since they are literally handicapped when it comes to their own damned history
Eff my life
you come off like a butt-mad Argentinian with a inferiority complex.
>what gets me is how bad the gas mileage must be on these cars.
No catalytic converters.
>another 50 years after immortan joe
Why not just a different area of the wasteland? I mean presumably the whole world is in a similar state, unless you consider Gastown and the Bullet Farm integral to the setting
Complete with crazy guns?
I've been lazily prepping a 5e Sunless Sea/Fallen London setting for the last year. Its just a creative exercise though, since I'm a sad forever DM and none of my friends would give a shit about the setting.
Test bump
>Telltale Games managed to do it
Funny you should mention this. If you're serious, we actually had a player who bit off more than he could chew schedule wise and had to drop. We're playing on roll20 currently, so if you wanted to join we'd happy to have a new player along for the ride.
Muh dick doesn't just want it, it needs it.
Do you know a Nick? Or from Florida?
A better question is: what do you want from a system to play something in the Metroid setting?
If you give an idea of what you want, I can probably help guide you on if GURPS is a good choice or not, and how.
>all this nonsense to justify motor knights
Post Apocolypse is all the justification you need for anachronism. Just have a Warband that decided to style itself on pop culture chivalry.
It takes energy to collect energy.
You're not thinking big enough user.
I dunno man, I feel like the OG story with the toa washing up on shore, discovering their powers and going on adventures though weird and wonderful locales is too good to pass up.
>Cold Ones
Fuck me, I should end myself for laughing at this.
Does that make a difference? I thought catalytic converters only effected exhaust emissions.
Not in that setting, but a similar type of game. I'm planning a game where the players are roadies and stage crew protecting an oblivious dwarven bard from what is essentially undead Dethklok.
What system are you using?
Hail and Kill?
I homebrewed a Dwarf Fortress system that works a lot like Monster Hunter. That's how I got my friends to play it in the first place. We've been playing for two years.
I'm now getting some of those same friends to play a game in pre-Mending Dominaria. The system is another homebrew that uses custom (or not) Magic cards as character sheets.
It's too bad there really isn't a good system for emulating how monster hunter works. And honestly, statting Hunters just makes me think they'll end up weaker than they should be.
I don't think 5e would be a good match for Fallen London. It really is more about the intrigue and social abilities, and combat tends to be more low power than 5e could properly emulate. I dunno what I'd suggest otherwise, though.
Not sure yet. Most of the players are new and have only played D&D but that isn't really the right system for that setting.
I haven't heard of Hail and Kill, I'll have to look into it.
Its a Veeky Forums Homebrew based on Brutal Legend.
Probably unfinished, but might be a place to start.
>Together, my brethren...we shall crack open the Cold Ones!
I agree. 5e is the only system I know, and I'm surr that no one I play with would spend the effort to learn a new system with me.
From what I've read, call of cthulhu and blades in the dark would probably be good fits.
Doom I just can't figure out how to transfer existing classes
>Not the pop-culture meme version, the actual kind of stuff written in there.
Before or after Chrétien de Troyes added his Gary Stu self-insert that fucks the queen and warps the narrative around himself?
I know a nick. Mind, I'm in washington.
Cool. Thanks I will look it up.
That's why you have to succeed, failure is no option.
>Mad Max
Yeah, me too. Two different times I started putting together a post apocalyptic game to run, but I never went through with it. Partly because I'd rather play in it than run it, and partly because I know the only type of post apocalyptic game anyone I know would want to play would be Fallout.
Actually used Pathfinder as the rules for a League of Legend campaign.
Just reskinned races and used alternative modifiers that made sense for what they were (i.e Yordles and the like)
I judge you to be a man of culture and sophistication.
Weird War Vietnam
funny you should mention that
choice quotes:
>Two barely conceivable beings have fought a war for a generation over Sajavedra, a barely legendary land far to the southeast. They wish to claim its rich harvests of souls and fields, its intricate network of ley lines and temples, for their own.
>They have devastated it utterly.
>A forgotten weapon in their war, a neglected sorcery fallen from a distracted archon's attention, lies in the Qelong River valley at the edge of this near-cosmic battlefield.
>The Cylinder leaks aakom , a magical power contaminant.
>It poisons the beasts and the plants, the water and the grayish loess soil. Food grows short, famine comes even where war had left pockets of health and fertility. The people of the valley have changed, the aakom turning them selfish, inhuman, and cruel. Actually, the war and famine have done that - the aakom gives them power to act on this change.
>Myrmidons deranged and misdirected chew through the land, laying eggs in the river dwellers to hatch out more warriors.
>Greedy Varangian mercenaries have deserted the war and seek to fill their lich-garuda with aakom - most easily done by feeding it the livers and lights of the river folk. Then they can fly out of Sajavedra with plenty of aakom to sell in peaceful lands, and aakom-spells to use in those lands' new wars.
Someone actually made a module for weird horror Vietnam
How'd it go?
wait hang on a moment, found another really good one:
>I see the Qelong valley as a land of steam, smoke, mist, fog - high grasses and low mangroves, like the Dead Marshes or Beowulf's fen country. All of this grows not in a placid pastoral Olden Tyme, or even a gently corroded Dark Age, but in the path - or technically on the sidelines- of a great and incomprehensible war. Houses and farms are burned, villagers gaunt and feral. Dogs whine over the carcasses of their masters, then tear out the intestines to feed themselves. Men kill each other for a handful of rice, or for a woman who can be beaten into cooking it.
>All around, sorcerous echoes and explosions ripple the skies, but as a constant drumbeat of vile thunder, not as anything aimed at anyone in the same country. The Qelong Valley has been poisoned by accident and forgotten by its killers. Only the scavengers remain, and the worms that grow in the corpse.
Pendragon's anachronisms or Mythic Britain's dirty post-roman tribalism?
Fuck man, I GM'd a Mad Max game a few years back. Still one of my most fun games I've GM'd to date.
>PCs, all as solo survivalists, come to Uluru in the heart of the outback, to find a large mechanical farming community built on the top of it
>group up and task PCs with making it to the fabled greenlands before a maniacal nutcase who rides a road train with his war boys gets there first.
>whole game is basically a chase, with D&D-styled grid-based combat, but with the added caveat of having to drive their vehicles through rough terrain and navigate obstacles like ravines, canyons, and cliffs
>the whole time whole battling what is essentially a huge Shadow of the Colossus boss in the form of a souped up road train
>on top of the road train is the villain, a massive, greased up, flowing blonde haired muscular Adonis that goes by the name of Rock Body Roddy
>Roddy wields twin grenade launchers, has basically no intelligence stats, and is a muscular powerhouse of a man, resembling a pro wrestler of sorts
>any time PCs are near his road train he's blasting an old record out of huge speakers. The only song that works on the disc is "Love Train" by the O'Jays
It was bretty gud
>Dragon Age has a book
>Mass Effect doesn't
its not fair
Buy yourself a 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT and move to rural Australia and you can live that setting in real life.
I wanna play a game in the Outcast setting. Where groups of humans are dropped into Adelpha and need to get back to Earth.
Just dinosaur finished this about a week ago and I've been wondering how to make something fun and playable with that setting.
Also is it just me or with some slight recontextualizing wouldn't this make a pretty lewd and good BDSM/horror story?