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What's the greatest foe you've faced? Besides player flakiness.
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Paizo games general /pgg/
What's the greatest foe you've faced? Besides player flakiness.
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Is there an easy way for a player to differentiate between a vampire and a vampire spawn if they're encountered separately? Like physical differences?
Ice dragon man kirito
Paizo admits they fucked up and made a couple changes to the Shifter. Seems like this is a continuing trend for the class. They pretty much stole changes from Jolly's Legendary Shifter playtest.
Thread about it here:
And it's still not enough to be a worthwhile class.
It feels like they're doing a pseudo playtest where in they're going to try and Frankenstein a new Shifter from the current one.
Wild Shape now reads like this:
" Wild Shape (Su): At 4th level, a shifter gains the ability to turn herself into the major form of one of her aspects and back again. This ability functions as beast shape II, except as noted here. The shifter can turn into the major form of only one of her aspects at a time. Using wild shape to change to a major form or back is a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. Often aparticular aspect’s major form grants abilities beyond the normal effect of beast shape II. Each major form details the abilities the shifter gains with that major form and at what level; she gains these instead of the form abilities from beast shape II, but she still gains beast shape II abilities that are size dependent.
A shifter loses her ability to speak while in animal form because she is limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal of that form can make, but she can communicate with other animals of the same general grouping as her form. She can also communicate in nonverbal ways with allies.
A shifter can use wild shape for a number of hours each day equal to her shifter level + her Wisdom modifier. It need not be consecutive but must be spent in 1 hour increments. For abilities that function based on ‘uses of wild shape,’ each hour of wild shape counts as a use.
A shifters can take feats and other abilities that require wild shape; for the purpose of qualifying for prerequisites, her effective druid level is equal to her shifter level."
>It feels like they're doing a pseudo playtest where in they're going to try and Frankenstein a new Shifter from the current one.
Hey, if they can make that work, I'd be happy.
At least they did acknowledge that the class was garbage in its release state.
>only now realising that someone who wants to play a were-creature actually wants to stay in beast form for longer than a couple rounds
Oh my god, are they actually retarded?
There's a very good chance they are.
>It feels like they're doing a pseudo playtest where in they're going to try and Frankenstein a new Shifter from the current one.
Psuedo how? Something public this time?
You hanging in there, piggies?
For what?
I guess.
If they re-arrange the Shifter table like the monk's and brawler's table with the current changes kept in mind we get a class with NINE DEAD LEVELS. The shifter needs some serious work.
Possibly, it'd be a step in the right direction.
I'm genuinely surprised they did so.
Yeah man, pretty interested in SCoT, pretty happy
Today we played the cost of enlightenment from PFS and we almost got our shit punched in because we were all Level 1s. In fact, the only thing that saved us was that I decided to pick a Fighter entirely for the shits n giggles and could deal damage and hit AC somewhat reliably.
Should I keep being a Fighter at least until I'm about to level up? When is the last time you can change your character in PFS anyway? Anything I should buy with the new loot I got?
Attention whores, fuck off.
Today has been great!
What about Charisma as a stat is quantifiable and measurable, in the same way that one's STR, INT, or even WIS is theoretically measurable?
Like, I mean. You can measure how much weight someone lifts or how hard they hit to quantify STR. You could make a standardized test for measuring DEX based on things like how far they flex in various directions and their manual dexterity. Standardized tests for INT might be a little questionable, but they work. And if you're measuring someone's WIS as a metric of their willpower, you can at least rank people in percentiles by exposing people to mind control of varying levels of strength to see where they eventually fail to resist, possibly repeating the test to account for random chance.
But what about CHA? What makes one personality rank higher than another personality? Appearance is subjective, so whether you think it's part of CHA or not it doesn't help here. What about CHA is actually measurable? Is it fair to say it's how well you talk to people when a character could be okay at it even with a shit CHA if they've put full ranks in the skills?
I hope your day is going well too!
Throw them at a social event, afterwards screen how many people consider them pleasant to hang around with
So I've got the following group I'm GMing for tomorrow:
Looking at their spellbooks alone the shaman has fucking a ridiculous range of spells even at first level, it practically makes the druid useless. Did I fuck up by allowing a hybrid alongside more standardized "base" classes, or will it even out in gameplay?
don't worry, it's a coop game. As long as everyone keeps the mood light and a healthy attitude, any party combination works.
Shaman is one of the most broken classes in the game.
I don't mean broken powerful, I mean broken "didn't get playtested at all by anybody and many of its abilities and mechanics are contradictory, useless, or overpowered, at seeming random".
If you trust the player, it shouldn't be an issue - Druid still has lots going for it that Shaman can't replicate - and the class itself is no worse than most full casters.
Thanks man you too
Yeah, I guess that's as good a test as I came up with for WIS or INT. Maybe a little subjective, but it still works.
Out of curiosity, do you think people should try to RP their character's CHA appropriately? People who dumped CHA on their PC need to play that PC with an unlikeable personality? Players playing high CHA PCs need to play- or at least attempt to play- more likeable or socially imposing characters?
Don't forget that the Druid has Wild Shape and an animal companion/domains. THose are worth something.
Shaman is only more powerful than druid when its used by a very experienced player utilizing its wandering spirit properly though
It's a "I know it when I see it" situation. A ugly creature or person can seem very attractive because they have a strong personality.
Like take a Hag with a very high charisma. Yeah it's a monster but you get to talking with the Hag and you find out she likes the same things you do. You can talk to her like she's a old friend and you pretty much trip over yourself to talk about your favorite things with her.
She's not so bad looking anymore, kinda tolerable even. You start hanging out, playing vidya with one another and going to the movies. Sometimes you talk about the latest anime. You can't help but notice she has a cute giggle.
She starts looking more and more attractive to you. Flaws are now character traits. You become more and more friendly with her. Sometimes you playfight with one another. You share your hopes and dreams with one another. A genuine connection is forming.
Over time you see the inner character of the hag and realize you can't live without her. There's a twinkle in her eye you can't help appreciate. Being around her feels as natural as breathing. One day you confess, hoping she feels the same way.
Shaman has a lot less raw combat power than the druid, and just because they have a wider range of spells doesn't necessarily mean those spells are higher power than the druid's
I mean, i never said otherwise? I said that shaman has a lot of powers with weird balance issues, and mentioned that Druid and Shaman have different things going for them.
Yeah i was just clarifying.
Personally I archetype out of having to track my wandering spirit by going Visionary or Speaker for the Past.
Visionary stills gets extra bookkeeping at level 12, but odds are if a game actually reaches that point I don't mind.
So a Kraken is more pleasant to deal with than most people alive.
And hags explicitly rape men with mind magic.
Charisma honestly should not be a stat and is less how likeable you are, but how well you influence people intentionally.
>We thought it was fine compared to the druid but didn't actually think to compare it to a druid attempting to do the same thing.
>Maybe a little subjective
That's why you get a large sample size with a social event
>do you think people should try to RP their character's CHA appropriately
Personally i always try to do so, but i understand it's not for everyone, especially acting sociable when one isn't just because they're playing a bard/paladin
Cthulhu, just to see if I could do it alone. I could. Mythic is broken was we learned from that what if. That and if you give a WW1 soldier with a machine gun Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestle among other things it can make a nigh invincible monstrosity with that.
People have figured out how to use mythic to snipe Cthulu across the galaxy with a super-tanker.
Mind if I ask what the Mortar and Pestle had to do with it? I looked it up and the Nethys entry didn't seem to have much in the way of dealing with Cthulhu.
A member of my group went through that and came to the conclusion that as that is written it wouldn't work. It would work with anything more mundane than a tanker, but that tanker part itself made it impossible.
For the sake of that test every player had full WBL and got access to a single major and a single minor artifact. WIth the Mortar and Pestle I could fly around as a fighter without caring about duration or carrying my machine gun. It was a silly test just to see first hand what kills mythic other than scissors.
It's like I'm really playing 3.5!
Are there any good suicide runner monsters? Creatures that do more damage in death than in life? Something like a burning skeleton, but designed simply to ram into a player and stick to them until they explode or something like that.
Go full meme and make goblins carrying a sack of bombs.
Ice Golems
>giving major Lovecraftian characters stats
Doing it wrong.
I fought with a roll20 character sheet for over five hours.
Don't blame us, Bestiary 6 did it for us, and 3.5 did it before them.
To be fair, the stats preclude the ability to ever actually kill Cthulhu, just knock him back into R'lyeh.
This is a thing that happens even in the books, pretty sure.
Fuck off. Cthulhu got knocked out by a boat.
>Something like a burning skeleton
Why does Paizo jerk off Magic Missile so much and then do nothing to buff it further?
cuz its iconic
Because they can't let people have fun with it like they did in 3.5
Somehow, the Vampire Sorcerer out of the Bestiary; we kept getting denied 8 hours rests (rendering out spellcasters useless), we kept failing our will saves to avoid getting mind controlled (meaning we couldn't even trust each other), she used her summons to fuck with any action economy advantage, ran away whenever things looked bad, etc.
Can a prepared divine spellcaster use spells they prepared the day before like an arcane one?
Not sure what you're asking for. Clerics don't have a spellbook you can steal, it never matters for them.
What? Slots reset at the start and don't stack with unused ones if that's what you mean.
He's asking if Divine Casters can carry over filled slots from the day before. Say a dude has bless that he didn't use; he can just leave that slot prepared with bless the next day.
It matters if you can't prep spells for whatever reason. I don't expect a god of the sun to be feeling all that great about his divine connection on a plane with no sun.
GM’s: Would you allow your players to have “Tactical Swords” or convert standard melee weapons to use Dex? If your Solarian player wanted to go Dex, would you do this?
You always have to spend time on regaining your slots regardless of class, that part is non-negotiable.
This guy fucked up when buffing, a few of those overlap in buff typing
Honestly, if you want to be a dex based solarion, just pick up a gun and take armour instead of swords.
Starfinder is already incredibly dex-centric with guns everywhere, don't need laser chainsaws wielded with "finesse" because space tech means it's lighter than a rapier.
A while back I looked into that sort of thing, and I've gotta agree. Melee does more raw damage, due to adding strength into the mix and melee weapons being on average higher damage for their level, but a level 20 soldier with a melee weapon will kill a Kyokor in two rounds while a gunner will kill it in three... but the gunner will be at a safe distance away.
On top of that, if you're actually that worried about your strength score, pump dex anyways and get yourself a suit of power armor. It accomplishes the same thing most of the time.
What Doth Starfinder????
IRL games and people waiting for more material.
They intended it to be something PF fans would eat up but mostly it just annoys me how everything that's ever been done in canon amounts to a giant fucking wet fart with the Gap.
This makes me wonder, is there a way for anyone to get keen senses?
Beast shape
Alter self?
Reincarnation is a craps shoot, and neither of the other two offer it without gm permission.
Not even the spell Keen Senses gives it to you.
>Level 8+ Campaign
>Playing a racist human character type who pisses off the party in character constantly
>If my character dies at any point there's a very real chance the party cleric won't just resurrect me and they'll get a druid for reincarnation instead
thats what you get for being a LOLRACISM human you fucking scum
It's been established before I introduced my character that the dominant power in the setting is the orwellian humanocentric empire
It's not that at all, it's simply superiority to the other races in the setting
I don't know man I can't imagine why people don't enjoy having a racist dickhead in their party.
On the one hand I want to commend you for sticking to the setting.
On the other I want to condemn you for not building a character that wants to rise above those sorts of things, especially with the fact that apparently they're in a mid-level party with other characters that don't like that sort of attitude and he apparently hasn't grown at all from the experience.
They actually constantly remind me that they actually love my character out of character and that I'm doing a great job
I've literally made the running joke of each session of the game being a game of "let's shit on my character." It's a weird sort of self-schadenfreude
>not building a character that wants to rise above those sorts of things
>he apparently hasn't grown at all from the experience
Well you're right on the first part but at the current moment he just figured out the truth that's been kept from him all his life, IE how the humans weren't the only ones who saved the world hundreds of years ago, from the elves who were alive then.
He's developing but verrryy slowly because you don't just flip a fucking switch from going "1488 gas all the elves" to "I have an elf wife and half elf kids" in one session. He's growing by the fact that he isn't just attacking the party on sight for not being completely for the humans
In line with this, what do the rest of you think about characterization?
Personally, I feel like any character I play (assuming they start from level 1) should have had at least 1 serious paradigm shift during the sessions I've played that should give them cause to seriously ask questions or reconsider their current lot in life. Is this something you all consider when playing a character or do you have different standards?
I meant to say that they should have had that shift at some point by level 6, whoops, my bad.
Not that user, but I'm playing a game in which my character, a tiefling, managed to get it in her head that the best way to bring happiness to the world and be a good person is to save as many people as possible. Anybody who's watched Fate/Stay Night (such as my GM) likely knows where I'm going with this, but those who haven't (basically everybody in my gaming group) haven't cottoned onto the inevitable problem.
>voyager released without listening to shitty "feedback" from 2hu
2hu BTFO
you're autistic
Can someone explain to me why the SoM archetype for Monk is for Core Monks only? Who the fuck is responsible for this and thought this shit was okay?
From what I've seen of his breakdown, it's not half-bad.
the rogue archetype is for core rogues, too
Yeah, but UC Rogue and Barb have built in provisions for applying Core Archetypes to them, so that's less of a concern
It's all the same shit that killed the Avowed.
You mean made it sane?
the thing that killed Avowed is Forrest not being around to actually answer questions and finish the damn thing
Holy fuck are you even more annoying than him. You need to kill yourself in an even faster, more humiliating way.
No. Druid is much more powerful than Shaman.
Wist specifically told him not to listen to 2hu
And Wist has pull over this process how exactly?
So out of all of the casters out there of varying levels (and also taking into account any bonuses they might get from other things like a Paladin's boost to saves from a high Cha), which caster has the least to gain from having a high ability score for the spells that they cast with?
"told him" as in advised him, not commanded him
Wist advised him not to base his decisions entirely on 2h. That's different.
Most likely, the half-casters. I know that Summoners can skate by on 16 charisma, since they don't cast anything with save DCs and charisma is kind of only half useful as a stat, given how little outside of class features it affects.
That said, ALL casters benefit from having a high score, due to having bonus spell slots per day with high scores, so it really depends on what you want to do with said summoner.
Druid if you go with a Companion/Wildshape Build.
Depends entirely on what you want to do
Alchemists iirc never need to fight against SR and DCs by their nature, so however much int you need to create extracts of your level is all that really matters. (assuming you archetype bombs out like most tend to)
After them is Summoners/Unchained Summoners who similarly have very few spells that will run into saves.
After that is I guess, buff builds in general? Which is mostly class independent.