How do you make princesses cool again?
And by cool I don't mean hot and waifuable, I mean actually cool and badass.
How do you make princesses cool again?
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The only cool princess is a headless corpse on ice. Sic semper tyrannis.
To answer the gay OP it's Princess Renner from Overlord.
>Cool meaning badass
>Cool again
When was it the norm for princesses to be badass?
The coolest
I don't think they've ever been badass m8.
Except for her. I guess princess villains are pretty decent
Pirate/Viking Princess
Gunslinger Princess
Mad Science Princess
Choose your poison, OP.
The only reason a princess would have to be cool would be if her dad the king was also a pretty cool guy and decided to train her or whatever.
About forty years ago or so.
By making them cool and badass
Politically Savvy
These were educated women who would have immense power over the Royal Household
>How do you make princesses cool again?
They never were
By making them Warrior-princesses
You were never cool.
Sure, but that doesn't make what I said any less valid
No need, your shitpost was invalid from the start.
Make her actually a competent leader and politician, while also being elegant and refined. Like someone who had been schooled into the role their whole life would be.
Don't go for the more common (and lame) action tomboy who hates fancy dresses and can fight as well as the boys.
Please tell me of this magical time where princess were ever considered "badass" and not a thing that pre-teen girls dressed up as at birthday parties.
name one cool princess from before 1965
Is it weird that when I think 'forty years ago' I still tend to think 'oh 1960-ish?'
Azula did nothing wrong
The cultural subversion attempting to demonize and undermine the value of femininity hadn't quite taken hold at that point, so no princess back then would really meet our standard of "cool."
No, it's perfectly normal for the brain to congeal slowly over time, eventually freezing the neurons responsible for keeping the mind in the "present"
>Don't go for the more common (and lame) action tomboy who hates fancy dresses and can fight as well as the boys
Holy fuck this
Seriously, why is this shit still so common, I haven't met a single person who actually likes this trope
Pretty much, its overused.
As we've said before, smart and educated.
Not particularly. Nothing's happened in the public consciousness (in 'murica) for a long time.
>Mad Science Princess
You rang?
>The cultural subversion attempting to demonize and undermine the value of femininity
what in the rooting tooting fuck are you talking about?
You can't compensate for the lack of a princess' coolness by stapling bits of an actually cool character onto them.
I guess he means how some feminists look down on a woman choosing to be a stay-at-home mom?
insanity doesn't just happen most of the time...
This but more of a Sword and Sorcery tint. Make her a very powerful sorceress/warlock/ect who uses magic to rain death upon her nation's enemies and help (or subjugate if you want evil chicks) her people while still being a competent political leader.
Ah, I see. They want men but with vaginas like Ripley from Alien.
Do something fun with how princesses are always wealthy and more than likely getting pushed around, so they have to make use of that wealth for under the table things. A princess assassin, a princess necromancer, a princess alchemist.
You'll never get a Reese's peanut butter cup with that attitude.
>cool character can't be a princess
>because a princess can't be a cool character
This is not healthy, user. What's your beef with royal chicks of non-married status? Is it just the overplay, or do you actually find the idea of an individual who isn't trying to be a budget superhero boring?
They need to be more clever. Warrior Prince but it's a girl and Kung-fu Princess have been both done to the death which is why they aren't cool anymore.
You must know a lot of bad taste having plebeians then. Or not many people at all.
What, Xena isnt cool anymore? Xena's fucking cool, pup
>Likes the shit "Reee! I want to play in the mud, not wear a dress" trope
>Has the audacity to pretend anyone else has shit taste
I'm not interested in 9 year old princesses, and I wonder why do you zero in on that immediately.
>I wonder why do you zero in on that immediately
We were talking about tomboy princess, and that describes just about every single tomboy princess that's been in media.
The tomboy princess meme is fucking horrible and needs to die.
Yeah, in a Disney movie maybe. Broaden your horizons user.
Read anything by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
10/10 would sleep with, get murdered, and do it again.
>How do you make something that's only existence is to be hot and waifuable (sometimes also a head of state) not hot and waifuable
First you start by having Jamal and Tyrone breed your wife and mix the result with your soy milk and then go on.
>inb4 angry & cucked soyboys
Depends on what you consider badass. I mean, yeah, tomboy princesses are badass, but so are politically-savvy princesses who know how to handle the intrigue scene. It really just depends.
Although I am getting sick of this "combine princesses with another character archetype like it's fucking Towergirls." Getting a bit old.
You can't name a cool princess from after 1965 either.
>B-but muh lizzy pretending to handle a drill in a propaganda picture
I made a thing once for a game where princesses/queens were the primary villains - called 'axioms', they were planar parasites of law and authority that manifested as weird (and exclusively female) royal monsters. Once one of them appeared people would naturally start to follow them and the world around them would start changing to fit their desires.
There was 1 'decent' axiom named Good Queen Skeleton who ruled a small kingdom of voluntary undead. But the others were mostly horrible, and I made a random generator for them which you can find a version of here:
>search for 'Strange Dragon Royalty'
I don't have a problem with princesses, but throwing something else entirely cool into the mix in an attempt to make them cool is almost like admitting defeat.
>Welp, we can't make princesses cool on their own, better just make them something actually cool that is also a princess on the side, that way a you can say that technically there is a cool princess, even though the coolness isn't coming from the princess part of them.
Couldn't you say that about just about any concept imaginable though?
You're just accustomed to the math crutch of counting back from the turn of the millennium. It was fine for the 2010's but as we go forward it's going to start getting really bad for your ability to contextualise time.
>how do you make a princess cool again
Have her become a queen.
Those Rayman princesses.
How is anything interesting to murder hoboes? Princess murders a lot of people or enables the PCs to do so better.
Someone needs to edit this so it is the "my disgust" at the end.
>Princess gets in duel with villain
>12 seconds into the fight;
>"My father was a master swordsman, he taught me everything he knew etc."
I'm not sure I really follow you my man.
How so?
Stop focusing on how to control populations. Focus on creating content that you enjoy.
>I have 0 imagination
But user, population control is what i enjoy!
Then you will get nowhere.
Such shallow manipulation will only go so far before people catch on. Then the whole world burns.
Then create content about population control, faggot.
So simple same story structure but the with a princess(male) and a prince(female).
She was supposed to be subversive
Why you gotta inject your tranny shit into everything, man?
Do you just mean put princes in a princess role? Because I can get behind ladyknights saving princes.
Except about those concepts that are cool
Mental illnesses
Their is a difference between tranny shit and cross-dressing.
>scrapper posts on Veeky Forums
What about ladyknights saving princesses?
Gay and gay.
You know why. The mentally ill aren't content until everyone is as ill as they are.
Immortal lesbian mad scientist with attitude towards trying to control everything...Add the fact she is made of material that probably makes her count as ooze and you got yourself a pretty decent villain.
What an awful movie.
Actually came here to post this.
Let it go, user.
OP was going for not fuckable.
Not really, its like the character was an an ad lib or just randomly rolled up.
High cut leotards?
Hold the fucking phone, she actually grew up?
Not exclusively, but yes.
I guess when she became queen? Queens are grown up.
You sure are
Empress Elizabeth.
>emperor's daughter
>has a rightful claim on Russian throne, should be a heir according to emperor's wishes
>ignored after his death in favor of a different family branch, a regent is ruling the country
>her sympathisers are killed off or removed from court
>makes friends in army and guard, acts like a caring mother for simple soldiers, helps with their issues
>one night walks into the barrack of a regiment stationed in the capital, wearing a cuirass
>tells soldiers that she is ready to die for them
>are you ready to die for me?
>personally leads the regiment to the palace
>guardsmen see who is leading the revolt
>join in
>regent is arrested, throne is seized
>not a single drop of blood has been spilled
>muh badass princess
thats not cool
So get a job with Planned Parenthood.
Let it go
>And by cool I don't mean hot and waifuable
I don't understand the question
If only she found successor who wasn't a retarded Prussiaboo
like so:
Cool/badass is kind of a masculine thing. Men achieve high skill performance without evidence of actually needing to try, and we call that cool; men stand up for themselves in spite of imminent danger, and we call that badass; men see it and wish to emulate it, because it increases their sexual value in the minds of women. You might as well ask, "How do we color the feathers of a female peacock?" It's not the female peacock that has to attract a male; if they can give birth, they'll attract a male.
For a princess to even bother learning how to do something other than exchange pleasantries, they'd need a pretty good motive. In modern times, we see what awful people women can be when given the same liberties as men, so I'd take inspiration from that.
...What I mean by that is they destroy social relationships. Realistically, it makes more sense for 4D chessmasters to be female than male. Men tend to not give a sweet shit about what other men are doing.