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What's your favourite character? One you've actually played
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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Other urls found in this thread:
>Rage extra actions occur at the end of the round
>Celerity extra actions occur at the end of the player's turn
>Werewolf split dice pools incur a penalty after the first action
>Vampire split dice pools don't
Why is this?
Stat me
Someone already suggested a Demon/Angel in the previous thread, but I know too little about that splat to write him up myself.
Also interested in the Promethean possibility.
Otherwise I'll go for a 2e CofD Nosferatu
Excuse me but is the Storyteller Screen for Mage the Ascension 20th anniversary edition in one of the mega stash? I can't find it anywehre
>mfw Werewolves are inferior to Vampires in multitasking
This is V20 and W20 right?
>raging jack-russel terrier
choose one
Anyone got their hands on a copy of Half Damned yet? What's the verdict?
JUST strating oWoD Dark Ages Vampire campaign set at the 4th crusade.
NPC ideas/plots?
What would inspire someone to go on/with the crusade, other than Religion?
so that Kindred have a shot at legging it
wanna print your own screen?
How would you go about this?
Huntsmen chronicles are out.
I can't remember if I bought that as part of the Kickstarter... Anyone read any of it yet?
Post NPCs from your games
>Bishop Abyss Sorcerer
>Rage extra actions occur at the end of the round
>Celerity extra actions occur at the end of the player's turn
Isn't this the same in the end, pretty much? Or am I missing something?
>and extra actions occur at the end of the turn
(the vampire’s regular action still takes place per her initiative roll).
Vampire and werewolf act their normal action as per initiative, the rest of their extra actions are solved after this was sorted
Not with Celerity. Celerity's example in V20 says that her actual turn happens first, then implies the bonus turns happen after.
This is very wrong and skewed, V20 uses the term interchangeably with W20's round,
All normal actions are solved first, then extra actions (from splitting dicepools to Celerity) are solved at the end of the turn per order of initiative (beware the word of choice here 'turn' is the same as a round - read on this V20 page 254)
And this:
Name a better clan
You cant
This is easy. The Tremere.
The Omen War sends its regards.
Asked this in the last thread, but didn't get any useful information, (aside from that user who recommended Damnation City, thanks!) so I'm asking again because nobody can stop me.
I'm gonna run Requiem soon, having never played or run a CofD game before. I've got a good amount of experience with Masquerade, but would like to know if there's any advice or info specific to Requiem that I should know.
>Ventrue Antitribu
Hello, people of the general! It's me again, just posting the links to my story. It updated today as well.
Holy shit I haven't seen a spacebattles link in forever.
Hey those trinity super science rules actually look pretty okay
Post it.
Well you CAN print your own screen you just have to be crafty about it.
It's towards the end of the mechanics chapter here. They had spattering of this in each line, its nice to see them condense it all into one and just point out that different devices are more or less viable in different eras and to keep that in mind, I like it
>Hey those trinity super science rules actually look pretty okay
Sharing is caring!
user I....
Does anyone know where Dawn of Heresies might be found? It isn't in the pastebin and the PDF share thread doesn't seem to notice requests for it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the share.
Does OPP intend to preview the Aeon book, or only the new Trinity core?
I would like to see how the psionics and biotech rules in the new edition. We've already seen a lot of the new Storypath mechanics on the Scion Kickstarter. OPP should focus on the Trinity and Aeon settings and unique rules.
Both. Gonna be updates with new previews every Tuesday and Friday they said, core for two more updates then aeon.
You'll have to decide on what is and isn't true in your Chronicle. CofD is a toolkit, it has very little "canon" lore - just a fuck ton of suggestions.
Besides Damnation City I would highly recommend the Clan books.
What version are you running.
I'm running 2e, and using the Masquerade setting (via the conversion guide) because my group still really likes it, just not the oWoD mechanics.
Ah. So, what do you need advice with then?
Straight off the bat I'd say: don't forget about Anchor's. They are a great a roleplaying/storyhook device. Touchstones being threatened/ The stark difference between Mask behaviour and Dirge behaviour.
Good news. I'm currently in a discussion with higher ups over whether or not to pull /wodg/ from Veeky Forums permanently -- a banned topic.
Chances are good
get fucked, here's your (You)
Mostly just looking for things that are more important in play than the book would make you think, or other things that one should know making the leap from VtM to VtR.
Humanity rules are easily forgotten. Joining a Covenant is a Sin. Surviving an x number of decades is a Sin. Watching a mortal eat food is a Sin.
It's less aboutt ethics, as it is about - well - being human.
Why is it that template stacking is considered powergamey?
I'm not wondering about why it would often be snowflakey.
Because, without putting in any XP you'd about double your supernatural abilities.
Are you saying like due to innate powers like bashing resistance or regeneration?
Spend blood, rage, quintessence, and all of there innate powers As well as access to multiple trees of powers. Hell with vampires you can get all the good with none of the bad by just eating the vamp.
Yah, Disciplines, Gifts, etc.
I'm also assuming starting char, but even if later through play it were to happen. It's a huge shortcut
>Yah, Disciplines, Gifts, etc.
>I'm also assuming starting char, but even if later through play it were to happen. It's a huge shortcut
If you aquired the template later on, im pretty sure you wouldn't get stuff like gifts or disciplines for free and would have to learn them.
Something like a mage or hedge wizard might get 1 dot of a sphere or path, as they don't have any other powers.
With a starting character, I think they should probably get a reduced amount of starting free powers. (I think this is the case when starting play as an abomination, you can't have the full amount of gifts and disciplines).
>Hell with vampires you can get all the good with none of the bad by just eating the vamp.
Ghouling, or free powers from diablerie?
Ghouling mostly. But if you're a vamp diablerie is always a fun time.
>If you aquired the template later on, im pretty sure you wouldn't get stuff like gifts or disciplines for free and would have to learn them.
Not the case if you start out play as a mortal and then get Embraced or go through the First Change, so I don't see why it would be the case here. In fact, I'm pretty sure a werewolf who survives the Embrace gains three dots of disciplines as usual, as per RAW. He may also retain access to Gifts, though some of them might not work.
What is he?
>Not the case if you start out play as a mortal and then get Embraced or go through the First Change, so I don't see why it would be the case here. In fact, I'm pretty sure a werewolf who survives the Embrace gains three dots of disciplines as usual, as per RAW. He may also retain access to Gifts, though some of them might not work.
It might make sense to get some disciplines on embrace. Thaumaturgy wouldn't make sense, potence or celerity would.
Gifts you have to learn though, they aren't instinctual.
>Gifts you have to learn though
ASAIK a vampire cannot go through the first change, Abominations can only be created through Embracing a Garou. So the point is moot.
The best Abominations are Mokole abominations embraced by Set.
What's your opinion of Cancer Cells in Hunter? Do you think it's against the theme of Hunter to have common enough supernaturals that are A: Good hearted and B: Not a threat to themselves and others?
And if you're going to make a cancer cell, what's the best way to do it? Alliances and friendships with friendly supernaturals? Or weaponizing dangerous ones?
I mean if someone like a hedge wizard undergoes the first change
You also have stuff like the questionably possible case of a kinfolk mage using the rite of sacred rebirth.
Can't mages already take totems?
Is there any hope for the Mockery Breeds in oWoD?
>Is there any hope for the Mockery Breeds in oWoD?
In what sense?
stat him niggas
No. Glass Walkers' totem even likes the Samsa better and they still don't listen.
>No. Glass Walkers' totem even likes the Samsa better and they still don't listen.
The samsa aren't really evil, from what I remember reading:
They are traumatized and kind of paranoid, but not automatically hostile to humanity (contrast with black spiral dancers and red talons).
Well they aren't Were-apes, but I meant for the takeaway to be the part where they were being actively courted by a sponsor that wants to teach them stuff and it still wasn't happening.
I thought it was more that cockroach was still working on helping them, and wasn't yet finished.
Best "clan" ever
Awful writing.
They're not even real cainites.
Better ban single lined threads
>Awful writing.
You can whine but it's perfectly fine considering what they had and the power vs power systems presented on the majority of crossover books
I agree they're not "real" Cainites, they usurped vampirism and in ~1000 years brought it to another level, while the "real" vampires have had 10000 years but didn't do shit
They're fucking Mages in the Vampire game. No weakness, no penalties, best assets, all powers you want which more often than not better than what you get with the other clans.
How the fuck do you train Vozhd and other created monsters how to brawl?
Mages but vampires, which makes them much better
>Weak to sunlight
>Controlled form the top down by Saulot
>How to feed on blood to do anything, including wake up.
How are they better
Brawl is a talent. Just put more ghouls and attribute dots inside it.
The one true answer/
How do I awaken a Vozhd's avatar?
What happens when you attach a Mage to a Vozhd and turn it into a sentient monstrosity capable of True Magick
But Thaum sucks compared to them Spheres
>Mages can't into weather
>Tremere can into weather
>Can't weather
>Can literally control all probability
>Enhancing weather patterns
>Somehow vulgar
>thinking a lightning bolt falling out of the sky on a cloudless night is not vulgar.
I bet you're a whiskey flask fag too, aren't you?
What is planting stories in the news that it looks like rain, moving in a cloud front, and then causing lightening? Or you know. Actually bargaining with a spirit that can totally do so. Did you know talens aren't vulgar to use?
>Enhancing weather patterns
>lightning bolt falling out of the sky on a cloudless night
>Weak to sunlight
Several thaumaturgical rituals that make you resistant and even immune to sunlight
>Controlled form the top down by Saulot
Tremere escaped to Goratrix's body, singlehandedly destroyed the Tremere antitribu and in Beckett's Jyhad Diary reclaimed clan leadership
>How to feed on blood to do anything, including wake up.
Blood is Quintessence, mages are dependant on Quintessence for a lot of things if they want be any effective as well
I'd take weakness to sunlight with means to negate that completely than to be limited by a paradigm and Paradox, even age is literally a weakness to mages because of Paradox, after they're ~300 years Consensual reality shits them to the Deep Umbra where nothing really matters
>Tremere escaped to Goratrix's body, singlehandedly destroyed the Tremere antitribu and in Beckett's Jyhad Diary reclaimed clan leadership
Wait really, that actually sounds kinda cool. How much detail is there?
Being limited by paradigm is literally what makes the game fun.
Tremere having escaped to Goratrix's body was already defined in the Gehenna book and Tremere clanbook (where it's plainly stated Tremere killed all the Tremere antitribu while in Goratrix's body), as for regaining Clan leadership it's one of the potential plots presented in Beckett's Jyhad Diary, though it follows along the lines of nWOD on being agnostic metaplot so it's ultimately all left at the Storyteller's discretion
Ugh. Is that all the Jyhad diary is? A bunch of useless plot seeds collected over the years?
Yes, essentially.
They want to prepare the grounds for V5, V20 Beckett Jyhad Diary is supposed to bridge these editions, and it's been openly stated the new run of oWOD is aiming to be akin to CofD in that everything will be metaplot agnostic.
What trash. Removing elder play. Removing any semblance of a plot. Gutting politics in favor of making the game about feeding on mortals. Making the mechanics flatter and feats less epic. Even if I did like the Swede's weird take on 90s edge that doesn't really feel like 90's edge so much as fedora lords, this seems like a mess.
Does this appeal to anyone who didn't already move on to CofD?
It doesn't as far as I've seen the general consensus to be - everybody's reacting to it negatively everywhere. That's why V5 is going to sink hard and almost no one's going to migrate over, then when they see how unpopular, unwelcome and disgusting the thing they created is realize how bad they butchered oWOD they'll come crawling back to what actually worked and things will remain the same.
I hope they realize it right after v5 and then vampire sucks but the other games are actually good and vampfags get assblasted.
You don't, Vozhd are mindless killing machines.
You starve them then throw them at your enemies.
>realize how bad they butchered oWOD
A bet the metamorphosists are crazy to know
>I agree they're not "real" Cainites, they usurped vampirism and in ~1000 years brought it to another level, while the "real" vampires have had 10000 years but didn't do shit
Which is pathetic. That's why I said it was awful writing.
It murders the fuck out of you because it can still think, and it knows what you did.