Why does this make me so mad Veeky Forums?
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You have shit taste
First bows in 40k?
Over designed Age of Sigmar nonsense.
Those kroots sure look goofy
Those heads look even dumber and less appealing than the rest of 40k
Because they blew up WHFB for shock value instead of just remaking Mortheim.-
I am also not really on board with regular beastmen (even if they are marked) getting daemonic steeds, but that's a minor point.
>make Muhreens and Sigmarines child-friendly to the point you only have to basecoat and Nuln wash them
>make everything else over-designed wankery with no focal point and limited posability since they are cut into random combinations of body parts on the sprue
Genuinely, genuinely prefer the old days.
Are you a fan of beastmen specifically, or chaos in general? I've kind of wondered if anybody actually liked the red-headed stepchild aspect of beastmen. It seems...I dunno, all the other armies have somebody you can self-insert as and pretend that you're the number one guy, but for beastmen, even the gods on your side hate your whole army, including your general.
Because you're a manchild with monstrously distorted priorities.
>Are you a fan of beastmen specifically, or chaos in general?
Had been collecting then for close to 15 years when they nuked WHFB and I always loved them being the underdogs.
Though my headcanon always remained with the lore they got in Realms of Chaos, since the lore they got in their own armybooks is pretty trash especially the latest one.
Because you're autistic.
Because you get repurposed magic kroot with an upgrade sprue while death guard get 40,000 new units.
Where should my priorities be then?
Staring at the shiny?
To be fair, deathguard get the same plague zombies they always got with a different name and look and still require Tychus
Because they are not painted in rainbow colors and glitter.
It's too much but the base concept is cool
Too much soy in your diet?
Beastmen were one of the first armies I got into and I never liked Mortal or Demon Chaos. I liked Beastmen for their underdog, barbarian beast creature thing they had going on and the fact that you didn't have to make them unga bunga bottom bitches for the Chaos Gods and their Chosen. You could give them their own flaver of Chaos Undivided worship, their own versions of the Big 4 and even let them diverge from Chaos Worship. Sure, they absolutely were twisted monstrosities with Chaos corruption at heart, but they could be much more. You could even make stuff like a powerful warherd leader that got fed up with being shit on by the Big 4 and turned to some other god. I made a Sigmar based warherd because I felt that a twisted mockery of Sigmarite Faith would absolutely jive with Beastmen.
Then the 7th Edition book happened and put them in their place as poop eating sissies for spiked cocks that never amount to anything.
>Veeky Forums is full of so many crossposters newfags and contratians that they start hating on Tzaangor
>You could even make stuff like a powerful warherd leader that got fed up with being shit on by the Big 4 and turned to some other god. I made a Sigmar based warherd because I felt that a twisted mockery of Sigmarite Faith would absolutely jive with Beastmen.
That makes no sense though. The point with beastmen not being favoured is that the Chaos have them automatically while mortals have free will in the matter.
> remaking Mortheim
I am triggered.
Why didn't they just do this?
>Calls anyone on Veeky Forums soy
>When /pol/ meetups show them being the one of the most Beta boards that ever existed.
there is a huge crosspost between /pol/ and /r9k/ for a reason.
Because they are shit models you'd expect from Warmachine.
Figure it out, faggot.
Sounds like you'd have more fun at 1d4ddit.
Tzaangor are fine. All teh little fiddly bits all over the model are not.
>sips soy
>checkmate nazis
As do I my friend.
Goodness, hitting maximum overtroll already?
What commercial is this dude even from?
Because they aren’t slaanigores
He's Ethan Krupp. He used to be an employee of Organization for Action. His actual soy intake is unconfirmed.
Designed to break?
What's the matter, already reached your maximum allowed soy for one day?
greetings my fellow redditor
it is strange that in a 1ksons codex, the good stuff is the non 1ksons stuff. I don't play 1ksons, but if someone told me that to have a working army, all I have to do is to play something not from my army, I probably would get salty too.
They are from your army now though.
Are they 1k sons? Or spireguard? No they are not.
>Getting mad about plastic models
Probably because you're legitimately autistic?
Aren't these the things that detached their heads and other body parts in Labyrinth?
humanoid muscular tzeentch daemons
Tzaangors have been around for thousand sons since second edition.
Literally out of spite, user. Go ask /x/ it gets weird.
We are in the old days.
Mono pose returns for all
Veeky Forums usually doesn't give a shit about reddit. I wonder why we're sperging out about them all of a sudden...
This is exactly the horseshit I was talking about.
Why the fuck would they have automatic dibs on some random ass mutant baby? For what reason? If they can lay claim to random children in the womb, why don't they just gibsmedat all the souls?
/pol/ has been leaking out into every board worse than normal lately. And the current /pol/ posters are mostly just nufag /b/tards and redditors trying to pretend they're not from Reddit to "fit in"
Monopose can be fine if the miniature is so characterful in design and or pose that you want to keep it that way.
That's where the old stuff tends to have the advantage.
Not exactly.
A crossbow is just a mechanical bow.
And also the reason I will never buy the Greyfax mini.
/pol/ loves 40k because they don't understand it's supposed to be a dystopia
It's not like it'd be hard to rearm her. And besides, those things have been around since at least the witch hunters dex
I can snip the bow arms off. But I'll always know.
What's the statline on the crossbow?
Because those Tzaangor greatbows nearly give INCEPTOR(tm) ASSAULT BOLTGERS(tm) a run for their money.
rapid fire 1, s4 ap-1 1 damage, increasing to 3 against psykers
I was until I read the codex. Why would you even field them at all?
Because they're the closest thing you'll have to havoks.
/pol/ like the rest of Veeky Forums and the Internet think that they're are a lot smarter than they really are.
Infinitely less survivable inceptors.
Well that’s not pure horseshit.
Is a bit dumb to be stronger than a bolt rifle though.
Because you're easily angered?
RIP Grey Knights
Agreed. It's too bad we're the only ones smart enough realize that.
Magic. Ain't gotta explain shit.
Yeah that 6+ Armor is a bit dumb.
4++ with a shaman constantly sorcering them up is... adequate, though.
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