Let’s come together once more biz to laugh at the normies and their awful attempts to succeed
NMG - Normie Mocking General
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now that activated my almonds
>People ending questions with periods and to question marks
This is how you find out who the normies are
That shit triggered me. This pajeet deserves to lose money with thinking like that.
I like that they have this mindset. This only helps good crypto to survive, and literal shitcoins with high marketcap to die. Read whitepapers and get rich.
>what do you mean everything is crashing?
>btc is up 3% in the last hour!
Lol ya what a retard.
It's actually so easy to choose good projects if you spend like 2 hours looking stuff up.
Hes kind of right though.
>just pick a few coins at random and hope for the best
Lmfao I hope he went all-in on FUN so he can lose his shit.
The projection is priceless
> I've come to realize that I'm clueless and this technology makes no sense to me therefore nobody must know what's going on
Stay poor
But user FUN will 1000x by next Tuesday, gambling or something
fucking normiepad LOL
Typical cRipple buyer
kill yourself my dude
I think it shows a lot about how normies can't think for themselves and just follow trends instead of actually using their brain.
How can I short this
>THIS is the type of person who buys my bags ATH
This shit makes me love crypto even more
Honestly he's not wrong. I read the white papers and buy strong coins with good teams like IOTA, XRP, and ODN but you really don't know what will happen in this market.
new press release boys
Nah you can kind of tell if you spend enough time researching.
There's a definite difference between coins with actual utility and soon to be vaporware coins.
>my well off friend saw bitcoin on the news and wants to invest
>he knows im really into trading crypto and he asks me if he should buy bitcoin.
>I tell him Litecoin, which was $34 at the time, is a better crypto, and just in general a safer bet.
>He bops 20k on it and holds.
>over 500% ROI
kek i feel great holding XLM right now
Crypto, the ultimate retard culler.
I fucking love normies
vergens never dissapoint
but she more than doubled even at these prices.
no wait...i'm retarded
it's 2018 now
Why are normies so fucking stupid?
I literally know multiple people that got into crypto after the BTC moon who put it into Verge instead of an actual project.
Like do they only look at the fucking charts jesus christ
epic BHSL
>low market cap
>transparent team
>cheap coins
>at all time low
buy up everything and shill to SJW
no, you're just the same normie 12 year old who lurks in this board instead of finishing whatever winter school work the head jew gave you to work on
A nigga of Zamunda and 85 ripple shares with 32% tx fee. Classic kek
WHERE is the Bitcoin Package pic ?
I demand to see it
why is reddit so cringe
literally every dedicated crypto page is full of weenies
fucking obliterated
le ebyn underage to intelligent people
It might hurt your redditor feeling but he is not wrong though.
I want this to happen to all of them
bitbean is true king
She's only been in the game for a week or 2
These aren't normies, these are poor, mostly colored people. Where did you all grow up where these are normal?
>paid 32 to send 100
Jesus normies don't know how to wait. It's like they are in a rush to buy ATH.
every urban area along the east coast except for maine.
Normalfaggotry is a condition pertaining to the lack of intelligence and herd mentality. It doesn't matter if it's nogs, as long as they are retarded and sheep-like they are normies.
Yuck. No wonder Veeky Forums is so desperate to "make it."
they are where Veeky Forums makes their money
miners jack off to the thought of the mass of facebook retards who are going to do shit like this
Actually I think the only people who make honest money here are the people reading whitepapers and shitposting here between trades--Veeky Forums isn't some hive mind hunting down fakebook nigro's for their foodstamps--even though I think that would be fucking awesome if it were the case.