I haven't played Magic since the end of Tarkir. Is it even worth getting back into? What has changed since then?
I haven't played Magic since the end of Tarkir. Is it even worth getting back into? What has changed since then?
I wouldn't the game has been invaded by SJW's. Your much better off.
Trannies, blacks and political-correctness everywhere, both in the game and IRL. Don't bother.
>Is it even worth getting back into?
With the right crowd yes. I found magic works well to kill a few hours every so often if you play casual legacy and don't build retard combos.
>What has changed since then?
WoTC somehow took an otherwise reasonable setting and began shitting it up. It's the only fantasy IP incapable of making a good video game since the 90's and taking the concept of Emo Flame lesbians and ruining it.
Standard has become a nightmare, but if you're into non-rotating formats everything's fine.
Yeah I'm a big EDH guy and only really care about that and limited, is it still worth considering getting back into? A good part of my life from 8th grade to sophomore year was spent playing and obsessing over Magic and doing limited
Current limited format seems fine, but it's pretty new so we'll see how it goes. It's been a bit up and down, IXAx3 was a pretty boring draft format.
Sure, those aren't really my formats by they seem fine. The third unset (Unstable) came out in December and that was pretty fun to draft.
They did a new unset? I literally never thought they'd do that again
Fucking finally
it was literally the only thing that sold decently in the past few years.
Fuck off jeramy
Nah. Commander sets do well and so do Masters sets (with Iconic Masters being a notable exception).
>every post I don't like is made by Jermey
New sets have been pretty mediocre at best, cardstock is terrible and there is a lot of annoying political drama
Commander sure, Masters sets I wouldn't be fooled by and yea Iconic was just a shitshow
>just looked it up
>the absolute madmen actually did contraptions
I didn't know they had this kind of humor and fun left in them
I highly recommend watching LoadyReadyRun's Unstable pre-prelease.
shahrazad resolves
>shahrazad resolves
No, dont.
As someone who thinks the tarkir was one of the best, it really has tanked since then.
Standard is abysmal right now, doesn't help that wizards has literally been banning decks every set trying to make the meta healthy.
Draft is just boring, if you enjoy playing statline creatures in curve then you'll love it. All interesting/fun cards are printed at rare or better due to NWO.
Other formats are fine, just a few shakeup bans for reasons (top/twin.)
Just my opinions, but I rarely touch the game outside of some casual games with friends over a drink.
They banned Twin? In modern?
>m-muh boogeyman
Wait for Dominaria at least. Garfield was on the design team and he's never worked on a bad set, which likely has to do with no one in R&D daring to touch the cards he's made even if they don't understand what they're supposed to be for or think that they are too complex.
Limited formats since Tarkir have been pretty bad, so no reason to get back into it for that reason. Could just as well just pick up the cards you want for EDH in that case or build a Cube.
boogeymen can''t be scared off by a word.
Yes, and with the exception of Eldrazi Winter (because who would have thought printing another sol land for Eldrazi would be powerful, right?) Modern has been pretty sweet, to the point where it's probably the most popular competitive format now.
Killed the joke of steamflogger boss.
None of the Sol lands were new. The problem was specifically that they printed a whole bunch of cheap Sldrazi to go with them.
killed alot of jokes promises that maro has made over the years: Ninjas, Mythic vanilla, Urza walker, triple strike, etc
Best Magic Game of 2017
Possibly game of the decade.