Too late to get into this?

Too late to get into this?

Normally I'd say sure cause it's only at 7 cents, but those satanic trips are saying that it is too late for you. I'm so sorry for your loss...

Buy and HODL - this will hit 1 USD. The CEO is the fucking Justin Bieber / Steve Jobs of China. Chink as fuck. Believe the RICE!!!!

Just wait until after the chinks wake up in 1.5 hours and the dumpening commences. Those slanty eyed little cocksuckers are gonna see that price and cash straight the fuck out to buy massive bags of rice and plastic shit. Pick it up during the dip

Please sweaty baby Jesus let the price correct to .05 before the chink pump pf the morning. Amen.


It'll go up but not by a lot. Too many coins

The chinks are buying in to get into the sweet dog breeding gains, no way they dump now

Motherfucker. You'll be buying cryptodoggers with pesos here soon when those rotten little gooks dump their bags of these p&d shitcoins.


Buy stock in squid and octopus armpit pornos

Damn. I didn't even notice. I think my very short lived time in crypto may be done with those numbers.


its never too late to hop on if you actually want to hold a coin that has a ton of potential, if you dont buy it now you will buy it at .50c


Holy shit this is the best gains ever

Rest in piece, o fellow trader, you had a short run, just short enough to miss the start of the single greatest Chinese space run ever known to man or machine.

relax lads relax. This coin will go up. OP you mongoloid you should have bought in at 3 cents but its ok, wait for a dip.

This coin is backed by a good asian man and fortunately their extremely high birth rate and wierd culture means they will eat this shit up. Just fucking buy before 10 cents at some point, sit back, and relax.

Say it true user, without shilling or prejudice, will it dip to .05c?

might get close to 5 cents, but prob not imo. of course no one really knows but I don't see it dropping for now

I would wait for dip buy below 5 is wishful thinking

This. Will it dip?????????

Last ATH it dipped a lot.

.04 would be ideal, but I'm fine with .05

It will dip. I've been buying in and out of this coin while banking profits each time.

You'll never make it. Go buy some of that poetry coin and shit then go sing kumbaya

the only way out is through.

No one knows. It doesn't matter. The coin is going to 10x this year, maybe 100x if they do a burn. No biggie.

What makes this that good exactly?

good coin, eth went up for cryptokitties so tron will go up heaps because of tron dogs.

the creator is a marketing genius and you know the only thing hyping these coins is good marketing.

Cryptodoggos, bicycles and sheit

I can dig. Just bought some req before it goes up, watching on trx and sitting on some fun.
Is xvg really going down from mcafee?

No xvg is going down cause its shit

XVG is going down because it was discovered that their upcoming Wraith protocol is a bunch of BS that doesn't actually do what they said it does.

sell xvg for tron

is XLM a good investment? was looking for something to buy and the graphic looked very promising

Why not join a pump and dump group?
