>Live in Croatia
>200 Euro investment from 3 month saving
>made in 2 days more than an average salary in this country
I-it's real, r-right?
>Live in Croatia
>200 Euro investment from 3 month saving
>made in 2 days more than an average salary in this country
I-it's real, r-right?
that's whats beautiful in living in Eastern Europe, you can be retired with 200k USD not like americucks who need like 10x this amount
It's real, be careful.
Are you serious? you can retire with 200K USD?
Uspijet ćemo, ne brini!
yeah man, a proper house in the czech republic for example costs like 30k usd
maybe if it's a 1 room house in a forest with outside toilet shack
t. northern eastern european
Give me Internet access and there's literally nothing wrong with this. Would be nice to have to force myself to go outside to use the shitter during my 20-hour internet sessions.
Dont larp brah
Maybe somewhere in the woods, in bigger cityt more like 150k
200k is however comfy to quit wagecuckin for decades
je naravno je sve fo real
a vidi ovi drugi ne znaju, istina je tu
nije u dolini već u pustari, divljini, kryptolini
u spilji Veeky Forumsa, klesana u stini,
e oni još više je prekriše, skriše,
tu piše: čovik je ipak nešto više,
može dić se iz blata fiata
života od rata do rata,
povuć kočnicu vlaka, izać vanka,
di priroda je sirova,
di čovik nije surogat,
di postoje boje,
tu dođe među svoje
Howd it get so bad
nemaš ni za sladoled ne seri. Slike
nemoj zaboravit platit porez
i idi kupuj XRB dok je u gužvi, to je laki x10
dude, you need like 800 usd monthly to live like king in Poland
Kaj si ubo buraz?
have you been in a shit shack, user?
in the winter, you sit on ice cold wood, the freezing breeze comes up from the shitting hole into your butt and balls, you push out the poo as quick as possible, it freezes mid air, Then you take out your trustworthy newspaper and wipe your ass but not too hard, because you will get a papercut, but you need to go hard because there will always be poo left. But no ,dear user, the newspaper is too rough. You say to yourself fuck it and go back to your house with a poocycle that's punctured your track pants.
Summer is same shit except there are flies everywhere and the fucking stench of years worth of poo in the hole mixed with 30 degree celsius summer heat is so bad your eyes start watering within 5 meter radius of the toilet shack. When you sit down and try not to pass out suddenly the wind blows again from the hole, except that this time, my friend, it brings the stench of a thousand indian streets.
Trust me, you don't want to end up like this.
Masturbating in the toilet has never been so fucking repulsive. At least after you finish.
Says average salary is 72k kuna, which is like £8500.
How did you turn 200 euros into that.
Also was in Croatia this summer, nice country.
Montenegro - full of strange people though.
I'm in the United States, I would need 500k to eternally comfy. Wouldn't even mind wage cucking for food at that point.
Kolko kriptopedera u tredu, wejđkukovi rintaju a mi kriptopederishemo u comfy domu za bolje pare, kekara
average is around 5000kuna which is say $800.
>tko je jamio
>jamio je
Placa u svakom skladistu je oko 3 soma mozda 3200 il 3500
O wew lads. Didn't meant to turn it into a croat-serb language exchange thread.
Kinda true. Even little means a lot here.
Nadam se. : )
Moram čitati tamo. Ali onda sigurno.
Well. CS graduates (masters) are for example top earners and earn about 800-1100 Euro. That's with a STEM degree. Other than that many people work fulltime work like 2.50 - 5 Euro/hr. In 'average' you can think about 550-700 euro/month for the normal class.
At the moment ballsdeep into DBC. Let's hope it works out.
>taj osjecaj kad imas super placen posao
>taj osjecaj kad vise zaradis na trgovanju
Turned 500 euros into 0.5 btc, I have no idea what to feel.
Jel prati porezna crypto?
>on stavlja taj osjecaj umjesto ook
My aunt in Croatia makes 200 eur a month. I make that in a day as a filthy dijaspora
>localized memes
Kupite KNC, jednog dana ocekujem da mi platite rundu.
ook ti je zao tvojih irl poznanika koji se ubijaju 8 sati za jadnu placu, biti kripto NEET je privilegija
How is it over there?
My great grandparents came to burgerland from Croatia, same with the majority of people in my town.
Coast and Zagreb is all'right, Slavonia is utter dog shit.
On coast, you'll work like crazy for a tiny paycheck.
In Zagreb, you'll have a decent work day for a decent paycheck.
In Slavonia, you'll work like crazy for no paycheck.
Imagine millions of chinks with selfie sticks and burgers pouring off of cruise ships stampeding over eachother shouting "HORDOR xD xD TeH gayMe ov frooonez" in 40C heat to buy shitty trinkets and plastic pizza from poor babushkas and 9/10 qt pi yuropoor girls
That is what Dubrovnik is like
Live in belgium, hate this place, i know eastern europe isn't much better but at least i can live cheap.
What are some good area's where i can spend the rest of my life with 500k usd?
Split, hot whores that want money, sea, beautiful city
Thank you i'll look into it.
Kakav je porez kod nas da li itko zna?
>takes a Croatian 2 months to save 300 Euros
Fuck. If you live in either the US or Canada, there is a fucking lot you take for granted desu
The day I move back to Brazil
I would be able to hire the entire continent to work for me
t. South American pajeet
Hello fellow eastern european, it is real alright. One concern I have though, were would be most suitable for us to cash out? I've been confirmed on Coinbase for weeks but still haven't tried to cash anything.
t. Albanian living in Slovenia
This. And I'm an enemy (east)
ocete kurac
South American here. You can retire for life and life off of interests with 200 k easily. I actually thought eastern Europe would be more expensive than here, but from what I've read ITT, it looks like we're on par with them when it comes to average price of goods
Except their country serves they way better than south american shitholes
t. South american pajeet who has been to Serbia, Poland, Czech Republik and Croatia
at least communism is forbidden in some of them
I will be injecting 5k€ in cryptos for the first time very soon, I hope this is fuckin real.
znam taj osjecaj prijatelju