Why doesn't your setting have at least primitive guns? It's not like good plate isn't proof against the early projectiles, so why not include it?
Why doesn't your setting have at least primitive guns...
It does
I mean, early firearms are pretty shit for adventuring purposes so what's the point?
it looks stupid imo and brakes the immersion. I associate guns with the real world, which is a place that disgusts me. plus I prefer magic and bow&arrows too. to sum it up
: personal preference
Because the magocratic "deep state" has a monopoly on magic and alchemy (which includes the Exoterical chemistry) and they are rarely interested military applications for their knowledge.
In my setting, mages would belong to schools called "mysteries" which study all forms of arcana and esoteric knowledge but focus on particular branches or disciplines depending on the mystery they belong to, they are the sole keepers of most of this knowledge and they sort of "filter" just enough of it so as to benefit society but without breaking a delicate balance, that is not to say mages are benevolent in and of themselves, or that a couple corrupt and/or highly ambitious initiates don't get crazy ideas from time to time, but for the most part, they seem keen on sort of nudging societies slowly towards a path of "enlightenment" depending how you see it.
This is more in line with IRL magi and philosophers of antiquity, and I think it's more interesting like that.
Because I don't want them.
It does, thanks for assumin' ya ass
They have them, but no one uses them as a) magic is more destructive and useful and b) Bows and Crossbows don't kill your ears when you fire them. They do use cannons however.
which setting? because I do have a fantasy world with guns in it, but I also have ones without
amazingly, they often have similar cultural development levels
Firearms have not been invented again in my setting.
>Why has nobody invented firearms?
Because one thousand years after the nuclear holocaust that devastated Earth and its civilizations, the new societies that have sprung up from the ashes are still in the iron age. Technological progress has stagnated through the deliberate efforts of the elves, which seek out human settlements and destroy them with powerful magic users. The elves are dying race, however, and so despite their attempts; it seems mankind will rise again - though there will be nobody to save Earth a second time.
Would you shut up about your fucking guns already? If you want them in your setting just have them in your setting and if you don't then don't.
Even as a /k/ommando this daily "hurrr, why don't you have guns in your game" shitpost is getting fucking annoying.
>I don't like firearms because i'm historically ignorant
more like
>I grew up around settings that while fantastical did not have firearms
>it has since become personal preference to not include them in my autistic fantasies
Look man, we just invented bronze and chariots. Can't gunpowder wait a bit?
Because I have a campaign centered around the invention of black powder planned for my next group, so all my other campaigns need to not have firearms to set it up.
but my setting does.
I even offered them to my players but they refused for various reasons.
>Halfling fighter who would have the underworld connections to gain them
Says he prefers the shortbow for silence and doesn't want the military looking too close at him
>Tiefling Sorceress
Has a fire magic obsession but enough common sense to realize that means she should not be anywhere near gunpowder she doesn't want to touch off.
claims he can't afford guns due to bardic college student loans he needs to pay off.
Magic caused a different path of technological development. Harnessing the elemental energy released in the combustion of alchemically crystalized mana granules (coliquially known as "witchpowder") and the primitive "beam" weapons derived from it proved to be a lot more effective and versatile than launching a projectile. The latter technology was developed later down the line, but it's much less widespread and much less well developed.
tl;dr People invented black powder lasers first
>tfw my setting starts in the Pike & Shotte era and goes to the equivalent of the early 20th century
>Setting revolves around staunch traditionalists who believe in the traditions of sword play and magic trying to stop the ever growing onslaught of forward looking industrialists and their massive armies of normal humans with guns who want to see an end to the traditionalists
Might be neat.
I use the Warhammer Fantasy universe, so I do have guns, you pot-smoking faggot.
Now go back to masturbating to Critical Role.
It does, but they are all driven by Steam, because a city of lunatic alchmists are the only ones using them, while the rest of the world goes for High Tech ( Magitek) versions of normal weapons. Imagine RWBY but without the "Its also a gun - Theme".
I use them, but they are costly and way more powerful too. Because instead of powder they are based in nitroglicerine, than it's way more unstable and dangerous. You need a way more strong gun to use it (that's it, strengthned with earth elementals in the setting) , and they are mostly used as bombs anyway.
One of the few ways to kill the high level monsters without using magic btw, that and other alchemic contraptions.
Gunpowder is used too, but in a fewer parts of the setting and without being used in guns.
So you have nobles, Monster hunters,hill tribals chieftains, the not-Samuray etc using them, but without the massed combat than goes with cheap gunpowder.
>firearms break my immersion of my misconception of what the medieval period was like
>Why doesn't your setting have at least primitive guns?
It has, actually. Fire arms are commonplace to my settings.
>so why not include it?
What kind of retarded question is this? Why would you have to include the fucking firearms?
Reminder that the best and most fanciful armors existed when guns were all over the place .
Gunpowder doesn't exist and while alchemical mixes with similar properties are possible their cost is prohibitively high - at the very least until industrialisation kicks in. And even after industrialisation properly trained bowmen outpaces handheld guns both in precision and damage. It is possible to train people to use more powerful handguns but then you are looking at investment similar to the one you need to get a bowman.
Basically living in D&D powered world, even if it's a E6 one, sucks for people who love guns.
The setting doesn't have normal earth chemistry or physics and the ways they have to go about getting the rough equivalent of a firearm are much trickier.
There's a single faction which utilizes a small set of airships fit with cannons, but the weapons are so outrageously difficult to feed, craft, and maintain that anyone who's not a world superpower can't be bothered. A single cannon alone could easily be traded for a small but healthy kingdom, and that's not even getting into the upkeep of the fire powder and ammunition, which is a tightly kept secret by the fae.
They're proper WMDs on the battlefield though. Though the ships have been moored for generations, the records of their use tell of a time where a united broadside of all six craft rattled the earth so much that the range foothills beneath them resettled into open plains.
Bows are more "classically heroic," and it's hard to make bows and guns exist side by side, feel mechanically distinct, and have a reason for both to exist beyond one costing more or having some arbitrary stat restriction. Same problem crossbows have.
Because we have advanced firearms.
Because we have pneumatic spear guns and flamethrowers instead. Also crossbow grenade launchers. No one got around to inventing flintlock guns because the other stuff happened first. They'll figure it out at some point.
Primitive? I play Pathfinders with at least WWI firearms.
Posting fantasy firearms, nothing science fiction.
Because the system i use doesn't count for them and don't want to homebrew an entire category of weapons just so you can have your shitty flintlock, Kevin.
Also only americans are obsessed with having guns in their setting. European players i had never gave a shit about them
They do exist, mostly useless to the party unless someone picks up a brace of pistols as a fire and forget weapon because of long ass reload times. Setting wise though massed use of early fire arms was the turning point in a long running elf-human conflict, elves are stubbornly sticking to superior but harder to learn magic, they don't care they live a long ass time they can afford the training time, but for the shorter lived races they've been a godsend for stopping elven expansion and as they get better the elves have slowly been pushed back to their geographically secure homelands. elves are currently developing a magitech nuke to tip the scales back in their favor though
Have you picked up a history book? Europe ruled the world with firearms, and most Pen and Paper RPG is all western European. So why wouldn't firearms be anything but normal transition in history?
Are you assuming that Europeans are less likely to care about guns due to their government involvement in propagating the idea that firearms only lead to bad things. While the United States was founded on a violate revolution where guns and fire power liberated them from the shackles of colonization?
Wait... didn't many nations under European control revolt with guns?
Russia, Italy, France... and a few that tried but failed like Ireland, Hungary, Italy again, the American Civil war...
Fighting in is our blood around the globe, and America is not the only nation that enjoys our firearms.
>Taking the b8
Firearms are just coming into the world. Thanks to gnomes, they went through the matchlock stage quickly, and are at flintlocks. One of the PCs is trying to innovate further, to show the Gnomes that they're not the only ones who can. In fact his class (something I homebrewed) has the ability to craft firearms an 'age' higher than what's currently available once he gets to tenth level, so he'll likely be inventing the first revolver. Or so his player hopes, the Gnomes are hot on his trail and they're hoping to use guild influences to bully him into either stopping, or at least delaying his progress.
>bows and guns didn't co-exist
I've got a controversial opinion to pitch to you: fantasy isn't historically accurate.
>My reading comprehension truly is this bad
>the medieval period
Fantasy is not the medieval period you gay asswipe.
Nigger don't try so hard to /pol/arize this whole thread
>I-It's not medieval
>please ignore the fact that a vast majority of fantasy is with the medieval period in mind!
I don't remember Orcs invading any medieval country where the humans need to consult the elves in divine magics to smite the green-skins in a fiery blaze of heaven's fury.
Then again I didnt really do well in history back in highschool...
Archwizards banned their mass usage after the 23rd season when the ratings tanked. Exceptions are made for portable cannons and secret weapons, but they must be big, loud, flashy, and explode people (user or enemy. Either is fine.)
I need a word with the Archwizards.
>Bows and Crossbows don't kill your ears when you fire them.
>Being concerned about the volume of gunshots
Found the liberal.
I enjoy firearms being included if the part of the Middle-Ages the fantasy setting seeks to emulate had them (and it better be emulating a specific part of it; there's nothing as stupid as a "generally medieval setting").
Fucker i don't know who hid your meds but you need to chill.
All i'm saying is that in my experience of playing with both european and american players the euro players never once asked about guns in the setting, while with american groups there is always a point where at least one member is gonna ask if the setting has guns and if not why
why are firearms in fantasy so controversial?
>inb4 muh romantic hero
you're the same retards that are just fine with swords and guns if they're in your space adventures. its only when its in pseudo medieval europe that you start getting pissy
Is that really odd though? American can own guns, most European states make it a mile on gantlet to own a single shot hunting rifle.
Americans are familiar with guns, french and British cops don't even carry.