I've been working on building a Sci-Fi setting and was looking for some suggestions on what I have so far.
Both feudal sci-fi themed worlds.
I've been working on building a Sci-Fi setting and was looking for some suggestions on what I have so far.
Both feudal sci-fi themed worlds.
Other urls found in this thread:
If the Nexus or whatever is the thing connecting the two worlds, does it actually have many different locations it can drop people out at? How does one enter and exit it without walking facefirst into an enemy garrison? You say it's sci-fi, but what's the actual technology level, and how does it address the complex social issues that come with advanced societies trying to be 'at war' in this kind of context, when mass media and radio communications probably exist?
Your setting is very derivative.
>That pic
So the Terran Empire from Star Trek?
Now we're talking!
Wait... the Greek phalanx guys are somehow the lighter, more mobile force?
Where does Achaemenid Empire and Parthian/Sasanian Empire play into all this?
I'd recommend thinking a bit more about what makes your guys different from regular greece and rome (aside from the warp tunnel). It's very hard make people interested in your setting if it's just copy-pasted things we already have.
Here's a good video on the topic :
I don't get why you've just scaled up the Ionian Sea to planetary levels. I also don't get why you didn't call the Nexus the Ionian Bridge.
no, he should call it the ion bridge, but pronounce it I-ohn
not so fast
celestials should be a combo Aeolian islands, Crete, and Mycenean Greeks. Daemons should have carthage flavor.
Have you been listening to Mechina lately by chance?
Not so fast.
My sides
font is Consolas btw
I'm beginning to think you're simply not listening to us
And this comes as a shock to you because?
Because I'm an idiot.
Looks similar to Final Fantasy IX, good setting idea that one. Terra was attempting to merge with Gaia for some reason or another, something something clones and mist.
Maybe terra is more hierarchy and gaia is more senator lead.
How about the nexus gates are located on their moons. Their moons are considered their pantheons home. And because these moons rotate around the planets it not 24/7 relyable to connect another. So its always shiftingbwhen a corridor is open and they can brace for a possible invasion.
Maybe the celestials constructs and the pirate planet, asteroid or base sometimes cross the nexus and can use it to interact with the planets?
This idea sounds good.
OP here...a LOT of good ideas that just made my setting a lot better...I'm having trouble deciding the technology level though. Or should it be something like AoS -- feudal societies w/ magic sprinkled in?
Okay, op, this is pretty funny
OP again -- also a general plot, should it be as simple as Red vs. Blue, or Red doesn't like Blue, but there's a bunch of other fucked up shit trying to erase their existence, so they tolerate each other (outside of a few skirmishes), while the real battles would we waged against the daemons and pirates.
Consolas best font.
>The Republic of Terra
>Terran Republic
>it's an entire planet is one nation episode
Your greek inspired planet should be brutal too. Ancient Greeks went to war with the goal of slaughtering their enemies.
Still need some help with the technology levels of the planets...possibly 2 semi-industrialized feudal planets, aided with technology gifted to them by the Celestials, albeit far too advanced for them to reverse engineer.
>Greek themed
>Speed and infiltration
>Roman themed
>brute Force
You do realize that Rome conquered Greece because the Roman legions were more manuverable than the Greek phalanx?
You could even go all the way up to modern-era tech and still have them stuck in their cultural ways.
Depends on which phalanx you mean. The Greek's actually ran into battle and fought in all types of terrains. Still not enough to catch up to lightly armed infantry but nevertheless theu were agreesive.
The Macedonian pike phalanx on the other hand worked best in open plains.
It probably depends on where you go. The super high-tech Celestial stuff probably lies closer to the Nexus itself, since that's presumably the area the Celestials cared about to begin with. Though they're going to want to keep that stuff under guard, since the areas closer to the Nexus are the areas that can be attacked and raided by someone coming in from the Nexus. Homegrown industry would have to supplement the Celestial stuff for the larger areas, and entirely supplant it outside of the zones the Celestials bothered touching. And the further you got away from even the normal industrial areas, the more it would probably look like a more fantasy-like world outside of the occasional trade hub.
I like it!
Very nice.
any new additions to the universe?!
>imperial legion
>brute force
wtf are you doing
He's not wrong. The phalanx you think of is a thing of myth, Greeks didn't fight in a tightly packed shieldwall. Instead they fought by just bumrushing their enemies.
newest edition.
So do the fists symbolize the firm grasp of pirates/police over the Nexus or are they literal fists?
Literal, with broken arms from some unspeakably powerful pre-history titan.
The Golden Fist used to be the twin of the Silver Fist forces, but when the Nexus became chaotic with too much travel, there was a popular mutiny and the whole station converted to piracy.
And before you ask, yes, the titan had two left hands. Nobody knows why.
Perhaps rather than ancient Greek, Gaia could be styled more after Byzantine Greek Armies. Lots of light and heavy cavalry, with support from archery and a few light infantry.
Can we turn this into a Veeky Forums homebrew thing?
What about navies? What sets the Western Greco-Roman Navy apart from the Eastern Greco-Roman Navy?
Need more crude pixel art contributions to map please.
>warp tunnel
No, mang.
Make it some REAL scifi, and use the dual worlds idea from The Flight of the Dragonfly.
It's two worlds that orbit each other extremely closely, such that they share a single atmosphere and that atmospheric craft and potentially even balloons/dirigibles can be used to travel between them.
Haven't read it, so I'm curious. Dual worlds like this seems to be closer to Science Fantasy than Science Fiction - Is that the only Scientific Freedom the author took or are there more?
How does Gravity even work? Is the area between the two planets in a constant state of weightlessness? Have societies adjusted to this "wandering space" in some way if so?
No, anyone who was capable of it has been long since sent away from Veeky Forums.
Thanks. In my defense - I have a backlog of books as long as my current library already and I read every day.
This is actually a really neat idea and the close proximity of the planets kind of solves my problem of how do the planets interact and what level of technology or magic allows them to do so.
Having relatively "low tech" items such as hot air balloons would work for the setting. Kharadron Overlords esque, perhaps.
But... en.wikipedia.org
I mean, you might as well have a flat world.