>Longsword is a 1 handed weapon
>Bastard sword is 2 handed
Longsword is a 1 handed weapon
I wield whatever the fuck I want fatboy
To be fair historically you woukd wield both of those with 2 hands unless weidling a shield which would be entirely worthless for a knight in hardened plate who would be better off halfswording against a similarly armored foe.
Tell me how you're going to parry that warpick to the skull tin can man
>try to parry a warpick
>opponent isn't retarded
>now I have a shattered forarm
Really activates the almonds.
Why are you wearing your shield backwards?
Your forearm goes behind the shield, not in front of it
Sorry kid, but by the time you raise your pick, it's already too late.
It’s called a ‘hand and a half’ sword.
People aren’t retarded.
First off that ain’t a parry that’s a block.
Secondly if that warpick is gonna punch through your tin hat I do not have good expectations for your cardboard square.
Longswords are one or two handed as the situation demands faggot
I bet you complain about dual wielding too
everyone knows you counter a warpick with a throwing glaive.
It's a parry because you're redirecting the force of the blow not meeting it
Nigga get some real evidence, that drawing is shit, the sword is clipping right through that one dude.
Its like the artist has never heard of collision detection
And the amount of blunt force behind a warpick would, if your opponent knows what they're doing and swings at the correct angle, would either break the shield or break your arm depensing on the quality of the first item.
So you're saying it makes more sense to let him drive the warpick into your brain instead of redirecting his attack with a shield because your arm might get hurt?
I'm saying it makes more sense to not fight a guy with a weapon that hard counters hardened plate while wearing hardened plate. Best would be a spear or halberd, beat him on reach and leverage. If he's also wearing hardened plate grab your own pick and have a good old match of "are we both going to die today or will one of us get lucky."
>Shields are made of tinfoil
>You opponent is somehow legendarily skilled with a warpick but somehow you don't know how to use a shield
Even should the pick penetrate the shield, great, it's in your shield, that puts YOU in control and not them
You legitimately have no idea what you're talking about
>I'm saying it makes more sense to not fight a guy with a weapon that hard counters hardened plate while wearing hardened plate
>Woah stop trying to fight me bro, its not fair you're using a warpick, let me go change my loadout first
>he doesnt know
>he thinks shields are 80 pound slabs of hardened steel
Try again, sweetie.
Just don't get hit, it's easy.
Reminder that shields were always just meant to defend oneself from missile attacks during war.
So then all those knights valliantly slain by idiots with warpicks throughout history were just bad and using their shields wrong. Makes perfect sense, if only they were such skilled warmasters as you are. Truly the face of mideival warfare would have been changed mightily had they your knowledge and skill.
>So then all those knights valliantly slain by idiots with warpicks throughout history were just bad and using their shields wrong.
Yeah probably, they also should have stayed in formation and let the guys with giant spears kill the idiots with warpicks as they approached.
So then like I said in ? I thought you disagreed with me, not agreed wholeheartedly.
I've seen a man plow through a reinforced shield with a duct-taped rattan stick in person and break the arm of the person holding the shield. Shields aren't made of tinfoil, but they're very vulnerable to really strong people
You parry a warpick blow by steping forward into the attack, and block the handle of the pick by placing your sheild just behind the head - this also allows you to hook the sheild underneath the pick head and pull backwards, often disarming and/or unbalancing your opponent, allowing you to easily stab them to death.
(people saying directly blocking the blow with the shield would break the sheild user's arm are also wrong however, the pick would just penetrate through the shield because it's a fucking warpick - the problem then that any shield user would want to avoid is the social awkwardness of two men on the battle field having to disengage their pick and shield by mutual agreement)
You'd still have to stop the force of the pick or it's going to carry on with your shield and give you a new airhole, potentially with a direct line to your lungs.
And yes, that would be the correct counter move to an overhead warpick swing, but it doesn't change the fact that a warpick is the weapon of choice to fuck up a hardened plate sword and board knights day right under war hammer. You COULD beat the warpick guy. Two fighters completely identical in every way except weapons? Warpick has the edge easy.
Is there modern personal armor that would be effectively immune to a warpick?
Pike formations.
Nothing short of firearms can decisively defeat pike formations.
It is the pinnacle of melee warfare.
Probably yes but you're probably gonna be dead either way
In what universe is an entire fucking formation considered personal armor?
Our world.
The universe ruled by the king, you fucking peasant. Now get back in line or ill have you hanged for treason.
Ackchyually, there is no consistent historical medieval terminology. It's all a mess.
Apparently i can wear a formation now
You're all retarded. In reality, you would just take a poleaxe and kill the warpick moron before he comes in fucking range.
Don't use a shield you strap to your arm then you nincompoop.
On top of that, you can't easily drop it if it gets grappled.
>you can't parry with a shield
Get out.
Longswod is a modern word. People used to just call a sword a sword, and if it happenrd to be slightly longer than usual, a long sword.
Body armor often uses a plate of steel for the chest area but Kevlar for most everything else so maybe that? But anywhere else you would certainly be fucked. I mean I'm sure we could make something that actually resists it especially with exo skeletons becoming a thing if we had sufficient time and money but if it's actually worthwhile is an entirely separate question.
They're called "hand and a half" because the handle only fits one hand, the other hand goes on the pommel for leverage
>ITT: autistic people Meetup
Also, wyverns have two legs and dragons have four, so half of wester fantasy production is WRONG.
Exoskeletons are primarily being developed to amplify strength, not to provide armor.
>pliable fibre armor
>against a war pick
Wew lad.
Nice meme.
You aren't using a shield while wearing plate because you'll be using a poleaxe/halberd/warhammer, or grappling/wrestling the opponent to the ground.
No, you would need something hard enough to resist the blow, which already seems unlikely, but probably we could make sumothing up for that, but you also need the armour to absorb the blow for you without breaking everything in the area of the blow. That's some power armour shit.
Caber tossing serves two purposes. One, to make small bridges. Two, because it's really hard to keep a pike formation when someone throws a fucking TREE on it.
Cabers are also effective protection from arrows and small arms fire.
How did this go unnoticed. Wtf user you have to story time that shit
>beating up retards
>calling it 'heroism'
>talks about longswords
>shows a picture of dual wielding arming swords
I bet you are massive faggot irl too
Those are rapiers. Wielding two of them is called a case of rapiers.
Yes those handguards sure look complex enough to be rapier
You retard, it's the same sword. The stats are for whether you're holding it in one hand or two.
>You retard, it's the same sword.
No you haven't
Veeky Forums please stop talking about medieval warfare.
How would you know that we're wrong, were you there?
>*takes out double scythe*
What now assholes
>"muh sword and shield"
>"muh two-handed sword"
>not bringing a poleaxe like a real foot knight
Wow I guess you're all just retarded. It doesn't matter how you hold it, a sword is a sidearm.
>blade on the axe looks broader than it looks sharper
whoa, a person who isnt a faggot in this thread
and the award for the most retarded comment currently on Veeky Forums goes to....
>arming sword longer than your entire torso
(I'm drunk lemme just fix that reply)
poleaxes have been mentioned several times before
That's good, the poleaxe is the only right answer for the self-respecting foot knight.
you're doing it wrong
If we're talking about what makes sense, why not just be an archer?
Oops, user, you tipped your fedora so hard it fell on the ground.
If those rapiers also had basket guards, would that make them basket-case rapiers? Or if they were vorpal, would that make them a case of the vapors rapiers?
In this context? Because no bow in history can reliably penetrate plate armor and you need to be trained from birth to draw the ones that even come close.
It's from a work of fiction, negro-chan. Some people here like works of fiction, instead of spouting off about "muh historical accuracy" all the time.
As retarded as that comment was, there are still plenty of 40k threads to consider for that award.
Was the other guy Hercules?
>the actual late-era plate knights never used shields
>people who had literal skin in the game
>as in they would literally be murdered and die in the fucking mud if their tactics weren't on point, and studied this shit extensively and wrote books on it so they wouldn't fucking die
>they didn't use shields
>but this chucklefuck on an indonesian pottery forum in 2018 knows better
I'm sorry, the answer is still no. I know that "muh penetration" is a meme but it doesn't make much of a difference. You can use a 1000lb draw windlass-spanned crossbow that takes you a minute to load and if you shoot it at a guy in full plate armor it's got a better chance than not of just going "thunk" off his breastplate and leaving a big dent and a bruise when it bounces away.
So, that in mind, practical belt- or lever-spanned crossbows in the 300lb range are not going to do any better than any bow when it comes to plate armor, which is to say not very well at all. If they could there'd have been no need for firearms. They'll ruin your day real quick if you're an average guy in a gambeson or chainmail, though.
i would liek to see the same experiment but with the armor actually held in place. a real breastplate isn't going to bounce around and fall over when hit, which is taking energy out of the impact
Steel beam armor will repel an attack from any weapon.
A real breastplate also has a gambeson underneath that would help absorb the impact, not to mention a person that would get knocked back if it were strong enough.
It's not impossible to kill a knight with a crossbow, certainly, you're throwing a lot of kinetic energy out even if it doesn't penetrate, but they didn't go straight through plate armor like a lot of people seem to believe.
My sword > your armor
Imagine spending your saturday night being massive failure faggots in this thread.
That dude's got a big exposed noggin just asking to get smacked. I got what you really need.
I know, I just broke up with my girlfriend, it sucks. That said, if you're posting on Veeky Forums on your Saturday night at all then you're skirting pretty close to that line, so it doesn't make a whole lot of difference.
If you take exotic weapons training you can use a Bastard Sword as a one handed weapon.
You can also use them to joust with if you're not a fucking coward
They used their swords.
You know, the ones they could use two-handed thanks to longer hilts and lack of shields?
>I'm saying it makes more sense to not fight a guy with a weapon that hard counters hardened plate while wearing hardened plate.
Picks don't "counter plate". They are a hilariously dangerous weapon due to focused kinetic energy that will outright kill you without armor. You're retarded if you're fighting a guy with a warpick WITHOUT plate on.
D&D fags are a fucking blight.
I did break a dude's shield once in the SCA, but that's because I was a newfag and I focused on hitting his shield instead of him. Which ironically did work in the end as I broke his aluminum bolt holding the straps in place.
This. Swordfags are memetards.
The idea of a "hard counter" anything is not really all that applicable in real life. Like, a mace is pretty good for hurting a guy wearing armor, but it's even better at hurting a guy not wearing armor.
They don't know any better, swords have become the "default" weapon in media.
>mfw I found out I've been pronouncing sword wrong for decades
I think it’s better to call a sword an assault rifle to a polearm’s SAW than a sidearm. Sidearms are like pistols which you don’t want to use if there’s something more suitable. People have been doing tests and analysis on corpses and skeletons and they noticed a lot of deaths due to injuries resembling sword cuts. There’s a lot of circumstances where a willing busts out a sword.
>foot knight.
didn't exist, knights where purely cavalry meant to flanking and hit and run attacks on camps/supply lines. The only people on foot where mean at arms/commoners
An airbag
Sometimes your horse gets taken out by a pike and you gotta get knee deep in the shit.
>make a shuriken
>call it a "throwing glaive"
why are westerners like this?
Shakespeare used it to show how old-fashioned and out of touch a characters was.