I've fucking had it with humans. Does anyone else hate just how Mary Sue and unrealistic Humans are? You can pretty much identify how big of an autist a Sidhe is when he comes to the session with a human character. Just look at: >quirky race whose entire gimmick is about being le spheshul mavericks >have nonsensically low lifespans just to provide hamfisted tragic moments in a campaign >can breed with every race, even Orcs, to provided fetish fuel for autists everywhere >always save the day with an ingenious idea or out of the box thinking, pretty much an unofficial racial bonus >always know the right course of action and become default party face, while dwarves are reduced to being the party clown and no one picks elves because 'boring' >Humans can actually have forcible coitus with an unwilling person, because "edgy"
Can anyone give me one good reason why this race shouldn't be banned in all of my sessions?
Adam Gutierrez
>can breed with every race, even Orcs, to provided fetish fuel for autists everywhere >humans are guaranteed sub in every relationship like this because they're weak to orcs, dumb to elves, and cowardly to dwarves It's as if they were born to be cucks.
Lucas King
Fuck off.
Aaron White
>Can anyone give me one good reason why this race shouldn't be banned in all of my sessions?
It's your game. Do what you like if it makes you that upset.
Brody Davis
Found the perennial Human player. When will stop larping as a rat-eared snowflake?
Parker Reyes
Not really, it's a pretty prevalent trope to have Human adventurer to land up in an exotic location briefly as part of a quest and then to leave behind a gaggle of pregnant female non-humans. Apprarently, this is what passes for 'alpha' behaviour among Humans.
Christian Thompson
Found the autists.
Dylan Wilson
>Does anyone else hate just how Mary Sue and unrealistic Humans are? What did he mean by this?
Jack Nguyen
Pretty certain this is about subverting HFY
Cameron Thomas
You can spot humanfags as they often try to imitate them IRL. I swear none of them ever interact with anyone's forest. They'd be kicked out in a century.
Liam Wilson
What really gets me going about them is they don't even have a thing there good at? How do I balance around a race being mediocre at everything while the other races have fatal flaws.
Robert Perez
Honestly I'd actually be interested in playing a game with humans, my GM never puts them in settings and this is the kind of thing I need to see for myself.
Gavin Watson
I disagree, I'd say user is basically just inverting the whole 'Elves/tieflings/drow/Kenyans are bullshit special snowflakes and I won't have them at my table' cliche that comes up now and then and expecting an interesting thread to come out of it by making it about a elf kvetching about how humans are totes the sue race in his alternate reality. Basically we're on like, at least 3 levels of meta and ironic here, if OP goes any deeper we're going to start hearing Inception horns.
Andrew Peterson
>Humans are boring in nearly every specfic universe >teej invents HFY as a contrarian circlejerk against this >HFY gets popular, so now we have to be contrarian and circlejerk against that oy vey, when does it end
Kayden Mitchell
We make humans the kinky slaves of every other race in the universe.
Brody Garcia
>be me, be kick-ass snow elf mage >Live in the frozen north of Tamriel >Have a cute BF >one day while scrying I detect an immensely powerful aedra artifact coming from Nord nigger shitcave >We send down an emmisary to ask for it their leaders half bred son answers our emmisary while drunk calls us snow bitches and says our women want to get raped by their alpha sovengarde warrior dicks >Decide fuck it so we send down a force to raze it to the ground >Can't find the artifact decide to go home and chill out while carving some bitchin stone statues of our ancestors Whoever trusts Nords is a shit head who probably doesn't think dwarven armoured mudcrabs are cool.
Aiden Ross
nu-Veeky Forums would never stand for it
Anthony Foster
It makes perfect sense though. From a sort of meta perspective humans always have been the race that can breed with every other race, and the bards seem to always be humans, not to mention that IRL we've had 500 different types of musics and forms of entertainment. Not to mention we are never the warrior race, in terms of combat we fall pretty low actually, all the other nations dwarf us in terms of weapons tech, raw strength, or years of experience.
This has all lead me to believe that in any standard setting the humans are most likely to be enslaved by the other races, and turned into what amounts as entertainers. We're the actors, the singers, and the prostitutes for the other races. Humans are famous around the galaxy, but we aren't free.
Landon Sanders
I don't think any race would trust a race as insane as humans to be anything other than ashes on the side of a road way
Henry Martin
No, but we will bend over for it.
Brandon Cox
Come on, we all know that aliens desire our entertainment far too much to ever truly kill us off. We're like the Japanese of the universe, everyone thinks we're total weirdos and yet when our species is threatened they all freak out at the thought of losing their main source of anime.
Mason Williams
Need I remind of the antebellum South
Gavin Cooper
>Frequent slave uprisings in the Carolinas >Human beings being so damn idiosyncratic that they want their own special snowflake laws to protect their own self interest while simultaneously determining that others of their species don't have those same rights while most of the amendments we're penned proposed by southerners. Even if someone argues that African slaves were seen merely property or even animals it was still recognized as being abhorrent by Jefferson he still continued fucking his property creating furthermore property with it, and still refused to free it after his death even though it was somewhat common at the time.
Easton Garcia
Personally I think that just demonstrates an alien empire that enslaved humans would be. Slaves don't make good fighters, and so it's unlikely any slave uprisings would do any good. You'd have aliens fucking their human slaves without humanizing them or feeling the need to free them similar to Jefferson. You'd have human entertainers and yet they'd always be under the thumb of the aliens, likely not respected but rather valued as one might value a good movie or television set.
Chase Lee
I suppose it could be handled by ensuring there is no majority phenotype in any group of slaves ensuring interspecies tension is always high enough to prevent mass organization
Charles Perez
Even if humans could organized the aliens may very well have weapons that can't be turned against them, or maybe they're just outright superior fighters, like an ant trying to take down a bear.
Wyatt Green
Take the Zentradi for example, if they had conquered humanity humans never would have been able to rise up against them. It's not like you can just build an army of giant robots to fight against your giant oppressors in the span of time it takes to organize a rebellion.
Bentley Adams
>Humans >Mary Sues. >Unrealistic. Sounds like you just suck.