What's a fun type of zombie? Or ability to give them apart from the usual "can keep reanimating"

What's a fun type of zombie? Or ability to give them apart from the usual "can keep reanimating".

An interesting ability for zombies is to make them at least as smart as your average pack of rodent.

Return of the Living Dead zombies are best zombies.

The longer they're animated, the bigger they get.

Infectious Bite/Claw
Any successful attack versus a creature, that creature must make a CON save at the start of each of their turns until the effect is gone by a Remove Curse spell.

After 10 failed saves or one hour, they cannot be healed.

After 6 hours, their movement speed is halved.

After 24 hours, they are considered undead, and must attack the nearest creature at any opportunity who is not also an undead. Attacks they land will have the Infectious Bite/Claw effect.

If they are reduced to 0 hit points they are dead for 1 hour, then rise with half their hit point maximum restored.

Combustible Gas
When the zombie takes an attack from a slashing or piercing weapon, or a fire attack, they can use their reaction to explode. They are reduced to 0 hit points and cannot rise again, but deal 6d6 poison damage to all creatures within 10 feet of them, except for other undead with the Combustible Gas ability.

Wasp Infested

Acid zombie
Invisible zombie
Floating zombie
Ethereal zombie
Gelatinous zombie
Fire zombie
Psionic zombie
Poison breath zombie
Projectile insects zombie
Climbing and pouncing zombie
Constricting tentacle zombie
Projectile mucus zombie
Antimagic zombie
Static electricity zombie
Paralyzing scream zombie
Transmuting stone to flesh zombie
Autonomous detached eye zombie
Darkness aura zombie
Dislocating jaw zombie
Stinking cloud zombie
Blink zombie
Liquid toxic waste zombie

Juju zombies- confirmed to be perfectly capable of managing entire governments in the Necromancers handbook, are intelligent and retain the free will and desire to continue living. Effectively, very wholesome as undead.

Then of course, we have the like of Stomach parasite Zombies that have host to various carrion worms, intestinal parasites gorged on the unnatural energies animating the corse/working symbiotically with it to hinder it's opponents in some fashion.

There's also refurbished organ zombies I.E one that uses it's body's vast chemical capacity to be something of a walking necrotic bio-lab- not to be confused with everyone's favourite Acid Bile Zombie feature.

There's blind zombies who rely on sense of hearing to hunt

So, like, this is what you do man. You go to your local ikea and buy all the fucking furniture. Then you go home and replace random parts with zombie limbs. I am talking about chairs with legs, heads instead of cushins. Go fucking nuts. Then, when your enemy arrives, you just turn off the lights. BAM, instant win.

Wicker Man
The zombie is vulnerable to fire. After being hit by a fire attack, they are burning constantly. Creatures within 5 feet of the zombie must make a DEX save at the start of their turns or take 2d6 fire damage.

The zombie is now healed by fire. At the start of each of its turns, it recovers 2d6 hit points. It must use its action to dash, and can move through other creatures' spaces. Those creatures must make a DEX save or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 fire damage, or half as much on a successful save.

You know that one zombie standing around with the horde that's wearing a silly costume as a gag? They were really good at what they're dressed as and still kinda are, give them max ranks in two related skills.

>Can run
>Can spit blood
>Muscle Growth
>Gas sacs
>Parts act independtly
>Human like intelligence
>Understanding of stealth and predatory instincts

List goes on

These are pretty nice. What about something that could potentially be used to their advantage by a lateral-thinking party? Like if you captured a zombie and put it on a leash, what would be some situationally useful ability?

Like mind controlling their bodies to detonate a bomb and use it to dig holes? So that humans won't die ?
Their are many uses of this , it's so cool.

Zombies with guns, ala doom. Zombies with shovels count too.

Motorcicle-riding zombies. Some of them aflame.

Gourmet zombies. They have knives, and eat like civilized cannibals.

Zombie master. Dresses like baron samedi.

Zombi. Doesn't eat flesh, unless the zombie master orders it. Overall quite dumb, and for some reason dressed like blue-collar worker. Follows the order of the zombie master.

Small zombie. For some inexplicable reason, it's a knee-hight zombie with the proportions of a regular adult zombie. It doesn't run very fast, but it is quite resilient.

Screamer zombie. Very fast, big eyes, screams like the cat Tom on a bad day. It also smells like human, so most zombies go after him. Still a flesh-eating zombie.

Zombrian. A zombie always munching on a bag of brains. Very smart, behaves like a maniac, and can design weapons and devices. Craves brains.

frankenzombies. they don't (just) hunt to consume flesh, but actively replace/rebuild their degenerating body with parts from their victims. whatever mechanism (virus, magic, whatever) that causes their undeath also allows these parts to fuse/scab/graft on and still function

Make them smart or make them psychic.

Seriously who the fuck would expect the zombie to blow an NPC's head open with his mind from 100 yards.

A great way to spice up *any* critter is to give them a spell-like ability and then just try to figure out how exactly does it do that without actual magic involved.

anti-magic rune that explodes when spell is cast.

I'm assuming DnD here, have the "Zombies" actually be the result of a plague from the Far Realm, turning those that succumb into Aberrations rather than undead.

It'll be a nasty surprise for the Cleric when he tries to turn/destroy undead with his Channel Divinity.

Metal Slug's zombies could VOMIT their own internal acids and entrails..or massive screen-covering death rays

Zombies are significantly harder to kill because their wounds will heal over with some kind of substance produced from their bodies.

So if they lose an arm or a leg the stump covers over in this mucus and prevents blood loss as the zombie still needs the use of it's internal organs to function as if they were alive.

Another fact is they have no restraints on their stregnth which is both good and bad. Good because they have the chance of overextering themselves and destroying their own bodies. Bad because they can more easily rip through barrers and people

Philosophical zombies.



What's the best system for running a zombie focused game?

Imagine the prosperity of the Saudi Oil barons being recreated in middle America with a series of oil field finds, shortly after world war 2, California/New York/Vancouver-sized cities popping up all over our "rust belt", with recently returned veteran populations moving into these new super-cities.

Yeah, thinking of something like this. Any resources to refer to? How could aberration plague bearers act differently from zombies?

America quickly becomes a very red place, as once narrow losses in certain interior/coastal states quickly were swayed by the introduction of various forms of bribery/blackmail/general interference in neighbouring states elections.

Silicon Valley still happens, someone explosively exasterbated by wild speculative investment in these technology companies by the "Red heart" of America

Medical science becomes a major focus due to major publicity of a president dying of a preventable disease.

They move with magic instead of muscle, and nothing can render them inanimate.

Any severed part will become its own entity. Constrictor-style intestines wrapping around throats, crawling hands gouging the eyes of sleeping survivors in the dark of the night, even stray clumps of hair wrapping tightly around fingers, blocking off circulation until the digit drops off.

The ash is the worst. Incineration used to be the go-to method of destroying them, but too late the survivors discovered the woes of fighting sentient ash. It moves at a crawl, yes, but there is enough of it that you can't stay barricaded in one building for too long. It seeps in through every crack in the building, under doors, down chimneys, etc. It's not violent, but it coats the floor, benches, gets in the food and water, and is largely unavoidable. Spend too long around it and breathing gets harder, bits of it start clogging up your lungs. The only defense it to keep running from shelter, out into the zombie infested world.

What follows is a technological/scientific/medical renaissance, with twenty years of "jolly good capitalism" and a sort of Spy vs. Spy style sabotaging between competing industries.

Several watergate style scandals are uncovered as the competition/war between these companies, their political interests/ties and their access to relatively advanced ( think 3-d printers hitting in 1999) technologies made a perfect storm for the events of the 90's

'Trumped' up politics leads to a McCarthy-eqsue red scare and the establishment of a plan to build a wall protecting the (once red, now-) Iron Heart of America's republic. The wall will see itself 80% complete come Bloody November.

Fuck off with rightist shit

Experiments are widely varied in look and composition, think Guillermo del Toro style JoJo's bizarre adventure random encounters

>>be me

>> use arbitrary politics to justify setpieces/suspension of disbelief regarding mentioned setpieces for recently brainstormed modern day FTL (the game)/ Oregon Trail /S.T.A.LK.E.R hybrid.


>> fuck off with rightist shit

you're helping, consider "yes-anding" you negative Nancy and write about how the Silicone valley computer companies pull some real Y2K shit out on some super-city millitary/ medical testing facilities and let some nasty shit out leading to the Quarantine of the 'iron heart'

Or you just wanna gripe about the first fluff someone's written in the thread? I'm up for either, queue up the go back to /pol/ memes or partake in the hobby and passion we both share ya nerd :p

Specialize zombie based on recieved injuries. Zombies that lose their legs become ambushing crawlers who grab people's ankles so the other zombies can get them and are harder to hit due to small profile. Armless zombies become enraged and run at people trying to headbutt/bite them. Losing their forearms and ankles turns them into a thumper, becoming quadrepedal like a dog or whatever.


With most Iron Heart political power blocs broken up by pandemic level plagues being release all through the central states, polls were not favorable, as rural democrats outvoted the gridlocked mausoleums we'd call cities

the 2000's saw the FIRST democrat president in decades and using the excessive executive powers the office had accrued, set about stopping the outward surge that was coming from the center of the wall (quarantine, now walls are manned are instructed to fire on anyone who tries to get out)

Going to sleep, I'll post later, hopefully people realize I'm a Canadian and am just using your countries politics to couch an Idea I had.

Isn't that paragraph negative about republicans?

Or is he using trumped up politics and macarthyism as good things?


This is really good, looking forward to the rest.

A zombie that when killed gives off a burst of negative energy hurting those fighting it and heals zombies around it