Actually finally making it after years of suffering

For the first time in my life I know I'll actually make it. Not in 50 years but while I'm still young. I'm going to be a Millionare within the next 3 years with REQ alone. Thanks for shilling biz, I appreciate it.
Anyone else futurerich?

how many you got m8

Me to brother. I bought 26500 req when it was at 0.06 with the little money i had left from the millitary. Im making some serious cash now, so happy

what is digibyte, siacoin, 0x, knc, ... list goes on

you know it's just the flavor of the week and will drop soon enough? You're not that delusional user or are you? You wont make it if you just hodl. It's a meme retard.

had 70k, sold half right before the moon. 35k still make it?

i got only 2k REQ and bought at 75 cents.... but i think i can still make it, senpai.

I have been HODLing since €.17.
Every huge pump has been followed by only a small correction, perfectly following pic rel.

>next 3 years
>crypto still a thing
either you make it this year or back to mcdonalds

what makes you say this?

why the pessimism. crypto really is a small breakthrough in human history, there's no other way for you to own your digital money or two non-trusting parties to exchange value easily

don't jinx it dude

How low do you guys think the dip will go to? Is it possible that it returns to 0.4?

99% of these projects were talking about today will be dead in 3 years. dont be fooled by this massive bull run. it wont last forever.
>100k req holder

imagine for a second how this request network is going to work

buyer: hey im buying some wild apple shampoo from you i want one
merchant: oh yea? well give me a second. im using The Rquest Network so i need One Token to Burn so we can do this transction
buyer: well i need to get to my mama as soon as possible
sir: hell no i'm speculating the shit out of these tokens
sir: HELL NO


I really hope this isn't you though, OP
Seems extremely unlikely

>bought 122k at ICO
>held through the bottom
>sold 122k at 800 sats expecting dip
>dipped, could have bought to make 135k req
>"nah it will drop before 550 sats, bitcoin is mooning"
>some youtube faggot cunts shill it as undervalued
>goes up
>"hype will die down, it's a longterm play, r-right?"
>now can only afford 60k
>"fuck that, I'll wait"
>now can only afford 40k.

When do I kill myself? Tonight or do I wait to see if all in VeChain saves me?

Please please please diversify. Look at all the coins from last year, so many reached ridiculous highs and then dropped 50, 60, 80%. Really good coins, with excellent teams and a bright future ahead. But they pumped prematurely because of hype, and then the reality sets in, there’s not much of a product, people realize it’ll be a year or two until they start to see results...

yeah, and the projects that will be left standing are those with an actual product and an actual idea. req has a pretty good shot already, but it's not like you can't sell it later after several more moons

Is this true? Can you show some examples similar to REQ?

go back to sleep kumar

Anyone notice how opinions change about a coin? I held Req from .16c and sold right before the huge pump, my fault weak hands. However I use to have difficulty finding threads about it and a lot of the time there was a lot of people shitting on it. Now there's 3+ threads all the time about "told ya" how good of a coin it is etc. I have no respect for people who jump bandwagons and larp about their support from the begining. Good job to you OP and those who held, but some people you're celebrating with aren't true beliebers.

no crypto project delivered yet and people won't wait forever

>4 hours sleep, overdose on modafinil and transitioning into keto.
>literally can't be bothered to read my post to see why you think I'm a pajeet.

meant for
don't worry about it

>However I use to have difficulty finding threads about it and a lot of the time there was a lot of people shitting on it.
>the way people here do their own research and make decisions

Iota. That's what I can grasp from what he's talking about. Hold until a week before main net. That would be my opinion but im an idiot.

I don't give a fuck about the gains you make in any other shitcoin. This is the best coin on the market right now, so i'm 100% in.

>Twice - Ponytail
of course it is, its twice

youre a fucking retard if you lump 0x in with those shitcoins

wtf random comment
I'd fuck the living hell out of ziyu though

I already did my research. But whenever I wanted to discuss it there weren't threads.

go to their subreddit/telegram

what's there to discuss about a coin that's been going sideways for so long. everyone knew it was solid, no one knew when it was gonna moon

There's noway this bubble will still be going in 3 years lmao

user... you're mentally retarded if you think thats how it works.

honestly just kys right now

we haven't even started yet.


poor mans adderall

Reddit is full of fairys overly optimistic about everything they invest in. Discussing sources of volume, strength of the ETH/BTC pairs, trends, etc was all I wanted.

>Reddit is full of fairys overly optimistic about everything they invest in.
Ikr those dumbshits are stupid as fuck. I genuinely hope no one on reddit makes it

Tell me where the fuck to source adderall.

Modafinil is legal to import into the UK off prescription. I want to be rich before I go to jail because the piggies see I buy bitcoin but also bought steroids in 2015 and adderall in 2018.

340k, still trading with a little portion to grind more tho
The bubble is still so tiny compared to actual bubbles m8. I'm comfy

I was in half of that and sold with nice profit dude.. however, holding other coins is fucking key. I still hate myself for selling a large portion of my LISK for like 5$. Made good profit with that as I bought for like 1.10$ or something like that but now it's 20$+. That's what will happen with REQ. not selling this time man, pretty much all or nothing at this point for me

get diagnosed with adhd dumb dumb. i did that a few years ago in uk as well

I'm 26 and I work in psychological therapy for the NHS. I kinda feel they'll know I'm taking the piss m8. Seeing as I'm from the field and they've not heard a peep from me about any problems throughout my life.

yeah one's gotta do what one's gotta believe in.
Just please don't make losses in crypto by hodling something all the way down when its dropping and then give up and sell low. That would just be retarded. We all need to make it such that the future is full of memes.

I don't know about the UK, but an ADHD diagnosis here in the Netherlands makes it harder for you to get a driver's license for instance.
I don't think the diagnosis is worth your daily dose of speed.

Yeah, Godspeed you user. I believe in this

get diagnosed with depression. bupropion has similar psychodynamics as methylphenidate (norepinephrine/dopamine reuptake inhibitor). a friend got asked for pills for not being hungry and she was prescribed vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) so definitely easy ways to get stimulants

I don't know I already have a driving license, and I never mention I have ADHD when filling health stuff for job or applications or whatever

>tfw doctors send people to me to get diagnosed for depression/anxiety

I feel this will hurt my role. I think I'm just gonna buy it off domestic sites that offer XMR as payment in the future.

>works in the field and is still not able to get amphetamines
what a waste user

Currently holding 173k REQ, not fucking selling until $5, will keep buying every time it dips below .75

Current guidelines prescribe an SSRI paired with cognitive behavioural therapy as the best treatment for depression, and you won't be able to trick a psychiatrist.
That works I guess

I'm only allowed to treat people with gentle words of encouragement dressed up in CBT terminology and not amphetamines. Never gonna make it.

>Never gonna make it.
Gotta work on those negative cognitions m9 ;^)

lmao SSRIs are shit and you can say you are scared of serotonin syndrome and want to try DNRI. worst case, you get SSRI say it's not working and they have to change you on DNRI because MAOIs are too dumb

SSRIs are commonly first prescribed, or SNRIs if the GP is feeling spicy. Easy to get diazepam if you feign severe panic and harrass your GP enough though. They're easy to trick.

>spending 8 hours a day trying to explain negative automatic thoughts, metacognitions and core beliefs to normies.
>they hear "think positively"
>come back in 3 weeks when their "think positively" stops working

God I hate my job.

>worst case, you get SSRI say it's not working and they have to change you on DNRI because MAOIs are too dumb
This, of course.
SSRIs are the best proven medication, so it's a bit strange to say they're shit.

>GPs treating major depressive disorder
How is this allowed

Yeah, well, SSRI monotherapy cures 40% of depression patients while SSRI+CBT combination therapy cures 60%.
I only care about evidence. With most psychiatric drugs we only know which neurotransmitters they target, not why targeting them actually cures the disease. You could say the same for CBT I guess. Without evidence based medicine there literally would be no psychiatry.

you won't make it

why would people use REQ when myetherwallet is free?

GPs routinely try clients on a course of ADs for MDD before referring to psych services. Usually because our waiting lists are significant or the GP isn't up to date with what's available. They're getting much better at sending them our way now and clients are as disinclined to try medication as always as they think they'll be addicted or dependent forever.

Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on SSRIs short term? I've always felt mood congruency being broken by SSRIs resulting in changes in thinking habits and behavioural patterns is the best they can hope for. Then we just hope they don't slip back into those patterns when coming off SSRIs and waiting for receptors for the serotonin to upregulate again.

>>SSRIs are the best proven medication
they're as effective as maois... just fewer side effects but universally acknowledged to be shit. messes up neuromodulation, downregulates serotonin receptors, no one understands how they actually work because no one understands GPCRs pathways well or neurogenesis/NTFs. most psychiatrists don't even understand the current literature anyway


oh shit i think you're on to something

Congrats OP. We are gonna be rich as fuck.

> I've always felt mood congruency being broken by SSRIs resulting in changes in thinking habits and behavioural patterns is the best they can hope for. Then we just hope they don't slip back into those patterns when coming off SSRIs and waiting for receptors for the serotonin to upregulate again.
There will always be a population who will need to use them for a really long term, and there are many worse drugs imaginable to be taking for a long time.
Usually 6 months is the minimum period for which people have to take them in the Netherlands. First bit of effect is noticeable after 2 weeks.

>just fewer side effects
That is really important, because treatment discontinuation by the patient is the reason why most treatments don't work.
There is not much to misunderstand about the current literature, anyone with half a brain can go to and type in "depression treatment adult"

When ANS rebranded to NEO it shot from $10 to $80. And that was when BTC was worth $3-4k. It stayed stagnant/decreased $ value as BTC pumped so at the end of the day people lost a shit ton of sats on a coin that will obviously be big in the future. The hype was just too much for it to handle and honestly all three coins I'm in have been pumping insanely (fun xlm req) and I'm worried it's gonna happen with those too.

This happened this summer too

>all this absolute brainlet tier fud