>tfw you live in Eastern Europe and have absolutely no one to play with
Fuck, I hate this shithole.
Tfw you live in Eastern Europe and have absolutely no one to play with
Other urls found in this thread:
Go outside and LARP.
I know it is Pepe the frog but I can't shake off the thought of this pic being a sad Russian Kerbal
What game you want to play? And can we do it online, I might be starting a new campaign.
Your own fault for fighting the germans instead of surrendering like civilised men
>tfw live in Eastern Europe and play online with an ukrainian, a jew, a russian and an odessite
I've tried online before, but it's just not the same.
dumb frogposter
Why did you list Jew twice under different names?
t. dane
It's better than nothing, bub
I would love me some Jew players - I would have a smart player for once
You can always play with yourself.
Your best bet might be to play online. Sorry bro.
where you from?
well, that's what happens when you're a frogposter.
Take care. The jew will steal all your coins
I know, but I still can't help but long for the real deal.
I might be able to help you user. What's your local gaming scene like exactly? Do you have a game store near you?
a sta bi igrao?
how close are you to Novi Sad?
Idi van na LARP.
You'll never get Kosovo back.
>The Albozergs are here
How does it feel to be one of the few albos with high enough IQ to actually play tabletop games?
Sadly, no. I live in a relatively small town.
Sta bilo. Nisam bas nesto izbirljiv.
A couple of hours.
Nisam na to mislio, al mogao bih da probam.
Here's your (You) now fuck off
/balk/ is invading Veeky Forums as well.
No place is safe from us!
Imagine being hated by everyone and getting constantly btfo at wars that you started for no reason.
>A couple of hours.
Well then, fuck.
The odessite is not actually jewish, but he's a honorary jew.
iz kog si mesta?
mislis na neki frp ili te zanimaju i stone igre i slicno... upravo smo zapoceli ligu u t9a
I will never understand how there is so many of us on Veeky Forums despite how almost none of the people I've know even know about Veeky Forums.
I've met about 10-15 ppl who browsed Veeky Forums
from different boards even...
>iz kog si mesta?
Ne bi bas da ulazim u specificnosti ali sa severa, kod granice sa Madjarskom.
>mislis na neki frp ili te zanimaju i stone igre i slicno...
Oboje je ok.
What the fuck? Where are you from? I've only met one guy who actually browsed.
razumem :)
al onda ti dodje isto kao da smo na drugom kraju sveta.... ako te zanima pogledaj na fejsu grupu The 9th Age Srbija... ima dosta igraca iz cele zemlje i okoline, uflavnom vezano za vorhamer i deveto doba... mozda naletis na nekoga ko je tebi blizu, mislim da ima dosta ljudi iz vojvodine.
Hvala, pogledacu.
Maybe it's a regional thing. What part of Serbia are you from? Or maybe I'm just hanging out with the wrong people.
idk man, since most of them browsed /b/, maybe I AM hanging out with the wrong people :D
And on the wrong site.
you're right my bad...
but never got used to reddit...
>Fuck, I hate this shithole.
Give it 20 years and guys like me will be begging for entrance into your "shithole".
>most of them browsed /b/
I highly doubt that.
im already begging for entrance into his shithole
And then we will look down and say "нeт".
Oh piss off
Why are people so sensitive to little shit like emoticons and the like? As long as the content of his post is good, who gives a shit how it's presented
The "lerk mower" mantra was the worst thing to happen to Veeky Forums. It defeats the point of anonymity, shuts down actual discussion, and has lead to a gradual decay of Veeky Forums culture as a whole
Veeky Forums's like a snake eating its own tail. Nothing ever changes, and nobody has their own opinion for fear of ridicule
Ignore him. He's a worthless fuckstick
The content isn't good, user.
This thread is essentially a blog post with /b/ memes attached.
i took no offense, actually i found it a bit funny...
i've been on Veeky Forums so long, very little can offend me
make good content user...
Veeky Forums has come down to character waifus, that guy and marisha hate threads...
try living in latin america
There are no more odessites left, banderovites have burned them all.
Moscowit here. What is that "gaming store" people here talk about sometimes?
I'm a burger who has GM'd games with players from scandinavia, central europe, eastern europe, and the center of Russia.
One game was via discord, the other game via IRC and Roll20. (IRC for IC posting, Roll20 for maps/tokens/dicerolling/OOC posting)
If you have nobody locally then you need to start looking online for games/groups.
Maaan I moved to Warsaw recently and trying to gather together an expat group for Pathfinder.
Not very easy, I feel you.
recruit people, user.
>>most of them browsed /b/
my reaction precisely
yep... the reaction i was going for...
At least your home cooking is god-tier comfort food :9
dude, try living in serbia...
there was a joke that bear grylls will be coming here to shoot a show on how to survive with a 200 euros average salary....
kill yourself then, frogposter
that's true...
i live in croatia and they have a games club room in a repurposed ex-military building.
feels comfy
I envy you man. That sounds extremely comfy.
and cool af...
Western Polack here, 20k shittown. I know your pain. And when people do say they are 'interested', it means they will agree to a session and then flake without a word, wasting my fucking time. And later tell me they weren't THAT interested. I wish I could hate them to death.
it's pretty hard to find a good crew to play with even if you live in a bigger city...
aside form a few sessions here an there i only played for around six months with some friends and even then GM managed to screw it up by starting to bring his gf to play... the campaign was awesome and he put in a lot of good work into it.... i feel sad now
Play online with other GMT+reasonable fags. If you feel uncomfortable spaeking English, just chill and find people who won't be jerks about that. Try to use your accent to add character to your character. After some time playing Barbarian you'll feel much more confident.
There’s a Polish game “By Fire & Sword”
Your options are solo gaming or convincing friends to try Veeky Forums
Just go kill orcs IRL.
pic related
its called center rojc
pls, if there was no serbia, whole europe would be mordor now
>and nobody has their own opinion for fear of ridicule
So, exactly like Reddit?
The fuck are you on about. Even small towns like Swidnik have a hobby store nowadays. And that's Eastern Poland.
ah yea hobby stores and gaming clubs... i was talking about finding a GOOD crew, not just random guys at the store...
You're not the brightest ethnicity out there
oh i'm pretty confident in my slav accented english, I'm just not too fond of playing online, can't get the same kind of focus as when sitting around a table (I'm a foreverGM, btw). Plus, I work an erratic pattern of dayshifts and nightshifts so that doesn't help.
>tfw live in Eastern Europe and have 2 regular games, and know multiple other regular groups
Stop waiting for something to happen and make it happen.
Polack foreverGM here, man do I try. I keep asking people, straight up asking "are you up for RPGs?" And when people aren't, I ask if they know somebody who is. They never do. There just isn't anyone who gives half a fuck.
>if there was no Serbia
>no backstabbing shits to help Ottomans get Bulgarian and Roman clay
>without Bulgarian troops, Ottomans get their teeth kicked in by Polack crusaders
>Poland secures Balkans
>rzeczpospolita stronk
>Bulgarian nobles only too happy to payback Rus for multiple backstabs
>Rossia delenda est
best timeline
But power metal is so popular in eastern europe, people aren't into high adventure? D:>
Normally I hate virtual tabletops, and pbp, but have you tried looking for peope online?
Eugh, that pool of people usually is the worst to play with.
An equal mix of /pol and pic related.
Are post-modern hipsters a big thing there? Getting into tabletops because they're so ironic and you can spend a lot of money on them?
Not in a tiny town, no. Also, metalheads tend to be pretty normie IME.
Gonna repeat myself - my schedule is out the whack plus live games have this je ne sais quoi that online doesn't scratch. Something about fiddling with physical dice, notes and having players physically there to share a beer with.
Actually fair point, either normie or this.
They backstabbed their allies many times. Often helping the muslim invaders
Seems like a nice bunch to play with
What's with you people and reddit? I swear, the recent influx of /pol/r9k/v/fags have this massive, throbbing hateboner for a website that has little to no relevance to Veeky Forums
>Nothing ever changes, and nobody has their own opinion for fear of ridicule
Ridicule is something that should be expected everywhere.
I just remembered I know a guy who lives in Szczecin (3rd biggest city in Poland by area) who plays warhammer 40k and has buddies who play warhammer 40k, and even he couldn't assemble a fucking group for a 40k RPG out of them because those wargaming chucklefucks just didn't care enough.
What about solo stuff, like mythic game master emulator? That's what I have to use when I can't find other people, which is most of the time.
Isn't that like right next to border with Germany? Might be more feasible to go game there than to set things up locally.